HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-09-24, Page 21. ' Page 20 Times -Advocate, September 24, 1997 ADVERTISING FEATURE Families are discovering martial arts as an alternative Martial Arts is not just about learning self defense, it teaches discipline and respect for oneself and for others. It also exercises the mind, body and spirit, and is an exciting alternative for those not interested in playing winter sports. Studying the martial arts is an activity all members of the family can participate in and more and more families are taking lessons together as they discover it strengthens family bonds while giving them the inner confidence to deal with the challenges of everyday life. The following feature profiles the local self defense schools and their instructors in our area. Exeter Karate School Jeff Balsdon is an original member of Exeter Karate School. Over the last 10 years he has worked his way to a 1st degree black belt at age 18, later earning his 2nd degree black belt when he was 21. Now Jeff is Exeter Karate Schools owner after taking over from original owner Ron Tyndall. Jeff teaches the art of Shorin Ji Ryu (Ji means temple) originating from the town of Shorin in eastern Japan. Shorin Ji Ryu was developed by the Shoalin Monks in the temple of Shori in the -18th centu- ry. "A very traditional style of art" says Balsdon, it deals with open hand katas, fighting and weap- ons. Jeff feels his students "never really stop being a student of martial arts or anything else for that matter". He goes on to explain karate reflects life itself . "There are so many new things for a per- son to learn" ,he says. "When you have kids you allow them to learn on their own while trying to steer them on the right path." When students apply. themselves at karate it helps them to focus on what they are doing .and in turn reflects back on their school work and other sports. Karate also provides students with needed ex- ercise, helps teach, them confidence in them- selves. know the difference between right and wrong and most importantly, stresses Bals- don."to control their inner feelings such as anger towards others." Karate also helps to control the urge to fight and prepares the person for a situation where they may have to protect themselves, . For teenagers and young adults, martial arts training helps blrild greater self-confidence -in their daily lives. and the sell' -esteem they devel op can help overcome negative peer pressures which may he prevalent in their social lives. However, Karate can have a profound posi- tive affect on children and many physicians, teachers and counsellors recommend karate as a way to help youngsters as it helps develop agili- ty. grace, coordination and positive self image through karate's greater, social, mental and emotional growth. Karate was originally designed to be used only in a life or death situation. It is now used mostly for self defense. especially for women, who now more than ever need to have the ability to defend themselves. Jeff's view of Exeter Karate School is to incor- porate learning with having fun, and to reward students as they progress through the ranks. 0 Exeter Karate Club Announcing an 8 week introductory program! Fun and excitement for every member of the family! Teaches you self- control, elfcontrol, self-discipline, and self-esteem. Excellent fitness routines as well as learn self defense! Excellent rewards program! Ages 6 and up Register any Tuesday night at the South Huron Rec. centre or Thursday night at Exeter Public School. Sign up anytime. Class runs from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. For more Information please contact Jeff Balsdon 262-2936 or Ron Walker 236-0688 0 Bell Karate When you sit down to talk to karate instructor Dan Bell it's difficult to get him t� talk about himself, because he's too busy talking about his love for teaching the martial arts. "It's not just a business, it's something 1 love to do. It's fun and it's a credit to the community," he said. Bell was the first to teach karate in Exeter, and has done so for 1-2 years. Bell certainly has ex- perience under his "black belt." As a first degree black belt teaching karate at the legion hall he enjoys teaching karate because ,of the positive benefits that it has on his students. "The martial arts is a way of life. It teaches you self defense but it has more to do with develop- ing character and a proper attitude that can help you in your career and in your personal relation- ships," he said. The reason, he explains, is because the martial arts is based on respect and understanding of others, the two fundamental principals he likes to foster among his students. Bell Karate School teaches a traditional form of karate combined with practical self defense which Bell describes his class as"strict but fun." ' Dan Bell "Bell also likes to stress the family aspect of his "schooLand_fet<ls it's a good experience- for the _ whole family. Bell encourages parents to enrol their children into self :self-defense school be- cause of the positive benefits he has seen mani- fest themselves among his younger pupils. One- on- one teaching with his students is done as much as possible, explains Bell. "Each student varies in time needed, to bring out their best. They have a longer 'attention span, they are more disciplined and they become better listen- ers. These teachings stay with' the students in their lives away from the karate class." Bell has put his own training on hold to devote his full attention to his 'students. But to him, sharing his love for karate is his first and most important priority and he said he will continue to instruct in the martial arts as long as he has stu- dents williong to learn. - "I can be a black belt all I Want but I can't be a sensei (an instructor) without students and each and every individual student is important to me." Get Into Shape! with Bell KARATE 4 Free Lessons SENSE! : Dan Bell 1st Dem glad Belt uniform with registration (Limited offer) * PLUS * Chance to WIN a Fantasy '97 Lotte ticket worth $1 Exeter Legion Mondays, Wednesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m. • Everyone welcome • Watch for upcoming seminar Excellent fitness and sell defense training Special family rata Call Sensei Dan Bell (519) 2354765 Exeter Tae Kwon Do Tae Kwon Do is a traditional Korean martial art that literally means "a way of life utilizing hands and feet". If offers a total fitness program that integrates mind body and spirit as a practi- cal method of self defense. An added attraction of Tae Kwon Do will be realized