HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-10-15, Page 8A unique perspective HURON -PERTH - A year ago. Wicks' .idea for a book on:cancer. author and cartoonist, Ben Wicks, "We are always looking for new approached the Canadian Cancer ways to provide information on Society with a novel idea - writing cancer to the 'public. When Wicks a book on cancer from his unique called, it didn't take- us long to perspective. His wife, Doreen, had say 'yes' to this project. This book been diagnosed with ovarian cancer is yet another valuable resource the three years previously and he real. - Society produces to assist cancer iced the experience she' and the patients and their loved ones.. If the family went through was at time ' public likes Wicks' approach, we -difficult, frustrating and very ton- have another book Tined up - one fusing. Wicks wanted to reach can- on prostate cancer with Wicks' cer patients, their families and care-- unique outlook." givers with a basic (at times To make So You've Got Cancer... humorous) look at cancer, so they available to as many people as pos-_ Wouldn't feel alone or isolated. ' Bible, the Canadian Cancer Society The 'result rs Sp You've Got Can- is offering it without charge to in- ter..: a 96 -page paperback covering , wrested individuals and communi- topics such as What is Cancer?.,.• ty groups, while supplies_ last. Why- Me?... How Long Have I Got?... Where Do We Go Prom Here'' Will I Still Play the Vio- lin? •it also. contains, ,of. course, Wick's delightful cartoons -and how to get information and support from, the Canadian Cancer Society. ,"I'm Certainly not an expert on cancer," ways Wicks. "But I do know 'what it,feels like to` have the anchor of my family, thy wile, find out she has cancer and undergo -months of chemotherapy treat- ments. I'm:happy to say she's now leading a full and healthy lifean_d I hope this hook helps others go , through the same experience with the information and support they need." Penny Thomsen, Executive Di- rector of the Canadian Cancer Soci- ety in Ontarit),_was intrigued with Page 8 , Times -Advocate, October 15, 1997 CDJ\IIM1JNLTY Sharing technology _ .. `�Mw1i8�NMINI�II[ Thanks Toyota. Toyota Canada Parts/Service operations consultant Ken Miller, left, Exeter Toyota service manager Bruce Hodge and Exeter Toyota dealer Rick Frayne hand over the key for a donated '97 Toyota Corolla to South Huron District High School transportation technology teachers Rob Peat and Keith Wonnacott and principal Bill Gerth. The $18,000 car built at Toyota's Cambridge plant will be used by students -to, study electronic di- agnostics, brake systems and the basics including how to take a wheel off. Gerth said he prefers the hands on approach with the real thing rather than students simply working with models. "It's better for the kids to get in and'get greasy," he said. Frayne added he em- ploys four SHDHS graduates. Anniversaries celebrated at Grand Bend church GRAND BEND - Grand Bend United Church welcomes all who have been associated in any way with the church on the weekend of October 25-26, 1997. The celebra- tion will honor 125 years of con- gregational hire, 100 years of. "beach" ministry and 70 years of the current sanctuaryand property. The weekend begins with a 6 p.m. anniversary dinner, followed by a cabaret presentation of the choir under Norm Abbott's direc- tion, October 25 at the Canadian Legion in Grand Bend..A 5:15 p.m. reception initiates proceedings.. The anniversary 'service com- memorating the church's formal life, takes place October 26 at II a.m. in the sanctuary of Grand Bend United,Church, .with minister Rev. Bob:;Putman Officiating. The choir will present Brahms' setting of Psalm 84 - "How lovely are Thy dwellings." F,or anniversary dinner tickets and further information, telephone 519-238-8603 or 5133. • C h r1dre n' ' youths ,attending. They will depart show t h a n k fo sr tri an all -day rally so they will return • p Potluck in Centralia By Mary Peterson Centralia correspondent C)NTRALIA - All women are welcome to,a Thanksgiving potluck at Centralia Faith Tabernacle on October .17. ' The. Youth Will be going�•to Newmarket on October 18 'Acquire the Fire with 'over 1000 • By Muriel Lewis Granton correspondent GRANTON - Katherine . Harding of Waterloo spent the Thanksgiving weekend_at her home in the village. it was nice to have such a lovely -holiday weekend weather wise, au- tumn in all its glory. At the Granton United Church op Thanksgiving Sunday, October 12 Pastor Normalic Voakes entitled her sermon 'Thanksgiving; a fitting time to reduce the deficit' base on the lessons from Joel 2,,Ist Timo- thy 2 and Matthew 6. Shelly Thorpe lit the candles, the Light of the World and Amy Harri- son presented the