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Times -Advocate, September 24, 1997
A day in the park
Last days of summer. Alvin McNicol and Alison Beckett
play with Alyssa McNicol, 10 and a half months, on one
of the last days of summer.
Thames Road-EIimviIIe plans Mission. Walk
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Road correspondent
Weston lit the Christ Candle and
welcomed everyone at the church
service on Sunday morning. She
gave the announcements and the
call to worship. Rev. Jock Toimay
fed the prayer of approach and con-
He told the children a story
"Disciples of Jesus".
The choir sang an anthem
accompanied by Organist Jean
Hodgert. The title of Rev. Jock's
sermon was "What is a Disciple".
Marion Cann and Sharon
Passmore were the greeters and
received the offering.
A Mission Walk will be held
September 28. The Sunday School
invites everyone to join them for a
leisurely walk after church. The
moriey raised from the walk will go
to Missions. -Pledge sheets are
available from Kathy Bray.. A
potluck lunch of sandwiches, cook-
ies and squares will follow.
Beverages will he provided.
On September 29 the U.C.W.
South Huron Regional meeting will
he • held at Dashwood United
,. Church. Dessert begins at 6:30 p.m.
German couple visit Centralia and area -
From September 3 to 10 they Par-'
ticipated in a bus tour with 50 of
their countrymen...
By Mary Peterson
Centralia correspondent '
CENTRALIA - In appreciation for his many years of
'faithful service, an open house will be held forGerald
Isaac at the Huron Park Post Office on Friday, Septem-
ber 26 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Isaac has delivered mail to residents for more than
50 years. The area wishes him a very happy retirement.
German visitors enjoy trip to Canada '
Mary' Peterson and Rob Essery were pleased to host
their friends from Germany recently. Heidi and Rein-
hard Hinrichs, from Ostfriesland in northern Germany,
enjoyed their visit to Canada.
• From September 3 to 10, they participated in a bus
tour with 50 of their countrymen, They arrived in Mon-
treal and visited several historical and agricultural.
sites, including dairy farms and a bison farm. They
also visited Canada's capital Ottawa, and spent, some
time at the Museum of Civilization.
From Ottawa, they travelled to Toronto and viewed
the highlights. They also took a sidetrip to Niagara
Falls. •
When the'other tour participants returned to Germa-'
ny, Heidi and Reinhard travelled to Spruce Grove at
Centralia. ' •
The congregation at Centralia a United Church gave
them a warm welcome to the area. '
' Later, they.enjoyed the sunshine at Grand Bend and
the Lambton Heritage Museum.
The Hinrichs have been friends of Essery's for sever-
al years. Essery first met Reinhard during a Junior
Fanner exchange to (West) Germany -in 1986. Heidi
and Reinhard have a dairy farm near Aurich in Ost-
friesland. They have three children.
Centralia United"Church •
Zion West will celebrate their church anniversary
with worship at I1 a.m. on Sunday, September 28.
Rev. Cathy Tovell from the Ilderton/Birr Pastoral
Charge will be guest speaker. This will be a combined
worship service for Centralia and Zion West congrega-
The UCW fall regional meeting will be held Monday
September 29 at 6:30 p.m. at Dashwood. Pat Milliken,
Exeter Sept. 17 - 5 game winners
Ann Northey 569
Marge McCurdy 319
4 game winners
Toni Williams 316 •
ina Williams 236
Howard Johns 234
3 game winner
Sena Gosar • 237
September 18 .4 game winners
Howard Johns 304
Marge McCurdy 267
' Allen Johns 231
Gil Northey 245
On October 1 a Potluck lunch at 12
noon. General meeting to follow.
Shuffleboard at 1 p.m. New members
Hensall - September 16
Hazel McEwen
Doris Hamilton
Helen McKay
David Woodward
Ina Williams
Pat Davis
Jim Davis
Edna Dietz
Farm and Rural Resource Minister for London Confer-
ence, will be'guest speaker. '
Thursday. October 2, Zion West and Centralia UCW
will hold their meetings at 8 p.m. All ladies of the
church -are welcome.
World Wide Communion will he celebrated on Sun-
day October 5 at Centralia and Zion West United
Centralia Faith. Tabernacle
' The Lost and Found, Club has resumed for another
season on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. We warmly
invite anyone from birth to seniors to participate in our
program. There's a class for everyone.
Ladies Bible Coffee Break is held Tuesday mornings
at 9:30 a.m. All ladies are welcome to attend.
Youth from the church will travel to Oil Springs on
Saturday, September 27 for a Youth Rally. The- bus
will depart from -the -church at 12 20 -p.m. --
Euchre results'
At Heywoods Restaurant recently, Edith Eaton won
the Special in the Monday afternoon euchre games.
