HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 5IT'S YQUR BUSINESS Heads up flying keeps sprayer in skies Home building bounces back in month of July •1•ittu•s-Ailvac'ale, August 27; 1997 luxe Flying at Tess than 10 feet above the crop at 90 miles per hour, Jim Horvath keeps his complete focus on the task at hand. By Kate Monk T -A Reporter EXETER.- Jim Horvath's lose of flying»as turned into a 30 -year ca- reer in.whal most people call crazi- ness. He is the owner and operator of Jim's Flying Service. the only aerial crop spraying, fertilizing and seeding company in Huron. Perth and Middlesex counties. He is cur- - rently spraying Nabisco's sweet corn fields in the Exeter and Kirk - ton arca for corn borer. Born and raised oh a tobacco farm near-Tilsonhurg, Horvath's first recollccliotrof !lying was sec- .ing• a crisp dusting airplane. AI - though he. wanted to be a. hush pi- lot. he lacked experience and opted lir agricultural spraying instead. Horvath starlet] crop dusting in the days when dry .chemicals wcrc _ applied and windy conditions Were favored with' tuost of the spraying done on tobacco. In the late 5(1's and early 60's. dusting went by the wayside and the new chemicals were Iiquid sprays.. - Horvath estimate:: there are only a handful of aerial crop sprayers left in Ontario since many farmers has c opted tau high clearance . ground equipment, Although he ad - mils he can't compete with'ground • machines in short. term ceonomics. he thinks that when a conics time to harvest the crop. using his ser - s ice pays off. Even under dr con- ditions, there is sunrc trampling and compaction sl iih . ground applica- tion. • • - "If they tramp two bushels (of wheat. grain or barley) an- acre. it • more than pays for the aerial scr- 11,iisath also secs an advitntagc to acral scedn►g of winter wheal into soybeans the wheat gets an early start (up to four inches) before the hcans arc harvested. • Precision flying Anyone who has seen Horvath at work knows his skills are a .spce- tacular example of precision flying: . He is Waxiest about his ability and - has great respect -for pilots who can . do acrobatics or instmrntent flying - which also • require specialized skills. According tot. Horvath- a .pilot wanting to _spray crops doesn't have to have amazing skills but necds'a lot of practice—he has be- tween 808) and 9,000 hours of ing experience. "It's heads"up !lying all the way."' explained 1 tory _nth. adding' he "has to be able -to Its and !cel the aur- • plane without using the instruments and work at lower alliludes.•. Fortunately, ideal sprajrng lines coincide with perfect flying condi- tions --no wind -or a light breeze. no rain and cool temperatures. • - Consistency is the key to getting a -good application. said Horvath. To spray insecticide. he (lies be- tween live and 10 tee! ahovc the crop but when he- applies fungicide - hc flies with the wheels on top of the Crop. `'You have to holt( a rinistant al- titude above the crop," he said. add- ing-. "lb's all about hcing precise." : While flying at• such- a Ions al- titude. he is travelling Ixtwccn 90 and _100 miles per hour and avoid- ing obstacles such as wires. huild- ings and trees. Add to that positi'vc and negative "g forces"• and you have the recipe for a very fatiguing flight. To keep track of his coverage arca in a field. he estimates the number of passes requited and di - Vides up the Held accordingly. He applies the product through swaths - up and down the►Meld or on a race- track pattern. - - "You're always counting. It takes • a -lot of practice." While admitting he will Ily under lower Iincs•if they're in Ihej:midst of a ticld, Horvath says he doesn't enjoy i1.. • it's not hcing a. hot dog...I do it because of tante and the quality of the job." A flying tractor • Horvath currently uses a factory --- built -agricultural aircraft, the Piper., Pawnee which he keeps in -"top shape." It's 20 years old, • made of 'fabric and uncial and has a 540 cu- hic inch Lycoming engine. He is very pleased with the aircraft call- ing it a " (raetor with wings on it." His motto is "We fly the skies with a tractor in disguise. It's quite a. different plane from the 85 horse power • Piper 73 C'ub Horvath darted on 31) years ago. The ('uh wars adapted for spraying by adding .a 50 -gallon tank in the passenger scat. In 1968. he chatnged to a 450 hp. Stearman and then a Cessna Ag -(ruck. Although Nabisco -is Horvath's main -client, he also works for in- dividual Jarners. "There.'.slots here dr,rt'would sup- port agrtctiltural planes but every- - ......"21� . . The man Inside the plane. Jim Horvath, owner and op- erator of Jim's Flying Ser- vice, has been in the busi- ness for 30 years. He is currently flying out of the Sexsmith air strip near Exet- er while applying insecticide to Nabisco corn fields. Fly ing at a constant altitude is =tife=key-to-aerial �sprayfng Jim Horvath flies between five and 10 feet above the corn when applying insecti- cide. OUTAWA - National. housing - starts went up by 2.7 per -pent in` one jumped On the bandwagon with July, •reaching a_ seasonally Adjust - ground equipment," he explained. 'cd annual rate tSAXR)` nf- In some -areas in the United 144.700 units from a -rate of States, 90 per cent of the - seeding 140 9(1).units in June, according to and spraying is done by aircraft, es-% Canada Moflgage and .. Housmng • tecially in arcas.gros4,ing a lot of C'orporahtin (('MIK'). - - vegetables, - In 'urban centres, single=detached He expects. to he spraying in- •construction incrcascd 1.6 per cent - secticide until mid-September Ily- from 67.8111 to 68.9(1) unrtT while ing out of Sctsrnith Airport near multiple•dwclling starts moved up Exeter and Wayne Prance's grass 6.5 per cent to 52.700 units from strip near Kirkton: Ile may do some. 49,500 in June. aerial seeding afterwards. "Increased Construction in multi- - Horvath • has moved from Win- . pies accounts for Most of July's throe jo "i'illsonhurg but says the performance," said Louis:Ironer. new owner will keep the grass strip Economist at CMHC's Market in tact. In the off season. Horvath isAnalysis C'entrc."Low rnortgagc a real estop: salesman in "rill- rates, faster job creation, anti -im- sonhurg which he finds. totally dif- Icrenl and is 'a quiet change from the high-intensity flying. you're Invited Thursday, September 4/97 at 7:30 p.m. Hessenland at St. Joseph Topics include • Retirement • Investment Alternatives for the 90's and beyond • 'laxation - You & your estate Coffee and dessert provided Seating is limited so make your reservations today .by caging: 1-888-235-9260 Sponsored by: Y.I.S. Financial Inc. YOUR INVESTMENT SHOPPERS Lawrence M. Beane Don Thompson LIDAY.T TISIN ADLIN E for next week's newspaper Because of the holiday Monday, all advertising must be in our office by Friday afternoon in order for us to maintain our publishing schedule - 424 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1331 r proving 'consumer.•confidence can tinue to have a' pt►shrve impact on single -detached construction." In Ontario, urhan starts increased - 12.0 per gent to_ 48:60O units from. 43,401) in 'June.., Multiple starts - jumted by 34.7. per cent as a result of incrcascd rental and. condomin turn construction, • - Quclec: • -construction activity. posted a 5,7• per tent increase in - July. reaching 20.501) units from . .19,401) a,nionlh ago: Again. higher - 'condouunium and rental starts ac- count for much of the-. increase in , activity. 1 Business Directory, AUCTIONEERS MOOSEUO AU CTI$N SUVICa Hensall Ont. • All types -of auctions_ ' Complete service. Will purchase partial_ or complete estates. 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