HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-09-24, Page 25Page 24
Tinges-Adz'oca__.September 24, 1997
Birth Announcements Death Notices
WILDS/WRIGHT - Janet and Brad are
thrilled to announce the binh of their daugh-
ter Daylene Margaret, born September 1.
• 1997. weighing 8 lbs. 13 oz. Sister for big
brother Justin. Proud grandparents are Mavis
and Bill Wilds of Crediton and Keith and
Margaret Brintnell of Exeter. • 39c
Death Notices
ANDERSON - Peacefully at home on
Wednesday. September 17. 1997. Thelma
Kathleen (Morris) Anderson of Exeter.
Ontario in her 85th year. Beloved wife of
The Rev. George Anderson. Predeceased by
her first hushand Theadore Brosseau. Dear
step=mother of Canon Kenneth. Anderson
and his wife MaryLou of Chatham, and Joan
Kathleen Greenlee'of Lucan. Loved by her
grandchildren Derek. Deborah. Chad.
Hillary. and Richard Predeceased by one
sister Gladys Moms. In 1977 Thelma was
awarded the Canadian Silver Jubilee Medal.
by the Queen for her worthy' and devoted
service to'the Government of Canada.
Family and.friends.w•ere received at the
Dinney Funeral Home. Main Street. Exeter
on Friday from 2.4 p.m. and 7-9 p m. The
funeral service was held at the funeral horn
on Saturday. September 20. 1997 at 10 a.m.
with.Canon Lewis Dixon officiating.
Cremation. Interment of -ashes at Exeter
Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your
. choice would he appreciated. ' 39c_
A tree will be planted
as a living memorial -
toMrs. Anderson
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
-11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings -
• 7:30 p.m. Bible Study
94 Orchard Street. Exeter
Everyone Welcome
332 Huron St. W.
• Pastor Peter Tuininga
September 28, 1997
10:00 a.m. Moming Service
Sunday School just for age 3
during moming service
• Nursery -Available
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240:8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
187 Huron St. W Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, September 28
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday. 7:00 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
September 28
9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. ...���...
Worship Broadcast �¢
on Community Channel
68 Main Street South
Rev. Daniel Roushome
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson
Sunday, September 28, 1997
11:00 a.m. Moming Worship
Sept. 25 8 p.m. Choir practice
Oct. 6 7:30 p.m. Kerygma starts
Visitors and friends always welcome,
members expected.
Corner o1 James and Andrew St
Sunday, September 28. 1997
10:30 a.m
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Guests: Children's Talent
and Education Ctr.
Sunday School - Meet at
Morrison Dam. 10:15 a.m.
Courtesy car: Nancy Jane
Finch, 235.2099
Nursery Provided
• All welcome
Cards ( f'!'twnk..
HULLEBVSCH Peacefully at South
Huron Hospital. Exeter. on Thursday.
September I8. 1997. Marcel.Edemon
Hullebusch of RR 2 Dashwood (Shipkal in
his 71st year. Beloved hushand of Marie
Louise ((,,Desplenter) Hullebusch. Loving -
father of Sandra and Paul Lave of London.
Dear brother of Therese Christiean, Yvonne
Hullebusch.-Lucien, Romain and Roland
Hullebusch all of Belgium: brother-in-law of •.
Jacqueline. and Paul Herman of Langton.
Roger and Ginette Desplenter.of Belgium.
Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons
Funeral Home. Dashwood. with visitation
on Saturday. September 20. 1997. com
mencing at 10 a.m. followed by the funeral
'service al 11 a.m.. Rev.. Father Paul
Baillargeon presided. Cremation with inter-
ment Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery. •
Mount Carmel. If desired. memorial. dona-
tions to the Cancer Society or charity of
choice -would be appreciated . 39c '
LAWRIE - 1t is -with great sadness and
. many tears that. the family announce the
• death -of William -Rohan (Bob) Stevenson
Lambie at St. Paul's Hospital in Saskatoon
on September 18. 1997. He was predeceased
by his parents Margaret and Williarii.
Surviving are his loving wife Dorothy (for-'
-merly'•Doroihy Finkheinerof Creditonl. four
sons and ten grandchildren: Robin (Cheryl).
their children Warren. Connor and Hannah
of Kilworth. Ontario; Wayne (Wend(•). their
children Ryan and .Tyler:.Scott (Shelly).
their children Christen -and .Craig of
Saskatoon: and. Brian (Cheryl, their chil-
dren Bonnie. Holly andBrctt of Cranhrook.
