HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 18• Page 18 Times -Advocate, August 27, 1997 • COMMUNITY' Thanks for transportation Activities stading to gear up People = of all S. Sharon Pavkeje at 229-6891. Invite a friend to this event.. • c• an join in church On September 3 there will Ii a ,committee meeting at 7 p:m. fol- lowed by a church council-rneeting ,'at 8 p.m. at Eljmville. Sunbeams will' start again on September. 4 ;i .9:30 a.m. at Thames Road. groups. Rhoda Rohde • Thames Road correspondent THAMES ROAD ,- •Following ' the singing of the Intron, Rev. Jock Tolmay welcomed everyone and read the announcements. The Prayer • of4pproach was read in • unison. The choir sang. "Jesus and Me"•accompanied by Organist Mar- ilyn Vandenhdssche. • Rev_ Tilmay read. the scriptures. • He then fold a children's'story. soli- tled "God's Armor". The 'title of the sermon was "Cover me, I'm gp- Goln' on a llon hunt. The Hensel) Playground took a minute to say thank you to the:-Hensail divisions,of Cooks, Hensall Co-op ing in"..Shirley Kerslake and Joyce - and ,WGS Thompson &' Sons for. covering the transportation- costs of last Wednesday's trip . to the_African Lion Safari near. Fulton were the greeters and also Rockton. - received the offering. The closing . hymn was "Soldiers of Christ Arise". - Garden party for Queensway residents HENSALI. -'- Bill Gihson ' s Garden Party proved to be (he-high- light hehigh- light of the week -for_the':40 resi- dents. staff and volunteers who had the pleasure of spending Monday, afternoonroatning the grounds. inspecting the fish pond .and then choosing to enjoy the carrot cake. icer cream and coffee: either indoors in the formal dining room or o+:! " doors in the gazebo. - Tuesday. afternoon S1tirley Luther led worship -service with . Sha -re -it Dignan -as pianist. Friends from Quccnsway paid their respects ,tt Carl Payne`.s funeral in the.attcr: noon:' He was Si longtime resident of Quecnswav and cc ill he greatly missed. The Hcn.,all Horticultural Society held their annual flower show at -Queensway Wednesday and residents had a wonderful time viewing the -show. throughout the • afternoon and then vistting-with friends in the Tea Room in the- ewmng` - Thursday found residents work- ins out .at -Fun & Fitnessand-hene- titting from several games.• 41 years service He'II. be missed. Alex Meikle, .5P.- has retired from main- tenance at South Huron Hospital after 41 Kears.. Here • shown in front Ofa projected photo of him as a youth atthe open house held in his honor' at the Exeter Legion Hall on Saturday. "l looked after an hi _that needed fixing,-" Mei-- �kle`sard i fo Mefkle plans td keep busy by working on lots of projects" including. building a new shed for his cot- tage in Dunagnuon near Lucknow. The highlight .of his ca- reer ` was working with the hospital board and staff. "They've been great," he said: Z Does Your Financial institution make you feel there are not enough hours