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Tinges-Adaocatr ,August 27, 1997
Birth Announcements
In Memoriams
Cards Of Thanks
BOWMAN/RANNIE - Ron and Susan
wish to announce the birth of their son. Ry -
ley Ruben. on August 14. 1997 at 3:24 p m.
Ryley weighed 7 lbs . 4 ozs. and was born at
Mount Sinai Hospital. Toronto. First grand-
child for Wendy Bowman and the lase Rob-
ert Bowman. third for Jerry and Grace Ran-
nie Eighth great-grandchild for Eileen
Rannie 35c
BUTLER - John and Barb of Huron Park
wish to announce the safe amval of their
fourth daughter. Evelyn Ruth. 7 lbs. 12 oz.,
20 inches long. on August 7. 1997 Wel-
comed by her older sisters. Rebecca. Na,mi
and Kendra. Special thanks to midwives
Jane and Mary 35•
PICKETT - Matt and Ruth Ann (Essery)
are happy to announce the amval of Alexan-
der William. born August 21. 1997. weigh-
ing 8 lbs. 9 1/2 oz . at Grey -Bruce Regional
Health Centre. Owen Sound Proud grand-
parents are Bull and June Essery. Centralia
and I)r. Charles and Dorothy Pickett. St.
Georges. 35
In Memoriams
BROOM - In loving memory of a dear wife
Shirley. who passed away 3 years ago. Au-
. gust 28. 1994.
Take her in Thine arms. dear Lord.
And ever let her be.
-A messenger of love
Between our hearts and Thee.
Sadly missed by husband Herb 35•
With Si
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
August 31
11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m,
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
332 Huron St. W.
Pastor Peter Tuininga
August 31, 1997
10:00 a.m. Moming Service
Sunday School just for age 3
during morning service
Nursery Available
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Everyone Welccme •
Suncay garlic
CJCS 124C, 8'30 • m.
CKNX 92C ' -3C. a.m.
Pally T.V.
Faith 20 G ,bal 5:30 a.m.
August 31
9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Worship Broadcast on '-"'t""'
Community Channel -_
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, August 31
Moming Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
-68 Main Street South
Rev. Daniel Roushome
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro
Sunday, August 31, 1997
11:00 a.m. Moming Worship
Aug. 28 Choir Practice 8 p.m.
Sept. 2 8 p.m. Gordon Auxiliary
Sept. 22 7:30 p.m. Kerygma starts
Visitors are most welcome
Comer of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, August 31, 1997
10:00 a.m.
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Junior Congregation
10.00 a.m.
Social hour following service
Courtesy car: Audrey MacGregor, 235-
September 13, 1997
All welcome /
CARPENTER - In loving memory of Mary
Areca Carpenter who passed away on Au-
gust 26, 1995.
God looked upon His garden,
And found an empty space.
Then He looked down on the earth.
And saw your lovely face.
He put His arms around you.
And lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful.
For He only takes the best.
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you did not go alone,
For pan of me went with you,
To God's garden 'Your new hone
Sadly missed and forever remembered by
husband Key. 35•
.GLENN - In loving memory of our' dear
grandmother and great-grandmother. Beryl,
who passed away September 2. 1996.
September comes with sad regret.
The month. the day. we'll never forget.
You slipped away without a goodbye.
But memones of you will never die
Always remembered by your grandchil-
dren. Tracy and Dave and great-
granddaughter Alyssa. 35•
GLENN - In loving memory of our dear
mother and grandmother. Beryl. who passed
away September 2. 1996.
The moment when you died,
Our hearts were split in two,
One side filled with sweet memories.
The other died with you.
We think of you in silence.
We always speak your name.
For all we have are memories.
Your picture in a frame.
They say there is no reason.
They say time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Helps the emptiness we feel.
For no one knows the heartache,
That hides behind our smile.
No one knows what we would do. -
To sit with you awhile.
Your resting place we visit,
Place flowers there with care,
But no one knows the heartache.
