HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 19COMM1ThT[TY
Times -Advocate, August 27, 1997
Page 19
Letters to
the Editor
Hog farmers unfairly blamed
"The fact that is crystal clear is
that no one group can claim to be
better than the other."
Dear Editor: -
Last week in the Exeter Times Advocate -there
was an article. of a group called the Huron's Edge.
leader Joe Gleason is concerned. with E coli
bacteria levels -in Lake Huron and the consequent
-beach closings. His group is laying the majority of
• the blame for the problem at the feet o( local hog
farmers. .
For the -last two weeks 1 have spoken to many
press and media people about the problem -and have
allowed Joe to continually press the farmers as be-, •
ing the hulk of the problem. I can't Iet this go on •
any longer. My conscience won't let me and I feel
other groups should start -to assume a greater portion
for the Wattle.
In speaking with the conservation authorities,
health unit and Ministry, of Environment, one fact is
dear. The prohlem of rising E coli levels is -closely
related to high rainfall and high -volumes of water. •
Where is it•from:' Who is responsible? Everyone!
Everyone who is reading this today" -is partly respon-
sihe.. ' . - •
1. The farmers who spread manure in the winter
or too close to the creek or too much per acre are re-
sponsible. • -
2. The property owner who has a private septic
system thathas not been maintained is_responsible.
3. A municipality that has allowed their towns
growth to overpower their municipal lagoon is re-
sponsible' . •
The fact that iscrystal clear is that no one group ,
can claim to be better than the other. A nimby ap-
proach to this problem: (Huro,n's Edge approach)
whether by design or by perception will not work.
Everyone has to work on their own backyard similar
to the approach -the other Lake Huron water quality -
group (Lake Huron St. Joseph Watershed Water`
Quality Partnership Project) is using. -
i know from my personal relationship with Joe
that he wasn't trying to create an us against them en-
vironment. Unfortunately he has. Perception unfor-
tunately too often. is reality. •
I am a very proud farmerand resident of Hay
Township. I have -been openly challenged to prove
my practices are environmentally friendly and have
accepted them..I could (and maybe should) demand
the same from others but 1 don't like that approach.
Together we can fix this problem. Be a part of the
solution or continue to he pan of the problem.- —
Jody Durand
Teachers vote for sanctions
"It is important to note that -
teachers...do not take. strike ac-
tion lightly."
Dear Editor:
Last week. the Federation of Women Teachers'
Associations of Ontario voted at their annual meet- .
ing to,support sanctions up to and including prov=
ince=wide strike if legislation anticipated this week
attempts to take away the.rightto strike, to elimi--
• nate principals and vice -principals from the bargain-
ing ,unit. to adversely affect teachers pensionsor to
limit the scope of bargaining. -
Current teacher bargaining legislation in Ontario,
since.1984, has been one of the most successful in
North America. with only 1,7 per cent of collective
agreements not being settled at the bargaining table.
Compare this to the loss of Junior Kindergarten; -
created by -the government itself. where two per
cent of school days across the province.were lost in
one year!-Huron:Ctiunty elementary teachers have- ..
•neverbeen on strike, and have always found ways •
' to resolve difficulties at the.bargaining table..How-
'. ever, the right to strike maintains a balance of pow-•,
.er between parties that is.necessary for fair and just
- - -settlement.
The governit?ent-is also seeking to limit the scope
of bargaining hy, taking preparation time, school
year calendar. and class size ;issues out of negotia-,
tions..This means that'teachers would no longer be
- able to negotiate the conditions under which they
teach or children learn: Over the past 15 years; and
despite (he Social Contract, Huron County elemen-
tary.teachers' negotiations have consistently fought
to achieve and maintain reasonable class sizes. ,
The Federation also voted to oppose,the anticipat-
ed removal of principals and vice -principals from -
the bargaining unit, to lobby to ensure that -all prin-
cipals and vice -principals remain accredited teach- -
ers and to employ sanct"ions if any changes to the
composition of the bargaining unit should occur.
Teachers fear that the Harris government may even
tually move to an American Model where principals -
-may he appointed with business, rather than -teach-
ing or child -related background. -•-
The government has taken advantage of the pro-
vincial instability it has created in public sector ac-
tivities such as health,and social services, to intro-,
duce ,Bill 136. Euphemistically called the public
Sector Transition Stability Act, this legislation calls
Tor sweeping cnges t-Tabourlegisf-ation and has
many of the unions up in arms. The teachers federa-
tions have voted to collaborate with labour cpuncils' ,
efforts against this pending legislation. It is expect- -
ed that new legislation involving teachers will imi-_
-tate the labour hill and attempt to take away many
of the gains teachers have won for themselves; and
for -their students, over the years. -
The intensity of teacher sanctions against the
province will essentially depend upon the govern-
ment's actions at this point. It is important to note
that teachers; concerned about the welfare of their
students, do not take strike -action lightly. -However,
. any attempts by the government to erode the quality -
of public education in Ontario through new:bargain- ,
ing legislation, must be resisted, •
. Willi Laurie, Outgoing President, --
Huron Women Teachers' Association
Bible school a .highlight of vacation
"They had a great time, and were
eager to go the next day..."