in the day? TRY THE CREDIT UNION BANKING DAY! TELLER HOURS: Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited 48 Ontario St. 118 Main St. N. Clinton Exeter 4824466 235-0640 ,Queensway Nursing. Home'hacta booth at the Zurich Bean Festival In tiuturday-with,picture:; of the annus prl)granrs available ..it Queensway; "Free draw winners were: woven throw - Karen.Daytes of Stratford: yt-\hurts Violet Knec of 'Huron •Park and Delores Gingerieh of Zurich. • Residents -had- :i --picnic lin Sunday .ifterntlon in the shelter of the .Grand Stand oi' the Clinton Raceway . They watched- live races until wet track ;:onditions shut, down the races, - • . • • •Coming events Thursday. August 28..'6 p.m:. Diners: ' p.m. Birthday Party with_:. the Nashville Rejects: . - -. - • Septenher 4, 7:30 p:m..: Friendship Friday with Clare and. •- .. Andrew • Coming events • .Church service at Elimville on August 31 of 9:45 a,m. September 7. Carnival! following church and Sunday school at Thames Road: Fun activities' for 'all ages. Please bring a pot -luck salad or dessert. Items; required. • a lawn chair. casual dress. lots 'of sun- screen and enthusiasm. Volunteers'. are needed for dunking machine and to run activities. Contact .Vir- ginia Warwick at 235-3,670 or September 9. u.C.W%..wil! have a dinner meeting. Dela+ till{ow_ Messengers. ages kutder-. garten to grade three ,..rt Sep-- (ember ep=(ember 17 at E. . .rom 7 - 8 p.m. The Finance •-Committee is orga- •nixing a Time &Talent Auction on November` 21 at the Kirkten- Woodham Community Centre,,Do• - nated items for auction will he ap- pteciated. Guest auctioneer will be Bob Heywood. . Personals Congratulations to -Tom and- Pat Mahon. R:R.4.-Komoka. on the birth of their third son Hansford Gordon on..July 29. A brother. for Fred • and - Mackenzie. another grandson for Helen Hodgen. Bill •and Rhoda Rohde attendeda family birthday,party at a cottage at Port -Franks' on Sunday. Birthday • ,celebrants were Aubrey Thortison, Joanne.Thotnson. Isabel Thomson. Steve Thomson: Laura and•Melissa Thomson Rhoda Rohde and Neil Thomson. " - -• Exeter Times -Advocate brings you: t ite '1 UpDates If yaw. life in in need of change. then yoU steed to call today anti. place your- PltEE ad. ,We can - help turn into PIM 46111 119. To place your FREE ad and be matched instantly nwth area singles. Call - 1400.213-7514 EYt.135 24heareaclay! - To listen to area singles describe themselves or -to respond toads. fall 1.900.1514323 Ext135 . ONLY S2.49 '.t "'MO 5. 3,74909171 Of -torn Avineri ra 'lt must 01 75 seen of 294412(174.1.9* rare a . .114,10•4 dye Females Seeking Maks 1 6']0 I-9004414423 Ext i iS I i j. 99 per .mingle -u,•*..14, 4ra 7.a. broo e 53,111171411114111 •wrMmi : N( •, 97. ' 254 4r9.E4r •'Y iv*" 1)4.4 ,004• r944. rune ,rile . aver '•0469.1999 09974. )99 469 449 ;911 .1.112 •,(UM%TLSI - .W -4. .9 :von Nur 749'99 •0wt .A94. Orb 'w •Meq -.not 9994.9\ )069 ce. :Abe on. +1r.9rq :M 9062.; .591 15 «4.1\i AWA, -p . - - .4 .1q -moor Mort wean rale, 574.!99 Mom -111.9 ..ort aw .r !799.1 tr nnout ry,. rh -N .se weevers we 51-, i OT (0..91 w,M. .m1 2.