When we walk away and leave you there.
Forever loved. deeply missed, always re-
membered by son Bill and grandsons Rick.
Jeremy and Justin. 35*
GLENN - In loving memory of a wonderful
Grandma, Beryl Glenn, who passed away I.
year ago, September 2, 1996.
1 seen you suffer.
I watched you cry,
1 knew in -my heart, -_ "
It was time for goodbye.
Gram. you meant the -world to me.
Always loved and sadly missed by Kevin.
Valerie. Darci and Bradley. 35c
McCANN - In memory of Peter McCann.
who passed away suddenly August 28. 1975.
You are in our hearts today and always
His Family. 35•
WEBB - In -loving memory of my mother
Helen. who passed away I year ago. August
22. 1996.
Those we love don't go away.
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen. unheard. but always near.
Still loved. still missed, still very dear.
We hold you close within our heart,
And there you will remain.
To walk with us throughout our lives.
Until we meet again.
Lovingly remembered by her daughter
Velma and grandchildren and great-
grandchildren. 35•
Death Novices
MURRAY - Hazel Eleanor Murray. 84. of
Windsor Elms. formerly of Berwick and
Kentville, died June 29. 1997 in the Windsor
Elms. Born in Revelstoke, Bntish Columbia,
she was a daughter of the late George and
Myrtle (Anderson) Hay. She grew up in On-
tario and in 1948 moved to Nova Scotia. She
was active in the Family and Children's Ser-
vices (Children's Aid Society). serving as
secretary of the Board for 23 years. She was
a member of the United Church in Berwick
and Kentville, a Sunday School teacher and
served as president of the Valley Presbyteri-
al. She had also been active in the Progres-
sive Conservative Women's Association and
served as president. She is survived by son
Douglas and wife. Eunice, Collingwood,
Ontario: daughters Ann (Mrs. Hugh Hubbs),
Cobourg, Ontario; Fay (Mrs. R. Douglas
Macdonald), Kentville: sisters. Mrs. Mabel
Jeffrey. Exeter, Ontario; Doris (Mrs. John
Goddard). Patricia (Mrs. Douglas Cook).
both of Hensall, Ontario: seven grandchil-
dren. Chris Murray, Patricia Murray, James
Hubbs. David Hubbs, Jennifer Hubbs, Susan
Kingsbury. Bruce Macdonald. 6 great-
grandchildren. Keith. Kate. Sarah, Rebecca.
Beth, Andrew. She was predeceased by her
husband John Harold. 35c
Cards Of Thanks
BAECHLER • Thanks to family. neigh-
bours and fnends for the many kindnesses
shown to us In the recent loss of our hus-
band. father and grandfather. Bill. We have
appreciated the floral tnbutes. the chartable
donations. food brought ,o the house and the
many cards: but mostly the care shown by
all. Sincere thanks to Rev. Cordell Parsons
for his kind words, prayers and support to
the whole family. Thanks also to the United
Church Women, Bill and Dan at Hopper
Hockey Funeral Home. South Huron Hospi-
tal. Dr. Charles Wallace. Dr. Gerald Chert-
kow, The V O.N. and palliative care. Your
thoughtfulness has helped us through this
difficult time
35c Mary Baechler and family
DAVIS - A sincere thank you to my Bid-
dulph Township Reeve. Council and staff
for the wonderful retirement party held at
the Lucan Community Centre honouring me
on my 31 years as Road Superintendent.
Thanks for the many kind words. surprise
guests, cards and the beautiful gifts and let-
ters: and to my family and all my wonderful
caring friends and relatives who attended. It
will always be a treasured and memorable
35x Sincerely.
EXETER JETS - Under I I Boys Soccer
team would like to thank coach Ted Fragis-
katos and assistant coach Corlette Elder for
a very successful and enjoyable year. We
learned a lot of new skills and the impor-
tance of team play, both on and off the field.
