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School division highlights of the fair
Above. Julie Bibby with first prize Pet Show winner Sleepy the Cat.
• ,
Above. The homecraft exhi-
bition at the Exeter Fall Fair
was a success. Pictured
from left are Maxine Sereda
presenting Flower Champion
Pat . flown, Norma Cockwill
presenting Baking Champi-
on Sheila Miller and Kathy
, Bray presenting Junior
Champion Tristelyn-Russell.
Left. Midway riders enjoying
the fair.
`Alternative farming' the focus
at this year's Exeter Fall Fair
EXETER - The 143rd Exeter Fall Fair
focus on Alternative Farming, featured a
variety of competitions, shows. prizes and
entries displaced
Fridaj' evening amid the rain storm.
• attendance was down. A 'fun eccnt',:ripen to
-all charitable and non-profit organizations.
was won by, first, Ist Eseler•Scouts. Ron.
Dawe: second. Stephen' Firemen. Doug.
Lightfoot; third. (Jshornc School. Carolyn
Johns. All whet nine participants received
With only three contestants: the new.
ambassador, Kristina -Cowell, representing.
Tim Horions. was crowned by last year's
ambassador -Jillian Collings. First runner up
was Heather Hardemanrepresen)Jng.Kirkton
market and second runner up was Jilleena
Knip representing Syfrlco Ltd. •
School division champions
Girl • Jessica Bray; Boy ; Darren Glavin;
Girl runnerup - Evelyn Johns: Boy runnerup
• David Zwambagg. .
• Homecraft division champions
Junior champion - Tristalyn Russell;
Junior runnerup •Robyn Ethcnngton; Youth
champion • Teresa Zwambagg; Youth run-
nerup - Peggy Brownlee: Golden Age most
points Helene Toornsira: Flowerchampion
• Pat Down; Flower runnerup - Eleanrrr
Leaia and Josie Ryckman (tic):
Crafts and Hohhics champion - •Rhea
Green; Crafts and.hobbies runnerup - Ruth
Ann Dean: Photography champion - Mary
Margaret Thompson; Photography.ninnerup
- Marjorie Papple; Sewing champion - Jean
Flynn; Sewing runnerup - Joan Robinson;.
Best of Show quill - Isabel Annis; Second
Best of•Show Quilt Isabel Annis: Baking
champion - Sheila Muller; Baking runnerup -
Donna Price. Home Canning most points • '
Sheila Miller; Jams and Jellies most points -
Sheila Miller.
Huron South Women; Institute .
Display competition
First • Crediton W.1.; Second - Ilurondale
W.I.; Third - Elirnvillc W.I.
Fruits and Vegetables •
Fruit display - Gladys Cudmore; ,
Vegetable display - Leslie Cudmore; Most
points in garden products • Sheila Miller:
most points in vegetables Gladys
An excellent wevIworking section Was
shown, with many entries showing their
carving talents..
.Saturday was a beautiful day for the
parade with the following results:
Focus on alternative fanning- Robert and
Kathy Bray: Club or organization float -
Eseter Dance Club: Bu{{iness float - Seip's
v'alu-marl: Antique 111dtor, Vehicle • Hal
Walsh; Classic Motor. Vehicle - Ron
Riopelle: Antique tractor - Edgar Gingcrichi
• Costumed Hose and Rider English -
Patricia Prince; Costumed Horse and Rider
Wesrem - Kelly Warren; •
Team of Horses - Ken .Thiel -Huron
Several bands and the Shriners also par-
ucipaied in the parade
4•11 Calf Club
Steer 'conformation: first Dennis Gower:
second Bryon Ellerington: Heifer conforma-
tion: first Dawn Corlett: second Janne Beal;
• third "Amy Shapton; •
Senior Showmanship:. first Dennis
Gower; second Bryon .Ellerington:' third
. Jason Corbell; Junior Showmanship: first
Danny•Shapton:.second Amy Shapton;
Overall Showmanship: Dennis Gower:
Reserve Showmanship: Bryon Ellerington.
