HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-27, Page 3THENEWS Times -Advocate, August 27.1997 Subway on its . way FOR LEASE 1700 SQ. FT. Construction has begun on the building that will house a Subway restaurant, located .at- the northeast corner of Hwy. 4 and 83, The building will also have space ,to lease for a long: term tenant. Property owner Gary MacLean will not be operating the franchise, but said he anticipates the building will be completed in the "very near future." . Stephen wants grant STEPHEN :EOWNSIIIP • Ste- phen Township Council well re- quest the Ministry of Municipal Aff.urs•and lousing .tarify the pro- posed tax exempt status for_. live, performance theatre; under I MOO , .eats.. _ - A motion was carried at the Aug. - 19 meeting to determine what parts of the Huron Country Playhouse facility will qualify for exempt ,tat - u weh as offices. parking, accori- m(xlaii�in ot.pei-T rRian�ehall, - The mutton alio- requests a prov in- LI,tI grant to offset. the cost to the local taxpayer for such an exemp- tion: - Subway opening soon EXETER - .\ Suhwac franchise will he opening soon at the corner of Highways 4 and X 3 Property owner Gary McLean said he expects the building to he ' complete in the '-very- near future' and is looking fora long-term ten- ant It lease the remaining 1.65.0- -square feet •if space-acallahfe, He added he is flexible about the na- ture of business that could lease the space. • M Thi -Subway :will take up 1.100 sq. ft. Of space_ Volunteers wanted for projects in developing countries TORONTO .- If you are I8-25 ante of experienced ar,,up lead years of, age. volunteer poi ions •era and project manager.. are now.- available - for exciting ''•participating in a-YC1 pro•icci community_ health and -conserva- provides.youngCanadians, with tion . projects in. Costa Rica and the chance to earn valuable expe-• Guyana. Si,uth-America. - rienee,• to gain 'new skiff's . to. All you need is energy. enthti-_ 'learn about a .different culture siasm and a willingness to .learn, and to' work with ocher. youpg You could live and work-in remote -. people'frlim around 'the -world-. 'tllages deep in the rainforest says Michael Buda. the Selection alongside Dynamic people -from Director at YCI. other countries and cultures - : .The deadline fen -applications is. while making a solid contribution ' October -3: Only 54, pOations .ire to the quality of community life. • available to applicants=from on - Youth Challenge " promotes tario forthis exciting: oppertuni- yrluth-deveirfpment- through-exsit---ty.-„ _ • 2 mg community health and conser- . To receive'an- application and cation projects/. Dynamic •young- . for more information about' YCI. people.. from across Canada and call us :at t416) :971 -9846: - around the world will- work on 'a ext.300 or e-mail - us _ ..at variety of projects under the guid-- inf6@ycl'or4. RMARD CGIC_& EA training etre 93B Victoria St. E. 235-4890 Beside Exeter. Public School ONE DAY COURSES Saturday August 30 Buying your first PC? 9-12 Saturday September 13 Introduction to the Internet 9-3 Saturday September 20 First Look at Windows 95 9 3 $200.00 REWARD for information Ie3ding to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for the BREAK ENTER AND THEFT at "Jake's Place" - Grand Bend Beach, in the early morning hours of Saturday, August 23, 1997 Send information to: JAKE'S PLACE _ P.O. Box 573, Grand Bend, NOM 1TO or contact owner NOW OPEN! Best Entertainment 301 Main Street, South, Exeter NOM 156 235-0266 Computers... Wholesale and Retail For all your computer and Internet needs! This weeks "Back to School Special" Intel Pentium 166 Mhz Full Multi -Media • 16 Megs of RAM * 1.7 Gig Hard Drive • 2 Meg Video Card • 14" Super VGA Monitor • 16 X CD ROM • 60 Watt Speakers • Mc Mouse Keyboard * 33.6 Internal Fax Modem • Windows 95 CD and Manual • FREE Setup and Delivery • Lexmark 1000 Bubble Jet Printer • 2 Year Parts and Labatt ONLY $1799.00 OR $21.00,W..k O.A.C. Many other systems available? CaII Today (519) 235-0266 Until August 31st 1997 ask about our 5100.00 Student "BEST SUCKS" Show us your student card and "Best Entertainment" will discount S100.00 from any Computer System) Huron County Public Library participating in Dorothy Shoemaker literary awards HURON COUNTY - This near me M.,�n., e�..,._- HURON COUNTY This year the Dorothy Shne maker Literary Awards will begin -accepting entries on Friday.