HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 8• Page 8 .Tines -Advocate, August 27, 1997 FA MTLY Hensall flower show First place glads. Cathy Bell (center) of Hensall displays the glads which" earned first place at the Hensall and District Horticultural Society Flower Show.last Wednesday at Queensway . Nursing Home. Jean Whitby (left) of Lucknow, District 8 Director of the. Ontario Horticultural- . Society and Hensel! President Sybille Schaufler admired the arrangement following thetom- petition. The show had 13 entrants with Rosemary Burdzy taking first overall - Flower show in Hensall - By Liz Sangster Hensall correspondent . . HENSALL - The- Hensall and District ninth annual Flower Show-: was_ held Wednesday at:Queensway Rest Home. Rosemary Burdzy was, the top -winner: Many lovely flowers and vegetables were.on- display. William Gibson judged the exhibits. Marg Cole. Doris Jantzi, and Jessie Allen were in charge of the tea room. The door prize was won by Hazel .Concett. Thc-Hensall and, District - Horticulturat Society t -shirts were on sale and are still available from Sybille at 262-3431. The next regular meeting of the Society'` will he held September 15: This is the night•that the neighbouring. - societies will -he entertained... At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. Robert Peebles was the guest minister. Joyce Pepper was the organist. On September 8 the PCW will hold their meeting. At Hensall United Church Nancy Fraser was --the--minister.-:Mark- Garlough-was-the-organist-far-the-ministry of -- song. John Thompson read -the announcements. John Goddard also . -assisted with the service. The greeters were Janice and Garry Alderdicc and family. Joanne Rowcliffe and Elaine Corbett were the . ushers. Anyone wishing to contact the minister may call from 9 a.m.- to 12 noon from Tuesday to Friday at the church office. - - ' The Friendship Circle meet on September 8 at 2:30.p.m. to go to the annual quilt show in Goderich and to•a potluck supper.at Mock's • cottage. ?HEME CROSS WORD TRIVIAL PURSUIT! For answers please turn to the Announcements By Robert Zimmerman ACROSS 1 Colonial title - 6 Middling: hyph. wd. . 10 Chair backing 15 Dead Sea discovery 16 Relates 17 Mr. & Mrs. 19 Good kicker, runner and passer 21 Richthofen's aircraft 23 Speak hoarsely 24 Damascus native 25 Coarse fabric 26 Big — wolf 27 Mayberry youngster 28 Take a bearing 30 Record 31 Sells 33 Labor org. 34 Not any 35 Keyboard instrument 36 Unit of work 37 Monotonous talk 391 Napped 41 Bank jobs 42 Whistle stops 43 CD inits. 44 Wyatt = 45:Castle near. Cork 48 Altarpiece 51 Sour 55 Joined in a cause • 56 Satirist Sahl 57 — avis 58 Heat 59 — out: arranges freedom Book collectors gather in Bayfield • By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent VARNA - Margaret and Ivan McClymont were the hosts for the annual meeting of collectors and those interested in the life and writ- ing of famous British author,- G.A. Henry. Henry wrote over I00•books that were published in very attrac- . five formats by- companies in the - U.K., Canada and the U.S.-These have become much sought after collectors"items; many now well over 100 years old. The M4Clymonts hosted the -first gash- ering 15.years ago at their home as . a one day event. This year it -was expanded to the weekend with most activities held at the Bayfield Village Inn.• - -• It began with a supper at the Inn on Friday night followed with an open house.at the McClymonts at - Varna. A Saturday morning book sale at the Inn followed by presentations -by Pete( Gallagher on _the Boys' Own Annuals; by Ian Thompson on the Henty Canadian editions; a . -book review of "In Freedom's Cause" by Clarence Cluff who pointed out thatalmost all the Auxiliary announces win .. ZURICH = It was a quiet week at Blue Water Rest Home as members of the community 'prepared for the. , annual Zurich Bean Festival. The • Auxiliary sold tickets for the past • six -months on a "Double Wedding Ring" hand quilted spread in green • and hurgundy and the draw was held at- the Bean Festival. Thc . lucky winner was. Allison Neeh, daughter of Curtis and Rosemary Necb add granddaughter of Ian Neeh of Maplewoods Apartments. :Rosemary had'purchased the ticket. at Friedsburg Days- in Dashwood from Auxiliary.members.. Thc residents .enjoyed the video "Alaska" on the big screen on August 18. • . Thursday•afternoon the residents were surprised to find-theirmainte- nancc person leading the afternoon - • Chapel Service. Ai the last minute. the Home was left without a minis- ter and Ervin Steinmann was call : 60 Wee 61 Mentor • 62 Narrow groove 63 Both: prefix 64 Freeway. transport 65 Oozed out 66 Pivot • 67 Weather forecast - 68 French flag 70 Cheering '• section 71 Metric measure 73 Brit's bistro 74 "Moll Flanders" creator 75 Debater 78 Dams 80 Thurman, -et al. 81 Lingerie item 84 Tje aboard ship 85 Wife in • Wuppertal -86 In favor . 