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Times Advocate, 1997-08-13, Page 18
• - Page 78 Tinter"Adtocat August 13, 1997: Announcements Draw winner e'reddan I)istnct Optimists draw winners Jul' I4 Hot tub - Jennifer Rennet!. Guelph. barbecue Jennifer Renneu.• Guelph. screen (loot Rot, Murray. Exeter. Blur Jays tnkt SheIle% McLeod. Huron Park. Motorplcx wagon pass. Ikon Finthewer. eredann \}s Birth Annirnmeements 111 1401'KNI - It . a ix„' I.arn and I ;untrue ,r, thrilled toiinnouncc iht.arri% then .or \Irl:filum Iaurmec Afrin on Atit•ust '. 1111,- at am nerghine ! lbs is. Pr grandparents are. Florence He antan anti \like Routnc: t lu( thanks to everyone. al (-Moon Hospital Lor all the help arid snpparr and special thanks ata+ 10 \1:<'allun4. aunts and new gr:mybua tut all tM•t help and men - 11,11 1 was email. appreciated' AA, (2--ar is (7f Thanks • DI'('HARMI: - \lane (haul.- I,,&01% •chil• - -ttren. "sisters nctehhnur. :111,1 tit; nil. for 114 •wers.-transp,'rtairor. •ni:;d. and .,in,rrn • when 1 needed 1: imos; - ;z- Th•tmta • J-IAMATHER - Mau thank.' 1:, relarrves . and tncnd. tot ;aids flower- and hest Wish es nn the 1/.!1.01114 01 out itI11, annryersan , Special thank- to out tanut% 1.r. a most. memorable weekend -at i o:thi rst Inn It will atwas, 1*renwmht•t'..t - itonn:. anti Bot' i Come WOtoblp With EU EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP .9:30 a.m Communion. Service Sunday School tor all ages 11'00 a.m Family Bible HOU' Tuesday evenings 7.3c p.m Bible Stuly 94 Orchard Street Exeter Everyone Welcome • August 10 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel • EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huror S: 'Js Pastor Pete: ' usrieig• • 235.172:: August 17. 199- 10:00 arm Mominc Service Sunday Schoo lux: tit• age 3 '' Miring morning servo::e Nursers Available 7'00 p.m Evening Service • Everyone Welcome • ' Sunday Radic CJCS 124C 8:30 a.m • • : CKNX 920 10:3.•arm • Daily 7 V Faith 20 Global ` 3: c n! August 17 11:00 a.m.-12'10 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel OEM . I} EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St V1, Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235.2661 _Sunday,' August 17 Morning Worship 9:30 and '1:00 a.m Sunday School 9:30 anc ' 1:00 a.m. .7:00 p.rrl Evening FeIlowsh,F Wednesday 7:00 p.m Family Night Everyone Welcome ('nods Of Thanks In Memoriams L7 -,z°°"- 11 LAN'SON , Thanks to everyone w'ho sent - cards and -llowcrs and -called Thanks to Pe- ter and -Sue. John and.l.aurn. 1)ciug and Kay for -all their help. while I was in-hospital and since returning home Thanks to the girls for the Mautiful.-Fift. and .to L_cgion Auxiliary for the lovely fruit basket The new hip is great' McREATH - Thank you to my family, and.' friends lie rememhenng me sinh :arils. flower. and treats while 1 was a pattenr in South Huron Hospital Special thanks ro the, nurses. hr Wallace and itetargaret \'ssschel tor their can• Your thoughtfulness will:al, ways h.: remembered . . 1 tivelsn MII.LF:R We wish ho thank all those who 'helped us celebrate our Safi Wedding .Anne- - versars Man thanks for the cards. gifts and expres;ions'ot.g,Nkl wsMt, Also. a special thank y 0U 10 Muriel. t -hen I and Manan tor all their -hard wtsrk with pmparauons ii, r - - Ernie and Sheila CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Matm Street Soutr. 