- August 22 at all participating public libraries and school:boards. • . , This Year marks the thirtieth anniversary. of the - Awards. which began in 1967 as a Centennial project of the Kitchener Public lhrary:- The (.iterary Awards are named for Miss Dorothy . Shoemaker the former. chief librarian who enthusiasti- cally encouraged aspiring writers throughout her ca- • veer and recently endowed the awards when, govern - meq; cutbacks threatened their continuation: _• - The area of part(cipaiion for.. the Awards includes Brant:. Bruce. Dufferin. Grey. Huron. O+tlitrd..Perih- and Wellington Counties: as well as the.Regiimal Mu- • nicipality of Waterloo, -• The Kitchener Public Library -has established pan--. nerships with libraries . school; hoards and other or ganiiations 10 encourage participation .hy. writers of atI ages. . " The awards accept submissions of poetry -and prose Tup to 5.000 words)• in three age categories:,Junior F 12 • • • years of age and under): lnterntediate 113 to 17);and senior (1 K years and Older). ' A published abihor appraises the entries and selects three winners in each age category in hoth poetry and prose.' Winners receive a cash Artie and their work is pub- -- fished an Thos-Changing..!mage_ - A, total of" 17 public libraries and school hoards -are participating in this year's contest.. • Entry forms for the Literary Awardand contest rules will be available through the Huron County Public Li. bray ... Entries must he submitted by Friday. October 10, .Winners will receive their'awards:at-a special presenta- tion at the• Kitchener•:Puhlic Library.On Saturday, No- vember 22. ' Fiir. more information please contact Sharon Cox. -Deputy County Librarian. Huron County Public Li- - hrary or Harry Froklage: Manager. 'Marketing and Community -Relations; • Kitchener:Puhlie. Library. (5,19) 743-027.1; Ext. 2 34. Inc. MANUFACWRERS-DiS7 RIBU7URS "DIRECT TO YOU" i., 'WE HAVE IT ALL FOR GREAT CASUAL LIVING" PLUS GREAT PRICES ALL YEAR LONG e_ For Outdoors • Pools • Garden Areas • Sunrooms Putin LAO . cls • Hammock. IrhGnal P:4nts: Tree, • ihade Y. 4•r f iomecrest • 4 Tradition In Wmurht Imo PVC. Tubular Resin - Furnllure - the Ultimate in elegant Outdnnr Llvmg... 11 PLANT & 51tu\v!momt CLOSED SEPT. 1 - t� ij C44 GRAND BEND 238-2110 Hwv. 83 E (2 miles from the water plant) Mon.-Fr1. S:30-6 • Sat. 10:00-5 - 15,000 SQ. FT. 40 SETS ON DISPLAY. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE, UMBRELLAS, REPL4CE.NENT CUSHIrin)Ss FURNITURE COVERS - /e mAe///y, OVERS /eIiflee//.y 4/ iii iii/ii, t.-:Ym%i c/ NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY OR LEASE THE '97 OR '98 VEHICLE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR WITH GREAT FACTORY TO DEALER AND CUSTOMER INCENTIVES. FACTORY FINANCING AT LOW 97 AEROSTAR WITH ELECTRONIC AU WHEEL DRIVE Canada's lowest Priced 4 -Wheel Drive Minivan 48 MONTH FINANCING ON MOST '97 MODELS PLUS 19x18 MONTH MANUS ON '97 TAUNUS & SAW 97 ESCORT -SEDAN 4/10'+VAGON 3 .9°'° It 1000 4 MONTH FINANCING I FACTORY CASHIA(R Voted Best New Economy Car $2500 FACTORY CAS1i1A1 98 WINOSTAR 3.0 LITRE 15OOJ124QtH li FACTORY (AMUCK + 52.681 DOWNPAYMENT GREAT LEASE RATES ON '97 AND'11MODRS 97 EXPLORER ? S1000.1/1$299su41" FACTOIY (ASNIA(R ' S3.67S DOWRUAYMENT 't Selling Sport -Utility In North America 98 CONTOUR SPORT/ MYSTIQUE SPORT 52 415 0001 - 'anima 97 F -SERIES 97 TAURUS 8 SABLE -SEDAN ANO WAGON I stns 4-411115 XIS t 24 Isom 40 401191 FINANCING 5700 )00I04I140T 319°° o.5265 Rya NO- bit, (I (hafgr Powel til -lop ',pot! Palkogr S••r•0' (:fondn Rr•.f Srllinq '.,ll Su. P... „p 1199 1 41011)14$AI(I14Oe 52000:"713 i[ 'via s dist i. 11mq t�lmdv Sitrd (at•, . I ( M„rlth F.xnn v Fv/anc•1• I!'1) ry 111.1)J, .1„ -u,.tir '97 r,, , ,.1•. • Ow, .f 1r ZWO • C,nt,tur • Cuuxar •nn ViCfrn • Grind M 15,1. • Mn,t t,•., • M, • ,IIu• •P• rob.•• R oils. r • TI Inrhlrrt • Villager NOW PLAYING AT YOUR ONTARIO FORD & MERCURY DEALERS Or v.01 our web ,rf,• at w•Nw.tOrd ry o44e.', ...omen w to wow am, • 1 r 41..11. a ••.. w.•.•., ia•.•00 t..•.m w.. vie.. 14.'. 0-1.4 raa waw. Crawl r... sew m• f 1 {IIIN •r..•w' • 1.M ..V s.,a.M..r v w •.nl•• UMW. 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