• Sheep
One new exhibitor: Grand Champion
Ram: Donald Dearing; Grand Champion
Ewe: Sonrisen Farms; Grand Champion
Flock: • Sonrisen Farms; Dorset Horn
Champion Ram: Donald Dearing; Dorset
Hom.Champion Ewe:. Ivan Paff; Poll Dorset
Champion Ewe. Sunriscn Farms: Oxford
Downs Champion Ram: Donald Dearing;
Oxford Downs Champion Ewe: Donald
Dearing; Leiccsters Champion Ram: Donald
Dearing; Leicesters Champion Ewe: Donald
Dearing. ..•
Poultry Display
An excellent display of Ihe'different birds
and fowl was shown in the poultry display.
Horse Show
The Horse shows did go on despite the
wet areas with.a good show. The flat -linger
Horse Show was down in number but a good
show. Showing in the different classes were
Ken Thiel. Gerald Thiel, Ted Hayward and
Hodgins. Youth Showmanship winners were
the Thiel and Hayward youths.
The Open Light Show wasn't able to
hold all of their events due to field condi-
tions. Showmanship junior was won by
Cindv Cowan: Showmanship senior was
won by Maria Salm: and Western showman-
ship was won by Mark Salm. •
The Arabian Show was held on Saturday
with -judge Susan Meyer from North
Carolina. announcer Bob Hewitt and show
stewart Jill Barton.
Alternative Farming
• . With the focus "Alternative Farming".
several displays- were set up in the foyer of
thciarena .
Young's Green Forest Trees from
Ilderton had a display of trees. from
seedlings to grown Christmas trees. Draw
winners for Friday evening were Vera
Armstrong. Exeter, family tree outing:
Jennifer Steele, Dashwood, ported tree: and
Bev Delbridge, Woodham. poised tree.
Saturday' winners were Jane Deicing.
Brucefield. and Mary Margaret Thompson.
Parkhill• family tree outing.
• The Harrigan Family from Lucan had a
displayof garlic along with leaflets to show
the diferent stages of garlic growth.
Walter and Brenda Vemiunt from Zurich
had a display with emu products. In the agri-
cultural building everyone could see emu
Women's Program
There was an excellent women's program
of pumpkin painting, food demonstrations.
reflexology makeup. new movies and gar-
den care in the auditorium.
• Dance
Saturday evening Video Jam dance was
held with a fair attendance. The draw win-
ners for the evening were: Carlson Wagonlil
Ellison Travel & Tours Ltd. SSo0 travel
voucher. Allan Powe. Centralia: $250 travel
voucher. Don's Weigand. Exeter; 560 golf
for four from Exeter Golf Club. Ann•Marie
Parsons. Exeter: S50 gift certificate from
Baikelaar Jewellers. Bill Weigand, Exeter:
S20 gift certificate from Bayberry Cafe,
Kevin Delbridge. Grand Bend; turkey from
Hayter's Turkey. Jim DeBlock, Exeter.
On Sunday. children of all ages enjoyed
the midway with excellent weather condi-
The in-line hockey tournament was can-
celled due to lack of interest.
50/50 Winners
The 50/50 ticket draw winners were:
50%, Donna Glanville, Huron Park: 20%.
Helen Haley, Exeter; 10% Marion Miller.
Dashwood. •
It has been an exciting fair for the school
division! There was enthusiasm, fun, new
activities, traditional activities. and of
course. familiar faces to meet again. A few
highlights of the weekend included Friday
morning school class tours which gave the
children a behind -the -scenes look at the fair.
a pet show, ice sculpturing by Ice Cultures
of Hensall, aclown show by Clown Alley of
Goderich and kid's games by Exeter Public
School Parent's Association.
There were over 1750 entries, an increase
over last year. Grand champions were:
Janelle Clarke. Flowers; David Zwambag,
Cooking and Baking: Darren Glavin. Roots
and Vegetables. The winners of the Pride of
Huron Rebekah Lodge Grand Champion
awards were: Jessica Bray. Girl's Grand
Champion; Evelyn Johns. Girl's Runner-up;
Darren Glavin. Boy's Grand Champion;.
David Zwambag, Boy's Runner-up.
Grade I: Rhyme -or free verse - Jody
Spring (PB), Molly Hunter (PB). Megan,
Hodgson (PB), Carlynn Van Mierlo (PB);,
Grade 2: Rhyme or free verse - Ryan
Jacobe. (E), Anthony Vink (PB), Mitchell
McKay (E). Kelly Nickel (PB:
Grade 3: Rhyme or free verse , Jaclyn
Pelley (E). Chelsea Rotteau (E), Adam
Jackson (E). Paul Van Der Spek (E): Grade
4: Rhyme or free verse - Brianne Harbu)`n
(E). Randy Proctor (E). Brett Hackett (M),
Erin Tordoff (PB):
Grade 6: Limerick - Sarah Neevel (E).
