Times Advocate, 1997-08-20, Page 7FA MIT ,Y Family fare Food and fun. More than 150 residents, staff and their families enjoyed hamburgers, potatq salad and other.barbecue fare at.the annual Queensway Retirement Home ,Community -Sen- iors Barbecue last week. Seen here are some of the Greb clan, seated left: residents Le- onard Greb and Lucy Greb and visitor Ruth Greb; standing 'left: home employee Ellen Green, volunteer Lindsay. Green, -visitors Melvin `Greb and Jared Green and volunteer • Shannon Green. Queensway activities co-ordinator Carol Gascno said -the goal of the barbecue is to foster family.and community.involvement in the Hensall home. - - Times -Advocate, August 20, 1997 Page 7 Yard sales set for Varna By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent VARNA .- The Varna -Goshen pastoral charge will worship on Au- gust 24 and August 31 in Goshen. Anyone: interested in volunteer- ing their time to help with •Sunday School can contact Joe Laurie or. Tracy Crick-as.soon as possible. Best wishes to Paul Hill' and Monica Meade: on Saturday when- theyget married with an open wed= ding reception afterward at Hessen- land. All women•who-are going tci see "Brigadoon" at the Huron Country Playhouse should meet at the Varna Church 'at 5. p.nt. to •car pool to 'Millington's in Brucetield for sup-. per first: • • • • • • Baseball is .winding .down_ and anyone with results of tournaments may contact Joan Beierling at 233- 7443 before-Sunday_evening. The."annual. -Cornrtiunity Yard Sale will beheld August 30 and 31 at the Varna Complex. Anyone wanting a table should contact Marion Coleman tits soon as possi- ble at 263:5354. The -twelfth -annual Jack and Retia Aikcnhead reunion was held on • August 17'at the Stanley Township' Pavilion with 25 in attendance. They participated in races, relays. balloon toss .and a candy scramble, They enjityed a potluck supper al- terward. Fall activities at Thames Road The 1998 reunion wil_I he held at th Sunbeams, Messen- gers, Youth Group to start in September... Rhoda Rohde. Thames Road correspondent .THAMES .ROAD- • Rev.- Jock Tolmay was .in charge.of-the regu )ar..church service un- Sunday.:.ar Elimville. The congregation sang the introit. . - The•choir Ong the anthem "Love Lifted"Me" accompanied by -Abe pi • anis Marilyn. Vandenhusche. Rev. Tolmay .read from the Old Testa ment 1 Kings 3;3-14, .Responsive, reading cit Psalm 34.fiillowed.'Re.v.. Tolmay read froij the new Teta:-. eta- Ephesians 5:. tS-20: The title .of his sermon was "Walking; with Wisdom". Barry and Melimie Mill- . er:were the `greeters as well as • .re- ceiving the, offering. They .also handed put newsletters: The closing • hymn was "Guide Me. 0 Thou , . Great Jehovah.".ifcv. Tolmay gave. the .Commi,snimng and the Bene -- diction. The. Triple Amen was sung. • ,_ .Life and Work of the , congregation ..August ?1, church at Thames R, ad at 9;45. a.m. August. 31. - church,it• Elimvtlle at 9:45 a.m. September 7. Carnival' following. church and - Sunday school' ,at Thames Road 'Fun activities for all ages - Volunteers are needed for• dunking machine and to run- acttvi- tic' Contact Virginia Warwick at 35.3670 or 'Sharon Pavkeje . at 229-6$91):. - The Finance Committee is arga- niting a' time and Talent_ Auction on November 21 at the Kirkton- Woodhamn . Community Centre. Guest auctioneer Bob Heywood Sunbeams • All preschoolers. including kin- - der arten in the area: -i eetif .Thursday. September.4 at 9:30 a.m. at . Thames .Road United. Church. tors Jubilee Concerts • Leader:.Carolyn johns, Assistant` Ports Eltord anti Kay Cunnington. - '.Messengers Alt children. from senior kinder- garten to grade three in the . area. First meeting. Wednesday, Septem-. her.17 • from .7 - 8 p.m.- at Elimvillc 'United Church.. Leaders: -.Ginnie _and Tim Weber. Assistant: Lli chelh Hodgert. - Junior Youth Group - to begin in -October. Sunday School To begin at Thames Road United Church. Superintendent: . Kathy Bray. " Treasurer: Nancy Smith. Teachers: Melon'ic Miller.' Sharon -P:lvkeje. Judith Parker. Helen Wes- ton.,. Joan Mhran.•Jelitn Skinner, Virginia Warwick. Karen-Etherng- ton, Vanessa :Bray. Erin Parker - ,assistants tier presehottl` and 'nur- •sery. All %hililren in area welcsime. Church : Council - meeting Wednesday September 3 at 7 p.m. Committee meeting at 8 p.nt. at Eitnville.