HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-09-24, Page 31COMMUNITY
Caskanette running for Lucan seat
The London teacher thinks he can -make a positive impact on council •
• • By Craig Bradford '. letter).is creating a publication that- hus. .
T -A Reporter ...highlights recreational and other Wraith, s Lucan councillor for
events and groups.. over 30 years and' the owner of -
LUCAN - Perry Caskanette Other issues for .Caskanette are Wraith Family Pro 'Hardware, is
wants to help make. the• decisions , concerns over the sewage system - seeking re-election as.deputy reeve.
that map the future;.of his chosen, and pending amalgamation, ``I "feel young and I'm just as •
hometown. - • "Those are -things people have good as anyone," Wraith said:on -
Caskanette, 35, Bled his nomina- .very firm opinions on and everyone why he's running again. "I'd step
(ion papers for a Lucan council po- should be heard:" he said..:. , agide if I saw someone more ca-
sition last week. A London Cath- . Though a relative newcomer tgable at the table." ' -
olio Central High Scht►ttl (CCH) Lttcan,• Caskanette feels he would Wraith agrees with Brady that
physics teacher and badminton make a positive contribution on provincial downloading and aural-
, coach, Caskanette moyed to Lucan council. - , gamation are' the hot topics going -
from London four' years ago. Cas' . ' ' "1 think (.have a good feel for the: into the,Nov. 10 election:
kanette coaches, a, Lucan T -hall community hut Fin more contfitrt-- "All we can do is make wise de
..team and is the vice -chairperson of able running for councillor.- he ,visions," he' said. "Governments'
the Lucan Electric Comtiission. He said underlining why hedidn't for have given into lobby groups too
also sat on the Citizens Sewage and, the top position of reeve. "if's an -:easily and it has cost us money."
the, Lucan Area important time tor_people to'crnne . Wraith said he's not interested in
age 'co- lorward-to di) th, !, • " - ` the more public role or reeve and is'
minces and is a Caskanette is utan- ied to; Nicole -looking forward to the race.
member ot; the and the couple" have two_ children: . "I think i can help the village and
St. • ' r itnck's Alex, 5, and Nicolas, :1: I don't mind the challenge (of run
Catholic School • incumben is in race- • ning•against someone) but Fd. be
'Council and is • Reeve Rob Brady. Deputy Reeve hurt if1 was beat."
the schools par- Harry Wraith. and Couneillor Mar-, who • was appointed
-at/teacher as- On Chittcndcn also tiled their pa- to council to fill Brady's-slot, said
--sociadott Vice- pers for re-election last ► t week, finding the best deal available for
, etrairperson. Brady'is. seeking his third term on • : policing is. at the top of, his agenda. '
c*kanette Perry counciland was appointed to re• eve "1 have ani interest in the village
said Lucan is .i Caskanette _ in 51ay '95 after former Ree-ve' Tops • and an interest in provincial down -
great tommunoy McLaughron stepped. down because. • loading and what they will do,". he
to raise a family;in and its residents of a job promotion. ' said, - ' .
.. should blow their oyvn.horns,ahout "There's an' awful- lot going 'on ' • Chjttenden is a- London ,postal
the quality oflifethere more'ottcn. with the�Harris downloading,"•Bra- worker. .
"A lot of good, things happen •dy said on why he's seeking. the _, Caskanette; Brady, Wraith and .
heft , hut, a lot of it, gets messed." e rccveship again. "It needs- ex- Chittcndcn join Lucan lawyer Robe
Caskanette said. . pericnce zine! someone who been en Benner as the first candidates to
One. thing he proposes to get; the through this already tri guide the file their nornination papers. Coun
word out about, Lucan :happenings Community through this." " - cd •hopefuls have till Oct. -10 to file •
/Other 'than coverage' in the Time.. • Brady is a read -estate agent. free- their papers which. can he picked up
Advocate- and • the village news- . lance journ-,tlist :out drives school at the village office. -'
, .
Page 30
Tin:es-Advocate,. September 24, 1997
Lucan stilt waiting on OPP service cost
• By Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
LUCAN 7. Village council is still waiting to find
out exactly !tow much`OPP service will cost Lucan
-Western Region OPP Staff Sgt. -John McKee at-
tended last week's council meeting to fill .conn-
. cillors in on the police service costing exercise.. He
also provided councillors with information on OPP
now we really don't have the'foggiest." -
Whether' Lucan will require 24-hour a day po--
o=(icing was put on the table by Brady. McKee said
some, municipalities have gone with.a cheaper 20-
hour•per day five=year contract with officers on call.
for •
the remaining four hours. Having 24-hour ser •
vice would mean ..two o 'constables on • two 42;hour •
shifts. McKee said.