British Columbia: as well as ,.ix brothers and
sisters. Apart from his family who loved him -
dearly. Bob made many mends both through
his Career as'ivell as through his numerous -
feisure activities. Boh spent 27 years in the
air force as a radar technician: but somehow_
.found the time to become -a square dance
caller and a movie theatre.projgctionist in
the off hours. .His air force career took his
.family from Ontario to. Germany hack home •
to Manitoba and' finally to Saskatchewan.'
his pro -Ince. of. origin where he retired in
1973 It was here he began his second career •
in the Insurance industry working for the.
Mutual Group..Boh's clients knew him not -
onR' for his superb attention to.detail. bur
also for the "c, tra distance" Bob. always
were to ensure his clients were informed and
got the attention they needed This was evi-
dent in the fait that even -after r rcainng- after-
fter19 years of service. Bob staved in. ouch
• with' many of the friends he made Bob had
many interests that made his retirement horn .
-.interesting and fulfilling He enjoyed wood- • -
working and gardening: a rousing game of
--Cards-and:4or-quieter-ma menta -stamp -cwt• •-
letting. He also loved howling and a -good
game of golf. Through all of-this,-Boh still
managed to spendtimne with the people -that
meant the most'to. hint: the wife that he
loved. the sons he was proud of and the
grandchildren that hi -Ought him great Joy
There are no words to express how he will
he missed. A - memorial seryice was held
September 22 -at St •Paul's ('nited Church in
Saskatoon. A memorial service will he held
at the. Crediton Cemetery' at a date to he
announced later. Dorothy Lambie is'a sister.
of Irene Haugh and Reg Finkheinerof
Crediton . 39x, ,
ROBERTS - Peacefully at Olai: California. .
on September 15. 1997. Lloyd C. Roberts. in-
nhis 85th year. Dear. hushand•bf June •
Bierling. father of Beverley and Hayes.
Virginia and Rodger Taffni Sur-Oved' by 5
grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Memorial service held in OJai on September •
18: If desired. memorial donations can he
made to Trivet Anglican Church. Exeter.
• SMITH - Suddenly at his res-
idence on Monday.
September 22. 1997. Alfred
"Alf' Smith of Crediton in his
8 1st year. Beloved hushand
and hest friend. of Menota .
"Note" (Lockhart) Sniith for
58 years. Very,loving and -..
loved father -of Roy Smith and
ChristineAnger of Delaware: loan and Ben
Miller of Goderich. the late Judy Glavin
(lune. 1997) and Tom Glavin -of Crediton.
Randy and. Maggie Smith of Ailsa Craig.
Cherished grandfather- of Shannon and
-Laurie Hrudka of Cambridge.. Andy. Jeff
and Amanda Glavin of Crediton and
Melinda Adair (Smith) of Ailsa Craig. Dear
brother of Olga -Poulton of Scarborough
Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons
Funeral Home. Dashwood. with visitation
on Wednesday afternoon and evening The
Funeral Service will he held at C.redncin
United Church on Thursday. September 25. •
1997 at II a.m. The Rev- Ed Laksniams
officiating. Intervent Crediton Cemetery If
'desired: memorial donations to Crediton
United Church or chanty of choice would be
appreciated A tree will be planted in memo-
ry of Alf 'Alf -was bornin London. Omani,
in 1917. and was a carpenter by trade. He
served as a volunteer fireman in Crediton.
. was a member of the Exeter Legion and Pipe
Band. served as a Village Trustee and
numerous'capacities within the Crediton
•United Church. He was an avid hockey and
baseball player and fan 39c
In Memoriams
BEER - In losing memory of a husband
father and grandfather. George Beer. who
passed away September 22. 1995.
Special memones are woven in gold.
These are the treasures we tenderly hold.
[Deep In our hearts this memory is. kept.
To chensh, to laugh and to never forget.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
Lucielle and family 39c
PiCKERING • In loving memory of a akar
husband. father and grandfather. John E.
who passed away 15 years ago. September
22. 1982.
Your memory to me is like a rose.
The older it gets. the sweeter it grows.
In my heart you'll always live.
The dearest husband God could give.
You were loving and loyal.
Your whole life through.
I lost the best and dearest fnend
When I lost you
Your wife Marilyn and family. 39t
ZACHAR - In loving memory of two dear
grandparents Mary and Steve. who passed
away September 1987 and August 1992.
No matter how we spend our days.
No mallet what we do.
No morning dawns, no night returns.
Without a thought of you.
Memories are like strands of gold.
That never famish or grow old.
Today. tomorrow. our whole life through.
