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Times -Advocate, August 27, 1997
Future plowman. Brent Godkin of Usborne Township was
honing his tractor driving skills at Friday's Huron County
Plowing Match near Seaforth. Look for Godkin at the 2007
Taking alm. •Jack Britnell of
Exeter takes careful aim dur-
ing the horseshoe competi-
tion at the Huron County
Plowing Match. -
Huron County Plowing Match results
SEAFORTH'- The 70th annual Huron County
Plowing Matcit w:is held on August 2 I and 22. oytside
of Scaliirihc• The hosts were {McIntosh Poultry Farms
.Lid. and Gcorge.and Ruth Townsend.. .
Petersen plowers took part. in the Junior Match on -
Thursday whije 30 plowers (J.0 junior and 20 Senior)
took part on Friday. There- were three- horse pinwers
and 1 I Queen. of the Furrow contestants." A total of 59
lands w ere plowed. •-
Fifteen f(irmcr Qucens'of the. Furrow were. present
on .Fnday.•from as far away as Niagara Falls. '
The following i. a list of clnss•and trophy winners:
CIa s- ".lprgtau • • - ; wiener
2 Parker &•Parker Ltd.. Zurich Pat Q'Rourke.
• ' Dublin
3 Koneskiltle. Exeter
4 McGavin Fairni Equip.. Walton
5 Brussel'. Livestock. 11nissels
6 Pinder. TA!. tor. Nlcveilly
Godkm. Feder ' '
7 Earl. Linda & Michael, Becker.
• Dashwood • - •
_,_Paul Dodd.
,Carmen Wcppler.
Gerrid Dalton.
Jason Hug!' I.
Seafo th
Paul Dddds.
, Seaforth
8 Huron Plowmen's Association • Geo. Townsend.
9 ("ani) Gerry Thiel - The Co-operators Winston Roberts.
Toronto •
Leslie Darrington.
• 9•(pm) Hepsall District Coop.'Hensall . Don Wilson.
Woodstock :
, 9A (pm) Huron Plowmen's Association Ruth Darrin)}ton.
And. MacRohhic
9A lam) Huron Plowmen's Association
. .-I()A MGM Townsend Tire:
• Londesboro-
Junior Champion Plowperson: Darcy Flanagan. Dublin
Reserve: Jason Hugill. Seaforth -
. Senior Champion-Plowperson: Paul Dodds. Seafonh
Reserve- Bill Fotheringhamc Seaforth
Ross Gordon Trophy: Best crown on junior day - Gerald
Corbel. Eimer . , . •-
Don Dodds Trophy z --high score. ou( of county - Carmen
Weppler. Clifford ,
MosLOriginal Antique Tractor: Fordson (Don Wilsion.:
Woodstock) •- -
Queen of the ,Furrow: Stephanie MacDonald. daughter of:
Brian and Susan. Shaforth
The plowing nurse. Bev Wafkom of Mitchell won the Class 4 (four furrows, open class)
competition at the Perth County Plowing Match. Wafkom is a registered nurse at South
Huron Hospital in Exeter.
Denfield -
market report
The market
at Dentield
for Tuesday.
August 19 traded
on a steady de • .
mand at easier prices on
all but the fancy fed cattle that traded
steady. Cows regained the 3.00 loss •
from the weekend to trade steady
stronger. Visa{ sold steady, stockers
strong. pigs. -sows. and boars steady.
• Hugh D. Lynch. Hyde Park sold 34
steers avg. st. 1249 1hs.. avg. price
96.15 with,sale. to 104.7`5 purchased •
by MGI aid 103.50 purchased by Nor-
wich Packers. - •
-Bill Duff. Croton sold 13tecrs.
.avg. wt. 13141bs.. avg. price.93.71,
• sales Its 104.00 purchased by {Norwich
Packers. .
Mike Hartman, Dashwood sold 10
steers. avg. wt, •1256 Ihs., tvg�pritz
9Ial(�, sale sees 94.¢0. .
Morley Hodgins. Parkhill sold -14
steers. avg. price 92.30. sales to 93.00.
. Charles and Studs Ecdy, Denfield
sold 3 head. avg. wt. 1040 lbs.. avg.
price 90,45.
Mike Pickering. Dashwood sold 5
steers. avg. wt. 1375 lbs.. avg. price
John Walls. Denfield sold 11 steers.
avg. wt. 1213 lbs.. avg.' price 90:67.
David Minielly, Wyoming sold 15
heifers: avg. wt: 1 1 13 lbs.. avg. price
89.85.'sales to 97.00 purchased by
Ralph Bos Meats.•Strathroy.-
Choice steers 92.00-98.00. sates to
• 104.75 .
Gpod steers: 88.09-92.00, ,
Common Steed: 75.00-85.(0) .
Choice exotic cross heifers: 92 00-
95.00. sales to 97.00 '
Good heifers: 87.00-90.00 •
Common and medium heifers: 70.(4)-
80.0) -
Good cows: 55.00-60.00, sales to
Canners and cutlers: 42.00-50.00
Shells; 20.00-30.00
Bulls: 60.00-.72.00 _
Direct to packer cows over 600 lbs.:
Direct to packer hulls: 1.12
Choice veal: 95.00-105.00'
Good veal: 80.00-90.0)
Plain veal: 65.00-75.00
Goaxl holstein hull calves:.100.00-
Pigs: 40.00-60.00 Ihs.: es00-1.10
Sows: 58.00-62.00
Boars: 50.00-53.00
Co-rilcopes with
cool weather
LUCAN - Local farmers gathered
last Wednesday to take a closer
look at Zeneca Seeds Heartland
corn near Lucan at Bob and Peter
Hodgins' corn test plot. Zeneca Re-
search Agronomist Kent Schubert
presented information on crop
agronomy and Zenica's research.
Schubert said there have been re-
ports of skips and doubles in corn
rows. With last spring's short plant-
ing season. many farmers planted at
a faster speed than their planters
.could handle. He recommended
farmers examine their planters,
planting style and soil types.
"With skips and doubles. while it
many not look as good as you want
it,' five per cent (yield reduction) is
the very worst it will get in•drastic
cases," Schubert said.
Tillering is also present, a func-
tion of cooler weather that varies
from hybrid to hybrid. according to
"Suckers (tillers) won't hurt -the
yield from the main plant. Under
stress, a plant will mobilize the dry
matter worth anything out of the til-
ler," he said. adding, tillers are a re-
serve tank for the main plant.
Corn is in the tasseling phase.
Schubert said this year the tassels
came out on time even though the
region is far behind in heat units. if
the weather is cool. the silks come
on slowly. If the weather gets hot,
the silk is released quickly and
trapped in the husk. forming a silk
On the positive side, corn borer is
on the decline. The population fol-
lows a seven-year cycle and is
"heading into a trough" with low
overwintering numbers.
Schubert reported Zenaca is also
working on several corn varieties
that will be tolerant of 'the fol-
lowing conditions: high pH, cool
weather, heat and herbicides.
Com cline. Zeneca Research Agronomist Kent Schubert
talked to local farmers about this year's com crop last
Wednesday near Lucan.
Brussels livestock sales
The sales at Brussels Livestock for the week ending August 22, 1997
Fed cattle: 754 Cows: 211
Veal calves: 497 Lambs and goats: 364
Stockers: 2109 • -
The fed steers and heifers sold at prices 51.00 lower. The cows traded steady to Iasi week.
On Thursday the veal traded 52.00 to 55 00 lower. The lambs sold fully steady to last
week. On Fnday both the calves and yearlings sold steady.
7 here were 543 fed steers on offer selling from 88.00 to 94.00 to the top of 100.25.
A lim.-steer consigned by Jim Howatt, Londesboro, weighing 1435 lbs. sold for 99.50.
with his total offering 0115 steers averaging 1315 lbs. selling for the overall price of
96.17. -
Twelve steers consigned by Brian Bearss, RR I SI. Marys, averaging 1295 lbs. sold for an
average puce of 94.22. with one gold steer weighing 1300 lbs. selling for 97.25 to Nor-
wich Packers..
Thirteen steers consigned by Schmidtbrook Fauns, RR 6 Woodstock. averaging 1383 in
weight. sold for an average price of 91.13, with sales to 97.25. •
A limo. steer consigned by Robert Hill, RR 2 Arthur; weighing 1325 lbs. sold for 97.25 to
Holly Mean Packers. with his total offering of five stars averaging 1314 lbs. selling for an
overall pnce of 92.36.
• Fifty=two steers consigned by Cunningham Farms. RR 2 Lucan, averaging 1358lbs. sold
for an average pnce of 91.90 with sales to 96.75. -
A Gold steer consigned by Elwood Donald. RR2 Mount Forest weighing 1330 lbs. sold
for 96.5(1
Eleven steers consigned by Kada Farms. RR 2 Bluevale. averaging 1343 lbs. sold for an
average price of 92.02. with one steer weighing IMO lbs. selling for 96.00 to Norwich
Packers. '-
Five steers consigned by David Bowles, RR 3 Brussels, averaging 1265 lbs. sold for an av-
erage of 92.32; to the high of 95.75.
A Rwf steer consigned by Han -y Bouman, RR 4 Harriston. weighing 1315 lbs. sold for
95.75, with his total lot of eight steers averaging 1278 lbs. selling for the overall price of
199 fed heifers on offer sold for 88.00 to 94.90 to the high of 100.00.
Eleven heifersconsigned by Bill Haines, RR 4 Wingham, averaging 1186 lbs. sold for the
-average price of 94.51. with one red heifer weighing 1050 lbs. selling to Dominion Meats
tier 101).00.
A Iim. heifer consigned by Hugh Love. RR 2 Atwood. weighing 1190 lbs. sold for 97.25
to Norwich Packers. with his total offering of eleven heifers averaging 1101 lbs. and sell-
ing for the overall price of 91.84. •
Fighteen heifers consigned by Johnston Farms. RR 2 Bluevale, averaging 1.133 lbs. sold
• for the average price of 92.65, with sales to 95.75. -
Eighteen heifers consigned by John McFarlane. RR 3 Granton, averaging 1 109 lbs. sold
for an average puce of 93.69. to the high of 95.50. .,
Twelve heifers consigned by Archie T. Campbell, RR 1 Iona Station. averaging 1094 lbs.
soldfor the average pace of 91.38 withone roan heifer weighing 1130 lbs. selling for
95.0010 Dominion Meats. - - ` .!;% lens heifer consigned by K&A Beef Fauns, Wroxeter. weighing 1028 lbs. sold for 94.00
to Norwich Packers. with his total of fourheifers,averaging 1030 lbs. selling for ihe over-
all price of 92.62.
Nine heifers consigned by Grant Campbell, RR 1. lona Station.. averaging 1104 lbs. sold
for' an average price of 91.23, to ihe top of 93.50. •
Two heifers consigned by Tom Skinner. RR 2, Si. Pauls. averaging 1038 lbs. sold for
211 cows on offer sold for 40.00 to 57.00 to the top of 67.50.
A red cow consigned by Murray LundyRlt 3 Hepworth. weighing 1(29 lbs. sold for .
• 67.50.
A char. cow consigned by Bill Weber, RR 3 Walkerton, weighing 1315 lbs. sold for 65.50.-
A hol. cow consigned by Vandrunen Fauns: RR 5 Seaforth, weighing 1795 lbs. sold for
59.(x). -
Tweh•e hulls on offer sold for 50.00 to 58.00 to the top of 69.00.
A limo. hull consigned by Dave Hawkins. RR 1 Wingham, weighing 2075 lbs. sold for
• ,69.0).
A hlk. hblt consigned by Gerard Voisin. RR. 1 Formosa, weighing 1195 lbs. sold for 68.(0.
A char. hull consigned by Ron Hare. RR 4 Mcaford. weighing 2445 lbs. sold for 67.00.
There were 497. veal and bob calves on offer: Beef veal - 90.00 to 127.00; hol. veal - 80 (8)
. in 95.00: plain hol - 60.00 to 80.00. -
A h'wf veal consigned by Martin Metske. RRR 5 Lucknow weighing 625 lbs. sold for
•1 1050.' -
A grey veal consigned by John Martin. RR 1 Lucknow• weighing 680 lbs. sold for 108.50.
• A veal consigned by John Verburg, RR 1..Londesboro• weighing 540 lbs. sold for 108.00.
Lambs: Under 51) lbs- ') 105.01 to 11)7-51)
130 (x) to 165 00
80-95 lbs.
Slecrs:Undcr 410) lbs..
-100 - 499 lbs.
5(8) - 599 lbs.
600 - 699 lbs.
70) - 799 lbs:
800 - 899 lbs.
9lnand over / -
- Heifers:
3(8)-3s lbs.
410-4 lbs.
500-599 lbs:
' 610-699 lbs..
700-/99 lbs.
.800;899 lbs.
Six) and over
Plain stockers -
1 18 (x) to 116 (8)
11)7 51) 10 13-5 (8)
- 1515 10 li $414x1
102 (x) tit 1401x)
98 (8) 10 137 (x)
11)1 (8) to 113 50
98.00 to 118 lel
84.5010 111 Ix)
900.1 to 107 (x)
94.00 to 1(17 50
89.50 to 134.00
87.00 to 120.50
94.00Jo 110.90
77.50 to 111.50
-11.2.5 to • 106.00
85.00 to 106.50
60.00 to 96.00 .
55.00 to 65.00
' r
The Huron Stewardship Council and several Livestock -
Commodity Groups are hosting a field dernonstration profiling
some of the latest technology and information relating ter liquid
manure application.
Friday, September 5, 1997 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Lot 21, Concession 4, Mcltillop Township
lone intersection east of Seoforth and two north)
John Arts, pork producer and host farmer
Don Hilborn, OMAFRA Worts Management Specialist
Gary Roberts, Strallord Agri Anotysis
Equipment Demonstrations
-what's new from Husky, Nuhn and DFK (Vetter)
For more info contact Steve Bowers (B87-9137), Rowena
Wallace (522-0804), or Evert Ridder (482-5033)
Huron Stewardship Council:
"Dedicated to responsible management of our soil, water and other
natural resources."
For Emus, Ostriches, Rheas
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