• 19 - Me 1.111.0,4403 •d.nb' N sob 4ba.rwr 4r93.9nbb!e I9,911011TT s4A MS -.946 46..5.9 5771-1 - -.*.9r a99 'swat twn-N9rbne brirly 91* snob VM7 'rep W M San . . • 1447 M-063 +1992..0.094) •y rr • 044 lark Tai :4.9 .)469414041,0.1 9902(04 9* 50199- 54 .n1'rw. bring sr .n 004 -wN. 49.79 .9906. MbMoo. 4. 50I 1,12 I SM1)451n W r • -:m9TV35•is01-=oont-,e' Ver ?1q -veer row roar r.4 ' rot •+I regi y ylbs41eno.n w(te9; 1a1711°b85766 IM 1saRIAU7 Straereo 191 )n 9 :5 :4 e6 on *4 •Y„ or wired ran r, Mow 9tlr. -0799 •709...:94 •J a 7.4619 ..1 ntr4. Yr•Mr(44 T9Tri9Nws1( Were 60171, .S •e9 .1. Ur "9.901.4 4rr-r5 -rote •4rrs1 -.oar non sire '*9 ...or we was sols m9 .419499: 0 • 'q See SS •?.De roar kr +065 h et Weeder • - N7 5 'T motattrbn -4 or or 10191 -*OrY:ors oe lnr.4. .Ser, • 4699 '.era wt anew vrt4ga- 014ns rob DM b 6619 • - WtaS•7.I9131WIN 9F 23 sT 49 no no :ass ens "oar on -nods 5(349 p9 0 .004 9r 1090l14l6 rebeerli..10004464. KS • . . 112940 tint 9M9/EIMn .AF m 17 norm w rams • n 4.4 ups Sp seri/ ••mow noun. ".rm •ser :w AIM .0..4 ono .q -. belt •746 W 'no4(0 row tor Warr 4r Vet WNW M 0101 loins Omar Sr :a 'Oaten Waft rays • Fre tor .w 49q .N tar ..Ar...lbr Snob "0111.4.a.t 07999 sOr 4,. t'0 9 - IOAen1011N/99N :boos SW ren 17 - a• •:14 ars 9me VasripsD.r9 *. ar0:ar9.4 line r4 req seri Was rob .burets rumor Y Vg 97(9 ( 9117469!lata 44/4.w[r 't. :m. -an.. 954p so't' wooed ,eon 199 'ie we M two ern -r9 Won Orr torso AI owrasa re Sr vo v9r9 - _ :00.4t1NW7M _ ▪ 1. 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K. -Man' 99(' Sr) 9 o.a won vow WW2 •p( rani vow • 4.ry .(r,(r Webb ,R9w. rowel Srr7Iq Ja.1. -.we 4 Verra17 bra. 449976 '. nrNFs1141 QOM tat .99Tre SWF : 9 at w orae No. 91 OW so. tiers rvferfa nal .996 Doren WAS rove. rola*049* Me 47']1 Al l los l lMrwyi spat `ore sr S. iV. sow Yr. tib 1(94 M ,94*ae 411a4vy:syn PM- OMIt Orr 29.51' •'re 04. SW...w dog r 9. 9 ib6.119ors towerra9ryl rare, ostong 911r1 SW. se orgre Ar 1104 w rots" erRarer r. VIM NAM/4n SN nor o 99.: J r* ,ry mo rgal490 91q ors rows* sial mews era rw, try 54 •o rr Oa bawd r ger Ar Ian NAut (Ants* - - �4F K ;. MOW raw. Nat •15 row reet ever or or 4e 47 9 ...orb saner bre 511 NS M.6110' - 11P05 a f9bea1Rt9 :WE 5.4 5 7 :narrow Wm brows .9* Tr 'moo roar 406 se carre - r 549*5 49x.!.9 ram; w x9 vr/ Yr.M• Wren urn; 4•10,4 92 145 M 7f nes mune .nee Set rens is sr ...bare* ors Ms 'm. est .4619 4•(469 maw. (4619 •1.9 e!r6 6.10 bob errobbob notollbre Y▪ 4MSL9 - . Vn OF tallunr. :10::, or sr me Oro wog '45 9nibtl -p.4aacr aper rM09 boob 9.059691 Arra. W 451* rot s4*9q o4 M 99,1 91sT C4/ 5717)9NT roar SNF 4 S 1• frow room don o- re* worn woos more row. 7r. 04 torbrg wore van 99 se a r- oot,. 