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Circle of Friends Ranch
Children from Exeter,
Huron Park, Centralia,
Hensall and area par-
ticipated in the Exeter
Christian Reformed
Church Vacation Bible
School last. week.
Above, Betty Toornstra.
staffs the Trading
Post. Left, Sarah De:
Weerd (3) and Amanda
DeVries (11). create a
cowboy vest. Circle of
Friends Ranch - Being
Friends with Jesus was
the theme of the week-
long school with 175
children registered.
Hensall honors its volunteers
Jeff Reaburn handed
out the awards at Sat-
urday's barbecue and
elimination draw.
By Liz Sangster
Hensall correspondent
HENSALL - August 16 was the
second annual beef barbecue and
elimination draw in ihe village of
Hensall. The' evening was hosted
by the Hensall Fire Department,
Parks .Board and Kinsmen Club.
Proceeds from the event will be
used for Firc Department equip-
' ment and the newly acquired rescue
van. Arena Ice Resurfacer and com-
munity service: The grand _prize
winner of rhe elimination draw was
Dave Ingram -of Hensall.
The evening also served to pay
tribute to some outstanding volun-
teers in the village of Hensall. Ron
McTaggart was honored as "Sport
Volunteer of the Year", Linda Ran-
dall as "Civic Volunteer" and Mar-
garet Cole as "Humanitarian Vol-
• unteer of the Year." Presentations
were made by Councillor Jeff Re-
aburn. A special award was pre-
sented to Iva Reid of Hensall who
was nominated by the Hensall'
Parke oard `i receive a provin
cially issued "Senior of the Year"
award. She was nominated for her
dedication to community service.
The Council of the Village of
Hensall is examining the feasibility
• of a cat by-law for. the purpose of
identification of cats and control of
stray cats. Persons interested in
serving in an advisory capacity on
the by-law development should
contact the Village Office, 262-
2812. Copies of by-laws from other
municipalities are available for re-
At Hensall United Churdi on
Sunday. Nancy Fraser was the min-
ister with Mark Garlough in charge
of the ministry of song. John
Thomson brought words of wel-
come and the announcements. John
Goddard read from the Old Testa-
ment, the Epistle Reading and the
Illumination of the Word. The ush-
ers were Joanne Rowcliffe and
Elaine Corbett. Judy and George
Parker were the greeters. Helen
MacLean provided a bouquet.
Best wishes are extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Steve McGregor who
Rev. Stan McDonald united in mar-
riage on Saturday.
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At Carmel Presbyterian Church
Rev. Grant Darling was the guest
minister with Dorothy Taylor as
the organist. Rev. Peebles will be
the guest minister next Sunday.
Wednesday, August 20 is the
Hensall and District Horticultural
Society's annual, flower show at the
Queensway Rest Home. People can
• see the flowers, -visit with the resi-
dents and yisit the Tea Room.
Sympathy of the community is
extended to Hilda Payne and fami-
ly on the passing of Carl.
Lions Club to host car show
The show on Sunday
begins with a pancake
breakfast from 8 to 11-
By Mary Peterson
Centralia correspondent
CENTRALIA - Marg Cook re-
ceived best wishes from friends
who gathered to celebrate her 80th
birthday on August 13. The open
house was held at the . home of
Doug and Donelda Lewis in Credi-
ton. Family and friends assisted the
hostess in serving refreshments and
later took Marg to supper at a local
The Centralia Community Centre
was decorated on August 14 for a
bridal shower for Janet Koricina.
Susan Devlaeminck was assisted by
family and friends in hosting this
occasion. Donna Smith read a
poem and David and'Jennifer.Dev-
laeminck each played the piano.
The bride-to-be received many
gifts, and a lunch was then served.
Koricina-willmarry Matthew Erb
on September 19. 1997.
• A bridal shower was also held on
August 15 at Centralia United
Church for Angela Hodgson. Mi-
kayla Skinner provided- a piano
solo, and Lindsay and Carrie Powe
sang the song "Love and Mar-
riage." Ray Tripp gave two read-
ings, and Megan Hodgson, niece of
the- bride, also sang a solo. Faye
Skinner entertained the audience
with some humorous comments: A
poem and address to the bride-to-
be .were given by Donna. Smith.
Hodgson will marry Kevin .Burtch
on September 6. Lunch was served
by the women of the -United
Church. •
Brian Hicks -and Patricia Brown
were married on August -1 at the
home of Frank and Janet Hicks.
The couple now reside near Cen-
Rod-and Custom Car
On August 24. there will be an-
tique, rod, and -custom cars on dis-
play at the Centralia ball diamond.