Bible, the Word of God. Geraldine McAlorum is the new Sunday School leader and Heather Westman and Lisa Lconhardt were introduced as helpers of the Sunday School.. Other helpers are .Nancy Mills and Michael Dodds. The Sunday School children pre- sented Doreen McRobert , with a 'Fish Collage' they had made and signed to thank her for the fishing trip they had enjoyed. Then they handed out pumpkin seeds to the congregation as they left the church. John and Alma Scott and Alma Nicholson were welcomed as mem- bers through. the transfer of mem- bership. • There will he no service next Sunday at Granton United Church because of the Wesley U.C. Anni- versary nniversary at 11 a.m. At St. Pauls Anglican Church, Kirkton on Thanksgiving, Sunday. October 12 Rev. Glenda Meakin h led the service,of morning prayer. 1 Her message was about all the , many things for which to be thank- ful and especially God's everlasting love and mercy. , Crimes of the week Tire theft Four tires and rims were removed from a 4998 Chevrolet pickup at McLaughlin Motors in Seaforth on Friday. September 19. The tires were Goodyear, P245/75/R 16. On Sunday, four more tires were stolen from Chalk Street in Sea - forth. Four Michelin P205/70/RI4 tires and rims were removed from a Chrysler mini van. Stolen truck A 1996 Dodge pickup truck was stolen from Mill Street in Dublin on Saturday, September 20. The truck was driven to Concession 2, McKillop Township, where four tires and rims and the spare tire were removed from the vehicle. - Street sign stolen • Newly erected 9-1-1 signs in Turnberry Township:were removed on Tuesday, September 23. The street signs were for B -Linc Road, Black Liner, Powell Line, Orange Hill, Glennanon Line and Holmes Line. Stolen laser level A Laserline laser level model L-220 and its two receivers were sto- len from the box of a pickup truck in the Murphy's Pub lot on Main Street in Exeter:on Tuesday, September 16. The theft took place be- tween 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. If you have information about these or any other crimes call CRiME STOPPERS OF HURON COUNTY 1-800-265-1777 OR 524-6851 and you could receive a reward of up to $1000. REMEMBER CRiME DOESN'T PAY CRIME STOPPERS DOES CANADIAN TIRE EXETER Lfl)IES (LkII CARE (IIIXIG Wed., Oct. 22 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. GET TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR CAR AND MEET THE TECHNICIANS Please come and participate - Call Early - Space is Limited 235-0160 Ask for Steve Jaques Hours: Mon. - SM. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. ome, late Saturday evening. nterested youths can call Jim Mungar of Crediton, 234 6205. 1 Have a news tip? Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOTICE Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (s33) Nominations will be accepted for the office of COUNCILLOR (1 position vacant) on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1997 between the'hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the office of the Clerk. Sandra Strang, Clerk " Township of Usbome The Huron County Board of Education. CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR ADULTS SOUTH HURON D.H.S. DAY/NIGHT SCHOOL COURSES Secondary School Oav/Evening Academic Credit Courses in the following; English Mathematics ®Science History Computer Applications.. Thisis a continuous intake program which will allow students . to: - - ' '(0attend part time -o obtain a Secondary School Diploma •o upgrade for college or retraining programs; a build self esteem Special Interest Courses - Evening Only WordPerfect 6.0a - 6 weeks - $60.00 Gourmet Cooking - 6 weeks $60.00 Windows 95 - 6 weeks - $60.00 Introduction to.Computers & Internet- 6.weeks - $60.00 ;, Reflexology - Part I - 4 weeks - $40.00 to-Sailing/Navigation Theory: 6 weeks - $60.00 Rubber Stamping -6 weeks - $60.00'. - ' Landscape Design Part 1- 6 weeks - $60.00 English as a Second Language - continuous - no fee Registration - LAST CHANCE South,Huron District High School office Thursday, October 16, 1997 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. * All Special interest Course. registrations must be accompanied by the course fee* ' * Courses Ieading't9 Secondary School Diploma or upgrading -require-a- book -deposit -only* —' Courses begin the following week! Chairperson Mr. Allan Carter • Director Mr. Paul Carroll 11119111111111M1111111111111111Mniiiiniminl MAYTAG LAUNDRY BONANZA SPECIAL PRICES ON MAYTAG WASHERS & DRYERS *PLUS* See the all new Maytag dryers with more air flow See why the new Neptune is turning the industry on its side * PLUS* 12 months No Interest* (on approved credit) - taxes and registration fee due at time of purchase) APPLIANCE CENTRE 390 Main St. S. Exeter 235-0705