411959 Mmes Seeking Females 1 `•till 1-900-431A121 Est. 745 ' S2.49 per minute - wow M 9wwa9w ver • l' PUTTY 503147 er9a. t4e99951664 31 i 1 11 ser S.' •4e Orr 4606 091.1 MS.. obrl iman9 09 n -Ow con oM morn nW.s Merm.an9 tars • nD671Tlt545191LL1 fl94 77 $ICT err. aw-,4 5499,. MS os r(9,19ar .7*9 r9O14.rqt -.wen ries as/ 40 9:.0 ear/ •e99r zmnr.44r• u .' 49124. 1n9 MOOS WANTtD ~ 54 9r SW ar 4, 11,• 71106 3r or w afar erso ed,w brow seen) ortm r ear ®q to tamp cassesoa, rot 54 4r 9110 1111&971 - m6bsfw War S'AY. K Sr '.sr triol 4ergbnbb9prf.r 9419 4909 ' 4.1 1. calF/b 9.,0469 PSIr.9 5! W 4176 • - -' -- IVO 1ry044- 4nr511 0u N 1 21 1. r : 0t. Nr. No WI 901 babied. de ter DIrl9 109 ori 000Uy Fibre• SF 0.35/5 7410114 7E Of n1Y(11 (Vp. WW1 .1 M r49r are -woofs ' 9r4r1 orb en be MOM MM 0119 m bd4gb tort 4.16.19 SF 011, Wear nr.90 Ail {l5{ M49TlT Milli no ' r )5 Sr row( r4 to so ern OM • 944 'are 1791 49.Mb. sera 5.* SF orb 0]46.19* mm MM. 499011 - .E16E/f915YNn7e . tgcal pr9ct4 Ste 71 5 a e.. sal *tog MI6 Mel entre m74101 1.4.04111101. mil m osis SFre an Ly9 .*.454 9 067 IDE- .ylpra .�qY.a ez..:41 5D 9. woo b ml9t W} bo 069 N041*I15F b12.1•21011.1•0011 y7117 . . MG MOWN FEES - SYIm 5e 094. seers rear FM -09 - mreq. ter. 000 444 D err . 44r5.rq 5F e. ern 9v"Of 7 .Ono2rl( anal M nq' 7ILUCAM (..410 - :lugp9gSTW 2731• •654 .3.80 t/wa6 ' rear e. roar 6 99roto . err -oserer SF WI ISSS MUTIe WW2 - 79a 21 a 77 '55114 • V •a[ Coe. or •101009... D 9+9.4.99( rg66rrn N1r9 .1,0616. Porn Lir. 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[Mor rive Aa 059 I1 EM WW2 069 =• To ?Sro 9'flI /11Oh ragraw ab .9Sr 24. drs •.6•.14. Yp/I9999.. Mr SM. MO roar. SF. Orsini AO POI • OWING MOO . 701EI9-57:orbM rw Dee w9r9 ea rn A9V4 Wore ) 9.Y rem roam 794 -+M 42.•011,46 rOrp.11106- 'WAY M.9 I9f EQI14I 1.06 rev 5399 '49 5 •2092 won 9.954 poserq aver snore nor .aeon reran or ,.Mb 7099 59 ors 101.9 (9r ser a41799 7 NOME •(4497. : AF -1 54' were ar9 bowerr bog. 9919. "ow Worn wovewe b.4. me 7,1r err, sir da9.9n1 l994.45'V Ads 9954 .451111• Ia47t0T1D. 49994 SIO .2 57 'Wool boob *9r ha- * aw ••••00 4695 1aM19 barb N Mgr, ,orf sena 1944.149 17.4 99 1495157 1930*9 I. 91944 • Mr .w sNF :5 Sr -4* 91q 4r9a. •01 rows ro or warn too swat slab 0(J.rc.*SY 44.9(71 9999 r'o Iblab lb UMW/ • ev .9c..9 AW .7 S 4' •Lir raft* der •.n.ab16 1•0er9a Tv.%orb; mShc 4 yam. •9t a9 246 RAMC Orltatsn - -sro .,r s+f .46E '4 Ylrt :neem barn, °MOO4 0Pn 4/9901 roar or ow .(9/615.. orb 496 09a M 703 r.tT TO SNOW ME - .. ',909.90 SwF , 1r sib 99 teem wee -.eA1 •••9 --anpeq rrlrq whew barbel wi • EO- ( 4617 veeprsetoo or far 5W .7n x54 ' A4,0Ato re r .nam ran armraw Sorer .9 90999mow .,071 •.017 414 ME 1*l4•9 a 50 :2 S r : 1 W aro. tr IaN) Alone won 7411 naban orbe 644 oltni not 5` . 1999 . Weir9 •130469 1.IT TO 1146 WY 911 -WF 4359 244 pertly Mr De991r row* .a, row wows tsi rr 5O .4q n1 roar g rover 406171 .l ST 4R1 9n5 • 'NF '2-'.4 'orb 3rest r00 ••• DU era 'e7 . .•0001 19 1 •t99 tae to .aa( son .r9 a trf4.99 ..1 r err ♦4. 99 - • • 99157 11.99111E 461 4•,- •004•0 Nat etar9. 