Ian Drummond (PB), Kendra VanderBurgi
(PB). Army Taylor (E): Grade 7: Rhyme
Hilary Hogarth (S); Diamond Justin Parker
(S), Lindsay Barett (S); .
Grade 8: Haiku - Dolly Chansamone.•
(McC); Free verse - Robin Nicholson (S).
Illustrated Poem
Grades 1-2: Lindsay Mills (E).. Brittany
Janke (E), Corey Firth (E); Grades 3-4.
Jeanne Cronyn (MIC). Curtis Pfaff (MIC).
' Cathy Conlin (MtC): Grades 5.6: Beth
Hundey (E), Jennifer Baker (E). Andrea
Glavin (tsftCji Grades 7-8: Robin Nicholson
(S). , .
Grate I: Richard Hern (U). Justin George
(U). Bill Rundle (U). Natalie Hayes IE):,
Grade 2: Megan Brintnell (U). Mike Brooks
(S). Heather Amcrongen (E). Kyle Bryson
Grade 3: Allison Graham (E►. Rachel
Cooper(E), Emily Pym (U), Chandra.
Dougall (U); Grade 4: Zachary:Dougall (U),
Kiril Brown (E). Brittany Mills (E►, Alycia
Fyvie (U);
Grade 5: Susan Miner (U). Cindy Gregus
(U). Lindsay.Hesyiu (U), Janelle Dykstra
(U);,Grade 6: Annette Grotentraast (S),
Bethany Wagler (E), Lori Hogan (E), /an
Drummond (PB):
Grade 7: Jesse Schroeder (S). Jonathon
Brand (S). Janna Weber (S). Mark Laye Jr..
(S). Cheryl Montgomery (E); Grade.8:
Lindsay, Parsons (McC). Do)ly Chansamone
• Creative Writing
-t—Grade-I I randon-Woodburn-(S).-Tasha
Coulter (S), Rhys-Widdis (S), Tulie Ash (S):-
S):Grade 2:.Tammy Coward (E). Kristy Blanc '•
(E). Amber Overholt (PBJ: Lynnsie
Herdman (E); • ,
Grade 3: Rachel Cooper (E). Justine
Clarke -(E); Grade 4: Christopher Hem WE
Stephanie Dhan (E). Alycia Fyvie (U).
Zachary Dougall (U); •
Grade 5: Sean Ellison (E), Lisa Hakvoort
(PB). Cindy Gregus (U). Adam Haney (E);
Grade 6: Jennifer.Baker (E) Miranda
Grenier (PB), ian Drummond (PIS). Mitchell
Tieman (PB): Grade 7: Jasmine, Yather
(McC). '
Grade I: Kathleen Anderson (E).•Amy
Eveland (EL -Kelsey Hohmann (E). Taryn
Ansteit (E); Grade 2: Lauren Taylor (E).
Kaitlyn Krahn (E), Kristy Blanc (E). Corey
Firth (E): • -
• Grade 3: Claire Hodder.(E), Rachel
Cooper (E), Michelle Muller (MIC).
• Shannon Clarke (E): Grade 4: Stephanie
Dean (E), Ashley Ralph (E). Amy Weido
(E), Jordan Darling (E):
Grade 5-6: Bethany Wagler (E), Brenna
Anstett (E), Sarah Neevel (E), Melissa
Stephen (E); Grade 7-8: Jamie McDonald,
Lindsay Lewis (p), Tom Cooper. Dan
. Spence (E). Jessica Albcr, Meghan Cooper
(E). Tim Snell. Mari Anstett (E).
Early Years: ''Luke -Kennedy (McC),
Timothy Thornton (E), Elizabeth Case (E).
Emily Desjardine (E); Grade I: Brittany
• Meidinger (PB), Kaitlyn Hakvoort (PB),
Becky Barrett (S), Kelsey Holizmann (E)
Grade 2: Brian Marlene (S), Carla
Musser (P8). Kelly Nickel (PB). Anthony -
Vink (PB): Grade 3: Faith Anne Wagler (E►,
Courtney Hrudka (P8), Ryan Bntnell (PB).