• "You might be paying for more (policing) than
you need," he said.
municipal, policing and asked them.to -fill out a McKee suggested Lucan set up a community po-
• questionaire so the OPP can know -.hat kind and licing.,advisory committee.that could handle some
how much policing Lucan wants. non -criminal complaints and requests and.cut down'
McKee said the $236,514•per year or $347.30 per on OPP calls and policing costs..
household average cost to police Middlesex County • •if Lucan _itself or Middlesex County doesn't ave
was only based on residential and didn't include a policing contract in place hythe province's Jan. I.
ctinunercial or industrial costs. Administrator Ron 1998 deadline they will still receive OPP policing
Reymer said he expects that figure to "come down but will he killed fir the. service. He added that
substantially' when McKee delivers new quotes for council can enter into a contract with the OPP at
both Lucan-only and .Middlesex County contracts any time. •
Tater this fall. - • Brady.said a contract "in theory' should be cheap -
"We are looking forward to a drastically lowered- er than a per service hill but that it will he im-
price," Reeve Rob Brady said, one more -in line with possible to have one in place by Jan. L . ,
`Huron County's $172 :Per hciusehokl average es- -Deputy-Reeve Harry Wraith asked about.hiring a
timate. • security company to help.•potice Luca-;
Brady pointed out the -Middlesex •"We are • McKee said municipalities by law must-
costing may also. come in so high be- have a contract with either the OPPr t
cause it •is based on '96 workload es-,
looking " se
g up their own municipal force "hut addi
timates that included the Westminster forward to -a tional policing by security companmes is
OPP 'building that has since been drastically ., an optipn.
closed and sold.
, ,
.lowered Brady. added that perception is an im-
"that figure was based on inflated. ,r portant factor to the policing equation.
staffing.necds." Brady said., Price• ; ' Having an OPP officer on toot patrol . -
-A similar community to Lucan's 681 . once a day in Lucan would deter criminal,,
household,, Tavistock (.with about 700 households?: , activities and build homeowner confidence that they.
set up their own police force in recent years. Its po- are safe, he said. It .also helps that there is an .OPP
lice budget is :ilium' $2930)0 per year, Reymer said • building in ,the village and at least six OPP officers
in a later interview. or about,$420 per household. and some London police live in or near Lucan.
McKee encouraged council to approach sur- .McKee said he wants to set up a chore informal,
rounding townships in: both- Middlesex and "Huron meeting with council to talk about Lucan;s policing
counties to come up with a joint contract 10 pr 'vide needs once councillors have tilled out `the question -
policing for a larger area at reduced costs. He added aire.- - ,,.. •
, ,
any future tmalgantation won't. affect any .potential When asked when the. public will.he-asked for in '
OPP contract- put. Reymer said council is still'in the "preliminary
,McKee said though` the OPP may have to re- stages"'of negotiating a contract.' '
structure again if Middlesex. municipalities choose ' . "If anyone has any comments about Lucaq'slevel _
to go for a county -wide contract, it would make it ot,police service, please contact a councillor," he
easier for it to deploy officers., , ,, ' 'aid. "But remembers there's a cost'drssoeiated with
"in my mind the county -wide sdlli'tion, will be the each service." • • t•
least onerous fine," Brady said. - Both tate OPP and rural municipalities are still
-Councillor Rosemary Gahlinger-Beaune itsked. waiting for [Fie province tit release guidelines on
McKee to provide council with crime and workload • how. policing should be provided to many rural mu -
statistics. -so it can Netter gauge how, much <lnd- what. . niy=ipalities that have been receiving OPP policing
service I.ucan needs.. ' ,. . • without praying for it . .
"I'hatwill gise us.:a gond idea of what the want-.rMKu. said the OPP held 35 municipal policing '
load is." councillor Mark . Chit rcnden :said "Right • contracts n'96. ' -
E-CoIi beach study funding,
By Chantal! Van Raay
T -A Reporter
dangerous side effects. , • "they are hopeful that through fund
Because of the stressful side- ing the test, the'source ofE-Cob it''
effects of the bacteria,: the Con- the Lake will'be found.
