HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-13, Page 7FAMILY
Breakfast and veggies
Zurich was a busy
spot Saturdaymorn-
ing during the annual
community -wide yard
sale. Above, fire-
fighter Kevin McKin-
non serves up a
hearty breakfast to
Ron Desch." T.J.
Klopp, left, had his
vegetable stand set
up at Rader's Home -
Volunteers needed for carnival
September 7 Carnvi-
al! following the
church . --and .Sunday
School at - Thames.
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Road correspondent -
FH:\MESS ROAD - Res leeck
Tnlmas was in charge of the r. u -
lar church ser. i..e (tt'hIrms i11& and
. Thames= Road char. hr. on Sunday
morning at Thames Road. -
'The congregation sang the Introit
at the 'beginning of the sets ice. 1.4 -
ed hs the reading of the ('reed
from the bullenn. Res' Tolntas
"read Iran the Old Testament., Re-
sponsive reading from 'Psalm 34
wits- read. Res t 'ltnas >ennon
"1.he:Brcaj..,f Lite.
Megan' Parker and. i-arrr• Lvnn
were the greeter's as well ;IS recon.=
ing the ottering - '
The chotr',ang :The Secret Place
of Pr.i�er' accompanied by.' the nr-'
ganist `1ariIsn , Vandonhus.che.
Marione John., Judith Parker and
Joan Skinner 'Cr%ed comniunion.
The closing hymn was '"Amazing
Grace". Res. • Tolmas pronounced
the Benediction and esersonc sante'
--r--the• 'raplo-.`[omen
needs assessment and ooh rjes4rip- -
non r:'r :alling..a minister as pre-
pared hy the Ministry .tnd Person-
nel Committee and approsed by the
Life and work of the
con re ation
• August 17.:church at Elimville at
9.45 a.m.. August 24. church -at
Thames Road at 9:45 a.m. August
31. Church at Etims elle at 9:45 a.m.
• Sepieniber 7 Carnival! following
• the church and Sunday-schddol at •
"Thames Road. Fun activities for -all
ages: Please hong ,a pin luck salad -
.or dessert. items required: lawn
chair._casual dress and lots of sun
' screen and enthusiasm. Volunteers
are needed for. dunking machine -
and to run activities. Contact Vir-
gin3a \\arwick- at • 235-3670 or
Sharon Pavkeje at 229-6891. •
The Finance Committee is orga=.
niiin j' a Time and Talon(. Auction
on N.,% inkier 21.:•at the Kirkton-
LC,hidharn Community Centre. ,.
t iucst auctioneer: Bob Heywood:
Sunbeams: All preschoolers.. in
eluding _the kindergarten 'in the,
area. First, meeting. Thursday, Sep-
tcniher 4 at 9:30 'a:m. at Thames
Road U C. Leader: Carolyn Johns.-.
Assistants: Doris Elford and Kay
' Rev William Jones chaired the
congregational nierung alter
church On Sundas t. accept' the
NJcssengerc `-Alt` children from
senior kindergarten to grade three
day. September 17 from 748 p.ni. at.
Elimyille U.C. Leaders: Conine
and Tim . Weber. Assistant: Mi-.
chelle Hodgen.. - -
Junior Youth Group - to begin in
Sunday School - to begin Sep-.
tember 7 at Thames Riiad'U.C. Su
perintendcnt:• Kathy Bray. Treasur-
er: Nancy Smith. Teachers:
Melanie Miller. Sharon Pavkeje.
Judith •Parker. Helen Weston. Joan
Morgan., Joan Skinner. Virginia
Warwick: Vanessa Bray. Erin Park-
er. assistantsfor preschool and nur-
sery. All children. in the arca arc
If you wish to have an announce-
ment placed in the bulletin please
call Sharon Passmore at 235-2708
hy noon on Thursdays.
'The UCW wih.•meet Tuesdac.
September 9. More -information -lat-
er. -.
• Personals
Ken Bender. Bill Rohde and Earl
-Stephen spent.a_ t'ew days last.wcek
=on Manitoulin, Island and other.
poinorth,- - '
Fred Delbiidge returned- home
• fithif South Hurom,Hospital on Sat-
urday. continued get. well wishes
are extended. . .