Your support, encouragement and confi-
dence were responsible for our league run-
nerup finish and Kensall Park tournament
championship. Hope to see you next year.
Thanks again.
35c - Parents and Players
of the Exeter Jets
F'INKBEINER - The family of the late Gor-
don Finkbeiner would like to express our
sincere appreciation for get well cards.
prayers, visits, phone calls and flowers dur-
ing Gordon's illness. Thank you. Thanks to
South Huron Hospital and staff for the ex-
cellent care. To Dr. Steele, Dr. Jadd and Dr.
Hodder. VON and Home Care and Dieti-
cian. Special thanks to those who were there
for us in our time of need: for floral tributes.
prayers, donations and cards and food
brought to the house Special thanks to Rev.
Cordell Parsons for all his visits- kindness
and prayers. to Jim and Jean Gladding. the
pallbearers, Bob Heywood and Marione
Johns; the Exeter U C.W. for the lovely
lunch: to the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home
for kindness and understanding dunng the
loss of our loving husband. father and grand-
father. Your kindness is very much appre-
35• Florence. Ruth and John.
Helen and Barry and grandchildren
HAMATHER - This thank you has been
long overdue (my apologies). I would like to
thank South Huron Hospital. Dr. Meyer.
Martha, Darlene Geoffrey. and Jim Hoffman .
of Hoffman Ambulance, for without them. 1
would not be here. I would also like to thank
Dr. Scilley, Gwen St. John and nurses at the
Burn Unit in 'London. Thanks to Wendy
Boyle for her help at Westminster Campus
and at home: V.O.N. nurses Mary Morley. •
Pat Campbell. Janice Hayter Oke for their
help and guidance; Dr. Bill Steciuk for his
help and concern. Thank you to employees
of Huron Motor Products: Northlander In-
dustries all the churches that prayed for me:
Zurich Has Beans for their donation to
South Huron Hospital; Bill and Bob Becker
and staff of Becker Farm Equipment: Ian
McCrae and Judy McLeod at. South Huron
Hospital: all the many people who sent food
and cards of encouragement: all friends,
neighbours. relations. I thank you very. very
much. You will never be forgotten! To my
family, Dad. Mom. Tim and Maria. Cathy
and. Jason, Lisa, Dad and Mom Becker, Dan
and Wendy, Sue Ann and George - thank
you for your love and support! Last, I would
like to thank my own family: Cindy, Tem,
Michael. words cannot express the love 1
have for you three. Cindy, you were there
every day for me, encouraging me on. 1
thank and love you for that. As I look back. I
often wonder if going through what 1 did
was all worth it. I can only say that life is
too short and we all must enjoy .our health.
happiness and families to the extreme! Take
a moment and look at how fortunate we ac-
tually are! Thank you and may God bless
you all.
35c Wayne
HARVEY - We wish to express our sincere
thanks to everyone who attended our 50th
anniversary; for the gifts. cards, flowers.
calls. surprise barbecue and trip to Niagara
Falls: to Rev. Dan Roushorne who renewed
our vows and the-M.P.'s for our 50th anni-
versary certificates. A very special thanks to
our family who made this all possible. Your
kindness and thoughtfulness will never be
forgotten. We love you all.
35c Bill and Velma
HAY - I would like to thank everyone for
cards, prayers. flowers, treats, phone calls
and visits while in University and Exeter
Hospitals. Special thanks to Donna who was
always there for us We appreciate every-
thing more than words can say.
35c Leila and Brenda Hay
HODGSON - 1 would like to thank the Cen-
tralia community for all the lovely gifts re-
ceived at my shower. I would also like to
thank everyone who participated in the
shower and a special thank you to Donna
Smith for organizing a wonderful shower- I
would like to also thank the Bensley com-
munity for all the beautiful gifts received al
my shower and a special thank you to Linda
Lewis for organizing a special shower.
