HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-20, Page 9FARM IIPDATF. Times -Advocate, August 20, 1997 Page 9 Harnessing history Heritage horsemen. Seelster Farms' Chris VanBussel peruses the Lucan Area Harness Horsemen 'Past and Present' display at the recent Lucan Heritage Days. Local historian Jean Hodgins put the 60', 260 page display together over six weeks especially for Heritage Days. 'Past and Present' is,'on display at the Lucan Area Heritage Museum on Saturdays from 1 p.m. -5 p.m. .MNR seeks mailing partners TORONTO - The .Ministry of Natural Resources is looking for' partners to share the cost of mailing printed material to anglers and hunters. With some 1.4 million names in its database, MNR annually spends about $400,0(X1 to mail information to anglers and hunters. The minis- try believes it -can significantly re- duce costs by working with part- ners who want to reach MNR's large angling and hunting audience. Anglers and hunters may check a box on their licence renewal forms to agree to accept sponsored mail- ings. or can call a toll-free number to initiate the process. The ministry is seeking two types_ ofmailing partners: Those .who - wish to add material to regular MNR mailings (Such as Outdoors Cards), and those who wish to .send their own promotional material to anglers and hunters in MNR's data- base. In both cases. MNR will re-. view all material intended for an- glers or hunters to cmure it is - relevant to that audience. and is Consistent with fish and wildlife laws and management objectives. In both cases; material will only he sent to anglers and hunters who agree to receive it. *On *ail • Soma, Si,.. • ,t,4..••f S•..r« The Pattern For Success. These varieties lead the way in yield, value and reliability: Soft Red 2510 2540 25R57 Soft white 25W33 2737W See Or Call: JIM MORLOCK Sales Representative for Pioneer® Brand Products RR #2, Credlton, Ont. NOM IMO Res: (519) 234-6297 Telefax: (519) 234-6157 Seed Corn, Alfalfa, Sorghum, Soybeans, Inoculants, Wheat The strong straw eclgi,. j\ PIONEER. 0111 81111-Iltm U111TID Al toss as $0400101* term al mrirq ate• syr P0/00111100.r-Md tnDaum Omsk PTA SO. Brussels livestock sales The sales at Brussels Livestock for the %cck ending August 15. 1997 Fed cauk: 783 Cows: 207 Veal calves: 572 Lambs and goats: 362 Stockers: 1700 - Thc fed 'steers and heifers sold at prices 52.081 tosser. The cows also traded S2.00lower. Veal sold On a steady trade Lamps sold On a full) steady trade On Friday both the calves and the yearlings sold al steady prices to last week. • There were 389 steers on offer selling from 90.(X1 to 95.(X1 to the high of 103.25 Eight steers consigned by K&A Beef Farms. Wroxeter averaging 1204 -lbs. sold for an av- erage of 93.36 with sales to 98.5)1. Three steers consigned by Mark and I'aul Pennington.'Mildmay averaging 1323 lbs. sold for an average of 93.80 with sales to 97 75 - Five steers consigned by Mary McPherson- Orangeville averaging 1419.1hs. sold for an average of 90.67 with sales It: 97 25. - . Nineteen steers consigned by Allan Thornton. Gorrie averaging 1419 Ihs. sold for an aver- age of 91.25 with sales to 96.75- - Nine steers consigned by Don Shiell. Wmgham averaging 1 375 lbs. sold for an average of 91.77 with sales to 96.75. Thirty-eight steers consigned by J.A..McCann & Sons LW.. Ailsa Craig.averaging 1414 lbs: sold for an average of 94.70 with sales to 96.75. Five steers consigned by Irvin Schenk. Petersburg averaging 1425 Ihs. sold for an average of 90.87 with sales to 96.50. Forty-three steers consigned by Allglad Farms Ltd.. Ailsa Craig averaging 1388 lbs. sold for an average of 94.16 with sales 10 96.25. One steer consigned by Dean Aldwmkle. Varna weighing 1 325 Ihs. sold for 96.0). Five steers consigned by Freydale Farms. Newton averaging 1 1 16 Ihs. sold for an average of 91.21 with sales 10 95 (x). • There were 361 heifers on offer selling from 90.0010 95.(010 )he•high of '102.50. Twentyeight heifers consigned by Dennis Lamport. Crediton averaging 1 137 lbs. sold for an average of 95.48 with sales to'102.50. Four heifers consigned by Skinner Farms Ltd.. Mitchell averaging 1181 Ihs. sold for an average of 96.(13 with sales to 1(0 (X) Thiny heifers consigned by Geoffrey Clader. Holstein averaging 1036 lbs. sold for an av- erage of 91.85 with sales 10 97.25 Five heifers consigned by Woodham Farms, Woodham averaging 1 139 Ihs sold for an av- erage of 92 81 with sales to 96.(0 Six heifers consigned by Ronland Farms, Stratford averaging 1 167 Ihs. sold for an average of 91.57 with sales to 9425 Two heifers consigned by Cliff Campbell. Stratford averaging 957 Ihs- sold for an average of 89.01 with sales to 94.25 There were 207 cows on offer selling from 45.(X) to 58 00 to the high of 70.50. One hereford cow consigned by Earl BenneWies. Bornholm weighing 1330 Ihs. sold for 70.50. ' One limo cow consigned by George Wilson. Varma weighing 1(00 lbs. -sold for 69.50. Eight cows consigned by Lk. Whytock. Lucknow averaging 1 142 lbs. sold for an aver- age of 49 85 with sales to 68.50. There were 15 hulls on offer selling from 57.0)10 62 (X) to the high of 77.(0. One limo hull consigned by Val Brook Farms. Chepstow weighing 2120 Ihs. sold for 77.(x1. One limo hull consigned by Henry. L. Miller. Lucknow weighing 2(05 lbs. sold for 73.50. There were 572 veal and hob calves on offer: beef - 95.00 to 126 (8). hol - 85.00 to 95.(X): - plain hol - 70.(X1 to 85.00. Seven veal consigned by John Verburg. Londcshoro averaging 657 lbs. sold for an aver- age of 101.51 with sales to 126.01. Thirteen veal consigned by Rick Smith. Ripley averaging 674 lbs. sold for an average of .99.03 with sales to 124.50. - Twenty-two veal consigned by Enc Scheurwater. Paisley averaging 674 Ihs sold for an average of 1(18.54 with sales to 123 0). Lambs: 50-80 Ihs. 1 11)1x)10 1901x) . 80-95 lbs. 1_2(1(x)10 132:50 95 Ihs. and over 114.0010 124.0) Sheep: 63.(x) to 71.(0 Goats 520.0010 5177.50 Stockers: • Steers:Under 400 Ihs 105.0)10 142.00 400 - 500 lbs. 102.00 to 136.(0 5(X1- 6(X) Ihs. 98.(0 to 32.(0 600 - 707 lbs. 88.(x) to 10.50 700 - 801 lbs. - 91 50 to 11.00 8(0 • 90) Ihs. 95-(010 11.85 900 - 1000 lbs. 92.50 to 10 25 1000 and over 87.5(7 to 05.25 Heifers: Under 30) Ihs . 30)-40) lbs - 400 -500 lbs hs4(X7-5(8llhs 500-600 Iris 607-707 Ihs 700-801 Ihs. 800-90) Ihs. 901 and over a 131.00 to 137 (X) 104 IX) to 139 0) .87.01 10 122.0) 87.01 to 1($.50 117.00 to 115.50 89.25 to 109.01 87.25 to 106 01 65.0010 101.01 Applying liquid manure: "What's new" CLINTON - The phrase, "Noth- ing's simple any more"- certainly applies to many aspects of life to- day. "Manure application is no excep- tion, just ask any livestock produc- er. Economics dictate that fanners need to utilize their manure re- source to achieve the greatest finan- cial benefit, while dealing with oth- er factors such as seasonal time constraints, working within legal standards and an ethical responsi- bility to minimize the impact on their local environment", said Steve Bowers of the Huron Stewardship Council. Staying abreast of the constantly changing information and technolo- gy relating to these topics is deft-. nicely a challenge. In early June of this year, at a workshop hosted by the Huron Stewardship Council and Huron County Federation of Agri- culture concerning the legal aspects of manure management, partici- pants were asked to identify their key manure management informa- tion needs. A workshop on liquid manure application was suggested by a number of participants. In response, the Huron Steward- ship Council, along with a number of livestock commodity groups, is hosting a workshop entitled. "Liq- uid Manure Application: What's New'. The workshop will take place on Friday September 5 from I to 4 p.m. at Lot 21, concession 4, McKillop Township (one intersec- tion east of Seaforth and two inter- sections north). Its purpose is to as-. sist livestock producers, or other interested parties, gain information on some of the latest technology and information relating