The show will be hosted by .the
Centralia/Huron Park Lions Club.
A pancake breakfast from 8 a.m. to
11 .a.m. will kick' off the day's
events. The show will include a -
swap meet and crafts, trophies, and
a beef barbecue to cap it all off.
Proceeds from the day will be do
nated to Centralia Community Cen-
Ire and the ball diamond for re-
pairs. For more information;
contact Ron Harvey at 228-6570 or
Bill Chadwick at 228-6710.
Euchre regulls.
Euchre_ players enjoyed an after-
noon of cardplaying recently in -
Crediton. 011ie Essery and Mary -
Rhame were High Hand winners,
while Low Hand winners were Cla-
ra Lewis and George Adams. Wi-
nenrs for most Lone Hands were
:Edith Eaton and Janie McDowell.
Barbecue at Blue Water Rest Home
- ZURICH - The expression the grass is always
•greener on the other side of the road'- fits into the -
theme of tenants of. Maplewoods Apartments who en
joy dinner at Blue Water Rest Home once each month.
The food always tastes better when someone else does.
the cooking. Ila O'Rourke,. Reta Snyder,Ina Neeb,
Anna Erb, Meda O'Brien, Vera Shantz and . Verda
Baechler feasted on meat loaf; green beans, mashed
potatoes, salad, apple pie and ice cream served. by
Auxiliary volunteer Mary t;ingerich and visited with
the residents before leaving via the wheelchair bus for
their home at Maplewoods Apartments on Monday af-
ternoon.- Later the residents enjoyed the movie "The
Little Princess" -shown in the auditorium.
Tuesday evening members of Hensall United
Church hosted the August birthday party at the Home.
Helen MacLean as "Knobby"• the. clown chaired the
evening proceedings: Bill Gibson played the piano and
sang a solo; Laura Elder played a piano solo: Laura`
and Amber Elder sang "Part of Your. World" from the
movie "The Little Mermaid"; Michelle .Bovey of
Mitchell. Kennedy Baker and Melissa Hart of Clinton
,-performed "Magic' as :they-stepdanced the "Clog; Jig -
and Reel."
Residents Mabel Kyle, Adeline Denomy, Gerald
Stone and Robert Carson enjoyed August birthdays.
but, Beatrice Eagleson, Clarence Gascho, Geraldine.
Charrette and Louis Weigand were all born on August
22. They each received birthday gifts from the Auxil- Huron Hospital, Exeter.
-iary and everyone enjoyed birthday .cake_ and ice Condolences to the family and friends of the late
cream provided and served by the church members Grace Allen, Hummel who passed' away suddenly at
and volunteer Auxiliary members.her home inClinton in her 44th year. She was in het
• Wednesday the residents enjoyed a game of Pokeno• 24th year as:a nurse's aid at Blue Water Rest Home.
in the auditorium. .' The . residents look forward to a shopping trip in
Thursday afternoon chapel service was conducted Goderich oh August 26 -and a barbecue in the courtyard-
ourtyardby Rev. Brian Williamson, Bayfield Community on August 28.
Church, with the assistance of his wife Marlene asor-
ganist.'Fr. Matthias Wronski, St. Boniface Church, Zu-
rich celebrated Mass on Thursday afternoon. Knights
Of Columbus members John Paul Rau, Mozart Gelinas"
Sr., John Jacobs and Lloyd Steinburg made a special
presentation to Joyce Ducharme, widow of the lath
Blaise Ducharme with a chalice inscribed in his memo-
Blaise had been an active member of the Knights 9f
Columbus for many years and Mrs, Ducharme wished
the chalice to be placed at the rest homq for the weekly
service. Each time the chalice is used In a Mass cere-
mony, the Memory of Blaise Ducharme. will be men=
tioned. ••
Thursday evening the residents enjoyed barbecued
hamburgers, chips, ice cream cones, coffee and tea in
the courtyard. Clara Hamilton, Bob Carson, Dorothy
Dietrich, Vivian Ftemlin, Clarence Gascho, Kurt Geb-
el, Esther Makins, Ruby Bell, Eleanor -Watson, Jean
Burr and -Pearl Miller enjoyed the fresh air and 'Smell
of the barbecue. Later, . Max •Ducharme and -"The
Townliners" entertained at the rest home; Max on vio-
lin, Harvey Smith on guitar. Doug Inkley and Andrew
Rau- on guitar Phyllis Deichert -as=pianist--and Carol
' Taylor on rhythm instruments and singing.
The reception area was filled wifft the sound of mu-
sic as Art. Coket played the organ rn the chapel on Fri-
day afternoon.
Best wishes to Mae Fox who is a patient at South
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