STEPHEN TOWNSHIP-.- Sum- servation Authority -decided to try , • -'
mer s almost over and Lake Hu- to eliminate its presence. The great
ron's water has an icy -chill: 3eaclio est concern abouttsencec thc ' existence �f •
Exeter will be bloomingon- Saturday
by Bruce Shaw 1 'taro for the ceremonies.
Special r„ thej-..1
-. Exeter. placed Second psi year_ in the Canada -wide '
- - , 1 - competition. Winners this wce.k will-qualify.to com-
EYFTL1 -"tire tuwa,vvitf hopeful!): prove its in .pito. in, the national contest nexLyear.,Brantford was,
full bloom this weekend and make re,ndents of six ` thc'nauimal aw;trd winner in 1995 and the. 1996Na=
other centres happy, ' tion4 to Bletntn winner.
- Landscape Ontario -will assist Union Gas and -Ca- • Local organizer Reeve 13ill Mickle said Brantford _
nadian,Tire as well as the "T,iwn of, Exeter in soon- gained economic and intangible benefits- from its
sonnc the presentitii'nj of awards for- •'Con=. award's ,urd.Excter will receive a Iot,ofrecognition
munities in-Blomn,._- r w - , for hosting the c?vcnt.
eprescnvcs. from about _'t) municipalities (yell Goderii_h, the 'prettiest town' in Canada' is Exet-
he hereon .Saturday to tour the �omntunuy-and Wu:- er's ne ytst- competition in 'Communities in
nes' the'jt)dging:'• Tlii3 is'lhe first'time that the fhi : ' Blotim''' ` ' ►
`tario Parks Association has ventured into -rural On -
umbrellas. have put away ftr an- E-Ct I; is that they have not yet
other -year and swimsuits and sun- found its source., -•
tan lotions have been boxed and "It's been a concern for a tong
taped -hip. So, whe'-is there still -a _ time, hut' no one knows for.'sure The Dashwood kennel is Canaddin Kennel
. concern for E -Coli at the lake'' what the causeis," said Brown "It - ' '
Bull .overs named top national Bull ;Terrier b,e�der
Prevention for next year so that • could he a tailed septic system or BY Craig Bradford
when the swimsuits anc put back animal manure run-off." • T -A Reporter
on., 'swimmers are not diving into Once they fold the source. Brown
bacterial -tilled water. = said they will be able to administer
A Lake Huron E -Celli beach another test to see how.' to prevent
study prepared by the Ausablc Bay- E -Coli from running into the water
field Conservation' Authority re= and encountering beach-' closures.
ceived $200 from Stephen Town- • like the Keach shut-downC which
ship to test l'or high lesels of E. -Coli occurred in the summer.
in Lake Huron. The test has hcen 'While this time of the year dues
underway during the slimmer a) de- not pose as great a:threat of human
-cel the source of /...-colt in the wa- contact with E -Coli, hecause neu-
ter. The entire cost Of the testis' -ple are not using the beach as fro-.:
$3,11110. ' ._• quently. the ABCA still finds E -
'This year. beaches were often . Coli a public -concern and continues
posted because.of high levels of E- to search for the cause of the bac-
Coli. Stephen Township • • Ad- ;feria. By finding the source now
ministrator Larry Brtwtn said, "It's they can work at preventing E -Coli
been a concern this summer ••he -.,'altogether next year. •-
rause of high levels of I: -Coli bac- The Lake Huron Beach Study has
teria in the water." been in practice throughout the
Ile •said by ntgestntg water with ...summer and ns performed daily.
the existence of E -Coli, "gastoral Brown said they can receive results
intestinal upset and distress" can be through the test within six hours, so
Walk for a cure. Mayor J.C. Ivey of Grand Bend sup-
ported Juvenile Diabetes Research on Monday by buying,
signing and displaying a $1 sneaker. As part of a $2.4
million national campaign, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Canada and Shoppers Drug Mart are holding a special
sneaker sale with proceeds being donated toward di-
abetes research. So far the Shoppers Drug Mart in Grand
Bend has raised $600. Shown from left are Grand Bend
Shoppers French Shop Manager Leslie Haddon, Grand
Bend Shoppers Pharmacist Manager Claire Knauer and
Mayor Ivey.