to manure application. The agenda will in- clude: • John Arts, pork producer and • host farmer introduction and explanation of his operation Don Hilborn, OMAFRA By - Product_ and__W_aste_ Management Specialist - what's new in liquid manure ap- plicators and making manure more .acceptable to your neighbors. Gary Roberts, Stratford Agri Council hears site plan report USBORNE TOWNSHIP - Coun- cil heard a site plan control report at its Aug. 5 meeting regarding the expansion of a new greenhouse on Thames Road. Council agreed that the owners of the greenhouse should be asked to attend the second council meeting in September. Residents concerned USBORNE TOWNSHIP - Helen and Jack Hodgert attended the Aug. 5 Usborne Council meeting to ex- press concerns about wells going dry in their area. The Hodgerts also told council they were pleased with the work of A.G. Hayter, the contractor who was in charge of recent construc- tion on the Passmore drain. Denfield Livestock Sales report The Market at Denftcld Livestock traded on a good demand with the fan- cy cattle trading steady and the other fed cattle a touch lower. Cows sold steady. veal stronger. stockers were strong and pigs were steady. Hugh D. Lynch. Hyde Park sold 40 steers average weight 1281 average . price 97.37 with sales to 103.50 pur- chased by Holly Park and 102.75 pur- chased by Norwich Packers. Morley Hodgins. Parkhill sold 14 - steers average weight 1349 Doug Eagleson. Parkhill sold 10 steers average weight 1452 average price 93.16. Lome McKay. Petrolia sold 7 heifers average weight 1228 average price 93.51. Ken Miniclly, Wyoming sold 10 heif- ers average weight 1094 average price 92.21. - Jim Weigand. Dashwood sold 8 head average weight 1 161 average price 91.92 with sales to 100.00. Purchased • by Norwich Packers. Mike Hartman, Dashwood sold 7 steers average weigh) 1324 average Winning the war on ragweed For more than 80 per cent of sea- sonal allergy sufferers across Cana- da. the potent pollen released by the ragweed plant in late summer and early fall is the major source of allergy E"mptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and throat and cyc itch- iness. While the ragweed plant grows virtually everywhere in Canada. es- pecially in moist areas. there arc a number of ways you can take con- trol over ragweed and find addi- tional relief this season: • Since invisible ragweed pollen is carried by air currents, placing proper air filers on cooling and ven- tilation equipment in your home and using room size air purifiers can be effective; • Vacuum your carpets and up- holstery frequently; • Keep windows and doors closed as much as possible during pollen season; • The ragweed plant most com- monly appears every year along the cdgcs Of roads and gates and even in your lawn - for best results, re- move it before it begins to flower in August; • Plan your most strenuous activi- ties in the afternoon - ragweed pol- linates very early each day increas- ing airborne pollen levels; • After outdoor activities shower and change your clothes; • Wash your hands frequently. price 96.99 with sales to 100.25 pur- chased by Norwich Packers. Choice steers: 70.00-80.00 sales to 103.25 Good steers: 88.00-94.00 Plain steers: 70.00-80.00 Choice exotic cross heifers: 93.00- 97.00 sales to 98.50 Good heifers: Common and medium: 70.00-80.00 Good cows: 55.00-60.00 sales to 65.00 Canners and cutters: 45.00-53.00 Shells: 15.00-30.00 Direct to packer cows over 600 lbs.: 108.00 Bulls: 112.00 Choice veal: 95.00-105.00 Good veal: 80.00-90.00 Plain veal: 65.00-75.00 Good Holstein bull calves; $100.00- 5160.00 Weaner pigs 40-60 lbs.: 110.00 - 115.00 Sows: 58.00-61.00 Boars: 50.00-53.00 4 - \'1i Ill \'ul 1\(I P11 \ I Sbould have been Ude to tbe small phone book under Hartman Mike instead of under Mike's Blast and Paint • Analysis - the importance of manure and soil sampling Equipment Demonstrations, man- ufacturers and dealers - what's new from Husky, Nuhn and DFK (Yetter) ' For more information, please contact Steve Bowers (887-9137), Rowena Wallace (522-0804), Evert Ridder (482-5033) or Wayne Cald- well (524-2188). RRSP's to RRIF's Are you between the ages of 69 & 71 this year? If you are, you must cancel all your RRSP's by December 31, 1997. There is a lot of planning involved in converting your RRSP's to a RRIF. So don't wait until December to do it. Avoid the rush. Contact the Investment Officer at our office now about setting up a RRIF. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 48 Ontario Street CLINTON 482-3466 118 Main Street North EXETER 235-0640 NOTICE OF HIGHWAY, MUNICIPAL ROAD AND STREET RE -NAMING IN THE, TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH FOR 9-'i-1 EMERGENCY RESPONSE By authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter 302, Sectign 210 (111). TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith intends to pass a by-law on Tuesday, September 2nd, 1997 to rename the following highway, road and street names in the Township of Tuckersmith. LOCAL ROADS Con. 2-3 HRS to FRONT ROAD; Con. 4-5 HRS Lots 1-14 to TILE ROAD; Con. 6-7 HRS to CENTENNIAL ROAD; Con. 10-11 HRS to STONE ROAD; Con. 12-13 HRS to CHISELHURST ROAD; Con. 14- 15 HRS to OAK ROAD; Con. 2-3 LRS to MORRISON LINE; Con. 4-5' LRS to DIVISION LINE; Con. 7 LRS to HANNAH LINE; Boundary Road HRS to PERTH ROAD 183; Sideroad 5-6 HRS to HENSALL ROAD; Sideroad 14-15 HRS to ROXBOROUGH LINE; Sideroad 15- 16 HRS to HANNAH LINE; Sideroad 20-21 HRS to DIVISION LINE; Sideroad 25-26 HRS to KINBURN LINE; Sideroad 30-31 HRS to SANCTUARY LINE; Sideroad 35-36 HRS to FRONT ROAD; Slderoad 1 LRS to ROGERVILLE ROAD; Sideroad 5-6 LRS to HENSALL ROAD; Sideroad 10-11 LRS to WALNUT ROAD; Sideroad 20-21 LRS to STAFFA ROAD; Sideroad 25-26 LRS to CENTENNIAL ROAD; Sideroad 35-36 LRS to ROMAN ROAD; Sideroad 40-41 LRS to SHORTHORN ROAD; Sideroad 45-46 LRS to VANASTRA ROAD; Hamlet of Harpurhey Old Highway #8 to HARPURHEY ROAD. PROVINCIAL HIGHWAYS Highway 84 to LONDON ROAD; Highway #8 to HURON ROAD. HURON COUNTY HIGHWAYS County Road #3 Sideroad 30-31 LRS to MILL ROAD; County. Road #12 Sideroad 15-16 LRS to KIPPEN ROAD; County Road #32 Concession 8-9 HRS to STAFFA ROAD. All other street names in the Hamlets of Egmondville, Brucefield and Vanastra remain as previously known. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council shall hear anyone who claims to be adversely affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard by Council. Written appeals should be received by the undersigned by Friday, August 29th, 1997 and appellants are to attend the hearing set at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 2nd, 1997 in the Council Chambers. J.R. McLachlan Clerk -Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith 482-9523 • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • - • •0 •• • MARKDOWNS • • • on USED LAWN & • EXETER ' • •- • • • • ts• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • \`,x\1111,,,, GARDEN EQUIPMENT BLYTH • Honda 3813 . • 13 HP liquid cooled, 38" mower • Sale $1650. • Cub Cadet 1811 • 18 HP - 44" mower, hydro • Sale $1996. • John Deere 318 • 18 HP, 46" mower, hydro, power • steering . Sale 63895. • Bolens ST 110 • 11 HP, 42' mower, rear bag • collection system • Sale $1395 • Bolero FS 11 • 11 HP, 40" mower, out front • articulating mower Sale $950. • Bolens H16XL • 16 HP, 42" mower, hydro • Sale $995. • Three used walk behind • mowers, Jacobsen 21", Toro • 21", Toro 2 cycle commercial. • Call for prices, • • u• • • • • HURON • • •Tractor & LawnEquipment • EXETER ' Roper Il 11 HP 38" mower Sale $1050. Bolen 14 14 HP, 42" mower, electric lift, hydro Sale $1750 Ford YT 16 16 HP, 42" mower, hydro Sale $1625 Kubota 0 5200 14 HP diesel, hydro, 54" mower Sale $3925. John Deere F5Z5 17 HP, 46" mower, hydro, front mount mower Sale $3995. John Deere 170 14 HP, 38" mower Sale $2150 John Deere III 11 HP, 38" mower Sale $1050 Call for Information on .equipment not listed 23 1115 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••