235-2784 'Moister Rev Daniel Roushorne . Courtesy Car. 235-1967 Youth Worker Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday. August 17, 1997 11:00 a.m Morning Worship August 18-22 Vacation Bible School daily Kerygma starting in September V)sstors are most welcome ST. PATRICK'S (1 n'R('H: SAIN rsBl FEl - A sm:erc thank you goes our 10 Jim - Glavin and whim. the wonderIutpaint ph. on St Pain 's lransh Hall'Thank: again 11* . The Congregation • TRiERNER - .A sinserc thank you to the Exeter Fire .Ilepanrnerit t t n -:ponding quickly when we needed then. , - 11 - - - Tom Arid \,sella • • WINDSOR = .Mau- thanks to friends and relatives lot carte,..• prayerfloral tributes . and ch:uyrahle donations in the loss of our ileac John Thank you ro.Pastor astor John Trfr0 hulak and Res Heather Scott tot eon -ironing words ro Haftnum's Funeral -Home. to Jhe Ladies or Itis Lutheran Church and all who share oro grit .Your oulpiunng of lore and suppnn w ill always be remembered and i. a - lasung tribute -4n r young man.w•h:' was tale 'en to:,sobn God hicsi'vrri all • The Windsor Family_ InMemoriams RFCKt:R-Kt:RR - In loving memory tit :, yen dear and special sistei Greta ',At-v.pa.scci awas orit vca; ago. in Augus; i, beautiful lite :'aue41. pc i.-ctu! eni1. She died a..ht- t 'ed eyervone's tnend She w:as always ihiughtful. loylbg and kind What a glonaus manor to leave behind 'Shc-lett u. s1,• pear:etulls. het thoughts yin known. . Rut she Jett us memories we arc proud to own. . - •- 1 reasurt her Grul._in'1'out Garden of Rest. For to this world. she ae:acopt. of the he.t -Lovingly rrrnetnhen:d and sadly her .Joico Dorothy Restenwvct - "RF:STF:MAi'E.R - In.levmg memory of ,r dear smother and'Frandm,the•i (;rata. who passed,ewav- August 14 1')Ois - Her nw`nuyn molt keepsake A'.lh V4tclm ee w dl nescr pan.• God has by in His kecring. We has- her en out hearts - Sadl missed and w,11 never he fi'rgotten by Glen. Peggy. Tammy Julie and Acte . • 33• RO(;ER - In los tog monioi- of kat son {Lan. v.1%.0 pacscd 1.w ax \ug tt -t 1- Irks. - Just thin oI hunt as lis !rig, In the Mans of ,hose 44 touched . For nothing loved is e5e1 Iosr:. - And M was loved so note h - • Alwac.-inour ihoughr:. Clad an,$ \tom • ii 1"r." lstnt? "itx•moi-01 R„h••t. John Amon., Toni + \ Inner. Van 1 hoot ed -- son of Marian and \Itrn'aj \ Jenne r-A.igust Gowiaau yon gelling tired:, • 4curcwasnnl10he. - Ile_wrapped you in His I: -s Ira: arms. And whispered."Come with ole You sirt7on-,t much in orlon, Your .(4101 did mt bend You lard your pain with o -.. age tenth the yen.cn,1' - You tired sal -en hard n''.ts ss q t u. 1'0114 fight was all rn sam (god nook you 1r. His k's 1r., .. .o \nlr tree4..yoil from you; .p.ez. A golden heart stopped heatrn1 Two gcntlo hands 1.1 rest God broke ,'lir heart. ro pr.-' u. He oirh take: the hest Dear) m,ssc,l and r, ve,t tor, ,. 41.. and. Dad • LOSTELL s 1h loving memory of a dear - wde. nrnther. grandmother - and - great- er3ndnithet. Margaret who. passed- away August 1.4 1441 Those %horn we kwc go out of sight: . Bu' n: ygr nut of mind. The% art- :henshed In the hearts. - (It ilius; Mrs- leave tlehind. - -- Lo' 1114 -.mil kind mall her ways ( pngti• and pus? in all her days. • • Sm.ert- and trur'1n heart -and mind Beautiful menicines she lett behind, • Alw•aysrenrrmbered-and sadly 'mussed by Jur- and' families . •- • . 