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Times -Advocate, September 10, 1997
Combine clinic
hati.1,416to ioro ,; y. aqr t:tom
Becker Farm Equipment
hosted a Combine Clinic
last Wednesday from 10
a.m. until noon. The
event included a short
film and discussion on
the history and ad-
vantages of the axial
flow combine. Area
farmers had the op-
portunity to speak with
farm equipment repre-
sentatives about the
newest combines on the
Farm tour stop. From left, Brett, Paul and Virginia Warwick along with Elaine, a three-year
old Jersey will welcome visitors to their farm on October 5 for the Huron Farm Hiker Tour.
Get a close look at
agriculture on farm tour
On October 5, selected farms and
agricultural facilities will open their doors
to the public on the Huron Farm Hiker Tour
EXETER - Have you seen the lat-
est in pork production? Or seen
how honey is made? Or looked
deep into the eyes of an emu?
This week at Denfield Livestock Sales noon to5 p.m. . s lec� d farms and
"On ndber 5 from
age price 91.13. - agricultural facilities will open their
Jeremy 1Glills, Oil Springs sold 3 doors__ so you_can see, feel..hear
taste and smell what's unique and
steers, average weight 1180, aver- important about agriculture in
age price 93.68. South Huron. The Huron Farm Hik-
Morley Hodgins, Parkhill sold 14 � er Tour will give you a chance to
steers, average weight 1341, aver- „see your food sources and talk with
age price 90.84. '''the people who produce the food
Jim Thompson, Ailsa Craig sold
6 heifers, average weight 1258,
average price 88.63 and also.6
steers, average weight 1479, aver-
` -rte- DENFIELD -
Livestock Sales
Market Report
for Tuesday,
September 2.
The market at Denfield
Livestock met a moderate demand
• at prices $1.00-$2.00 lower on all
classes of fed cattle.
Cows sold lower, veal steady,
stockers steady, pigs, sows and
boars lower.
Bill Cascaden, Oil City sold 11
heifers, average weight 1182, aver-
age price 93.09, to a high of 100.50
purchased by Norwich Packers.
Carl Whiting, 0i1 Springs, sold
I2 head, average weight 1198,
average price 93.03 to a high of
96.75 purchased by Holly Park
' Meat Packers'.
Bill Duff; Croton sold 13 steers,
average weight 1228, average price
92.11 to a high of 97.25 purchased
by Norwich Packers.
Joe Manders, Watford sold 10
steers, average weight 1232, aver -
Brussels livestock sales
The sales at Brussels Livestock for the week ending September 5, 1997
Fed cattle: 568 Cows: 198
Veal calves: 382 Lambs and goats: 242
Stockers: 1834
The top quality fed steers and heifers sold steady with second cut selling 51-52 lower.
Cows sold SI lower. Hol. veal sold 55 higher with beef veal selling steady. Lambs sold on
a strong trade. All classes of stockers sold on a stead) trade.
There were 359 steers on offer selling from 8601 to 94.0) to the high of 100.75.
Three steers consigned by Dennis Lamport. Crediton averaging 1270 Ihs. sold for an aver-
age of 95.82 with sales to 1(81.75.
Thirty-one steers consigned by Jint Howatt. Londesborough averaging 1308 Ihs. sold for
an average of 96.16 with sales to 100.00_
Eleven steers consigned by Kada Farms. Bluevalc averaging 1338 lbs. sold for an average
of 92.63 with sales to 99.00.
Thirty-four steers consigned by Murray Forbes Farms Ltd.. Clinton averaging 1289 lbs
sold for an average of 91.45 with sales to 97 50.
Thirty-one steers consigned by Cunningham Farms, Lucan averaging 1328 lbs. sold for an
average of 91.98 with sales to 96.75.
Fifteen steers consigned by John Ik Bier. Lucknow averaging 1308 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 91.38 with sales to 95.75.
Two steers consigned by Ben Inglis. Wmgham averaging 1375 lbs. sold for an average of
92.98 with sales to 95.00.
Six steers consigned by Gerald Friehurger. Wingham averaging 1127 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 87.96 with sales 10 9425.
Ten steers consigned by Don McAllister. Chesley averaging 1437 lbs. sold for an average
of 86.49 with sales 10 94.25.
Eleven steers consigned by Brian Bearss. Si. Marys averaging 1298 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 91.33 with sales to 93.50.
There were 187 heifers on offer selling from 86.00 to 92.(0 to the high of 103.50.
Twelve heifers consigned by Bill Haines. Wmgham averaging 1123 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 92.08 with sales to 103.50.
