HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-13, Page 31 I‘‘d - I A [ A tiAl A-)
1 -
Tinte)-;-.-1/Iitocitte„-lot4ust 13, 1997
, .
Do you think the. •
automatic 90 -day
drivers licence sus-
pension for sus-
pected drunk driv- - ,
ers should- have .
been rescinded by --.
Ontario Aia
"1 disagree
becauSe there
. should be
some buy
laws. That''s
one of the es-
-sentiAl laws
.- for stopping •
• drunk ,!r 1..- .
ing. •
......, ..., illi"
ji 1
Gerda Peters.
- People • -
:their licences.
: I've had a . .
- • ,. .
. couple of .
friends get -
-killed (by .• .
drunk. dnvers i.
They were.
. -only.15 and
- 16. - •
Eric Hundey.
19. Exeter
-I'm' in favor of
what the ju
decided. "
You're chang- .
ing the nho-
ceill before he-
:ng proved •
.4)1114; • °hi's.
yie basis.of
.:,,,r udicrai
;ys.terh.:' ". .
Exeter .
• 1 think that
the -policy. was
good. Consti-
tutionally. -1 -
• .can't see a .
reason W11(
- the judge •
should have.
rescinded it. 7
, . .
,.. .
Judith Parker,
Exeter •
'hinkaie judge
. (taco •r had any
ment'Arih losing '
Someone to a
drunk driver and -
the life -ion pain -
faMal in flicgtson
- Another strike..
- -
against,the 1/11:'
. .
: ,..
- A .
-Frankly. 1
think it'S fdol7.
ish,* •1 think •
we should get
drunk drivers
off 'he road."
o '
• ;ills
.:. ‘
Simpson, .
• London
be suspend- •
- ed. There
should be no
• •warnings. -
. •
. . ,
. .
.. -
Erica Cluness_
• "1 agree with
the original •
'policy, tots of
People are
.getting hurt."
• • ..
. ,
Newsletter calls for action
to clean up Lake Huron
19,1.).. ['Miami or hi. Huron r • mitt,. Park prt,
, . By Kate,Monk - •
• ,itic.!N' .\s, ,•,-iiiti, r, H( >) \ ': toesn't helie‘e
• .,•-• T -,-I Rekviter . , .
. . --,)fi per .:eni 1 Alittion c,mies :rum.
1.. \ KE HURON - .\ week alter printing and stock. - -• • - .
!;sirthiiiing 1-1.000-Jtipies of the neivsletter.e:rt- "I Io' '•link t• ; ..r. en ::, i se- 't, . 111:11." :slut(
.•..aled Huron's Edge. hie Gleason is "pleased. Dura(0 . •
1).n• Friday morning.'he said the responSe has He .e. Me online i -t ., iste prodii,-..:1 ptai '
..... .
.been •I‘r i•er cent posiii•e_ - • . -
he )••• ner11 11:.esiock said nt -!1..).! perc,!T•iti-
• , •
"Ix)! re..:co. ed hundreds.ot !phone .:.:ills and in tn. hot •11,,i • !isc , i(a 11,•ati i• ,ii -,:k •:s 0,0„.
:•cea oppose,r•• said Cleason. .r juses I.' Per ...lit yr Me noil4it0,11 '• . .
. : • ;dery i •. 1-1.r. Fi 0.i riship. . •• . ' •Lkii•iiirel x the ..)11,4ee :•••.9er- . ire ryirr 0, Iv; •
F'ie :_;••2;-,t -,ige ne'A•Iener starts kith: 'There problem • ..it 1)riraird . . • ,-
: •.11 rryhtem...x 011 the 'Amer ,itialitv In our I-Mrand its$, ioritte: ..ii,;•,• Me tali s Pri
Lak1 1-litro11 ' and 0 • 'loin!! '0. ItT1 •Aorse stnyage ,.ie)ii:tis: Ile s lis'o. l_ tilt ;1)::10
1:11,:•;s• A',.. WI at,!.‘, . - • • . she :;1`.1phic .in phostintirts :milinion••• -
Er .:111 . torsome :ouch aCTirli !nantlin,.2 .1 4,1- -..-111 litir):111 Coutii•• • die 4(1 (1 :iILL ('4(1 • Tiir
ter -Ai -wog .2atnp:iign calling '•-r municipal 111er inland and ")••••lie ilorth • -. • • •
.:outicik 1.; pass h•I:i•s it: ..1T ;he ..!\ransit,ri - .Hetir? \,:intierhtir,.7t. 13-1,:ent
,:t• Id ii,:estock- acte.iiies in ;he Laks.: Huron :s ii -.o coric..!riled iI'i'Ul the -10-,•„!..11 :Lila..
