HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-09-10, Page 5On the
• by Jim Beckett
*issues heating up
The most recent meeting of Ex-
eter Town Council seemed to be
a little more heated than usual.
Read the stories on the front page
and judge for yourself. The
present term is almost over, sev-
eral council members' are not •
coming hack • and . an election is
slated for November. •
This. is a great time for anyone
with something to offer to step
forward and play a pan in the op-
eration of their community. :The
next term will be extremely chat-
lenging as every town or town -M
ship will he facing difficult deci-
sions, • particularly with
downsizing and amalgamation. in
Exeter. council is being reduced
•and to- seven members who will
be elected for the next term.
•Royal tragedy
The life and death of Diana, the
People's Princess; has been cov-
ered -by all segments of the media
more thoroughly. than any story 1'
remember. -
in Exeter Dr. Linda Steele was'.
campaigning for the :removal of
the trashy tabloid newspapers
from store shelves. Her actions
appeared to he•successful- for,
now. but my guess is they'll be
hack -on the news racks soon. The
public appetite for sleazy mu. rn
ism has created a fortune. f
many . publishers and as long
the readership is there the to
!olds and the paparazzi. will he
happy to supply the words and
• Toe tapping time •
Friday cvcniny and • Saturda
afternoon. Oct 17 and 1.B arc di
dates for "406 Musicfest." This -
a Business Association 'prom
tion at 406 Main St. South.
_• slims dies amigo
Congratulations to Lois God -
holt, winner of the first trip of the
month draw :sponsored by the Ex
eter Lions Club-. Lois has
choice of taking a trip to Cuba o
- several other destinations.
• Love those weddings
Getting invited to an Out-of-
town wedding was pretty excited
for a couple of area women. The
got to the _church early and had
good • seats for one of .the mos
,beautiful weddings they had eve
seen...the only trouble was 'they
didn't seem to know anybody
"We're early". one lady .said tc
her friend. "The wedding we
want must he the, next one.'
Again, they. saw another great
wedding but still didn't see any-
hody they knew. Suddenly they
realized they were at .the right
church hut ahead of schedule by
me week.
•Fair parade .
A reminder for area businesse .
thinking about entering a float 11.
the annual fall fair parade. The
• big day. is Saturday. Sept: 20
Floats will form up at the Exeter
United.Church parking lex Judg-
ing is at 10:30 a.m. with the pa-
rade starting at I 1 a.m. Float cat-
egories include: ; club.' or
• organization: business: family:
comic: -antique motor, vehicle:
classic motor vehicle and antique
• tractor. There are also categories 1
.for' l 4 and under: decorated wag-
on or bicycle. costumed character
or comical costume. For more
info call Ruthannc Negriln at
•Hall damage
Being in the wrong _place at the •
wrong time is the only".way to de-
scribe a sudden hail -storm and
the damage it can cause in just a
few minutes. We were part of
the action when hail stones the
size of golf balls pelted buildings
and vehicles on Miple Lake (near
Haliburton) recently., It's times
like this when you really appre-
ciate your insurance company:
Local State Farm agent George
Marr said he had a client that re-
. ported he "broke even" during a
tornado. He lost one driving shed •
but gained a hen house.
•Pet peeve
1 had a chance 'to listen to a
group of hard core shoppers
voice their pet peeve recently.
They all agreed it is being inter-
upted by the telephone when.
they're in the middle of making a
transaction. One person said she
waited 10 minutes while the clerk
checked on delivery of merchan-
dise to the caller . Retailing ex-
perts emphatically suggest the
customer who is actually in the
store should always get priority
over someone who calls on the
Times -Advocate, September 10, 1997 Page 5
Exeter resident Al Harvey, a recent graduate of the Microsoft Systems Engineering pro-
gram, has started a home-based business building, repairing and networkingcomputers.
will happen
rd of Ed merger Local women graduate from
first ever ENTRY program
al •CLINTON - Nothing will happen
or -immediately after Jan. ! predicts
as . •
Huron Board of -Education Direr
Lor Paul Carroll regarding the amal-
gamatton ill the Huron and Perth
public school hoard
•Ina orrespondcnc c sent al the. -
end of August to-prmctpaI.. Carroll
encouraged staff to acccpi the
e - evitahlc,cultural change' which
is will he a result of restructuring.
o- ' He congratulated Huron teachers
andtrtees for providing good
service to its students as well as the
a ---
"We have done a grand rob." he
_ • . said at the September hoard meet
. ing. adding. "We care about the
• kids. Dcin't be anxrnn ..s: h tnl
will go
•-Carroll al§o stated thc• transition
to a new merged hoard will be
Igradual. and although there will he
1 difficult decisions to be madc.•thcy
• Will. he.edcinc in the interest of 'the -
kids. He Said in.thc past the hoard
has been able to achieve necessary
accomplishments without hurting
-anyone and he hopes this attitude
will continue -
By focusing on,strengths and
communicatrng.wcll. Carroll said
system leadcrs.should he able to -
reduce anxiety among teachers
parents and students
Doors wide open
for Hensall Council
HENSALL.= After a four-hour
meeting Monday night. mirmbers of
Hensall Council.were quick to in-
dicate their intentions for this. fall's
Municipal election. •
• Councillors Richard Peckham.
Butch Hoffman and Jeff Reahurn
are definitely not running again-.
Only Councillor Steve Towle. the
newest member of council said he
still thinking about running.
• "1 initially wanted to come and
learn and 1 have dope that.'` said
Towle. adding }ic is considerinf
entering the election race.