Everything is greatly appreciated
35• Angela
KOEHLER - 1 would like to express my
sincere thanks for all the cards. gifts. treats.
flowers. phone calls and visits while I was in
hospital and since returning home. Special
thanks to our children for all their love and
support and always being with their mother
and me. Many thanks also to Dr. Charles
Wallace and Maggie Visscher for their con-
cern and care.
35* Glenn
MEIKLE • i would like to thank my fancily
for arranging the open house and retirement
party for me, Thanks to all who carne and
for the cards. well wishes and gifts. It was a
great day for me and I really enjoyed it. I
have always enjoyed working at South Hu-
ron Hospital and wish the Hospital Board.
doctors. Hospital Auxiliary and staff contin-
ued success through the years ahead.
35* Alex
PAYNE - I wish to express my sincere
thanks to all those who sent flowers and con-
tnbutions to the charities named following
the death of my husband Carl. who passed
away on August 14. My heartfelt thanks to
Rev. Stan McDonald for conducting the ser-
vice, to pallbearers and 1.M. McBeath Fu-
neral Home. To my friends who were so
thoughtful bnnging food and visiting me m
my home and those who provided beds for
extra visitors. My thanks also to Marj Cole
and her helpers who provided the lunch at
the United Church and to the staff at
Queensway Nursing Home for the good care
he received while a patient there.
35' Hilda and family
WEIGAND - We would like to say thank
you to our friends and neighbours for their
kind words of sympathy expressed in cards,
visits, and gifts of baking and plants; and for
the memorial gift to Calvary United Church
in memory of my Dad. It means a lot to us.
35e Eleanor and Jim Weigand and family
WELLS - Many thanks to my relatives,
friends and neighbours for the cards, flow-
ers. gifts and best wishes on the occasion of
my 80th birthday. A special thank you to my
family for all the work and preparation,
making it a most memorable occasion.
35• Tiny
Happy 1st
Aug. 31/1996
Charlie &
lose and best
wishes. - iurfatnil
ROM (H) 235-0847
(W) 2351314
Learn To Play Bridge
or Play Better
Lessons by a credited teacher.
8 - 2 hour lessons
Manual $15. Lessons S12.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7-9 p.m.
Sept. 9 - Oct. 2
Limited space 235-3198
Happy 75th Birthday
Sept. 1
1-3 p.m.
Best Wishes
Only or
Donations to the i
Food Bank .'
Sponsored by the Huron PC Association
Fri. Sept. 12/97
Brussels, Morris, Grey
Community Centre
800 James St. Brussels, Ont.
6:30 p.m. Cocktails • 7:00 p.m .dinner
Tickets $10.00
For tickets call. lack Coleman 263-2332
• Steven Spading 523-9746 • Tom Jasper
524-4969 or your local municipal chair
From the 'Get Even
1 i It 11 I n t Ill 41 111n III til 111111,iiiiiiInniralnlnnriarawmnmmanmuMimmenirnin i' 1 mit int1/j
Taught by senior high school student studying Grade 10
Piano at Western Conservatory. 2 years teaching
experience. Any age, any level.
For more information call
Julie Darling at 235-1302
or leave a message at 235-2208. Limited space available.
Lessons be, in in September.
umi1 ill 1 tt n rim nn in i tit 11 11111'11 11 .11 it rat 11111111111111mit' WlWanati
Officiated by Ted Butler
- The Way -
Who Seeks for Heaven alone
to save his soul
may keep the path
but will not reach the goal.
While they who walk in love
may wander far
but God will bring them
where the blessed are -
- We are one we love you
Denny & Rose Overholt
ded 411I
Come _and_ help us
celebrate at an "OPEN
NOUSE" at the home of
Denny & Rose from 2 pm -5
pm & 7 pm -11 pm on
Love From Your Family
(Formally the old Hully Gully, Varna)
- an exact tribute to
9:30 PM - AND
You name it they'll play it! -
11:30 p.m.
New and old ROCK 'N ROLL
and remember BRING A TENT!