87 Biblical mountain 89 Mil. no -no 90 Roman coalition 94 Half of Samoan port 95 See 86 Across 96 Coots one's heels 97 Pressed 98 Mild oath . 99 Wheels for 101 Sjunior oap opera . subject: 2-wds. 103 PopcOm leftovers - 104 tcky stuff 105 Trout holders 106 Do's and — 107 Aykroyd, et al. 108 A Roosevelf DOWN 1 Painter's tool 2 Emanating 3 Jumped • 4,Not in the pink 5 Divinely favored 6 Cliffhanger • . • 7NYcity 8 Street talk. 9 East in Emden 10 Elf 11 Composure --12 Miss Velez 13 Silent speech: abbr. 14 Pekoe containers 15 Endeavored 16 S&Ls 17 Beach 18 Speak sharply -to: 2 wds. 20 Despotism 22 Utopias • 25 Arctic floater 29 Prepare to . . "disrobe 30 Kind of agreement 32 Biscuits 35 "— the ramparts ..." 38 Filled with wonder 39 Irish county 40 Pass over 41 Joke response - 66 Divan 42 Speaks English, 69 Narcotic : French and 70 More distant 72 Marina del — 74 The Schnoz 75 Toward the stem 46 Alpaca's couSin 47 Suspect's excuse - 48 Bracer • 49 More loyal 50 Dry goods unit 52 Serve turkey 53 More frigid 54 Settlements - • 56 Puccini heroine • 60 Time in office .61 Soft lumps ' 62 Rushing sound 64 Marquee name 65 Vision problem Spanish 44 Light tan 45 Kiddies' " pachyderm . MOM= MEM MIME MEMM===OM=MEOW EMMENIA ■uM•■ ®■•uu•ui N_. EWE■ ■ MUM= M•■ ®•■■ EMMIIIMM i■■■■ M••■ ■MUS® MEM MIME MUM= ®MI MIME MEM=■ MEM=■ MUM MEM MI= MIMMI= ME= NM= MIME MM. MIME ilii■ ■ MIM■ iilUU■■ MOM MIME liiM■M= MEM WUUUINIUU lii•M•I•• NM= MEM MEM MIME fiifli•■■ MINI dal MOM WM= WWI" OM= UUfii� MOM OURRUUiii MEM PU■ MUM d••MMM d•■■ WIMMEUU■ fi'ilUUUUUUiiii ■U■ UUUUUu■ INIME■ fi EM=■ 76 Design again 77 Rejoiced triumphantly 78 Pens 79 Perrier, et al. 81 'Boasted. 82 Like a king • 83 Homes • .85 Luxuries 86 Prefaces 88 Uncovered 90 Keep quiet: music - 91--- d'amore=- 92 — S. Cobb 93 Order 96 Ed or Keenan 100 — -Ma non 101 Street drug 102 Exist • Everything for your Wedding! upon to fill the -void. This was -troth- •ing new for Ervin, since.he had been called upon before,• and he immediately chosc•to speak on forms of prayer to the residents.. Beatrice Rader, a tenant-fromBlue Water Rest Home Apartments assisted Ervin as organist. Fr. Matthias Wronski, St. • Bdniface Church,: Zurich celebrated Mass. Friday afternoon Art. Coker of Bayview Subdivision played popu lar music on the organ in the. Chapel for the residents. Many joined in -to -sing their favorite song- - and Barbara Coker assisted'and vis- ited with the residents during her husband's recital. - Sunday morning - residents' Clarence Gascho, Philippa-Steckle, Mabel Riley, Mabel Kyle, Roy Gingerich and tenants Beatrice Rader, -Marie Gingerich and Seleda , Steckte•baarded the wheelchair bus _ for services at Zurich Mennonite Church. - With the absence of the full-time Adjuvant, Marlene Williamson and her husband Rev. Brian led the sing along inthe auditorium on August 25. : There are many local people who supply the Home with fresh pro- duce each year. The residents rolled up their sleeves on Friday after- noon and husked fresh corn from the field. Bob Carson: Rose Wrights hold reunion KIRKTON The annual Wright reunion was held at the Kirkton- Woodham community Centre on August 10. About 60 people attend- ed. President James Wright wel- comed all the relatives and. Ross Kercher asked the blessing. After a buffet dinner, James Wright con- ducted the business. - - The 1998 reunion will be held at the same'place, the second Sunday in August. Alex Wright, Toronto, is the president and Laurabelle Reichert the secretary. The sports committee is Vicki Culham, Mississauga. Co -Presented Fashion Shows Romannc Bndal 6r Formalwe r Fashion Shows Saturday 12:00 noon and 3:00jms Sunday 2:30 pm Win a fabulous Jessica McClintock Bridal Qown from Ballett's ...plus other great prizes! Free Wedding Bells Sryk guide to the first 1000 brides! See the Jessica McClintok Feature Fashion Duplay! itt,ti..ia, 85.00 A Bridal Showcase of... aA the latest fashions, trrcrlurrs , seruces and rands I SEPTEMBER 6 & 7, 1997 SATURDAY 10.6, SUNDAY 12 . 