Christi Rutledge (E); Grade 4: Ashely Ralph ,
(E). Travis Elder (E), Shane McGregor (E),
Bricanne Harburn (E); •
Grade 5: Shawn Murray (E), Kendra
Halpenny (E). Cindy Gregus (U), Lindsay
Hewitt (U); Grade 6: Jaime Donnell. Joy,
Luangkham, Ryan Borton. Jamie Graham.
Brandon Harvey (E), Brendon Lewis (E).
Jason Batten (E), Jennifer Baker. Alina
• McCrae. Melissa Jones Tony Ens (E);
Grade 7: Bridgett'e Roelands (MIC).
Nikki Cyr (MIC). Troy McCann (MIC).
Kaitlin VanOsch (MtC): Grade 8: Lindsay
. Parsons (MCC). Matt Pfaff (McC), Shauntell
Schwartz (McC). Tom Phouttharath (McC).
MacLeans Automotive Poster Contest
A: Gavin Harrbum (E). Steph McVeeney
(S); B: Brooke Ramsey (EL Jared Anstett
(E), Michelle Hunter (PB);
C: Amberley Dickey (E),. Merissa
Thompson (E), Cindy Gregus (U); D:
Melissa Restemayer (E), Beth Hundey (E),
Bethany Wagler (E), Natalie Ziler (E).
F nvironmental Studies
Early Years: Janelle Clarke (E), Brittany
Holmes (E), Marie -Jose Schroeder (PB).
Evalyn Johns (U); Grade 'I: Kay Weber
(MIC), Kelsey Hern (PH), Daniel Tordoff
• (PB). Stephanie McVeeney ISI; Grade 2: J
Lauren Taylor (E), Mitchell Overholt (PB).
Katelyn Oke (E). Melanie McCann (MIC);
Grade 3: Toni Darling (MIC). Michelle
Muller (MIC), Kylen VanOsch (MICI. Paige
McCann (MIC): Grade 5: Kristylee Varley
(E). Aaron Daters (E), Matt Mattucci (E).
Josh Dean (E);
Grade 6: Rebecca DeVries (E), Jamie l
Graham (E),. Zak Homuth (E), Jennifer
Baker (E); Grade 7: Crelene Duck, Lindsay 13
Parsons, Dolly Chansomone (McC), Gary
Sander (McC). Janna Weber (S).
Poster Competition M
Bethany Wagler (E), Faith -Anne Wagler G
(E). Kaitlyn Krahn (E). M
President's Special G
Picture of sunflower: Charlotte Anderson W
(E), Corey Smith (U), Shawn Kennedy 1
(McC); Shrub garden: Charlotte McEwan 1
(E). Brendan Krahn (E). Richard Johns (U):
Picture of sunflower seeds: Carlynn G
VanMierlo (PH), Joshua Wagler (E), A
Morgan Godwin (P8), Scott Varley (E); m
Red deer model: Brendan Shapton (E), W
Carrie Powe (S). Janessa Varley (E); Ostrich .
model: Claire Hodder (E). Matthew Johns D
(U), Lindsay Powe (S); Sunflower centre- W
piece: Chandra Dougall (U). Jessica Bray M
(U). Kendra Smith (E); '
Large sunflower head: Evelyn Johns (U),
Margaret Geurts (MIC), Janelle Clarke (E); sq
Tallest sunflower: Jenn Vanhie (MC), Julie ch
Prout (U). Michele Weber (MIC). V
Kurtis and, Meghan Brand. Jaci a
Mandl -Payne : Beth Hundey. Betha
Wagler. Danielle Long (E). Carrie Pro
(U), Jonathan Wagler, Jonathan Thorn&
(E); Faith -Anne Wagler, Brooke Rains
(E). Margaret Geurts (MIC).
Huron County Farm and Home
Association Safely Poster
;Early Years: Jace Dougall (U). Tar
Dougall (U). Evelyn Johns (U); Grade 1
'Jeffrey Weido (E). Christine O'Reilly (P
Scott Godwin (U);
Grade•3-4: Nicholas Brand (E), Matthe
Johns (U), Christopher Hem (U); Grade 5
Julie Prout (U). Bethany Wagler (E). Ain
McCann (MIC).