04.719* •rn3.4 orbros Mb. 4.9.9. ewe Sop fen •fa tr506 506,62 1 wit ))) PUTT MF '3 ' p4 0991...1.4..• 4N b 99 479 Orr -•w wow 09941.9..49 Offs via .99 brow bol .0+1.99 Ores 49.1415 - two t.qu 'Arts .1.5 r Y9 99 990 * ors raw eie tor; mow werstr 1999 wore re web '4,1 ow * W. or 90'9-99 w M.7 tat V t4Tu15*-1lN1' **i. "bean :V.141 -r ••506 :4►a94 -.rue . AM Jw : 41.9rnr4 :•tbe9 b isle. ors Los wok won or FM ti 919* 0Ngnr491r KM .. /11.1377 IS 4 14174T . n:7.4.9' 9 '•m9 h.tr veno. Mab 164 AI bMr4999* 400'41 - PMOSIll14 1. ,7 -f Wet or -we ma 024.4( Amore woo sor rr4"2 ar N sr Orr Ar 904) • *MM 464E n 4945994 S : C 074.11. 9V 9..wen .:•:.t, r*e 9rarra Ms some. 999 an Sr r. • r orbs a'4 79 • worn ager w3421 ' 1.99! Ito Maw/ 94' 24 -. T Mor 99 be r N94 orr19. • wirer reweer arm WOW Odor 7,124.44:24.744 Often. erre *9465/9 s.M4 446a94435145, rower re 17. 79904 fir trona 99x4 soy Ore .r1 tort ter r Wit Sr WOO aro urW9 w 994 Bra( M 490 .6t 19994 !) 99 4n 5, 069 465• era .rots Ori*y. Web. N 0.440‘ -9941 nor ors Wrong AV MMI ' 00101, l*I Rlv 4 'l of ort ,wars arrrson Fn wow ."•49 499 sr M. no ore tor . port 6•. 40 124) 9794144*051 • 464•e* •9919 SW r9u0110. Sl 9 r •••,..7(4 -a•4 +•9rwb Mels 9491e1 nen .94 An. Oat noir. 'ens v.v. 511 4418714 .943 9199 *WTO tat- lute isW So. S' 99 Dos, bat* woos 491OFF41 or. sv9 ..0 009 Ow/7r err row rot Mose Alli. NS or IF 45 • n93 m nn Obi. seat rowseatl � • t•rW NO. 11 awry Steri e n Mr tort t Or Mors .•orp59ern 9799 19 /4214111 Mir/ 115.}1 099 7' i T bry tow M-.:ur 9 get 9L Ms 10 orrle, or* ware or; J7I as .r.9 a9M9M. Wan 04 r.bared* 411-0 • • 4.159mn •944 199)4 -roc( 1 S 17)4 easy '499 -.046.9 M 099 teper • 4CM'b mr'99r. A. 4- 0999114blls.. M Ml/ 4114n Awl •4.07.a 1,444f0 541 49 it now Two or ran wr woo war err weir *906 1n .41 b 1455 q 4E, i4* 5- ...c."1•0104:0•1 * rr. 7193019•. 479* .999 ••9941 '79709 Iw* ret rant. -WF. SM 400179--- -. 9psrartr ;s ^eme199orb "ow0491 n4 746 M .990 4(3919 Sap - rr9 EON re. roam >r oar =13 W9111 5.111.153T1 row WWF .l i 'Ain cy9 9.96 iron stn ler w sorer ..'1117 •w4. 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Sid ,1r Co Dna ones( gveneer.(.499War rtr e 4 nor o r . ors 994 tiMt 6n Sr re rt. ors or Ur MOW SMF 1' S r 515 earn 74. Or. re. Tt59O • onloW36 9pe� dr wane worm. ere verb NS er e9.r..a4 oma no. re I1r►.IUN.Iar . Mars SNF. 0 51' Dere tat rem Mr.1et9 .gat ta9w)4.r,� 6a obey bel brut ,r 494a9M95* *4n79(49 4034 ,w Sr 25 ST 499 Ir. ore r.enous rot ars arra Mire vow reel err Orr! 1449 IET149 I1r.1I1 howo Drs SW 73. 57. s9 ben me we. 6.s lab 999 P w 9r raft orb for stir to WOW Rett erre ore Sr b 11419 a rr Or 22103 ro 1940 GAMES rot Si or 71 1699. rt n9. M. 9t w wore epee mewe 9 ewe re e99 nra9we nos 91 e49 ole r6 er 061064 TOORn01 5611911.111 Sir. t. 57. 130 amt tm �4}i94e119rRt 9469 noir or rare Orr 99 Ail 45/9, nor reap Aw41K p.b999 * 4 M 471 .AMS 91!(411 VOLT* "419 Siff 19. 5T Wer re b sort rpm ber err rot9,.Dya� r. 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