5 LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE movie "Braveheart': got right was William Wallace's betrayal- and execution. After lunch Dr. Nick Ranson presented his research, on - army letters to Henry from the war . department when he was quarter master at Portsmouth. An auction of the -Althea Platt collection ihen.took place, ftilluwcd by :supper at the Inn. Afterwards the auction continued with over 100 Henry books consigned by Doug Booth. . . - ' - • Ian concluded concluded with a contest of identifying :Henty titles by -the sub- titles and Ivan McClymont gave his presentation on the "Woman of the Commune—that was published under five different titles by four publishers in 12.editions. He was able to show ien of the 12 of his collection. - The gathering attended -by "16 -people from four. States and provinces wound up,with a farewell breakfast Sunday morning at the Inn. .• Church -service for:Varna- Goshen was held- in Goshen on Sunday and will he in Goshen Sunday, August 31. The flowers placed in the church Were from Paul and Monica Hill's wedding: ner of quilt • Memel-, Marie Ginger-ich, Pearl Miller, .Alice -Knowles, .Mabel. -Riley and_Vivian Frcmlin prepared the corn for the kitchen donated by Harry Hayter of Dashwood. - . Alio, the -Home has received many china cups and saucers. from- . the'egmmunity; which are used for the Wednesday afierniton tests dur- ing the winter months. Emma • Campbell of Zurich donated a china teapot -and four matching cups recently. .- The residents look forward to a shopping trip to Goderich on August_26tanda. barliet:ue'_on August 28. The annual Resident/Family Christmas -Dinner -will be held at the Home on November 3a. which was on Saturday. Paul and Monica arc residing just west of Varna. • • A speedy rccovcry._is wished. to Cameron Laurie Since hiii.surgery.- . Thc Stanley Mite Girls:wcrc 'A' - runnersups in their tournament held Saturday, August 16 in-Seaforth. They lost their final game against . Seaforth. Thc coaches were Dana" Cooper_ and Erin McNaughton. The Stanley Tyke mixed team . • won the-'B''championship. Players on.this team from•the.area arc • Stacey Consist, Alysha and Jayme ' Dowson and Kyle Haggis:. Consitt topped the game off with a grand; --slam. A. windup for all: the tearhs planned in September will include games against the' narents..Morc" ` details .will ,wiiext week's - correspondcncc.' • - Stan • Lee Club :will meet •September•3 at 6 p.m: -for apotluck- _. • supper at the Complex: _ Women with tickets for 'Brigadoon' should meet at the• - Varna Church at. 5. p.m. toter pool • to Millingtons in Brucefield for.' supper and them on to. Grand Bend. . There will he a community bridal . shower . for Shelly. Hayter. September 4 at the Complex. There will be a community yard _sale at the Complex on August 30 and 11 hcginning at 9 a.m.-Anyone wanting a• table should call Marion _ Coleman ,at 263-5354 as soon:as possible. Thurs. & Fri. LUNCH BUFFET SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. -.$4.95 Country Bakery 367 Main St. S. Wed., Thurs., Fri and Sat. Aug. Exeter 235-2525 27,28,29,30 Portuguese Bread .89 Boston Cream Pie 2.65 ea. CALLING ALL GRADUATES WHERE ARE THEY NOW? ki With school just around the corner, the Exeter Times Advocate would like to pay tribute to our graduates. )0 If you know of someone who has... • graduated from South Huron District High School • acquired a job in •their field and would be a great example for our younger readers, please give us a call. A recent photo of the graduate would be required. 424 Main St. Exeter, Ont. (519) 2351331 • Fax (519) 2350766 IIP 1 • •i 4 • • • • ••T• o 0 0 ea 'v. f , 0. f, o i i i • 0 1 1 DANCE STUDIO ACRO -GYMNASTICS, TAP AND JAZZ Ages 4 and up REGISTRATION Thurs. Aug. 21 - 7 - 9 p.m. Thurs•. Aug. 28, 7 --9 p.m. • hurs. Sept. 4, 7 - 9'p.rn. - Bldg. #75 Huron Park, Ont. Behind Post Office) For more information call: 228-6610 • New-Student-RegistrationFee: $10. Classes to •egin M• 1 - • - • -r : ' CALLING ALL GRADUATES WHERE ARE THEY NOW? ki With school just around the corner, the Exeter Times Advocate would like to pay tribute to our graduates. )0 If you know of someone who has... • graduated from South Huron District High School • acquired a job in •their field and would be a great example for our younger readers, please give us a call. A recent photo of the graduate would be required. 424 Main St. Exeter, Ont. (519) 2351331 • Fax (519) 2350766