HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-09-24, Page 8IT' S Y()1 I R 1R 1 I �S TN F .S .S Times -Advocate, September 24, 1997 On the Street ' by Jin, Beckett •Flag controversy Both the Exeter Legion and the town have been on the receiving end .of criticism because various flags in our community were not lowered to commemorate the trag- ic death of Diana. Apparently. many flag poles are not made to.allow the flag to fly at half staff. In other cases in many communities across the country the decision to lower the flag was not a topic for discus- sion. The question of the day is "When should flags be lowered to mark a death?" Some people have the opinion that tragic as Diana's death was, it. was not necessary to have flags lowered all across the country. It was - demonstrated around the world the week following her death that Diana could be possi- bly the most popular person in history. This is undoubtedly due the the intensive coverage by the _media before and after her death. However, . is popularity _reason enough to require the ultimate mark of respect by- lowering flags?' • Without taking anything away from the feelings of grief experi- enced by millions of people, criti- cizing thbse who did not lower. the flag may be taking the whole thing too far. - Hundreds of deserving citizens 'of the world have died with no mention of lowering flags. •What woman in recent history has provided a better example dedicating her life to improving the plight of impoverished people than Mother•Theresa, Saint of the Gutters? •Were flags lowered 'when Al- exander Graham: Bell died? - •How many local communities showed this respect to. President Kennedy when his life was cut, short by an assassin? •Is anybody , sure flags were] lowered all over Exeter, and other Communities when John Diefen- baker or Lester Pearson died? The list could go on and on with no -perfect way to draw the line. between those who rate having flags lowered to mark their deaths and other -deserting .people who are.not given the samehonor. Worrying about how others will ream to death' is not nearly as im- portant as to how we react our- selves. In my mind, the biggest tribute paid to Diana in Canada is the leadership -shown by our govern- ment in taking up her crusade of having landttnines banned in most places around the world. Thou- sands will be saved with most of the credit going back to the efforts of this young woman from Brit- ain. This one success makes any discussion about whether flags should have been lowered seem triviall. 4, flee Director leaves , •The Harris government has set the tone, consultants arc showing us how and the town of Exeter is left with the unpleasant job of fol- lowing through in an attempt to streamline and save scarce tax- payer dollars. The job of Recrca= tion Director was the first major - position . to go as .cost cutting measures are implemented by the town. Lynne Farquhar is no longer on the job after being offered a sever- ance package. She will be missed. 1 have had several opportunities over the yearsto deal with Lynne and have always left with the im- pression this was one person who really cared about the success of whatever community event i was working on at the time. Multiply this by literally hundreds of others who have taken advantage of Lynne's advice and encourage- ment and it will be quickly appar- ent the entire community has ben- efitted from her contributions. •Ordalned John floyachck, associate pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Exeter was ordained Sunday at a special ser- vice held at the church. Congratula- tions John. • Hot dog day. Quadro Communications Inc. held a hot dog day and open house on Friday to celebrate Independent Telephone Week. Shown- here are Quadro Director Perry Robinson, Chair of Directors Jim Evans and Quadro Director Lynda Hodgins. Ontario Independent Telephone Week generates awareness By'Chantall Van itaay T-A.Reporter KIRKTON - While Bell com- mercials' state that inore • than 10,000 people arc switching hack to Bell each week, independent td- ephone companies are happy when a small village joins them, Independent • telephone com- panies generally only deal with ru-' ral communities,- and in part, are owned by _them. That is one of the reasons why rindependent phone . companies,-such-as-Quadro-Com • munications, celebrated Ontario In- dependent 'Telephone - Company, Week ' on Friday at the Kirkton , business. office. Quadro held an - open-house,.serving hot dogs and refreshmentsto at, least 125 Quadro customers. . General Mariager Tim ' DeWeerd - said Quadro Communications is, ' beneficial to rural -communities be- cause their service is quality oriented. Unlike urhan phone com- panies. where a number of services are not offered in rural areas; in- dependent. companies ensure their costumers receive up-te,-date ser- vice.. '"On top of offering a private line service, we offer a high-speed data transmission and leading edge dig- ital service. DeWeerd said Quadro's goal is in "maintain quality of service equal Ito or better than urban services." While Quadro and other in- . dependent