• U.C.W. Tuesday September 9. Dinaer meeting (watch- your butte= tin for details). , Personals . .iloug Turnbull of Mission Viegl California had dinner v,ith his coo; stn'. Riij trd R'u da Rohde. . �r� t Rohde were on a it. 1 irstay to -Roy -Timm- STILL PAYING PER MINUTE TO CALL TO AU. THE FOLLOWING AREAS? FIAT FEE AS LOW AS S8.99/MONTH 268. 269, 283. 284. 285. 287. 289, 293, 294. 227. 228. 232. 234, 235. 264. 245. 246, 247, 425. 461 475. 485, 833, 631. 637. 644. 652, 666. 693. 782. 764, 769, 775. 782. LAST CHANCE '2 FOR 1- OFFER For information call today 660-6663 Ext. 6000 S4CRC TO SCHOOL R G BROWN 39.00 IKEDA 49.95 TOMMY HILFIGER 69.00 EDWIN'S 79.00 78 ONTARIO STREET, GRAND BEND 238-6165 Stanley e . tan ey Township Centre on August 16, 1-998_with;the directors sora Hall, Toronto to see the ern- hung the family of Amy and. Bud Hunt gulags I wish to donate some of my body organs when I die. How do 1 make my wishes known and may 1 still have a funeral? Answer: You may make your intentions about organs donations known by signing the back of your driver's license or filling out a form that our funeral home will provide. With organ donation the funeral service of your choice is still possible. Bill 1 Li' kett Dan 1lotile 370 William Street, (519) 235-1220 Exeter, Ontario -- Off St_re_et Parkin_ _ - r _ _ _ Yes! Please send Mt' ,, /re,' ..spy of "Today's Promise, Tiu,rorrow's Gift" Name Address Town Postal Code • • Telephone DAYS ONLY Paradigm SPEAKER SALE ON NOW 9711 ANNUAL FACTORYAUTJIOR,ZF,D SALE .-i,paaing.Values. Limited Quantities. ,Cosmetic-llemnlies= . • 3 Miles F►o„i Downtown Stratford 263 Huron Road. Sebringville .C.aids. Cask Cheyuts. lnterac l-800-771-1161. . Neil otJudy Matheson - Sale Ends .Saturday FOR 26 YEARS THE BEST LITTLE HI-FI STORE . ... WE'RE OUT THERE THE HOME OF CANADIAN MUSIC e Sun Shine In? For 10 - 50°' Less HONEYCOMB SHADES Silhouette`- Window Shadings. Beautiful by Sheer Design. In Silhouette window shadings, Hunter Douglas has created sheer beauty. With soft, silky fabric vanes that float between two sheer facings, in a full palette of designer colors to complement any decor. Beyond shades. Beyond blinds. Beyond description. Hunterpouglas WINDOW FASHIONS with Hunter Douglas Window Fashions 50% off - Celebrity Mini Blinds - Applause Honeycomb shade 30% off - Lightlines Mini Blinds 25% off - verticals 20% off - Pleated Shades - Window Shades 10% off - Silhouettes, Luminettes, Vignettes, Wood Blinds (Valid until Sept. 30, 1997) 467 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. 235-0173 Fine Furniture, and Window Fashions of the Purple Turtle Co. on August 21, 9:30 - 5:30 August 22, 9:30 -:8:00 August 23, 9:30 - 5:30 * NO TAX (15% OFF) * FREE DRAWS on regular priced merchandise * FREE STICKERS * FACE PAINTING ! ,l = _ > �� (Tip SA,W!I�V( the purple 355 Main St., turtle co. - Exeter, Ontario (519)'235-1500 children's wear, toys & books gulags I wish to donate some of my body organs when I die. How do 1 make my wishes known and may 1 still have a funeral? Answer: You may make your intentions about organs donations known by signing the back of your driver's license or filling out a form that our funeral home will provide. With organ donation the funeral service of your choice is still possible. Bill 1 Li' kett Dan 1lotile 370 William Street, (519) 235-1220 Exeter, Ontario -- Off St_re_et Parkin_ _ - r _ _ _ Yes! Please send Mt' ,, /re,' ..spy of "Today's Promise, Tiu,rorrow's Gift" Name Address Town Postal Code • • Telephone DAYS ONLY Paradigm SPEAKER SALE ON NOW 9711 ANNUAL FACTORYAUTJIOR,ZF,D SALE .-i,paaing.Values. Limited Quantities. ,Cosmetic-llemnlies= . • 3 Miles F►o„i Downtown Stratford 263 Huron Road. Sebringville .C.aids. Cask Cheyuts. lnterac l-800-771-1161. . Neil otJudy Matheson - Sale Ends .Saturday FOR 26 YEARS THE BEST LITTLE HI-FI STORE . ... WE'RE OUT THERE THE HOME OF CANADIAN MUSIC e Sun Shine In? For 10 - 50°' Less HONEYCOMB SHADES Silhouette`- Window Shadings. Beautiful by Sheer Design. In Silhouette window shadings, Hunter Douglas has created sheer beauty. With soft, silky fabric vanes that float between two sheer facings, in a full palette of designer colors to complement any decor. Beyond shades. Beyond blinds. Beyond description. Hunterpouglas WINDOW FASHIONS with Hunter Douglas Window Fashions 50% off - Celebrity Mini Blinds - Applause Honeycomb shade 30% off - Lightlines Mini Blinds 25% off - verticals 20% off - Pleated Shades - Window Shades 10% off - Silhouettes, Luminettes, Vignettes, Wood Blinds (Valid until Sept. 30, 1997) 467 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. 235-0173 Fine Furniture, and Window Fashions