Quite a number of -people attend-
ed.the..rudeo>_in_Exe(er on Saturday
and Sunday:
in the area. First meeting. Wednex
our Views
Letter to the editor
... organizers- deserve
support from the com-
munity, hopefully the
Rodeo organizers re-
ceived this support...
' Dear Editor: •
1 would like to correct the state-
ment ".With the exception of the
t;ur, Exeter has had no family com-
munity event." which appeared in
your August 6 editorial: .
Six weeks ago. this community
held its 6th annual Canada Day cel-
ebrations on July 1. '
• This event spear- headed hy-The
Royal Canadian Legion. R.E. Poo.
Its!'Branch I('7 brought the partici-
p., i• n of mans groups namely
Iasar Car show. R.C.L. Br. 167
Ladies Auxiliary. Exeter Lions
Club, Exeter Community Band.
Chili Cook -off, South Huron Rec-
reation Center and playground
st.itf. Exeter and Stephen Fire
Depts.. Good Samaritan Food
Bank. Exeter Agriculture Society.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters and
many volunteers.
The entire day consisted hy
events for all ages. ending with a
fireworks display. a large crowd at-
tended. one wouldn't dare estimate
the number
We a been pleased with the
support shown for all six years and
268, 269, 283, 284. 285, 287, 289, 293, 294,
227. 228, 232, 234. 235, 284. 245, 248. 247,
425. 481, 475, 485. 833, 831, 837. 844, 852.
666, 893, 782, 784, 789. 775, 782.
For tnformtion colli todsr
880-8843 Ext. 8000
look forward to.continuing July 1
I do agree with your statement.
organizers deserve support from the
community. hopefully' the Exeter
Rodeo organizers received this sup-
port. •
R.C.L. R.E. Purley ranch 167.
• President. Casey Zcehuisen
Visscher Farms
Country Market
Fresh Broccoli,
cauliflower, potatoes,
sweet corn.
Lots of goodies.
Open dairy 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Sundays
3 mi. W. of Exeter en Hwy. 83
Phone 237-3442
Times -Advocate, August'13; 1997 Page 7
Many enjoy barbecue in Shipka
.By Annie Moreno
• Shipka correspondent . ..
SHIPKA - More than 100 peoples attended the pork
barbecue held July 30 :at Shipka Community Centre.
The 50-50 draw was won hy Madeline Sweitier." A
• contest of guessing the number of felly beans in a jar
was won by Annie Moroni.
Visitors.this-_-past- Sunday with: Ferman and-Lenta--Karyn, Timothy and Shekinah Clarke. of Brampton.
50th wedding anniversary.
Visiting last week: with Marcel and Marie Hulle-
fusch, 'was Marie's niece and . family. Chaptale and..
Patrick Van Nesti and their sons Steven and Leander
from Izegem. Belgium. During their three weck..holi-
day they will visit various places in Ontario and Que-.:
hee. and New York City. '
. Ken and Marg Baker visited Saturday with• Wayne.
Snyder were. her brother Reuben and wife Marjorie
Musselman and a Sister Kaletta Mussclman of Kitchen -
Sympathy is expressed at•Ross Keller. John and.Be-
verley Keller in the accidental death of their nephew,
John Windsor of Exeter, John is the son of Max'Wind-
sor .and the late Gwen Kcllcr. -A funeral •service .was
held August 5 at Zion Lutheran Church. Dashwood.,
. Earl,
Earl• and June. Rader enjoyed a two week holiday moi
the vast :Coast in July. travelling through Quebec. New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia. over the new Confedera-
tion Bridge to Prince Edward island. They enjoyed the.
scenery and visited a friend in Montreal.
John and Cecile Muller, along with their two oldest
children Justin -and Nicole enjoyed a two week'vaca-
tion to July hi visit relatives near Amsterdam. Holland.
Gent: Belgium and Paris: France. and enjoyed it tre-
mendously:. -
Congr tulations 10 Lorne and Isabel Becker on their
who are holidaying at the home of his parcnls Elliott
and .Kay Clarke in Grand Bend. •
Recent out of area visitors with-,Morenz's have been,.
•their niece and husband Gail and Bill Uhler of Burling-
- ton.- Annie' sister Mary and. An i?inlayson. Sealonh.