Roots and Vegetables
• Beets: Jonathan W
ad Charlotte Anderson (Ek. Cupcakes - Faith
Anne Wager (E);
I" Grade 6 and under: Cookie cutter cookies
on - David Zwambag (MIC). Holly Hem (U).
ay Julie Prout (U); Banana muffins - David
Zwambag (MtC), Janelle Dykstra (U);
• Nutritious lunch - Bethany Wagler (E),
David Zwambag (MtC):
Nuts and Bolts - Kristy Lee Varley (E).
2n - Laura Nakamura (Holmesville), Bethany
"'•Wagler (E), Faith -Anne Wagler (E); Tea
biscuits - Janelle Dykstra (U); Chocolate
brownies - Jessica Bray (U), Janelle Dykstra
6. (U), David Zwambag (MIC); Unbaked
we goodies - David Zwambag•(MtC), Laura
Nakamura (Holinesville), Mark Seip (E),
Janelle Dykstra (U).
riaDolores Shapton Special
"1 Made it Myself': Tristellyn Russell
ng(H), Cassie Russell (S). David Zwambag
ag (MIC). Bethany Wagler, Darren Glavin. •
rte Little People
in Paper bag puppet: Charlotte Anderson
(E), Richard Johns (U). Corey Smith (Ul.
) Kurtis Brand (S); Trace and decorate hand:
C): Charlotte Anderson (E), Genevieve
am Kennedy
(McG), Corey Smith (U), Shawn
Kennedy (Centralia); -
rs: • Strung edible stickers:. Taryn•Dougall
in (U), Corey Smith (U). Becea Reid (E),
rat ' Cassie Eveland (E): Farm scene: Morgan
id Powe, Tanner Shapton. Kurtis Brand (S).
• Taryn Dougall (U): Sticker picture: Abbey
Brintnell (E), Taryn Dougall (U), Tanner
)' Shapton (E), Corey Smith (U).
acs Novelty
ice Early years Grades 1-2 - Doll paper
en chain: Katie Anderson (E), Jace Dougall
• (U), Halee McCann (MIC), Joshua Wagler
n: (E): Picture made from seeds: Janel(e.Clarke
in (E): Picture from rubber stamping: David
Hodgert (U), Darren Glavin (MIC): Pickli
beets: Alana Hodgert (U). Darren Glav
(MIC); Red cabbage: David Zwamb
(MIC), Evelyn Johns (U), Caroli
Thompson (McG); Cabbage: Darren Glav
Carrots (long): Alana Hodgert (1)
Christine Maes (PB). Darren Glavin (Mt
Carrots (short): Christine Maes (PB). Al
Hodgen (U). Scott Godkin (U); Cucumbe
David Zwambag (MIC), Darren Glav
(MIC); Cucumbers: Scott Godkin (U), Bre
Godkin (U).' Darren Glavin (MIC), Das
Zwambag (MIC);
Spanish onions: Annick Maes (PB
Alana Hodgert (U). Christine Mars (P8
Damn Onions: Dan Glavin (MtC), Annick M
(PB). Christine Maes (PB): Squash: Just
"-Clarke (E). Alava Hodgert (U). Darr
Glavin (MtC);
Pepper squash: Alana Hodgert (U
Cardine Thompson (McG): Pie pumpki
Caroline Thompson (McG). Darren Glav
(MIC): Potables (while): Janelle Clarke (E
Chris Hern (U), Justine Clarke (E), Sc
Godkin (U); Potatoes (red): Christoph
Hern (U), Justine Clarke (E), Caroli
Thompson (McG), Darren Glavin (MIC):
• Sweet peppers: Caroline Thompso
(McG). Evelyn Johns (U). Alana Hodge
(U), Darren Glavin (MtC); Musk,nelo
Darren Glavin (MIC); Watermelon: Ala
Hodgert (U), Billy Brand (S); Tomatoe
Darren Glavin (MIC), Kurtis Brand (S
Alana,Hodgert (U), Scon Godkin (U)•
Gourds (3): Scott Godkin (U), Nico
Vanhie (MIC); Largest potato (any variety
Justine Clarke (E►, Scott Godkin (U), Bre
Godkin (U); Darren Glavin (MIC); Large
squash: Darren Glavin (MIC);
Most unusual sunflower head: Darre
Glavin (MtC). Luke Kennedy (McC). Sco
Godkin (U), Caroline Thompson (McG
Largest corn cob: David Zwambag (MIC
Christopher Hern (U), Scott Godkin (U
Indian Com (3): David Zwambag:
Smallest sunflower. head: Richard John
(U); David Wagler (E), Jillian Clarke (E
Scot( Godkin (U); Best dressed zucchi
(grade 4 and cinder): Evelyn .Johni (U
Richard Johns (U), Kath Vanhie (MIC), Jen
Vanhie (MtC);
Collection of 3 herbs and spices: Michel
.b,'r (MIC):-Carrnoniharacter_.D+vid
but erfy En
KateAt.nders nk(E e E Clothespin
oft (S), Evelyn Johns (U), Amanda Paff (E):
er Reuse: Kath Vanhie (MIC), Kate Anderson
nr (E) Carrie Powe (S), Connor Brintnell (E);
n Maple leaf: Janelle Clarke (E). Evelyn Johns
n (U), Shawn Kennedy (McC), Luke Kennedy
(McC); Birthday hat: Jenessa Varley (E).