Eighteen heifers consigned by Johnston Farms. Bluevale averaging 1121 lbs. sold for an
average of 89.99 with sales 10 97.50.
Eighteen heifers consigned by Mux Lea Farms. Woodstock averaging 1197 lbs. sold for
an average of 89.31 with sales to 96.50
One heifer consigned by Don Cronin. Dublin weighing 1055 lbs. sold for 93.75.
Five heifers consigned by De Weerd Farms Inc.. Stratford averaging 1064 lbs. sold for an
average of 90.83 with sales to 92.25.
Three heifers consigned by David Bowles. Brussels averaging 1 165 Ihs. sold for an aver-
age of 90.93 with sales 10 91 25.
Four heifers consigned by Charles Ready, St. Marys averaging 1052 lbs. sold for 90.50.
One heifer consigned by John Ncwans. Wroxeter weighing 1330 lbs. sold for 90.00.
One heifer consigned by Enos M. Shcrk, Wroxeter weighing 1135 lbs. sold for 89.00.
One heifer consigned by Harry Bouwman. Harnston weighing 1065 lbs. sold for 88.25.
There were 196 cows on offer selling from 35.(x) 10 54.00 to the high of 69.00.
Nine cows consigned by David Mullen. Port Elgin averaging 1141 lbs. sold for an average
oR63.22 with sales to 69.00.
Three cows consigned by Harold Weber. Mildmay averaging 1483 lbs. sold for an average
of 55.62 with sales to 64.00.
Three cows consigned by Terry Fritz. Walkerton averaging 1062 lbs. sold for an average
of 54.13 with sales to 59.00.
There were 12 hulls on offer selling from 53.00 to 57.50 to the high of 64.00.
One limo bull consigned by Everett Dustow, Mildmay weighing 2030 lbs. sold for 64.00.
One limo bull consigned by Tom Stull, Listowel weighing 1595 lbs. sold for 62.50.
There were 382 veal and hob calves on offer selling: Beef veal - 90.00 to 122.00; ho. veal
- 85.00 to 95.00; plain ho. 70.00 to 85.00.
Six veal consigned by John Verburg, Londesboro averaging 683 lbs. sold for an average
of 106.29 with sales to 122.00.
Eight veal consigned by John Schwartzentruber, Brussels averaging 634 lbs. sold for an
average of 103.58 with sales to 121.00.
One veal consigned by John Martin: Lucknow weighing 705 lbs. sold for 117.00.
Lambs: 50-80 Ihs. 130.00 to 180.00
80.95 lbs. 122.50 to 160.00
95-109 lbs. 125.00 to 135.00
Sheep: 57.50 to 84.00
Goats: 532.50 to 577.50
Steers:Under 400 lbs. 103.50 to 141.00
400 - 499 lbs. 97.00 to 136.00
500 - 599 lbs. 99.00 to 134.00
600. 699 lbs. 95.00 to 113.50
700 - 799 lbs. 98.00 to 109.00
800 - 899 lbs. 95.00 to 110.50
900 and over 94.50 to 106.00
300-399 Ibs. 93.50 to 120.50
400-499 lbs. 99.00 to 131.50
500-599 lbs. 90.00 to 113.00
600.699 lbs. 87.00 to 106.00
700-799 lbs. 75.00 to 104.00
800.899 lbs. 81.00 to 105.00
900 and over 68.50 to 88.75
Plain stockers 55.00 to 65.00
that you find on your table," said
Pat Down, the event's chairperson.
Even if you live in Huron County
or grew up on a farm or operate a
age price 91.06. •k:farm today, tour organizers guar -
Choice steers: 90.00-94.00, sales ,antee you will learn something on
to 97.25; `the tour.
Good steers: 85.00-90.00; "Where else could you and your
Choice Exotic Cross Heifers: family get up close and personal
90.00-94.00, sales to 100.50; with pork, dairy, turkey and ratite
Good heifers: 85.00-90.00; . farms as well as an apiary, apple or -
Common & Medium: 70.00- chard, riding stable and bean han-
80.00; Good Cows: 55.00-60.00; dling facility all within a Sunday
Canners & Cutters: 40.00-45.00; afternoon?" asked Down.
Shell: 25.00-38.00; Virginia Warwick of "genesis"
Direct to Packer Cows over 600 the first farm on the tour, sees the
lbs.: 100.00;
Direct to Packer Bulls: 106.00;
Choice Veal: 90.00-100.00;
Good Veal: 80.00-90.00;
Plain veal: 60.00-75.00;
Good Holstein bull calves: country and we have lots of it,"
$110.00-$180.00; said Warwick.