5ater,he4...... _ ' • - • • • . ., _,. '. It !,1he :wsletiet-Kiptizs_nic,! 'Pm I wonder
• • •
Odeasori.saxs '-t•i 1', 111)1 politic:al\ or s!conom-. :Nhere- he (Gleason, -2(1 the •ntr)rmation-front ..
11 111)1 ft s •iorat•out n. n_ •-•ritic,us•iitiotit 'export - lem:10(.1 and the lie:T.201:02e- .if
JT.-, not 4.0).-0- ..,illtion),..! „sr. eryhetd:. ;hitt Q. it .• polltition." s,iiil Canderburgt. .ulding. It .
,. yut _leaning -1p Lak,!, Huron.. 1 ..ADI 1, !i!ilke . •:ieen-as like he ,- ...riming -1(144)1 hard .,11
;' ., ag :he ',Problem the ....eili thing•io •,14).." ..,. • ;Stock faptters •spe•,:ially hog T.anier:.:•• l• • .
.\.itcrilitaiiv.,,,Iata.tiniT•kinkci statements on ' ,.•Gleassitt is no tan .01 municipal ••,t-itincils. '..!.S.-
.„,%.!" ;..!\ ,,1 -roihtt;01 - are •c•itts'Yet.1 throughout 'Oeisially H:ly Timnship •-•:(11,1111/4:11.. ... •-_, ,
the .1e..k4e.,!er 1 ittiough reternees *Are not j•:"!, vain them out. Th' • _,,nincti oi• Hai. Pas
••rry •t!cri (••1 ;he :::.!:ii :- Tit"! i. ilt‘,N1 'f1 .,int.:lie • got to fj0
.v,..1W.,' -,..unplin-4-1•:i.,111!ation s.) 1, p: ; Tiled h... ' Encourtiginir 4tici-'!iriti: P•strients !(xi run tor .
the Hui-. ,n 1 ,-.11inv He•Mti 1 nit. 1' :1,•• ap.. municipal. councils :1) Thrs • :11' . ilectIon is an-.
-..k:Th The -T.,i•so,- Th.it '!-; TperCent'ot '14! ! 2nli or.icr stiategy rleason kill ••• promoting:, • . .
. - •
ri- ••'.1.,,,:: •• . • - : -',:;_, fl i al,: Huron 'Ines - \ ;ham goal !ot r •!le:tsyn. -..iffon, 'is To lei..
. '1,..o• Tri,r,i, '• •s, , • . Pe 'Ned. the h.: .!•:, ,Ps ,P,-rie try:rib:et' '0 -oI '';i he •kater_au•iliv,
t.mt 1: •:• . re .'• • ..;:sas ind • itidirrnat •r Plieni. . ' .
number-, •-• :47' -7' 14,11 ,; T "oum•y• rork • '(' -!T -.er•••Tic .ylio s." .1 tan t ,t,t• tone ...mid
,duc.:: s • • •
1 ;as truinth,on the ,dose•
'Onto m.)) • 1. t Isle -rice • explairteif Cdeason.
" I sanity oarted in each ot The •
Ireas. share • :,.iiteitunitnri utopt strategies
• • -
- Gleason' :aid trategies. include -
1(1))priiie Pk Lois: •.!etting. :id 0 ,aninciis • and
-ass int itrainsi (grismitural
lam mons
1 le • ;.to oh The ;• itfi 1 mon -1 .)1011x •
is -APIs.;
ii.! pr.itorit. 11 geople sneak :in
Still no farm tax word
Lucan and Biddulph . 'Leach added Lucan may also he el-.
'ethic. fOr part of the $70 million
Township have yet to Transition, fungi . for small tOm-
hear how the province iiiiiiiikiniintig7. affected by - the -down -
will scrap the rebate
-But Brady was doubtful Lucan
By Craig Bradford • i- will benefit" much from the two
, . /IA - inntis. • Reporter.