n- Luke Kennedy (McC). Kate Anderson (E),
ria Janelle Clarke (E); Pinecone: Carrie Powe
s: (S), Kate Anderson (E), Kurtis Brand'(S),
)• Evelyn Johns. (U); Bouquet: Carrie Powe
(S). Jenessa Varley (E). Kate Anderson (E).
le Brendan Shapton (E); Farm animal: Halee
)- McCann (MIC), Matthew Thompson (E),
"I John Glanville (E); Lindsay Blank. IE).
Grades 3,4,5 - Scene: Jessica Bray (U).
n Kristylee Varley (ELJustine Clarke (E),'
It Laura Nakamura (Holmesville); Candle:
); Kendra Smith (E), Jessica Bray (U). Julie
). Prout.(U). Luke Kennedy (McC): Washup,
); Time: Jessica Bray (1). Lindsay Hewitt (U), -
Danae Krahn (E), Matthew Johns (U)
s Windchime:'Jessica Bray (U), Lindsay
). Hewitt (U), Jenn Vankie (MIC): Article:
in Lindsay Hewitt (U). Jessica Bray (1), Nicole
1: Vankie (MtC),,Jennifer Vankie (MIC); T-.
n shirt; Jessica Bray (U)..Kendra Smith (E),
Aimee McCann (MIC), Jenna Phillips (PB); -
e Hobby collection: •Jessica Bray (U). Scott
McQregOr{E);-Julie-P-rout (U).�.indsay
), 'Hewitt (U);'Birdfeeder: Kristylee Varley
- (E). Jessica Bray (U), Lindsay Hewitt (11),
e Holly Hern (U); Doorstop: Jessica Bray (U),
n 'Janelle Dykstra (U). Aimee McCann (MIC),
Zwambag (MtC). Miranda Mattucci (E
Jenn Vanhie (MIC): A peculiar shaped veg
etablc: Darren Glavin (MIC), Janell
Dykstra (U;r, Scott, Godkin (U), Evely
Grand prize was won by Damn Glavin.
Largest pumpkin: Scott Godkin (U
Alana.Hod8ert (U); Pumpkin sculptor
Lindsay Hewitt (U); Friendship bracelet
Michelle Weber (MIC). Lindsay Hewiti-(U),
). Nicole Vankie (MtC). Jessica Bray (U).
e Tech 21 Succlal
(grade 4 and under)'. David Wagler (E
Evelyp Johns (U). Joshua Wagler (E):
Garlic: Annick Macs (PB), Christin
Macs (PB); Pears: Christopher Mullin (S
Kurtis Brand (S). Darren Glavin (MIC
Justine Clarke (E), Charlotte Anderson (E
Grapes: Kate Anderson (E).
Grain •
Barley: Christopher Hern`(U); Wheat
). Work -plastics: Ian Weston (U); Shelf:
Kristy Bray (U), Courtney Smith (U).
Holiday Happenings
e Angel: Jessica Bray (U). Laura -
). Nakamura (Holrnesville), Coupney Smith
)• (U); Tree ornaments: Ainnee McCann
): (MtC). Margaret Geurts (MIC). Lindsay
, Hewitt (U): Mask: Lindsay Hewitt (U),
Jessica Bray (U), Charlotte Anderson (E); .