We will always love and remember you
Forever ih our hearts. Sue and kff. Ihanne
and Trevor. Terry and Trus. 39•
COI,LINS - The family of the Tate Ellen
Collins wish to express our appreciation and
thanks to relatives. friends and neighbours
for all contnbuuons and expressions of sym-
pathy since the passing of a dear Mom.
grandmother, great-grandmother and friend.
Thanks to her other family at Craigwiel
Gardens Nursing Home for the care given
over the past _five years and our family
friend. Hans. for Ellen's weekly journey
home. Also. special thanks to pallbearers.
flowerbearers• Bruce and Pat Fraser of the
T. Stephenson and Son Funeral Horne. for
their compassion and Warmth. Rev. Barbara
Young for her kind words and prayers and
the Ailsa Craig U.C.W. for the luinch.,.
39c: The Collins and Williams family
JOHNS -;A sincere thank you to my family.
relatives, friends and neighbours for your
prayers. visits. flowers. treats.. cards.. and
phone calls. while !was in the hospital and
since returning home A special thank you to
Dr. Sieciuk and all the nurses at South
Huron Hospital for your compassion and
care. • -
39c - . ' Emerson
JOHNS - A 'sincere "Thanks" to my many
friends who have remembered ine in any
way during my recent surgery and since
returning home. For your many prayers.
phone calls. cards. letters. visits and food -
my deep appreciation. To Dr. Lam and the
Dr Davies. team. for their prompt profes-
sional care. 1 am most "Thankful". To Pastor
Heather Scott and Rev. Jock Tolmay. your
prayers and concerns have meant so much to
us all. My greatest support group - our own
family and to Phil.- "Thanks."
394- • - Marjonc
MARSHALL - Thank you let. friends.
neighbours and family for all your help after
my accident. especially to Mr Walper and
Mrs. Latta Thanks to the staff at South
Huron Hospital. i was -blessed With an
exceptional roommate.when there hut. it's
-good to be hone again. .
:39c Win
SCOTT - We'would like to thank our sons,
Dwayne and Craig; and their many helping
hands for the very- memorable surprise party
they arranged for our 25th Wedding
Anniversary .All comments indicate that" he
"nock wedding" was unforgettable enter-
tainment We hope'our gang enjoyed prc-
senung It. as much .as all those present
enjoyed. laughing through it. Our sincere and
appreciative thanks for all the cards. gifts
and hest wishes, Special thanks to all who
•had to tell "small tales' in order to keep the
secret-�-tks �ioyf-- v --3tr our love and
39c -
Larry and Shirley
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Klrkton-Woodham Community Centre
Admission $2:00 • -
Featuring a Make It and
Take It Table
Lunch counter proceeds to
Kirkton Fair Board.
. Lots of Door Prizes
invites you to a
Thurs. Oct. 2
at 9:30 a.m.
Mrs. Marion Ford
as Corrie ten Boom
Look oround and be distressed
look within and be depressed
Look of JESUS and be at Rest
(Corrie ten Boom)
Nursery available. .
Story Hour for children, 3-5
Emmanuel Baptist Church,
Huron St. W. Exeter
of Dashwood
are pleased to announce the
engagement of their daughter
Rosemary Elizabeth to.
Paul Harold
son of Ronald & Yvonne Pentland
of Goderich
Wedding planned for April 1998
Mary E.
October 1, ig
1997 Lig
. Love from
Roberta Lt
and Doug k
Ryckman l
Happy 30th Anniversary
Paul & Patricia Predhomme
September 29
8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Blyth Theatre, Art Gallery
Groups and businesses interested
in community and labour market
issues are invited to attend.
For•more inforniatign..plp,6se.
contact the Huron -County Plannini
and Development Department
"Proceeds to Charity*:"
CO ti;&
at the Columbus Centre
(formerly held in Holmesville)
390 Parsons Crt. (Just off Suncoast Dr. E.)
Sat., Oct. 4.
10 a.m. • 8 p.m.
Sun., Oct. 5
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
.12th .4nnua/Dcsplatl and
Sate o(uniqur Craps
• Door prizes • Lunch room
Admission $2.00 -
Under.12: FREE
' Harry and
Margaret Strang
SEPT. 25, 1997
Congratulations and
best wishes
Love your family
1nnual crtsb Tly
Sun., September 28 - 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Adults - $10.00 advance $12.00 at door
Youths 12 and under - $5.00 Pre-schoolers free
Served in the Mason's Hall. All you can eat. Contact
LLarry Hern 229-6947, Chris Beard 284-2729 lodi
You're Invited to our
TRAVEL• Adventure Tours
• Crulaing
• Motorcoach Tours
• Sun Escapes
OW • Long Stay Uetawa s
October 2, 1997
Time: 4-6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.