- . "Yhe general consensus from the
.1.1:CAN .- No new news ,s :met Ministry is that southern Ontario
news in Locan;s and Biddolnn has very little need (for the tra . i
Township's case when it ,:omes .0 -non funds).- he said . with the lion
details on how the .province will . share going to northern- Ontario •
scrap the Farm Fax Rebate. - communities:
Not kliowingthe fallout of-sheiv- - Biddulph TOwnshtp administrator
ing the rebate -and other provinctat Larry Hotson's analysis of what at.
lownloadine has rut ) --sy,sible 'feet dropping -the(anti tax rebate
nereer herween Lu- . ,
ean *and Biddulpti ,t1/0.V/ Of the, Noll have' ,:ni Ilorh
2 fanners • Ind and . "lion.-
•, . ••. „Inv major .Cap- ,
farming ratepayers - .
id 'pending' , de- , /, 171; /1v7 err:at- ti i' zi /e/
includes:- assessed • :
eisions on htild. 1.0 farm land value' :will : "
an Ree'.' , .13011 what's' going on - iump-by. 50 per s:cnt:
Brady said. . ,:issessed residential
WI I - 1 when they don't
• ••• r).• -ides ire -et •a. ''
;Ip •
:. • ,•0•• The Noah r .• f ,,1
• Ida.
•tot:tria. lii.es.tock•operations
ire -nolltitine ',inland • Intt airracs•
tater otont los
Dmand •-• toick 9) agree wyth.Gle.lso•n.:
iriat and...Yams TO In* ivrth lion.
Gle:i<on and his moan% e are Tent in
Js 'lar as Me end goal firrnacteria. It s sad -hat
•_nri •rori; lis;bigan •.vh() has only 'leen le..,•;
for a T haS to sav to those ,11 is who
nave been :iCre 11J our lies -Look arotina .!
ice the prithlem7:-Wg•re 74oing et de-
lensive. '011 worried about MI.; gut, There_
are ;time r.!..ggs nu( 05 per ire •
zriori: 1 rom-ard wiririnit. \kith 11.0
.01... The prohlern.' •
. land . x alue .v,•Il s•frop
et that rebate
piernal • \ffairs anti --) 'nv 1(1. per cent: -as-
. .1-1(insin• Minixter V • - Cheque, .' sessed ciimmercial
I.,r'ach 'and -- Mid- • • and industrial land •
---AillWtrx-MPPEfriKTe---rifiitli• ia‘r7e'7Vhi vigue win..stay aRotit itie-Sa-rile: ---"-- ------
etters ro Lucan •••iiiin-ii in eespon,se 'While' .1-1otson;s, findings „ire
0 their .:oricerns •in the •ttfect,ot - hased On a number0f •Issuniptions
he putting of,. the :arm rax rebate. -and•how• the' province will )1tiwn-
„there ..s.is rill ..:(.111 !le'VS :4 .i. tUri6. it';1(1 e‘. era! seryices has yet 4() b.,
• axpayers. . - ,announced. Revmer said municipal
Both 1.....ich ind ‹m,(1) 'au] Lucan (axes in Lusilip:Biddulph are ;ure to
wilt let t•shAre•ilr .t• . '"011 nnilip,n. - 91,111 for aimom.,y,./..„ ,„),,,e, •• , .
annual C.Immiinot Reim estrrent " \lost , .f (be 'armerc vill virile re -•
und that will help munt0inalitieS aliie •ebat's.going on when they
• -
ileason ;10S1•ed. ineefinos August t
- •,• f)e,iole ,4I(1 :it lied To he .,iiriateers .
:knile ateeting Saturti.n -it t tot \,
The :!.enerai punlic The ,neeting.wIll take place
o Port Blake. behind rie Ontario Clean Water
vith tallow trom •he proxince. - • ion T :!et that rebate': tier ue "
lega-Neek .411110,Int-AMierl1• Rex-rner said: - • •
studies water
Hensall cat bylaw comes back ,ITEPH.ENI TOWNSHIP =
determin.e the interest in ex-
. ending the water systeniMorth •tf• •
. By Kate ‘Ionk me: It ail goes 'Pack to the • re- . he ,•,‘,;:. -, Tilt ot sei••1:..• :,Tien
7--.4 3cyci-terolls:1'1hr. t1f pet - .-iw-tiei,-2. Right' -Tle ii•::, , ;:',11g .TititpleTeti
- • atiii; there s nit iyav n) '..n2l i .:at
,,,,. .1 11,' }lig thini_.t. that Poll):
• • HENSAI_L = rhe council for the har3k. .1t•• -.1 cheap ?Orin- .11- tn- - , nc ts the water lower will he.