1.OSTELL • In Itiying 0remun Of Atte: dear- est mother grandmother- • and great- grandrno111er. MargaretLostrll who passed :was August 1 S 144;3 God saw you growing %eat•,. Whet' a cure was not to he. Fnr He wrapped HIS anon around )roti AUd whispt reed --Corti w itt 'vk Noe left us a quietly To us your thoughts unknow n But %0U lett Us with a 711111111, - That sec are proud u' own. So please treasure her Lord.- - In your garden of rest.. - For when -she was 011 earth. - She w-1.- one of the Oen hest. - Levmgly ren,emhi ed.and missed each da' h,, daughter.. Phyllis and sut1-in-law Haro1(1 Uurwlda and son -In -taw Glen and their 1a.., . hes - - •- MASSI: ' In 0 11.g- menton" of uUT tallier gr'andfathef Lo; Fedor • Bull Massy • w h. pa{>ed arias 0114• :ear ago. August I- ILS. Alia.,,'ictilendx:fed and sadly missed h» • Turn and Sha -.h Jou Darr l and Jake EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew'S1- • Sunday. August 17, 1997 10:00 a.m. ®r 'Rev. Cordell Parsons Junior Congregation 10:00 a.m Social hour following service Courtesy car Audrey MacGregor. 235- 0972 ® Aucbon Time/Talent/Treasure Auctio September 13. 1997 All welcome NEIL - In l0 1ug mirror of -a' deaf hu' - band. father. graJldI Iter -and great grandfather rvtu0a> '\eel who passed away August 21' 147 - He had a nature you could nth lielglosinf:. ' Anda bean that is as purer thangold And to those who kmew film and hired hon. HIS nlemun will nese; gruwuld Losed.bs hos wife Thelma daughter Be' end r. art 'turner ,iiid family - . R!•:STEMAYF:R - 111 losing n,enn,ry 01 tlui dear Inl,Qiel and grandmother. dicta. who passed away August 14 1996 and our dear lather and grandfather. Leonard who passed away September 241 194(1 Fserr da, in suite• small way Memories of y0U (('141 • OW was - So many things have happened SInct you wetc %ailed' away - Tu hear your sotto and ser your Smile. .1 o sit and chat %soh vox) a wink. So many things to share with you. Had you been lett to stay Our tamely chain is broken. Ahd mmthine seems the sane. But as God calls us one by one. TM chain will insk again Si rest on peace. And thanks for all you'se done The crown. worse truly won We Luse and miss you both - Ruth. Whitey. W'aync. Bran. Cheryl. Kurus and Morgan • 131 RESTEMAYER • In loving memory. of Greta Resternaycr. mother. grandma and great -grandma who passed away August 14. 1996. Mom gave no one a lase farewell. . Mom said good-bye to none. The heavenly gates were open. . 'Car Jesus said. "Please cane " I am home in Heaven, dear ones. Oh. so happy and so bright. There is perfect joy and beauty. In 1M eveflasung light ' Always remembered by Bernice. Bob and family . 33c OPEN HOUSE for Bob Gardiner Celebrating his 80th Birthday at Staffa Township Hall. Sunday, August 24th, 1997 2 - 4 p.m. Absolutely No Gifts i Granton Firemen's Breakfast Sun., Aug. 17 - 8 a.m. - 12 noon at Fire Hall - All you can eat. Tickets at the door Test your skills in the Fire Safety House HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY GERRY August 15 Lop from your family ►4 ►4 44 ►4 ►4 ►4 ► Mon., Aug. 18 -Fn. Aug. 22 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Vacation Bible School Preschool to Grade 8 Caven Presbyterian . Church 235.2784 All welcome *Fm will offering daily Bluegrass Family' Weekend August 15-16-17 Featuring • Charlie Waller & The Country Gentlemen • Leon Morris & eight other bands Riverplace Park R.R. #3. Ayton: Ont 519-665-2228 ANNA BECKER August 14 14 44 ►4 04 ►1 ►4 14 ►4 04 ►4 14 ►4 ►4 ►4 114 14 ►4 ►4 ► 0.4 0,4 from yoiir Children, ► ii - - Srand,lrihirer:, i ii trail grandchildre-n ►4 and , rrat-�'re t: grandchildren : w 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 +1 erilfai 251.h eloutivetsall 1� August 12 1997 ,i •:' JIM & ANNE NEIL is y 1,':•r .1'•,i 1•:•:( rrt:Jre's kl,eatrs Li 11 Pirr 4i ir71l� 4 (/ Chris `/ ZManure.. j ai lmrv. 1: pawn's ►i stsfers & 1 I1'rnllrcrs- 1 1 111-!1.,r `II 1 f. L' 4 • Happy Belated BirthdaT Walker Gotclla! ' 0144 Irtiiif,(; fril'1ills J ;'tit 111,1.1"s \Jost F strao,rdmary Flint on the rfuncr of Forgncness." _ -t 7.