phone companies are re- stricted By boundaries as to who . they can. serve, DeWeerd said they are still able to increase their busi- ness. "We 'can't grow geographically but we're seeing an increase in peo- ple having two 'phone lines." he said. This is the first year Quadro is celebrating Ontario Independent Telephone Week. DeWeerd be- lieves it is a good idea to hold func- tions like this because otherwise they maintain a very low-kcy stat- us. "We're celebrating our existence with Independent Telephone Com- pany Week. it's a, part of public awareness." he said. "We're trying to get people to recognise our existence, and to show people that we're here -to stay. To show people that- we're concerned about the community we operate in. I. Quadro is not only a telephone service, it also of- lers Internet. ser-. vices 10 meet the fast -paced. de-. -----rnands--of-the-community-and-lead money -made -is -reinvested -back -into - ing-edge digital service so .those who dial through on' the internet will never receive a busy signal.. • "This service is provided to those who want premium 'service," he saidt wilding: it won't he available until Christmas. DeWeerd . ex. plained urhan phone companies of- fcr this service but have tittle in- tention of setting it up in rural ar- eas. - . most urban telephone companies, Quadro, as well as many other in- • dependentphone com- panies are owned and run by their customers. "Cooperativeness - is what is unique about in- dependent -phone com• - panies." said DeWcerd. "We are owned by our customers and all of the Unlike "Cooperatives ess is what is unique about independent phone companies; ". Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Joe Chane, RR5 Mitchell 348-9705 Ron Feeney, RR 2 Dublin 345-2360 Larry Gardiner. RR2. Statla 345-2678 Jack Hodgen, RR1, Kirtdon 229-6152 Michael O'Shea RR3 Granton 225-2600 Morris Willows. RR2 St. Pauls 393-6548 AGENTS Wayne Maver Exeter 235-1915 John Moore, Dublin 345-2512 Joseph Unlac, Mitchell 348-9012 Head Office, Exeter _ 235-0350 A refund from surplus was de- clared for all policy holders who quality, are on record and in good standing as at Decem- ber 31, 1996. s Business Directory AUCTIONEERS MOUSSEAU 4— AUCTION SERVICES Hensall Ont. All types of auctions. Complete 'service. Will purchase partial or complete estates. Brad Mousseau Auctioneer (519) 236-4558 ***************** * Filson & Robson * FULLY LICENSED & * * BONDED, CALL OR FAX ' (519) 666-0833 3 Auctioneers for tho Price of 1 With modern equipment Pickup and sell complete or partial estates Specializing In Farm, Real Estate and General Sales ` chose' KEVIN McARTER (519) 235-3963 Exeter, Ontario • Complete auction service • Pickup and delivery. available • Will purchase complete estates (or consignments) REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes . Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271.9660 the system." Two key points of the Quadro mission statement arc that; "They . -strengthen the fabric of the rural community" and, "Return surplus earnings to the members who gen- erate them." Page 7 No Sanders East stop signs .EXETER - Speeding in the Sand- ers Street East and Pryde Boole- , yard areas was brought to the atten- tion of the Committee of the Whole on Monday night. • Since Sanders and Pryde are des- • ignated as "Collector Roads" in the Official Plan, additional stop signs would undermine the intent of the '. streets to funnel and facilitate traf- fic. A'secondlpoint raised in the re- port to council by CAO Rick Hun- dey, was that a stop sign can create a false sense of security from a safety standpoint. At present, mo- torists and pedestrians are aware of current controls. A new stop sign may create a hazard even if it is only temporary. . Council 'decided to request that police "step up'.' enforcement against traffic violators. This mo- tion will be forwarded to the Police Services Board at Thursday's meet- ing. Anothertraffic-related matter is the request for handicapped parking spaces alExeter's two drugstores. Council was concerned with the - lack of demand for and dangers of handicapped parking spaces on Main Street. This item will also be on the Police Services Board agen- da. Harry Dougherty Accounting Service Business Income Tax Preparation • Financial • Personal Statements • Farm • Payroll •-Business • Bookkeeping 85 Riverside Dr., Exeter Office 519-235-2156 Does Your Financia/ institution make you fee/ there are not enough hours in the day? TRY THE CREDIT UNION BANKING NKING DAY! TELLER HOURS: Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited 48 Ontario St. 118 Main St. N. Clinton Exeter 482-3466 235-0640 John A.M. Norris , Chartered Accountant and Best Entertainment Computers Wholesale and Retail and Micro -Tek 1Y\ I I rlf (London) Are pleased to announce the NEW EXETER LOCATION On Saturday, September 27, 1997 370 Main Street South, Exeter, Ontario CALL: (519) 235-0996 Watch this week's London Free Press for Unbelievable Prices and Grand Opening Specials on the largest selection of Home Multi -Media and Business Class Computer and Computer Related Products)