Trick,or Treat bag: Jessica Bray (U),
Christopher Hern (U): Grain corn: Davi
Zwambag (MtC): White beans: Richter
Johns (U), Matthew Johns (U), Evelyn John
(U); Soybeans: Christopher Hern (U)
Richard Johns (U). Evelyn Johns (l))
Matthew Johns (U).
Asters: Janelle Clarke (E). Nicole Vanhi
(MIC), Justine Clarke (E). Kath Vanhi
(MIC)• Bachelor buttons. cornflowers
Richard Johns (U), Evelyn Johns.(U), David
Zwambag (MIC). Kurtis Brand (S);
Chrysanthemums: Janelle Dykstra (11)
Cassie Russell (Dashwood);•Darren Glavin
(MCC). Kurtis Brand (S); Chrysanlhemurns
Justine Clarke (E), Janelle Clarke (E)
Allison Smith (E), Darren Glavin (MC)
Cosmos: Evelyn Johns (U). Richard Johns
(U). Janelle Clarke (E). Justine Clarke (E);
Dahlia (small): Kurtis Brand (S), Chris
Mullin (S), Janette Clarke (E). Margaret
Geurts (MtC); Dahlia (large): Janelle Clarke
(E), Justine' Clarke (E), Chris Mullin (S)•
Kurtis BrandjS); Gladiolus: Christine Maes
(PB), Richard Johns (U), Darren Glavin
(Mt('): Nicole Vanhie (MIC); •
Marigolds: David Zwambag (MC).
Evelyn Johns (U). Janelle Dykstra (U), Chris
Mullin (S); Marigolds: Margaret Geurts
(MtC), Chris Mullin (S). Darren Glavin
(MtC). Evelyn Johns (U); Pansies: Janelle
Dykstra (U),. David Zwambag (MIC),
Darren Glavin (MIC); Petunias: Kurtis
Brand (S). Evelyn Johns (U). Margaret
Gems (MIC). Christine Maes (PIP;
-Roses: Janelle Dykstra (U), Darren
Glavin`(M(C), Kendra Smith (E); Roses:
Janelle Dykstra (U), Kendra Smith (E),
Darren Glavin (MtC); Snapdragons:
Margaret Geurts (MtC). Kunis Brand (S),
Justine Clarke (E), Janelle Clarke (E);
Zinnias: Janelle Clarke (E), Justine
Clarke (E). Janelle Dykstra (U), Chris
Mullin (S): -Zinnias: David Zwambag (MIC),
Justine Clarke (E), Janelle Clarke (E),
Nicole Vanhie (MIC); Flowering kale; or
cabbage: David Zwambag (MIC).
Grand prize: Janelle Clarke.
Spedal Flower Arrangements
The Little Green Sprout: Katherine
Venhie (MIC). Evelyn Johns (U). Richard
ohns (U); Mary. Mary Quite Contrary:
Evelyn Johns (U), Kath Vankie (MIC),
ustine Clarke (E). Matthew Johns (U);.
Evergreen: Darren Glavin (MtC).
Birthday party: Zacho Doougall (U), Alana
Hodgert (U), Doreen Glavin (MIC);
Vacation: Beth Hundey (E), Cassie Russell
S). Aimee McCann (MMC). Halee McCann
MIC); Friends: Karen Passmore (1)), Kristy
ray (U).
.Car or truck: Matthew Johns (U), Scott
cGregor (E); Original tractor: Scott
odkin (U), Matthew Johns (U), Terry
cLellan (E); Dinosaur model: Scott
odkin (U), Faith -Anne Wagler (E), ,David
agler (E), Jenn Vanhie (MtC); Christmas
ree: Evelyn Johns (U), Faith -Anne Wagler
E), Matthew Johns (U);
Airplaine, car, truck, m. torcycle: Darren
lavin (MtC), Mark Dietrich (PB), Nick
nsleti (E), Janelle Dykstra (U); Farm
achine: Mark Dietrich (PB), Jonathan
agler (E), Christopher Hem (U);
Original robot or space vehicle: Mark
ietrich (PB), Clint Homuth (E), Jonathan
ager (E); Fishing boat: Sean Murray (E).
ark Dietrich (PB).