High hand winners were Mary Rhame and Harry
Noels. Ruby Beaver and Gil Northey,were lone hand
Pauline Worrell's Guest House Happenings
Sympathy of the home goes to Bruce Wilson, on the
sudden death of his brother Larry Wilson of Gorrie
following a farm accident. • " •
Guests with Arnold and Rose Cunningham over the
weekend were Sylvia Bell, Brantford. Don and Candi
Cunningham and girls of Denfield,Ted and Maurfcen
Oliver of St. Marys, Pauline and Cody- Worrell of Park
Residents of the home' enjoyed another good Sam
Saturday at the Centralia United Church which was
hosted by the Centralia United Church Women.
Mai Hoang is visiting with her mother from Austra-
lia in Kitchener.
Jamie Albert visited with his brother Rick Albert in
Forest this past week.
Friday evening, Rose Cunningham, who volunteers
at the home hosted a euchre party with lunch follow-
ing. Pauline and Cody Worrell attended the Exeter Fall
Fair parade on Saturday.
Several from the home attended church on Sunday at
Zion United Church.
Everyone at Worrell's Guest House is very pleased
to have.Rose Cunningham as a full time volunteer.
and the guest speaker will be Pat
Worldwide Communion Sunday
and intergenerational worship will
he held October 5.
The Huron Farm Hiker Tour is
planned for October $ from 12
noon to 3 p.m. It starts from
Ausahle Bayfield at Morrison Dam.
Bring an item of non-perishable
Rind for the Food Bank. There will
he a Country Harvest Supper from
4 to 7 p.m. at South Huron Rec
Centre. Advance tickets are avail-
able. For more information see the
flyer posted on the bulletin board.
On October 9 there will he a
Young Peoples meeting from
grades four and up al Thames Road
United Church at 5:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. A toonie per meeting_ is being
Rebekahs plan
for installation
EXETER - Noble Grand, Sis.
Doris Denham opened a meeting of
the Rebekahs with a poem "Sing A
Little" and greeted the 26 members
Vice Grand Bev Campbell sent -
an anniversary- card to Cheryl and
Leroy Edwards in honor of.their
25th wedding anniversary. She -sent
cards to Norman Stanlake, 'Tom
Yellow and Wilf Bowman. She
took a plant to Mahle.Stanlake
when Norman died and made a
donation to Caven Presbyterian
Church in his memory.
The group's Noble Grand and
Vice Grand will attend the 60th
anniversary of' the Exeter -Lions
Rose Webster and Elaine
Skinner celebrated wedding
Five members attended a
Friendship Night in Stratford. They
reported it was a hot night. but the
supper was good. Gifts were .given
:,rid they enjoyed the giiod-fclliiw-
ship. ,
Installation of officers will he
held October 15. Installing staff
from Ilderton. will install the Exeter
officers. Guests are invited from
Clinton and Brussels.
The group's first, euchre party
1 will be held November 12 in the,
Lodge Hall.
Dues are to he paid in October.
The' program committee conducted
a penny sale. followed by lunch.
Country Garden
Get ready for tall
�► Country Folk Art Painting
Hardy mums
go Mini Straw Bales
r Gourds r Pumpkins
40 Corn stalks r Indian Com
Open at 10 a.m. Fri. & Sat.
Tel: (519) 237-3217
1-1/4 miles east of
Dashwood on Hwy. #83
It's a new kind of POINTS*" system that's
easy to learn and easy to live with.
There's no complicated counting. We did that for you.
And no food is off limits, so a little indulging doesn't mean
you've blown your diet.
Christian Reform Church • 332 Huron St. W., Exeter
Information/Registration Meeting on Monday September 29 at 6:30 p.m.
Thurs. & Fri.
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The Huron County Board of Education
The South Huron District High School
Staff and Student Body
would like to invite
. 1996-97
Award winners,
and Parents/Guardians
to attend this year's
to be held in the large gymnasium
starting at 7:30 p. m. sharp
Graduates are asked to arrive promptly
at 7:00 p.m. and report to the small gym for final
preparations and instructions
We look forward to seeing you there!
Allan Cuter,
Paul Carroll,
asked for, to help with any costs
November 1 is the deadline for
. anyone wishing to subscribe to the
Observer at SIO for the year,
payable to Shirley Kerslake.
A time and talent auction will be
held on November 21 at the
Kirkton-Woodham Community
Centre. Guest auctioneer will be
Bob Heywood.
Anyone wishing to subscribe to
the "Upper Room" at $5.78 per
year, let Shirley Kerslake know by
the end of September at 229-8730.
Mary Gartenhurg of Kingston
and Jean Scott of Stratford visited
on Tuesday evening with their
cousins Bill and Rhoda Rohde.
The Usborne Guild played at the
Exeter Villa on Monday evening
and at the Ritz Lutheran Villa on
Wednesday evening.
Word was received that Murray
Glanville, formerly of Ushorne
township, passed away on Friday
evening. He was in his 43rd year.
The visitation was on Tuesday
from 1 to 3 p.m. with the funeral at
3 p.m. at the Coutts Funeral Home,
Cambridge. Sympathy is extended
to his brothers, sisters and step-
Ross and Helene Jeffery of
Edmonton are visiting relatives in
the area.
Stephen imposes
storm sewer rate in
tion to impose a rate fir storm sew
ers was passed at Stephen Council
on September 16, stating that own-
ers of benefitting properties in the
Village of Centralia pay the neces-
sary fees.
Larger lots in the area are to pay
a one-time fee of $200 and three
smaller lots in Centralia pay a less-
er fee of $145.
Stephen Administrator Larry
Brown said that only one written
objection to the bylaw was written
to Council, stating they were not
going to benefit by the storm sewer
system. Otherwise, Brown said
there was no objection to the rates.
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Your blood pressure can drop suddenly if you move from a
lying to a standing position quickly. This change in blood
pressure can result in dizziness, increasing the nsk of fall-
ing, especially in the elderly. When rising from a prone posi-
tion, it's best to sit for a minute or two before standing.
Almost a quarter of the people of the world wear no shoes
at all. Studies on these people show that very.few of them have foot problems. It
says something about the shoes we put our feet into daily.
If you're pregnant, use medications only on the advice of your doctor. This warn-
ing includes herbal medications as well. Some herbal products contain potent
chemicals that could cause uterine contractions and affect hormone levels putting
the fetus at nsk. Much is unknown about the affects of herbal medicines and
pregnancy. So before you take i1..talk about it.
Because herbal products are not subject to the same regulations as pharmaceuti-
cal preparations, there is little or no testing on the purity. safety or fetus -effects
of these products. Major drug companies will state absolutely that certain prod-
ucts should not be used during pregnancy. With herbal, products. the same infor-
mation isn't always available. :
Whether it be a prescription drug, an -over-the-counter" medication or an herbal
product,—we can help youwith your questions---- -- -
Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter
"Your Health Care Pharmacy"
Notice is hereby givento the Municipal
Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith.
Nominations in the Township of Tuckersmith for the offices
Nominations may be made by completing and filing in the
office of the Clerk of the Township of Tuckersmith,
nominations in the prescribed form.
4) One member of the District Public School Board No. 8
(Huron County Board of Education) representing the
Town of Clinton and Seaforth, Village of Bayfield, and
Blyth and Township of Hullett, McKillop, Stanley and
Tuckersmith. Nomination papers are to be filed with the
Clerk of the Town of Clinton.
5) One member of the Huron Perth Roman Catholic
Separate School Board representing the Town of Exeter.
Village of Bayfield; Hensall and Zurich, and Township of
Goderich, Hay, Stephen, Stanley and Tuckersmith.
Nomination papers are to be filed with the Clerk of the
Township of Stephen.
6) Trustee representing the Counties of Kent, Lambton and
Huron on the French -Language Public School Board
i158. Nomination papers are to be filed with the Clerk of
the City of Chatham.
7) Trustee representing the Counties of Lambton, Huron
and Bruce on the French Language Separate District
School Board 963. Nomination papers are to be filed with
the Clerk'of the City of Sarnia.
A nomination must be signed by the candidate and may be
filed in person or by an agent on any day in the year that is
after March 31st, 1997 and is before October 10th, 1997 at a
time when the Clerk's office is open or on October 10th, 1997
between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. A prescribed
nomination filing fee ($100) must accompany the nomination
form. A nomination must be certified by the Clerk before
such person becomes a certified candidate for the office to
which she or he is nominated.
Nominations may be withdrawn up until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday
October 14th 1997. At that time if only sufficient nominations
for office have been certified, those candidates will be
declared elected.
In the event there are an insufficient number of candidates
to f111 all positions available, nominations will be reopened
for the vacant positions only on Wednesday, October 15th,
1997 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and such
additional nominations, If required, may be filed In the office
of the Clerk.
Electors are hereby given notice that If a greater number of
candidates are certified than are required to fill the said
offices, voting places will be Opened on the dates stated
below for the purpose of voting.
Advance Votes) - Saturday November list, 1997
(10 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
Voting Date - Monday November 10th, 1997
Dated this 17th day of September, 1997.
Clerk -Treasurer
Township of Thckersmith