at the next Olympic summer games when it will become the only martial art recog- nized as a full medal sport at the year 2000 Olympics to be held in Australia. Sai Visouvath is the head instructor and third degree blackbelt at .Exeter Tae Kwon Do (with classes be- ing held at Precious Blood School during the school year and at the Li- ons Youth Centre during the summer). This year Sai is concentrating on more .recreational classes, along with his competitive teachings. He's also offering more classes to juniors and adults with a full staff of qualified instructors, the class times will vary to fit more into peoples sched- ules. Another new feature to Exeter Tai Kwon Do is "ladies Self Defence, a new course 'which is showing a lot of interest' explains Sai. Tae Kwon Do can be learned by anyone no matter what our current level of fitness. It is de- signed to bring about a measurable increase in strength, endurance and flexibility. At Exeter Tae Kwon Do, students are treated as individu- als and are encouraged to develop to their full potential. Besides being a very effective method of self-defense; it promotes a-healthy--lifestyle- through mental and physical conditioning which also allows students to improve their quality of life. Social qualities are stressed in the class- room emphasizing respect, modesty, morality, courtesy, discipline, leadership and self-control. Visouvath takes pride in his relationship with his young students. Children six years and older taking Tae Kwon Do are admitted to a a special program geared toward the young mind and stresses discipline, concentration, and the devel- opment of the mind and body through the prac- tice of rigorous exercise and exact pattern. "Young people will develop quick relaxes, timing and strength that will assist them in eve- ryday life. Parents will notice improvements in their self-confidence, and. attitude that help de- velop independence and respect for themselves and for others," said Visouvath who also moni- tors their grades by checking their academic re- -port cards before they get promoted to a higher belt. "I'm not asking for straight A's, I'm look- ing for effort and attitude," he added. This year is Exeter Tae Kwon Do's sixth anni- versary, everyone is invited to come out and try two free weeks. EXETER TAE KWON DO Martial Arts and an Olympic Sport Classes: Childrens class 6 yrs. - 12 yrs. old 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Adults class 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. CLASS HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY - Come and try our two weeks free trial 3 month Spot ial $89.95 ti11i10101 111 Iutlrtl. ( aII for delailti Information contact (519) 672-9345 or 234-6155 or register at Precious Blood School in Exeter, Ont. during class hours "The best gift you could give to your child or family is self-confidence" South Huron Martial Arts Karate is the main focus at South Huron Martial arts, but they pride themtelves on the diversity they offer to their students. Taught by head instructor Brian Decker, fifth degree (black belt) godan and assistant Jane McPherson, sec- ond degree (black belt) Nidan the school is based in Zurich but holds organized classes in Exeter, -Lucan, Grand Bend, and Seaforth. Students of the school pay one price but have the option of training at any loca- tion. - Other than karate, South Huron Martial Arts teaches Toide a form of okaniawan jujiisu, which is the tradi- tional samurai art of the quick draw concentrating on throws and joint locks, and instruction in a wide, range of weapons specializing in the sword aia jitsu which is a separate class on Thursday nights in Zurich from 8-9 p.m. Decker also teaches Tai Chi in Exeter on Tuesday nights. Tai Chi is a form of martial art that goes through karate katas in -slow motion.. - Growing in popularity. Decker said -it is a slow and gentle exercise that balance and flexibility, however watching it can be deceiving because it requires the use of almost every muscle in the body. We do tai chi strictly .for the health benefits... it's one of the best workouts there is". said Decker. The school also offers horse study courses on the oriental philosophy of the martial arts up to four degree diplo- mas. - The school is ideal for those who are seeking. a well rounded education •in the martial arts with a focus on its origins and philos- ophy. ' Decker said learning the 1listory of the art they are taking ,gives them a greater' appreciation for the art but is also appli- cable as a self defence if needed. South Huron Martial Arts is affiliated with, the Juko- Kai which is the largest non-Asian martial arts organi- zationin-the world recognised -Th hOth- Okinawa and Japan. Decker explained that a' student's name and rank is registered within the organization and can train anywhere within the Juko-Kai organization :keeping their status at whatever belt level they have achieved. McPherson who began studying the martial arts soon after her two daughter joined said it has had a profound impact on their life. "We are spending a lot of time together. instead of the kids peeling off to a different sport we are alt going in the same direction," said McPherson adding she no- ticed a dramatic improvement in her children's school grades soon after they began studying karate.- Decker arate.-Decker who is also a part-time hockey player and active referee/linesman said learning martial arts is a great "companion" to other sports because of the em- phasis on body mechanics., "The stretching, muscle development and coordina- tion they learn can be applied to any sport. There arc a lot of professional athletes that take martial arts," he said adding that it has strengthened his skating skills. Learning martial arts can enrich your life and Deck- er has heard this claim come from many students and from parents who have enrolled their children in his school. "it teaches a person life skills and to me it's more than just self defense." , Jane McPherson, Bdan Decker and RachaefMcPherson %MIAL SOUT �--. HURON r � ART } S �� : : : Karate Jujitsu Aia Jitsu (Sword) Tai Chi • Weapons Sensei Brian Decker (Golan) CALL 263-2440 i. - Member of Juko-Kai i; International Largest Traditional. Martial Arts :; Association Worldwide 4 FREE CLASSES e.ANYTIME ': x'25 PER MONTH ;•. ;i :i : : ..; CALL FOR DAYS AND TIMES OF CLASSES • Jane McPherson 0. (Nidan) Lucan 227-1271• ;. • Katherine Ens, Exeter :: 235-0535 .• Dave Gascho, Shodan ,.• Grand Bend 527-1365 :. Kickboxing seminar •; November 1 by LEO *: LOUCKS visit us at our website http://www.jukokai.com : •: