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Times Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 21
Aeronautics grads First grads. Gustavo Aragon and Oscar Verdugo were the first Renaissance Aeronautics As- sociates Inc. graduates to receive Canadian Aviation Maintenance Council distinction. The Huron Park -based RAA is the first and only private training organization to receive federal overnment approval and CAMC accreditation. Pictured are Aragon and Verdugo receiving their certificates from Wilson Boynton of RAA. The graduates were presented with their cer- tificates during a reception at the Shall B inn Thursday evening. , .Volunteers at bean festival to be treated to appreciation dinner By Carmel Sweeney Zurich correspondent ZURICH - Last Saturday was a • perfect day for the Bean Festival, warns and sunny and a good crowd of people came to enjoy the day and take part in the many activities. Jody 'Durand. Donna Thiel, their. committee .and many volunteers worked many hours last week get- ting the beans cooked. Their annual appreciation dinner for those who helped' will be• held the third Sunday of November. Registration for Zurich Figure Skating will he held on September 6 from 10:30 a.rn to 12:30 p.nt. at the arena and again on Tuesday evening, Septemhcr 9 from 7 to 9 p.m. Bring along any skates you want to trade or sell, or phone Nancy Rae at 238-8385 for more intormatibn. The club is presenting a fashion show on September 25. ' The Bank of Montreal in Zurich wilt be MAI* "new hours beginning.. on September 8. The wickets will be open from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. from Monday to Thursday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays. Access to the hank machine is 24 hours. Other •banking matters will he handled from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. . Fr. Wronski will he saying Mass on Saturday evening at 7 p.m. and1 beginning on September 7 only one Mass will he said at 9:30 a.m. Oktoherfest will he held at Hessenland on September 6 with the Romeros. a German hand. The Terry Fox Run will be held frons the Zurich Park on September 14 with registration at 1:30 p.m. and the walk at 2 p.m.. rain or shine. Phone Wendy at 236-4882 for more information. or to he a helper. Personals Denny and Rose Overholt will he celebrating their 40th anniversary on August 31. Cord and Verlic Lavery, Zurich and Kevin and Janet Lavery of Greenway recently attended the .outdoor wedding of their son and brother Greg and Jackie Lavery in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia on August 16. It was also a double wedding for the bride's sister Leonia and Brian. The Laverys are living in Trenton. A family garden party was held at the home of Isidore and Paula LaPorte on August 23 with rela- tives on Paula's side of the family attending_- They ..came from Toronto, Peterborough, Lucknow and Prince Edward Island. Jenifer Kipfer and Greg Clark were married on August 23 at the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacte:with the dinner and reception held in Hensall. The bride is- the daughter of David and Hcssic Kipfer, RR 1 Varna, The couple :will ,be living at Kasabonika. ' - ' Sympathy of the community goes'to the family of Ray.and Janice Hartman on the Toss of their son. Greg Hartman on August 19. • Phil and Peggy. Leger of the Maple Woods Apartments has returned from a five-week vacation to Prince Edward island and New Brunswick. They also spent some time in Quebec visiting their daughter and husband. • Happy 13th birthday wishes go to Candace Becker. Dashwood on August 20: to Karen Schenk: to Stasi LaPorte on August 23; to Natalie LaPorte on August 28: to Brian Gelinas on August 31: and to Cannel Sweeney on August 30. Curtis and Mary Gingerich spent last week relaxing and fishing at Chcsley Lake. Family members Cliff and Delores Gingerich and children and Ralph and Yvonne • 01000••••01111114101040400,004019•00•41160 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • _ • • • • •Registration • • • • • • • • • "Exeter Elites ;-�'' • Baton Club" •• _ • • Don't stand in line, follow the band and sign up for • Baton! Make new friends or bring your friends along. • & Classes begin •• • Sept. 3 - 5:30 p.m. - Exeter PS •• • or call Sandie at 519-284-0450 Evenings • ' for ages 5 and up' •• Cost: $ 100.00/yr • • FREE LESSONS FOR SEPTEMBER! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dont Miss the Last Week of... Lerner & Loewe's AUGUST 12 TO AUGUST 30 Sponsored by: 0 union Gas BOX OFFICE OPEN !! Monday to Saturday 9 a:m. - 9 p.m. (519) 238-6000 or 1-800-706-6665 Gingcrich and family of Elmira holidayed there also. The annual family reunion and picnic was held for members of the Schilbe's on Saturday at the home of Laird Schilbe near Bayfield. Relatives attended from as far away as Alberta. A family get-together was held'at the, home of Cleave and Margaret Gingerich on Sunday'with some cousins coming from Kitchener. Bernadette Denornme spent the past two weeks visiting with her son Mark and Mary Teresa Denomme at their cottage on Manitoulin _Island; They crossed over on the ferry at Tobermory. Bob and Linda Hendrick -and girls spent the past 10 days camp- ing at Algonquin Park. Community Gent% Bingo Wed. Aug. 27 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1000 Jackpot Game 56 calls or Tess $2100 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 E 5 E € Weather forces church service indoors GRAND BEND - Due to the damp weather; the service at Grand Bend United Church was held indoors on August 17. The special music was solos by Don McLean "By Cool Siloam's Shady Rill." "Song for Russian Child" and "Jesus Loves Me." Rev. R.. Putman's sermon topic was "Where is your church:'" . The scriptures were read .by Ken Lawton. The opening hymn sing of favorites chosen by the congrega- tion was led by Lucy Sage. Lynn Tremain and - Norman Abbott played piano to accompany the singing. Correction In last week's Times Advocate, Niall -Straw was incorrectly identi- fied as the vice-principal of McCur- dy Public School. Straw is the new- ly -appointed principal of McCurdy and Willi Lauric is the new vice- principal. • - The T A apologizes for any con- fusion this error may have caused. IVNW UN$$$IIM Dance Hall 9 p m. I a.m 349-2678 Line Dancers Welcome Fri. Aug. 29 Sunrise Sat., .Aug. 30 Wired West UMWWWWWWWFMN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6 CKNX Country 920 proudly presents 'nominated for Canadian Country Male Vocalist of the Year • 'nominated for Canada Country Best New Act watch for his videos on CMT Tix $7 advance/$10. at doo Hwy. 8 West. Clinton 482-1234 1 r u 1,n a tr i /liu'uluriuralitlmlldu'r' mrdiritr�pli�/ I)o You Have Children between the ages of 3 & 8? Register Now for Fall Kodaly� Method Music Classes 4 Basic music skills built through • singing • playing • listening • moving. Eligibility: Children aged 3 (as of Sept. 1/97) up to Children entering grade 2. (Sept. 1997) Half hour classes beginning Sept. 15 in Hensall • 12 week term $60.00. • 2-1 2wee erms$ iD06 For more information or to register call Aimee Rau Shelly Hoffman 2364555 2364986 I11111111111pIlOWttIIrl1tlWl10l11tuarOrt101I1l141111111l1111r4rlllrlptlre111110111M IUSWItIIWUUWIIIIWUUlUgt111W11i0a1114111UlUUlr 3 3 a 3 a 1 3 3 3 3 14•1•1•14•1•I•I•I•I•:•:•:•:•1•I•1•:•:•:•:•:•:•!•!•:+7.•:•:•I•I•144•I•I•I•I•I•I•1•12 be 9. v .;-. it %///G;✓i. , ...............:*: :..• htob ertj Sunday Brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday, September 6/97 Buffet Dinner & Dance to the Music of the Romeros a esSenlati� Country Inn Open 7 days a week 236-7707 Please reserve nowt 10 km. north of Grand Bend Just north of St. Joseph Times -Advocate, August 27, 1997 CHESLEY MARKET OPEN FRI + SAT + SUN HOUSEWARESEWOFOD PRODUCTS, CLOTHES & MORE. CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME CALL DON (519)881-6199 IIIDATONEEM Jeff Van Bommel & Angela Fiddler SAT. SEPT. 6 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Ilderton New Community Centre Tickets $5 each D.J. and light lunch provided STAG & • DOC Shawn Wiliert & Lori Norton SAT. SEPT. 13 at the ALHAMBRA HALL on Klondyke Rd. Grand Bend Tickets available at the door • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page 21 ('III/llI . _, 4.01 Judith Wells along with Lorne and Linda Morley would like to announce the marriage of their children Brenda Lee and Steven Lorne on August 30, .1997 Open Reception to be held at the Exeter Legion from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. A Disney Double Bill GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE Mus NOTHING TO LOSE • Gales open 8:00/Show at 9:00• Carload Dusk -to -Dawn Sunday` Thurs. & Fri. LUNCH BUFFET SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. ...$4.95 Forthcoming marriage - it is with great joy that Ambrose and Helen Koricina announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Janet Martha, to Matthew James, son of Roy Erb and the late Doreen Erb. The wedding will take place September 19, 1997 in ilderton, Ontario Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary BINGO Thurs., Aug. 27 7:00 p.m. Jackpot .Guaranteed Full card $500. 130-150 Persons $750 Over 150 $1000_ "NEW" Air purifiers No one.•under 18 admitted Lic. #M405944 SMHIB SOSO , i 1 • SPLAT ou;►i 04 , V( l' V. rrl. rl \.t :n-- 1 xr\n iu , u DERNr i'r •/ UERWENT 4 • . t is3 : `,,. a7.►- . , „n ISS' - • 1 • D�1V.� 1 ill • —"!�` `_ • •.. .• PENCIL TiNS Watercolour pastels and graphic from $12.95 Also again stocking sketch pads $6.95 and up SCROLL I PLETHREMT S TRiMNGULATE TELLS YinyIMIN AFL SPOI!JBEI© TRP[MQ[f FRISE NOME ORGAN BMD TAPE TR RAS(, OPiE VENDS ERG CANT DOZED HEISTS TOWNS ©M EARP BLARNEY TRQMTYCH ACID ALLIED MORT RARA RACE BAILS TINY GUQU STRIA AMBI ©EMI BLED SMI VEL RMQN TRICOLOR ROOTERS GRAM PUB DEFOE ARGUER WEIRS UMA© BRA BELAY AMON TRIUMVIRATE FRAU PRO HOREB QAQO NOR TRICYf.LE KERNELS WAITS LOVETRIA©GLQ ©LIME IR[•©©D EGAD CREELS DONTS DANS TEDDY 1 , i 1 • W&re• {D`EINEN1 UERtivi"1 DEPIENT 1 s r �.i i•� E �. r 1 1 's. ,=' r • ou;►i 04 , V( l' V. rrl. rl \.t :n-- 1 xr\n iu , u DERNr i'r •/ UERWENT 4 • . t is3 : `,,. a7.►- . , „n ISS' - • 1 • D�1V.� 1 ill • —"!�` `_ • •.. .• PENCIL TiNS Watercolour pastels and graphic from $12.95 Also again stocking sketch pads $6.95 and up 0 0: Aro r 0 l t o 424 Main St. Exeter, (519) 235-1331 Office Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.