• s,1..., Yt d• PERFORMANCE Sunday, August 17 7 p.m. - indoors Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle 670 Main St., Exeter Free will offering EVERYONE WELCOME! *(Mia 4 IwYA I1ue Vic!✓et Vrei•'p.at.Ur - Join us before the curtain. falls on the 1997 season! Lerner & Loewe's August 12 - August 30 Sponsored by: 0 Union Gas 001 BOX OFFICE OPEN!!! Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. (519) 238-6000 or 1-800-706-6666540 RETIREMENT .1111.1t 41 11:.4RS :l L SOI/TH 11lIRON HOSP11i11. ALEX MEIKLE OPEN HOUSE hoer legion Hall Sat. Aug. 23 24 r.m. Everyone nelceme RPSt I%isht's 0,111 Happy Birthday Deb •serol: ' `: i- 1,1® - • 1 Loin Mow -*and Had. mom Rose, 1 )ar'id and, ail your faun l y You're incited to an Ohl N HOIISI in honour of MARGARET COOK'S 80TH BIRTHDAY tt 11t'It, ,mal 1'.'rn 1,11. 1 t'a'ts. 1 he l'rIliNe 1•0.4' , Victoria Sf. ( re'dik'.n 1Ved. Aug. 13 - 2-4 p.m. - ifi•a IV/sItes • Only loth Wedding Anniversary - Bill and Velma I larl•cv OPEN 1101 iSE • August 17, 2 p.nl. to -i p.m. ' L' ter Masonic Lo(igc •. A speeiat thanks to alt the participants and volunteer.: who contributed to the success of the 26th .Irtnual Frie sbutq Days C'elebra'tion. Your effort.: and time spent u'asgreatly appreciated :anyone interested in becorrfing a ,ember of the 1998 friedcburg Days Committee please call - -238-8919. See you alt rte t year: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Retirement Dinner For Marilyn Sillery Please Com us for a retirement celebration! In recognition of more than 37 years of exceptional serviCe itis our pleasure to invite you •- to attend.a retirement dinner in honour of • Exetei Public Utilities. Secretary -Treasurer, Manlyn Sillery - Please come and share our thanks and pude with her co-workers, Commissioners. business associates. family and friends on this very happy occasion. Friday, September 19 • . • .-Royal Canadian Legion, 316 William St. Exeter (Behind Darlings Food Market. Main St S) Social hour. 6.00"p m. Dinner 7:00 p m. 420 00 per person: RSVP before Aug. 29, 1997. Marlene Malhers f-519-235.1350 Best wishes onl a m. Misc. Rain or shine. (33c) YARD AND1 ARA[ SALES 16 - 8:00 a.m.-?'If rain - it is canceled. or•everyone. f33•) Saturday. August 16:..117 Columbia Drive. rte. (33c) • • YARD SALE Saturday. August 155 Huron Street W.Something.f YARD SALE - 8.-4:30 p.m. Satur Huron Park. Something for everyo YARD SALE - 241 & 248 Huron.St. E. Exeter. Saturday, August 16. 8 Zion United Church - Crediton 3rd ANNUAL CHICKEN 1114 GINNER Tues. Aug. l9-5:30to7:30 Take Out Dinners Available 7140.('- ', ` 1=' Adult $9.00 e` Child (l2 and under) $4.00 (Please note: PRE -SALE TICKETS ONLY) CaII 234-6278 or 238-2670 T A 6 L© 1L�J A T �•] 1E3 H UG AI W BAWOEI 1©DA it t�Q OIJTO •RDER + ©gi g� D U iJEd LWC1 I% • ' D©• A Baa E il7°' WO OIi rJ�l3 S � �� (1 ' O� N °J ' , � 'It7 �° R Lr L R(• I` SAL,6141 �A1:1 ruma DIA n. LHi-1I� .. H ulp ° WM[D WICK 11iU • W k1I L WUNC•7 MUM b • i ❑O UW A OI -I E EA U WIA WNW W WM W wMIHac•7 OIiiA 1 RI• MET . .„,3- w 14 ! M - Y I4WIM