'7.00 advanced '10.00 at door
Admission Includes overnight
camping and entertainment
For more information please can
(519) 263-2654
YARD SALE - August 30 and 31. -402 William St. Exeter. 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. Boys, Girls and Adult clothing. Movies. toys and much more. (35c)
MULTI -FAMILY GARAGE SALE - Sat. Aug. 30 - 8-12. 501 Mary St.
(corner Huron and Mary) Exeter. Little Tykes playhouse, bikes, Prego
stroller, children's toys. stuffed animals, clothing and much more.
YARD SALE - Saturday, August 30 - 8:00 a.m-7 (Rain date Sunday.
August 31). on Highway 4 just south of Mt. Carmel Drive. Bicycles. golf
clubs, baby items, toys, workshop equipment, kitchen items, pine wood
crafts and lots more. (35*)
YARD SALE • Saturday, August 30 - 8 a.m. (later if raining). 414
Marlborough St. Household items, etc.. many adult and 6-8 boyswear
bargains. (35x)
YARD SALE - Saturday. August 30 - 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 11 Snider
Cres., Exeter. Boys clothes,: -wedding dress,. designer curtains and
blinds, etc. (35c)
Coming events
YES! IT'S TRUE. Murray's Chnstmas House will he open every day. 10 a to 4 30
p rn. starting September 3 to December 23 10% off every purchase and 511'?r orf select-
ed merchandise. Offering unique gifts. decorating ideas. thousands of choices fill I() ex-
citing rooms. You've seen us on T V , and read about us Please conte share "Our Magi-
cal Chnstmas Home". Treat yourself. your family and all your friends. to the ultimate
shopping exppenence. 7304 Richmond St.. Arkona. 519-828-3398 or 1.8(X).575-1974
HURON UNITED WAY Annual General Meeting. September 8. 1997. 7 p.m., OMAF
Office. Clinton, Ontario If you are a supporter. you are welcome: 3s
SOUTH HURON BIG BROTHERS/SISTERS Annual General Meeting. September
111. 1997. 7 p m.. South Huron High School library Everyone welcome! 35c
COME SING with the Blyth Festival Singers: Vivaldi -s Glona for Chnstmas and a
spnng concert. Practices begin Wednesday. September 10. Regisuation between 73(1
and 8 p rn . June Hill Room. above the Blyth Festival offices. For details call 519-357-
2331. )5.36c
KIRKTON FALL FAiR, September 12, 13. 14, 1997, Kirkton Woxlharn Community
Centre. Featunng parade. pet show, baby show, pedal tractor pull. farmer Olympics,
demolition derby, fiddlers jamboree and much more. 15c
7:30 p.m. at South Huron Recreation Centre. Anyone interested in sponsonng a contest-
ant, please call 235.0814 no later than September 8. 1997. 35.36e
SHDHS COMMENCEMENT, September 26 at 7:30 p. in. Everyone welcome. 34-36x
COMMUNITY LIVING SOUTH HURON. Our annual craft show and hake sale is
Saturday. October 18. New vendors welcome. Please call before September 30, 236-
4208 or 233-9297 after 6 p.m. 35-37
ANXIETY DISORDERS. The Free From Fear Foundation is a non-profit organization
dedicated to helping individuals suffering from anxiety disorders. As well as providing
a number of vital services, a new informative and educational "Newsletter" on Anxiety
disorders is being produced. If you suffer from panic attacks. phobias, agoraphobia- de-
pression. anxiety or fears. you are not alone. Help is available. To receive free informa-
tion that deals with these issues write to: Free from Fear Foundation. 1848 Liverpool
Road. Suite 199. Pickenng. Ontario. LIN, bM3. 35x
B -Day!!
Jr. 'Love
, t`�i..;;
Michele and1 A 1 -
Denny & Rose Overholt
ded 411I
Come _and_ help us
celebrate at an "OPEN
NOUSE" at the home of
Denny & Rose from 2 pm -5
pm & 7 pm -11 pm on
Love From Your Family
(Formally the old Hully Gully, Varna)
- an exact tribute to
9:30 PM - AND
You name it they'll play it! -
11:30 p.m.