DASHWOOD, - Kate Fletcher
has turned her love of animals into
an award-winning dog kennel. and
breeding business. ' - •
Her Bull Losers Kennel was re-
cently named '96 Top Pedigree
Breeder of the Year•of Bull Terriers
by the Canadian Kennel. Club. in
her 11 years running the kennel.
Fletcher has 15 Canadian champion
Bull Terrids. tour this year alone.
and five best -in -shows, three over
the last year.. " •
• "I think we are so successful be
cause we take the time to talk to
'people to make sure the breed is t„r
them." Fletcher said.
Bull Lovers is- almost a 'one -
stip' centre lir Bull Terrier and
Bulldog lovers (Fletcher, with her
husband Wallace. started De-
zirabulls Kennels at the same loca-
tion two years •ago to breed Bull-
dogs) — it offers breeding,
boarding facilities for dogs and cats
and grooming. Fletcher also over-
sees obedience schools in Lucan
and at Exeter's: South Huron Rec-
reation Centre. And Fletcher , has
qualified pct therapy dogs that are
Med in medical institutions like re-
tirement homes- and psychiatric
hospitals to make people feel better
about themselves. • •
But its Fletcher's breeding pro-
gram that has put Bull Lovers on
the global map. She has a 50 -name •
long waiting list for people who are
dying to own a Fletcher bred Bull
Terrier from as far away as Cal-
ifornia, Hungary. France and south-
east' Asian countries, though the
• Fletchers are a little weary of send-
ing their 'babies' that far away.
• Wallace Fletcher tried to elab-
orate on why Bull Lovers has be-
come a top kennel.
"Our philosophy is to breed a dog
two or three times only," he said.
"Every dog should have most of
their lives with a family. They
should have their own couch."
The Fletchers themselves fol-
lowed that plan with their only
'pet' Bull Lover, Roz. The five-
year-old was bred only a few times
Club's '96 Top Pedigree Breeder -of the year
Top dog. Above: Bull Lovers Kennel's Kate Fletcher shows off
Roz, her five-year-old Bull Terrier and her only 'pet' of her 12
Bull Terriers and four Bulldogs. Inset: Fletcher feeds one of
.her prized yet to be named puppies.
after her champion career — Roz,
who's show name was Canadian
Champion Major Misty Rainbow
CGC.TDI (Canine Good Cil-.
izen.Therapy Dog International)
earned her namesake in the ring.
The Fletchers give full support to
their dogs that enrich homes
throughout North America. 'They're
always available to ' answer their
customers', potential customers'
and owners' of dogs from other
kennels questions. Bull Lovers also
seek out breeding stock from
throughout. North America
to regularly -add to their ,
three separate bloodlines
to -avoid any inbreeding..
"We want to be a breed- -
er we. would like to buy
from." Fletcher said sim-
ply. •' - •'
The Fletchers are look-
ing forward to the - The '
Bull -Terrier Club of Metro
Detroit show on Sept. 27
where six of the 60 show•
dogs will • be Bull Lover
animals. 'They hope to cap
the performances of their
dogs at,the invitation -only •
Toronto Bronze Trophy
show on May 2=3 where
four major trophies went
to Bull Lover ,dogs in-
eluding Reserve to Bronze,
(overall second), Best Op-
posite Sex to winner and Dancing/
Master Movement. - •
You might have• inadvertently
seen or even purchased photo ex-
amples of •Bull Lovers' . breeding
prowess with Arva's 'J,D.i. Pub-
lishing Croup's - 'Best Friends'
1998 calender line available at
bookstores across .North America.
J.D.I. chose only Bull Lovers dogs
to _grace, each-ealender month for
thBull Terrier calender and did
the same for the Bulldog edition.
Bull Lovers' notoriety doesn't
stop there — Fletcher learned from
the calendcr's publisher that Don
• Cherry of Boston Bruin and Hock-
ey Night -in Can-ada's Coaches Cor-
ner fame ordered a dozen ofthe ca-
lenders. Cherry's beloved mascot/.
pet, Blue, is most likely Canada's
Most famous Bull Terrier." •
But why Bull Terriers and not an-
other breed'?
"1 like things that area •little
unique," Fletcher said. "They have .
a temperament that's - ready -'to go
when you want to go or lay down
•when you want. They're also pow-
erful and gentle. They're a really
neat breed."
Those wanting to know more
about Bull Terriers and Bull Lovers
Kennels can check out its home-
page at http://ww•w.ProDogs.com/