Where: Ranch House Inn (beside the T -A)
Win a Key Tours trip to Las Vegas t ,
Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel
235-2000 • 1-800-265-7022
Congratulations to Victor & Marg Kraft
of Port Franks .
celebrating their
:60th Wedding
Sept. 27/97
10134 Estate Drive
from 1:00 p.m.
Love and best wishes
from your family
Exeter Legion
Entertainment: The "Jug Band"
When: Sat., Oct. 4, 5 - 8 p.m.
Cost: $10.00/person
* Advanced ticket sales appreciated.
Call 235-2962
if you're planning a wedding don't miss...
✓ Free issue of latest Wedding
Bells to first 1000 brides
5 chances'to win your
Wedding Gown"
✓ Free Parking
Admission S5.50
Bridal Expo '97
Sat., Sept. 27
12 noon. - 9 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 28
12 noon - 5 p.m.
Exciting Fashion
Sat. 1:30 p.m. 4 & 7 p.m.
Sunday 1 & 3 p.m.
Canada Bldg. \\'(stern i'airg;rOunds, London
Coming events
.YES! IT'S TRUE. Murray's Chnstmas House will be open everyday. 10 a.m. to 4:30
p.m starting September 3 to,December 23. 10% off every purchase and 50% off select-
ed merchandise Offcnng unique gifts. decorating ideas. thousands of. choices fill 10
., exciting •rooms. You've seen us on T.V. and read about us. Please come share "Our
Magical Christmas Home". Treat yourself. your family and all your friends. to the ulti-
mate shopping expenence 7304 Richmond St, Arkona. 519.828-3398 or 1.800-575-
1974, • 35-39•
SATURDAY, SEPTE:MBF.R 27. Entry fortes, due for the Scarecrow contest. to be
held October 4. Total cash prizes of 8600 to be won. Forms at Parks Blueberries. 519-
692-5373: • - 37-39c
DE INVOLVED.' Three public meetings are scheduled to discuss a revised draft
Offtcial•Plan-for the County of Huron at the following locations: Wednesday. October.
1 in Godench at McKay Hall. 10 Nelson St. E., Wednesday. October I. in Wingham at
Wingharn Council Chambers. 274 Josephine St.. and Thursday, October 2. in Hensall
at Hensall Community Centre. 157 Oxford St. All meetings start at 8 p.m. To get a
copy of the revised draft Official Plan contact your local municipal office or the Huron
County Planning and Development Department at (519)524-2188. . 39c
WEDNESDAY NIGHT BRIDGE starts October I at 7:30 p.m. in the Club Room of
Exeter Legion. SI includes coffee. Rubber or duplicate? • we'll decide on the 1st. 39c
COUNTRY CRAFT FESTIVAI, at the Columbus Centre. Goderich. just off
Suncoast Dnve E.. Saturday. October 4. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday. October 5. 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Door prizes. lunch room. Admission 82, under.12 Inc. 39•
EXETER SCHOOL OF MINISTRY will host classes on Tuesday evenings from 7 to
9 p m Senous students desiring training for ministry need only apply. Stars October
14 ('all 519.235.2991 for tuition and application information. • 39.40.41c
ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Brucefteld United Church. Wednesday, October 15. 1997, 5
to7 p.m Advance ticket's only. Adults 89. children (6-12) S4. preschool free. For tick-
ets call 482-5854 or 233-7188. 39.41c
COMMUNITY LiVING-SOUTH HURON. Our annual craft show and bake sale is
Saturday. October 18. New vendors welcome. Please call before September 30. 236-
4208 or 233-9297 after 6 p.m. • 38,39c
HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH, Lucan, Turkey Dinner, Wednesday.
October 22 For reservations please call: 227-4905 for 4:00 feeding' 227-4272 for 5:00
feeding: 227-4508 for 6:00 feeding; 227-4163 for 7:00 feeding. Take out orders 227-
4766. Adults 89.50. children 85, preschoolers free. - 39-4Ic
p m.; Thursday. October 23, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., South Huron Recreation Centre.
Exeter. Auction Sale. Thursday. October 23. 12 noon. Norm Whiting - Courtesy
Auctioneer. Townwide pickup Wednesday, 9 a.m. Sponsored by Auxiliary to South
Huron Hospital. For further information call 235-2237 or 235-1628 Volunteers always
welcome 39-41c