HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 9Tinges -Advocate, August 27, 1997 Page 9 COMMUNITY Library barbecue Carrington Regan of Mount Carmel receives a hot dog from Exeter Lioness Liz Stephens. The Lioness Club hosted a barbecue on Friday for members of the Exeter Public Library's Summer Reading Club. The Lioness Club also donated $150 towards the summer reading program. Thirty-seven area. children participated ,in the Summer Reading Program .while 33 children enjoyed Camp Read -a -lot. Young dancers compete in Scotland • By Annie Moreno .Shipka• correspondent SHIPKA• - Susan Ziclman- Robson. daughter of Annie Zielman; Shipka. travelled recently to Scotland with her husband and three children. Susan and Wayne's two daughters Shcina and Breagh are competitivehighland dancers the went .with he purpose of com- peting in some of the •Scottish Highland Games in that. country. Both girls were successful and brought home 24 -medals between them; gold. silver and bronze. All three of•thc Robson children carne. back as winners. A son -Colin even won a door price at one..of the Highland -Games. Throughout the three weeks, the whole family trav- elled• extensively throughout the country -taking in as many sites as .possible including the Edinburgh Castle, Military Tattir'o, theisle of ` Skye and•the Queen's summer resi- dence. Balmoral Castle. • 'A highlight of the holiday was a cruise on the famous Loch Ness. - The trip was sponsored in part by the Windsor and District Highland Dante Association -to educate and enhance dancer development in this. country. • Ken and Marg; Baker attended • a memorial service at Pine River United Church on August, 16 for- their or their sister-in-law Verna (Wurm) Neaman of Point Clarke. who passed away August 12 at Kincardine Hospital. Get well wishes go to Ferman Snyder who is a patient at. South_ .Huron Hospital, Exeter, Elizabeth Coghlin and daughters Tiffany and Tatyana of Atwood. - were recent visitors with grandpas ents Ken and Marg Baker. Happy 90th birthday wishes this month to Annie Becker of Exeter, a -former-neighbor-in-this-area. Hugh and Annie Moretti hosted a cousins reunion On August 15.. They 'met for a noon meal at Erb's Country Kitchen in Zurich. then • hack to the Moretti home .for a social afternoon. Those attending included Louis and Donelda Gable. Pittsburgh P.A.. Verna/lay, Exeter. Peter Jackson. Toronto. Beverley Ford, Grand Valley. Bill Coleman. Kippcn, Mary and Art Finlayson. Scaforth, Do9nald•Jackson, Hensall. During .the` afternoon ,they, had a presentation of gifts and cards -to the -American cousins who -will cel - Orate' their el-cbrate'their. 50th wedding anniver- sary in mid-September. This, group arc all grand- and great-grandchil- dren of Jackson grandparents wh9 came to Canada in the late 1880s from County Wicklow, Ireland in a sailing vessel that took between six and eight weeks to cross the Atlantic. With them they had seven young children with tour more horn in Canada. They lived most of their . lives in Rogcrville, south of Hensall.on No. 4 Highway. • Visiting with Hugh and Annie - Mbrenz last Sunday was their nephew. Clinton Dell. his fiancee' Katrin Lindval and their friend Pelle-Wennhagc from Trollhattan, Sweden. The visitors were o•a r, month's holiday • in Alberta.; ta,; Toronto and Belleville areas,, Keri and Marg Baker attended their cousin's, Tiny Wells, 80th birthday ccichratiE].n__and_ also.,Alex. . ,Mciklc'sretirement Open House: Did you know? ' In June of 1897 at Greenway United Church, Mr. W.H: Taylor. M.P.. laid' a cornerstone for the, Trustee Board and Mrs: LT:Wilson - laid a cornerstone for the Ladies •Aid. a >, Township awards contract STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - Coun- cil awarded the Huron Park Sewer Repair Contract to G. J. Sharpe :Excavating. St. Marys at a hid Of $159.993.07. , Council also passed a motion ap- proving the extension of.w•ater ser- vices to Part Lot 5. Concession 1. No objection to renumbering STEPIEILTOWNSHIP - Coun- cil passed a motion indicating it has no objection to the renumbering of County Road 4 to County Road 10. providing signage indicating the change is maintained for a period cif fi'`e years. • . Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello .a. What is the meaning of "sparingly" on the label -when you get a cream or ointment? Generally. these products will not work any better if applied thickly or thinly on the skin. Spar- ingly means 'a small amount' to be rubbed in well. Using it spar;ITgly works well and -your prescription will last longer. For those'persons who have trouble swallowing pills. there. is another method to help the medicine go down: Place the pill in a spoonful of applesauce and swallow. The pill goes down with the apple- sauce. Easy and tasty! • People -who have Parkinson's Disease will benefit from keeping a diary of their progress throughout the day. They can list when disease • symptoms worsen. They can keep track of which foods were eaten and when.medications taken be- cause there could be a correlation between food. medication and worsening of symptoms. This is good information to have for a doctor -visit. The internet is full of information on every conceivable subject and health is cer- lalnly no exception. Two web sites that are worth looking at are: www.dlabetes.ca and www.arthritis.ca . Both these sites are consumer -oriented and provide excellent information on their respective subjects. JUST ANOTHER REMINDER; We are having a Diabetes Awareness Day on Friday, September 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please don't hesitate to call for Information. itHURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter "Your Health Care Pharmacy" Sunday School teachers: visit By Mary Peterson • Centralia correspondent • CENTRALIA Congratulations to Ruth Ann (Essery) and her hus- band Matt Pickett on the birth of their son, Alexander William. Rutty Ann is a former Centralia -area resi- dent, and she and her husband both teach in Wiarton. `lite baby was born August 21 in Owen Sound, and is the grandson of Bill and June Essery of Centralia and Dr. Charles and Dorthy Pickett of St. Georges, Ontario. Ladies of Centralia U.C.W. will want to mark on their calendars for ,r an upcoming meeting on Thursday, September 4 at 8 . p.m. at the. church. - -Centralia Faith Tabernacle Many children enjoyed Opera- . tion Lifeboat!, daily vacation Bible School at the church August 18-20: Several activities and crafts were made throughout the week. On September 2, the Sunday School teachers will make their an- nual visit to Huron Park for the new 1997-98 school year. They hope to meet many people after 6:30 p.m. that evening. • Euche results You still think Anstett prices are a too high? Obviously you haven't been in the store lately. ANTWERP DIRECT DIAMOND SPECIALS SIZE REG. PRICE ANSTETT !'RICE , 1/4 ort. . 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We encourage you to give this to a friend If you are unable to use it. (Limit of one certificate per Purchase) s.e. Valid to Sat. Sept. 6 '97 Contest Mana.er Si. ature Ex. ration Date Certificate Gift Certificate Gift Certificate Gift Certificate Gift Certificate - At Heywood's Restaurant recent- ly, Bernice Squire and Percy Noels were High Hand winners. The Spe, cial was won by Esther Hixlgins. Lone Hand winners were Blanche Johns -and Harvey Latta. MMTAG FACTORY_ SALE LIMITED OFFER! MAYTAG WASHER/DRYER PAIR S60 FACTORY_ REBATE SELECT MODELS NUMBER ' ONE Cloth** Care Ileattbar aha. it The Wodd's First Loasor"' Agitator! !, Gets big tough loads clean with gentle cleaning for small delicate loads! 'gamed on emd pnemoce Ewer, in Cr U& 5 C.nda. 8u disk%lu Malt MAYTAG WASHERS °40 FACTORY _REBAT SELECT MODELS • Consumer Rated 1 1• • Lasts Longer Than Any Other Brand MAYTAG RANGES S 50 - FACTORY_ _REBATE SEI FCT MODE l S ®® • • Super 4.0 cu.ft. 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