Dear Editor:
Today everything is quiet, and I am hack to my
normal routine. Last week our house was alive with
the sights and sounds of our.two-granddaughters,.
aged 11 and almost nine, visiting .from Mississauga.
• Before the girls arrived, we spotted an ad in the T-
A announcing a Daily Vacation Bible School at Ca-
ven Presbyterian Church. Exeter. from August 18 to
22:1 considered the timing providential! When I
mentioned this to the two, they were rather dubious
about registering. I suggested that rattier than miss
out on what could be a very positive experience,
they should at least try it once: • -
After a short conference. the girls agreed to go on '
Monday. They had a great time, and were eager'to
-go the -next day, and the next. Their -mornings were
spent learning songs, hearing about Biblical heroes,
doing crafts and, last but notleast, enjoying snack
breaks. By Friday:the two wanted to he dropped off
a half-hour early, and requested that next year's stay
with their grandparents coincide with Caven's 1998
My husband and I attended the closing picnic,
then helped the girls gather up their treasures. In-
cluded were professional tapes of the songs they had
learned (and a hook containing the lyrics), t -shirts
with the DVBS program's colorful logo, a diorama
of Moses in his basket on the Nile, a little bird,
house, artwork and the addresses of some newly ac-
quired pen pals. .
I wish to publicly express our thanks and appreci-
ation to Caven's Youth Program Director Tracey
Whitson-Bahro, Volunteers Rebecca Roushbourne,
Rachel Bevin and Susan Moore, plus the other la-
dies who helped with registration etc., for giving of
their -time and their talents to not Only entertain a
group of youngsters. hut to plant in little
-hearts godly precepts -and principles that will remain
withthese children tier the rest of their lives. The ex-
tent of fhb harvest will' not be known this side of
May God bless you: ladies,'as much as you have
.blessed Jessica and Emily.Reynolds_ "
-Yvonne Reynolds
The joys of middle age
--"I have ifarned to en-
Joy a walk in the park;
or bush and. relax-. "
Dear Editor:, .
i recently purchased a bicycle (I
have not rode one in years) and
took it [easy for the'first few days. I •
waked across the streets with it and
was in constant fear of falling'off
or being hit by a car or truck.; The -
third day came and my age showed
up. If you don't know what.came
into my realization; l was the --
"dreaded" middle' age. For the
younger readers, middle age is
•when your brain says you are 25 .
and your body says you are 105.
- Anyway, on the third day I rode
—from-Ezeterto-St.; cnetlh'-s M-
get aride back: I woke .up the.next
day and found out just what pain
really is. Now I do a lot of walking ,
with a playful young dog. but :-
walking and riding come into -two
different muscle groups. - ' -
Now, getting back to middle age.
just what is it'? 1, may be -able to
shed little light.on this, You
- wake up in the morning,.turn on
, the T.V. and what station do you
- find? CBC. then you turn it off. put
• the radio on and again you find
• CBC. in my younger days. 1
'wouldn't be caught watching dr lis-
tening to The Canadian Broadcast-
ing Corporation (being Canadian,
Making a splash
Biggest splash. After
several delays, the Exet-
er public pool held its "
Water Olympics last
Wednesday afternoon.
Events included biggest
splash, smallest splash,
• longest underwater
swim, an obstacle
-course, continuous som-
ersaults and craziest
Pictured before and after
entering the water is
biggest splash winner
Justin MacDonald. Fol-
lowing in a close second
was Tyler Miller. The
pool will be open until
Friday and then close for
the season.
we all like to pick on it).' I realize
that 1 am -getting older ormiddle
aged. l find myself opening the
'fridge door and wondering if.I was
putting something away or taking
it out. I go into another room to do
. something and find that I have to
go batik to -where I was before I re-
member only to do the same thing
all over again,• The hooks I read. are
much different now than they were
when I was younger. For example
'How to Strengthen Your Memo-
ry' and the Dictionary. This is mid-
dle age!
Deadline for
hunting lottery
The deadline-gsubmit deer_hunt-
ing lottery draw applications in Hu-
ron and Perth counties is Sept. 2 at
4:30 p.m.. not Sept. 4 as reported in
the Times Advocate last week.