Cooking and Baking
Grade 3 and under: Unbaked cereal
cues • Johnathan Wagler (E), Chocolate
ip cookies - Kate Anderson (E1. Morgan
oodwin (PB). Cor.nor Brintnell (E)•
d Tuesday -Dawn Gillen (E),-Kallie-Joe
d Morneau (E); Mobile: Jessica Bray (U).
s Lindsay Hewitt (U): Napkin rings: Courtney
• Smith (UL)Jessica Bray (U), Lindsay Powe
• (S). '
Hucondale Women's institute
"Home and Country"
e Preschool - My favorite animal: Charlel(e
e Anderson (E), Richard Johns (U), Corey
Smith (U); Bouquet: Tanner Shapton (E).,
Richard Johns (U). Corey Smith (U); • •
Early Years, Grades 1-2 - Family: Katie
Anderson (E). Mandy Eveland (E). Evelyn
Johns (U): "Happiness is:.:": Kurtis Brand
(S). Brandon Shapton (E);
• Grades 1,4,5 - Favorite season: Julie
Prout (U). Janelle Dykstra (U), Claire
Hodder (E): Article: Jessica Bray (U).
Nicole Vahie (MtC). Aimee McCann (MIC):
Grades 6,7,8 - My house: Beth Hundey
(E), Karen Passmore (U). Jennifer Baker
(E): Decorated parcel: Bethany Wagler (E).
Margaret Geurts (MIC).
Computer Whiz
Grade 1-2 - Picture: Katie Anderson (E),
David Wagler (E). Rosha Westelaken (PB►:
Grade 3-4 - Card or calendar: Justine
Clarke (E), Mark Dietrich (PB), Janelle
Martin (E); '
Grade 5.6 Illustrated story: Tien O'Neal
(S), James Obre (S), Milou Yanjeck (S);
Grade 7-8 - Design a front cover: Kristy
Bray (U), Robin Nicholson (S). Sheldon
Snell (McC).
Musical Instrument
Early years, Grades 1-2 - Shake(•: Joshua
Wagler (E), Richard Hern (U). Christine
O'Reilly (PB); Grade 3-4 - Song: Garrett
Redegeld (E), Sarah Austin (E),•Billy
Taylor. Steve Holmes (E);
Grade 5-6 - Research: Mandy Marsden
(E), Aimee McCann (MIC), Enid
Drummond (PBI: Grade 7-89 - Music
review: Pam Pickering (S), Robin Nicholson
(S), Miranda Noels (S).
Native/pioneers .
Grade 1-5: Courtney Hrudka (P8).
Michelle Hunter (PB), Mark Seip (E), Cam
Robertson. David Markle (PB). Amy
Eyeland (E), Darin Denomme (PB), Room
6 (Gr.2./3)(E): Justine VanEsbroeck (PB),
Melissa Smith (PR). Sarah Nab (U);
Grade 6-8: Gary Sauder (McC), Lisa
Hindmarsh (McC). Ken Rattana (McC),
Willy Coward (McC). Lindsay Parsons
(McC►, Tom Phoutharath (McC). Matt Pfaff
(McC), Brandon Harvey (E);
Selah Family Books
Early Years, Grades 1-2 • Bookmark:
Bethany Wagler (E), Kristy Bray (U),
Darren Glavin (MtC): Grade 3,4.5 - Poster:
Jessica Bray (U), Michelle Roy (E), Lindsay
Hewitt (U); Grade 6,7,8 • Bumperslicker:
Leanne Comeau (E), Elyssa (R'oom 5) (E),
Kath Vanhie (IMC). '
Purple Turtle Special
Painting of a turtle: Genevieve
Thompson (McG), Tanner Shapton (E),
Joshua Wagler (E); Crayon or marker draw-
ing: Alisha Morrissey (P8), Weber Kay
(MtC). Katie Anderson (E); Cut and paste:
Aimee McCann (MtC), Julie Prout (U),
Jessica Bray (U).
Greeting Card World
Brithday card: Jessica Reid (E), Justin
Anstett (E). Tiffany Hem (PB); Popup greet-
ing: Lindsay Hewitt (U), Ashley DeVries
(E), Janette Dykstra (U); Invitation:
Courtney Smith (0). Bethany Wagler (E),
Kristy Bray (U).
Pizza Delight Special
Logo: Scott Varley (E), Anthony Vink
(PB), Hales McCann (MI'`); Page story:
Krystal Stanley (E), Jessica Bray (U),
Janelle Martin (E); "I like pizza because...":
David Zwambag (MIC), Bethany Wagler