Village of Hensall met on Monday: surance: . ,tated (...oriticillin :Dick 01 1 .;erT.Pile• "or ,i month. 'Via t -
night for -Us•regular monthly ineei• 12::..iekhant.
. . . - ..ire -.ve t2i0n4.,t, to ,lo for tire Pro-,
ink. . .. • - • • Councillor'. Ste.e tow les ;x , (4 111)11 " asked Rowe. title.
Pursuant to complaints ;rum ;,:i prised _nricern ahotit The costs The-. Ri....x).! -C7c.x:11 Pepper replied..that .
;age residents- shout nuisance: cal,-, villaqe -,ill- incur sA hen the .inintal' tor normal circumstances. there
council: reviewed by- •tintitil officer 1.ikes 'Would not he :trly probletp. - -.
laws from. three On:- the ..;:tt• to !he ., ei. . ,T1 ,:an't apsWer iuting herelt wtts never .-;‘ay--
iario -- municipalities:. : . ...s.rinai k „Aim . !Ile hal would :liappgn.if there
with the 12(riti 1;f,idopt- • - otir intention . The ,..ikiee will :o(1- • 114gtire..1 know we have 9) empik
ing a bylaw tor- Hen - to go out (1/1(1 faq The ,•eople. 4 no Tt i: the ikater tower, to vink -10 Me
sal!. Fhe •hylaws ex
. -• round up all Ansa: Inside': How loin!. - ill 'ake •
attuned • taisc 'he
approat:h -.an
di large inovkling. •
' Identified and •noi
lettering w ithj the • mope, tx • iehis
• '''1.11,111' 111`.. 11.1I 1,',, \.1(1\V
the ((Its.- iig•the n terpiit: mil 120,y Idle suggested This svotild,
',eel whaMn
t e' ;): idm
eal tie.- to get the' Yolk
i :erns lin Ile \ - eel ,T‘il volt. licensedand
of Othei Isethe animal Eire protection during water , as IS nit! 4 Prt. 1)r11111 44,0
control ()Ulcer has the To seme tower repair
Iced it) decide •-•‘.Icui
the eat.' With the•Yillage's weirc p.m): To repair it anil then.
•lt was nes,c'y our intention to -‘ater timer ,:oitiplete. l.Ifls 4. at aii•;;e :die 'tire protection: stated
out and round up all ;aid heithl tirade. for bic paintin.f tint Itackliaiii. • tt • .....
Jett Reabtiin teterilog ,1 he stonfitire. C, Tuned .1)(i4,edito•iciv on the tcc
to cncit..., l4. 14)4,4'. „tneinpi 11 4 i. 1. alines .1iiiiiittis•1011 1-oininentiniitins 'in thr.i: PUC: for, the
.reuting eat hyltaw. • • .1 1 -tier 'Bill plocedilli: :t•td related lite
relooking at:: cats that are .1 pte-,••••;. ;0,..e111s ree•miing 111. "inotection measure's. The item will'
• nuisance and not hiring with ant. potieciittii diming the Htenoti whole • be thscusseu n tile Itt.lnliq
netting -and eturned io .he iep-•
Sewage classitieatirin
. • . :questioned . -
With .the increase •n
• rates. some villagers 0 e Ines -
mining the .,:iaSsification it heir
ii0'iness::!S. Village:
Phiiir'cned he istm41it 44 fiie
:el whieir is ,an
..lusisy and itieretore has high sew -•
--Age • ,
--The .:lassilicattons haten.:
long as rve fleet' '111 the
PI C.- -said Peptic*.
-Quite.) "t .,fl hackgrnund has
e -z,iihercd liere. taie,1 111 in
• t)Itl.et • )0 tleternime the: rat it male of -
!he current Jassilications: .