Reeve Cecil Pepper is "not a deft -
We" saving it depends on the
:length of the. temt•in light of posse'
ble•tnunicipal restructuring.
Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
Exeter, Ontario NOM 1 S 1
(Established in 18761
Provides Full Insurance
for Farm Properties
New Applications are
Joe Cnefte, RR5 macho
Ron Feeney. RR 2 Dublin.......
Larry Gardener, F*12. Stella
Jade Hodpett. RR1. Khkton
Michael O'Shea RR3 Granton
Morn Wwows, RR2 St Paulo
Wayne Maven Exeter
Joon Moore. Dublin
Jolla* UMac, M110h911
Hemet Moe. Exeter
.A refund from surplus was de-
pleted for all policy holders
who qualify, are on recons and
M rood standing as at Decem-
ber 'i, 1996.
MITCHELL. - .'Mitchell was -the - their cxpericn, c, in business. Onc
site for the first ENTRY (Entrcpre- participant c\plaincd.-"ENTRi,and
neurial Training for. Rural -Youth) other classmates gave me the sou
program. Thursday. September .4. rage -and • the support to helie' a in
nd d f
41- week cour.c
Systems engineer
grad opens home-
based business-.
By Heather Mir
TA Reporter
EXETER - Only a few months
after completing a 10 -month sys-
tems engineer training course with
Microsoft at the Sterling Business
• Academy, Al Harvey is now oper-
aling a home-based business' that's
already "paying the hills." '
Haney credits the, South Huron
Distract High School PACE pro-
gram' with ..giving him a much-
needed boost last year after he was
a victim of the- dreaded '90s down-
sizing: ' He had grown up in a time"'
when jobs were easy to get as well -
as keep and being laid off came a
quite a shock, one he found - dif-
ficult, to swallow with- a family to -
Now, more than a year later. Hat -
.Vey secs losing his job as the first
step oh the. path to a much- more
fulfilling career. He has finished`
high,scho of credits and will par-
ticipate to commencement this fall
HarvcS .describes the 'Microsoft
course •as 'tough' and said it
dwarfed his previous computer
training. 1n addition to hecoimn
gra uate rom the myself and my dream... now 1 have:. literatc_in Windows 95. and Win-
uo. my own business and the skills to
TRY. al( 10 women arc currently survive !n tough economic timee 7
Operating their own businesses in ENTRI' is an initiative of WIZED
Perth and Huron Counties. (Women' and- Rural Economic
ENTRIis ahoui learning new
skills -sharing resources: network-
ing. and being competitive in cur- .
rent economic times, 11 is hands -on -
experience Many local business
people spoke to the group about
vclopment i and is • funded by Hu-
man Resources Development Cana
da. -For, more information about
ENTRY and other Self Employ-
mens programs, contact Charlene
Gordon. 273-5017.
down- NT. ,Harvey is also trained in
networking computers' He was
also able -to "test drive" Windows
98 :and will be. ready when 111i1'ro-
soft releases the new system.
His: business. named- LRV Coni-
puring eznul Consulting; is- already
beginning to thrive with a number
of clients in Exeter and surrounding
area. He is able .to custom -build a'
-Computer system. and offer much-
needed-support--.--He-claims • he is
. able to build and have a computer
system up and running within twa
days. •
As a small sideline. Harvey has
alsctbeen asked to create a well. site .
for one client and hopes to he in=
volved with a fibre -optics priijcct
later this fall. .
Although Harvey is starting out
small in his Anne Street home. he .
would like to see the 'business..
grow into a retail operation sNiih the
potential to hire sales • staff. He
N•ould 'continue._ to work, hands-on
•with the computers and the cus-
tomers. .
Harvey can he contacted at 235-
2136 or by e-mail , at al- .
har Q hay.net. . Check out his
homepage at www.hay.net/-akar /
( O M P U I f R
e►Zit \it1m i. St. 1 . 2 z;-1Stgi
1 -Mail
htrnard htpii le 1,111ei.r
Itltl+: 0-0.1v7rn.►rtti 1111171 , I7711
I?. 'Lill. 1 1, t, Ihrhtr,-
%Ned. Sept. 10
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Buying your
First PC
Fri., Sept. 12, .
9 a.m - 3 p.m.
To The Internet
Sat., ;Sept. 13 ,
A Firs(Look At
Windows 95
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TAKE NOTICE that the council of the Corporation of the Village of Lucan passed Bylaw 1897 on the 2nd day of -September, 1997
under•Section 34 of the PLANNING ACT R.S.O. 1990.. '
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or -agency may appeal.to-the,Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the.
Clerk of the VILLAGE OF LUCAN not later than 30th day of September. 1997-a notice of appeal setting out the objection(s) to the by-
taw and the reasons in support of the objection(s)..Only individuals, co
Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed byan unincorporate andated public 'association or g may Hopeal a zoning by of a tp the
may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of t e.associat onror he grouor group. However, a notice of appeal
BY-LAW 18-97.is a general. by-law amendment which.will apply to -the Park (P) designations .within the Village of Lucan.
THE PURPOSE of this General Zoning By-law Amendment is to provide for home occupation uses:within the Park (P) zones.
THE COMPLETE by-law is available for inspection in the Office of.the Clerk :during regular business hours.
R.J. Reymer, AMCT
Administrator & Clerk
Village of Lucan
161 Main Street
P.O. Box 449
LUCAN. Ontario NOM 2J0
\dAN tN