Applications are available at Hu-
ron and Perth licence issuers and
Ministry of Natural Resources of-
fices. For more information contact
the Clinton MNR office at (519)
We wish to draw your attention to the
following in our current '75 Years Get
Set to Save' fryer.
Page 3 Item 7. Lunch bag Plus, 99-
3652.6. The illustration is incorrect
and should be for 99-3655. priced at
Insert page 2: Item 1. 17 -pc. enamel -
on -steel cookware set. 42-0016-4
does not include the kettle or stock
pot. The illustration is incorrect.
Page 5 Item 2. Mastercraft paints.
The price block reads: Reg. 25.99,
Sale 17.99. Save 30%. Should read:
Reg. from 25.99. Sale from 17.99.
Save up to 30%. -
We wish to draw your attention to the
following in our current Slap Shot
savings flyer that was inserted in our
75 Years "End of Summer Sale" Ryer.
insert Page 1: Item 6. Titan ASD
Exchange 7000. Copy reads: Reg.
29.99, Sale 20.09. Should read: Reg.
29.99, sale 20.99.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience
►vs may have cat .d you.
enote 334/335.97- zones: al excl.4
I look through my record collec-
tion (the black vinyl things'hdfiire
C.D.'s)and find that I'm lost in the
:60s and '70's. When i read the
paper I don't go to the coniics, .
crosswords or horoscope first, that i
'actually read the news first. Am i.
the person that 1 said i would not
turn into'?-AHHH!
But seriously, I enjoy,this•age,. I
have learned toenjoy a walk in the
park or hush and relax. Who cares
if I sit and watch the. Wonder Years
and reminisce. Middle age isn't all ,
that bad. Maybe I can't ride a bike
as far as 1 used to. yes I need glass-
es to read, fastball is out, and who
made 18 holes of golf twice as far •
as when 1 was 18. But I do enjoy
this age of forgetfulness and learn-
ing that 1 enjoy learning and'am in -
terested in what the world is doing.
Quiet and tranquility is a silent
blessing. -
Who knows? I just might enjoy .
the golden years that come next.
EEK! Not too scion I hope. .
Steve Dettmer. Exeter
® Ontario
Request; for Public Opinion
on the Proposed
Nursing Home.Annual
licence Renewal of
Queensway Nulsjng Home,.Hensall
In accordance with the Nursing Homes Act, public opinion is being
requested prior to a final decision being -made on the above.
If you have -comments or opinions and wish to bring them to the attention
of the Ministry of Health. you may 'submit them in writing by addressing
them to:' Director. long Term Care Division
-Ontario Ministry of Health
. 56 Wellesley Street West. 15th door
Toronto. Ontario M7A 267
(416) 327-7345, by September 29. 1997 ,
Please include the name of the nursing home and quote Project #111-98
on all written submissions.
The Director will consider all submissions before making a final decision.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Voters' Lift prepared as
required by The•Municipal Elections Act, will be available on
Tuesday, September 2, 1997 for inspection in the office of the
Municipal Clerk and in. other locations within each municipality.
Please -contact -your Municipal-Office-for--information-on-the-other-
locations where the Voters' List will be available. •
Electors should examine the Ilst to ensure that there names
and relevant information are correctly shown. Electors, who are
resident in a particular municipality (not non-residents) are
enumerated to vote for the one of the following amalgamated
school boards:
English language Public
English language Separate
French language Public
French language Separate
the latter two boards are located outside the Huron Perth
region. Electors should pay particular attention to how they are
enumerated because that will identify which school board
trustee they will receive a ballot for.
During normal office hours of the Clerk in your municipality,
electors may make application for inclusions, additions or
corrections to, or deletions from the Voters' List by completing
and filing the appropriate form in the municipality where you will
be voting. -
The Voters' List revision period from September 2, 1997 until the
close of the election places at 8:00 p.m. on November 10th,
Elizabeth Bell, Clerk Town of Exeter, Olde Town Hall, 322 Main
Street, Exeter (235-0310 Ext. 24).
Luanne Phair, Clerk Village of Hensel!, 108 King Street, Hensel!,
Sharon Baker, Clerk, Village of Zurich, 22 Main Street West,
Zurich (236-4974)
Janisse Zimmerman, Clerk Township of Hay, 14 Mill Street,
Zurich (236-4351) -
Larry Brown, Clerk Township of Stephen, 38 Victoria Street East,
Crediton (234-6331)
Sandra Strang, Clerk Township of Usbome, R.R. #3 Exeter (235-
Jack McLachlan, Clerk Township of Tuckersmith, R.R. #5, Clinton.
(Vanastra) (482-9523)