. Sows: 54.00-57.00; Her husband Paul is quick to
Boars: 48.00-50.00 point out that Canada is a world
Farm Hiker Tour as an opportunity
to increase agricultural 'awareness
and would like people to gain a re-
spect for the food supply.
"We have safe food to eat in this
Dolt center.
available at Do -it centers
We have a complete line of
quality Shur -Gain Feeds for
all stages of your horse's life
ir•sEQ I
14% and 16% HORSE FEEDS
and stock a complete supply of
and all your horse and animal health products.
III Seaforth ■ Zurich • Londesboro
• Exeter ■ Ailsa Craig
leader in quality agricultural prod-
ucts. The Warwicks have just sold
10 cattle as breeding stock to Co-
lumbia. They have established.. a
hrceding stock program with sales
to South America, Japan and the
United States.
However, the Warwick's farm is
not the only high-
quality operation on the
tour. Each stop has
something special to
show you about ag-
riculture in Huron
Tour organizers en-
courage people to take
their time and enjoy the
drive through the coun-
try. The tour begins at
Morrison Dam' Con-
servation Area, (two ki-
lometers cast of Exeter
and one kilometer south of High-
way 83) where tour packages will
be available from noon to 3 p.m.
Finish the afternoon with a Coun-
try Harvest Supper at the South Hu-
ron Recreation Centre in Exeter.
The Exeter Agricultural Society
will be serving from 4-7 p,m. Tick-
ets are $8 for adults and $4 for chil-
dren between five and 12. Pre-
school children cat for free. For ad-
vance tickets, call Ruthanne Ne-
griyn at 235-2122 or Doris Wei-
gand at 235-0814. Supper tickets
can also he purchased at the start of
the tour, but numbers are limited.
Organizers ask that people bring
a non-perishable food item for the
food bank. This
will be- a day for
the entire family,
except the family
pet. For the safety
of the farm an-
imals, please
leave your pets at
Huron County
is a leader in Ca-
nadian agriculture
and a place where
families work to-
gether to produce
"Bring your
neighbors and
check out what
we do before
your food gets
to the
"October 5 is your once a year
chance to sec working farms. Bring
your neighbors and check out what
we do before your food gets to the
supermarket. Best of all, have fun,"
said Down.
For further tour information,
please call Down at 235-2557 or
Heather Klopp at 236-4314.
z-zzzlEILIE Z
•• •
Endt of ••
John Deere F725
Commercial front mount, 20
H.P., liquid gas, 54' shaft driv-
en mower, cut 1 season
Ford CM224
4 wd, 22 H.P., diesel, front
mount, 600 hrs, 60' mower
deck, hyd transfer
John Deere 212
12 H.P. Kohler eng., 39'
mower deck, var spd, gear
trans, as is.
John Deere 318
18 H.P., twin cylinder, 46"
mower, hyd. trans power steer-
ing, hydraulic couplers
Bolens H16XL
16 H.P., Garden tractor, 42'
mower, electric PTO - Newer
short block, 3 yrs.
Bolen. FS11
11 N.P. Beggs, 38' Front
Mount, mower, gear drive,
articulating unit
John Deere LX176
14 H.P., Kawasaki, 38' mower,
hydro foot, control electric
PTO, 4 yrs old
Bolen. ST110
10 H.P. Briggs, 42' mower,
hydro trans, comes with bag-
ger system
Honda 3813
13 H.P. twin liquid collded
eng., gear trans. 3r mower
deck 51650
Noma 12 HP
Lawntractor, 38" mower deck,
gear trans.
Kubota G5200
3 cyl. diesel, 14 H.P.,
Hydrostatic trans, 48'
mower/front blade
Ford Y+16
16 H.P., 2 cyt Briggs eng.,
hydrofool control, electric pto,
42' mower cut
Roper 11 •
11 H.P. Briggs, 38' side
mower, gear trans
Bolens 14
14 H.P. twin cyl, 42'
mower,hydro foot control,
cruise, electric PTO
John Deere F525
17 H.P., Front mount mower,
46' deck hydro trans., excel-
lent shape
John Deere 170
14 H.P., Kawasaki eng.. 38'
mower deck. 5 spd. trans.
White 12.5
12.5 HP - gear drive • 38' deck
John Deere 175
14 H.P., 38' mower dock.
Call for information
on equipment
not listed
LIIJ nunoi
Tractor & Lawn Equipment
EXETER 235-1115
• • • • • • • • •
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