New and old ROCK 'N ROLL
and remember BRING A TENT!
'7.00 advanced '10.00 at door
Admission Includes overnight
camping and entertainment
For more information please can
(519) 263-2654
YARD SALE - August 30 and 31. -402 William St. Exeter. 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. Boys, Girls and Adult clothing. Movies. toys and much more. (35c)
MULTI -FAMILY GARAGE SALE - Sat. Aug. 30 - 8-12. 501 Mary St.
(corner Huron and Mary) Exeter. Little Tykes playhouse, bikes, Prego
stroller, children's toys. stuffed animals, clothing and much more.
YARD SALE - Saturday, August 30 - 8:00 a.m-7 (Rain date Sunday.
August 31). on Highway 4 just south of Mt. Carmel Drive. Bicycles. golf
clubs, baby items, toys, workshop equipment, kitchen items, pine wood
crafts and lots more. (35*)
YARD SALE • Saturday, August 30 - 8 a.m. (later if raining). 414
Marlborough St. Household items, etc.. many adult and 6-8 boyswear
bargains. (35x)
YARD SALE - Saturday. August 30 - 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 11 Snider
Cres., Exeter. Boys clothes,: -wedding dress,. designer curtains and
blinds, etc. (35c)
Coming events
YES! IT'S TRUE. Murray's Chnstmas House will he open every day. 10 a to 4 30
p rn. starting September 3 to December 23 10% off every purchase and 511'?r orf select-
ed merchandise. Offering unique gifts. decorating ideas. thousands of choices fill I() ex-
citing rooms. You've seen us on T V , and read about us Please conte share "Our Magi-
cal Chnstmas Home". Treat yourself. your family and all your friends. to the ultimate
shopping exppenence. 7304 Richmond St.. Arkona. 519-828-3398 or 1.8(X).575-1974
HURON UNITED WAY Annual General Meeting. September 8. 1997. 7 p.m., OMAF
Office. Clinton, Ontario If you are a supporter. you are welcome: 3s
SOUTH HURON BIG BROTHERS/SISTERS Annual General Meeting. September
111. 1997. 7 p m.. South Huron High School library Everyone welcome! 35c
COME SING with the Blyth Festival Singers: Vivaldi -s Glona for Chnstmas and a
spnng concert. Practices begin Wednesday. September 10. Regisuation between 73(1
and 8 p rn . June Hill Room. above the Blyth Festival offices. For details call 519-357-
2331. )5.36c
KIRKTON FALL FAiR, September 12, 13. 14, 1997, Kirkton Woxlharn Community
Centre. Featunng parade. pet show, baby show, pedal tractor pull. farmer Olympics,
demolition derby, fiddlers jamboree and much more. 15c
7:30 p.m. at South Huron Recreation Centre. Anyone interested in sponsonng a contest-
ant, please call 235.0814 no later than September 8. 1997. 35.36e
SHDHS COMMENCEMENT, September 26 at 7:30 p. in. Everyone welcome. 34-36x
COMMUNITY LIVING SOUTH HURON. Our annual craft show and hake sale is
Saturday. October 18. New vendors welcome. Please call before September 30, 236-
4208 or 233-9297 after 6 p.m. 35-37
ANXIETY DISORDERS. The Free From Fear Foundation is a non-profit organization
dedicated to helping individuals suffering from anxiety disorders. As well as providing
a number of vital services, a new informative and educational "Newsletter" on Anxiety
disorders is being produced. If you suffer from panic attacks. phobias, agoraphobia- de-
pression. anxiety or fears. you are not alone. Help is available. To receive free informa-
tion that deals with these issues write to: Free from Fear Foundation. 1848 Liverpool
Road. Suite 199. Pickenng. Ontario. LIN, bM3. 35x