Hugh's listen -Hazel..Corbett.. Hensall. and Blanche
Chapman of London. .
- . Did you know'[
The Anniversary Quilt made by Greenway 1'.C. W. is
not the first. one to be m adc,hy the church woolen.
One ,of 'the first projects of the 1924 re-or_anired
W.omens Association was • an autograph quilt which
netted $79.69. .
It wasn't until 1974 ihat a woman. Anna Isaac.`was
appointed to the Greenway United Caulrch.Sessu,n.
A garden _party and beef barbecue is tieing het.[ :\u -
gust 16 at Greenway United Church. Dinner will he ,it
5 p.m: with a talent` program, to follow Tickets .ire
available from Marion•Lan» er at 238- t_h4i
Children participate an VBS
By Joan Beierling
Vdrna correspondent
VARNA- - -Varna-Goshen church
service was,held in Varna on Sun-
day with Rev. Tracy Crick in
charge of the worship. Next August
.17 There will he no worship service,
The next service will he, held in
Goshen on August 24. Rev. Crick
-extended .a thank. you to 'all who
helped with Vacation Bible School
last- week in Bruccticld for the
Bruce[ ield- Kippen-Varna-Goshen
coimnunhty Eighty=one children
registered for the six classes. The
pre-school class had _21 students
with.. leaders Kim, Waucrworth and
-Tracy Crick ; nd helpers Heather
_Laurie.- and Kim Presieator. The •
kindergarten had 10 students with
leaders- Lauren Love and: Trish •
McGregor with Bohhi-Jean Clifton
as their helper: Beth Cooper and.
Sandra Wilson led grades one and.
' two. which had 25 students. Aman-
dii Van Miltenhurg and Becky Rol.-
inson - were their. helpers.. Grades
three and four had 14 students with
Vv illi .Laurie as'.their leader. Lori
Dewys: was the leader for erades
nicd by Beth Cooper. • Worship
_leaders were Rei Tracy,Crick and
Rev. Chen DiNovo, craft leader
was Linda Keys: and . the cookie
• break supplier. were members of
U.C;W"s of 13rucelieid. Kippers.
Varna and Goshen United Church-
The offering collected each day
- from the- children and leaders was
presented . to the 'Ontario -,Street
Summer team. a.- group; of nine
youth I:nn the area. who provided
recreation kir classes each day and
assisted. with crabs .and singing.
They were: I.ejsa Mustard, Cheryl.
Colson. 'Kendra.: Jewitt. Chris
Dawe;• Sarah McNichol, 'Rachel
Bukhaut. Jess Huls. Corinne
.Chalmers. and - Krista •Mustard.
_ Sharing the offering were "Bum-
hling B Leavers local clowns
.known as Turfy. and Cherry who-
hoentertained the children with am-
nt-hallo ons. juggling- acts and
lace painting. The theme Ibis year.
was -Adventure Fair. -
The Varna -Goshen.: Sunday
School are looking • for -volunteers
io help with Sunday School. if you
can help. contact Joe Laurie_ or Tra-
fise - and .six with live. students. cy.Crick.
• Grades seven and eight'had six stu- Valerie Laurie has been busy this
dents with.leader Rev. Cheri DiNoi-' summer -with the Young Company
at the Blyth Festival. They will he
performing "Pieces of Alligator
Pic", from _august t 1 to 16 at -the
-Blyth U:niied Church at 7 p.m. Ad-
'tnission is donatiiin only.
There will he a communis- yard
sale on August 3(1 and 31. at the
The support staff consisted of co-
. o rifin;uor-registrar Lauren -Love.
secretary -treasurer .Brenda Wright.
music leaders Rev. Tracy Crick and
Rev Cheri DiNovo with the Onta
nn Street Summer Team accompa-
Stanley Complex for anyone wish=
ome to put .a table in. (f.you
terested- or would 'like more infor-
ntation. call Marion Coleman at -
263 -5354
t263-5354 as soon as possible. .
junk rou
to allot theemployers
and students who made
• the 1997 Human
Resource` Centre for
Students such a success!
Sincerety, Carrie
Exeter Student
Ernplo yment Officer
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