• -Village- gets spruced '
- , • .
t-clidet: mere opened lin ihe' •
;mum% An the extetiorO1 'the )(twit'.
hall.' Coiincti passed :4 101111011 Ip
tender Paint- •
tor i ithaex:siut:uuot.
eludes •lie works building portion
to the yi:nlication Me tender- in -
Septic tank proponent wins hook-up reprieve
By A'raig Bradford
L.C.\N \ Kent .\ (el)t(1 11).11/ .)).i, .4 •11 (4.r •
1100k up to Luca'''. ,,1'.4.(14 s'leII, Oul le 'I ...‘einuall‘
sei ice anywtiy. • • • .
Brian Herbert told Village' ...‘4111$.1 41", illeenng lis( ACek. si.!t2,
least/II wh. he should go along with t inantlaituy sewei
poli4,,. while he has j gtqlti •erni lank system. •
'I put money aitil time 11? '(4' N'ick,..ird to 0 Ilei hen .A.1(1
A:ouncil. -Nom ('u•142 Id 11,142 in: to hook up „mei :ill Mai And
pCIIC.4 t100 1 ICCI OW' s 11111 -
Herbert said his septic meets all health unit and ..,.iisei4.111o11
(inn 1, stalltiald• and Is 0111!..111011i•CCII L'Itl
COUnt:11 t."4.e(104.111!. 1;1.111101 ifelNit anti u'll1CIN N•119 11.14.e '.421 1`.14
1100k up The setei stem .1 21 -day th'in.c1 to apply to,•the %illage 1,' a
hook-up exemption and .1 nine- month delay below having to pay inlinage
eosts. the S2.5(X) sewage Millo "4 (1441(1111 program charge and the sewer -4If-
Chinge Advil nrsit aim Ron Rey mer admitted he negleeteiftti mention The
11 -day exemption applit:ation pekiod on -initial letters to homeowners, and
, • il id'j, - ' 1 111 . !11,1C( ,c114e11(11 \mix Wright. is orleruiti.2. the s_iiance trn
,:sellitai,',is It.' lin t ' •tincli Jt. 41)4:' .44) AheIllet (i) orain exemption.On a
. . .
.. 14ic '('((42! !IIIt \ ,i 4,„ Valli% nnided ilv the pink ince. ....ninnies With'4ork
. .
'11 Hie L'oc.isi;'11 'T' here \ ienue expected to he ..rnlipleled by ihe•end ol
the ;.. 0 -
Hooking up In the •••:%%cr •at stem ,.).sts about S1,000 on .-critge, village
public 1V I 11 ks superintendent Doug lohnsion' said. Homeowners have iii-
,oine up willi that cosi hut can debenture homage ,Aists .Intl the sewage
imp). weinent program charge on then tax hills oi et 10 ea',
f<Ve \ C Ruh Biady said he has uorie through a similai expel-it:nix and iiii-
ler stamis 1 ler beff's ,,;tini;:erns, ' • ,
-1 ,...ertainfy feel loi you hecause 141h41n1 ward to hook' up and gike up
:us septic .stem that was working perievilv line.- Brady 'said. :IBUli 4.44)1
-In :tii the wp(u.2 system it you; ii.e,alreirtly paying for ISONef .•crvic(1)'"
Rt..s mei said eight . )1 time other homeowners with ;cm: s.sti...11), ".III he '
asked to hook-up to the sewer lune hy Ole end of St:pa:mile, and 0iur other
lioineowlICIS. including two on 'Kent .,‘ venue-, are m stimlill •Ittlaiwns to.
Heinen's. - . •• • •
• L'otincillor Harry Wraith Was the 1pne dissenting. vote in .1 non -recorded
. :
,)ite al re-.1tatiting homeowners thell-day exemption application period. •
. .
ont.esion - „In ,inler to .
I he. NVe liner Trailer Park.
• II Teasible, will request
4(1 .2:igineer • Witilon :,0 The. instal-
Fashions - Loy. ••••ces
Sbort of Money?
We can help stretch your dollar
. \r,g; iCt-ICCL TIONS 4997 . •• • • . • •
TAKE -NOFICE h4t bersons !nay be nominated as candidates for •
the NkiriAc:.pai. School fecnons .1uring the benod Tuesday
. .
• hour -01'! r.1 Nioni.nation Dar. 'be!ng Friday, October 10.1997
netweeli 'he -wars and 5.00 'P.m. • • •
(Village of
. • •A •• •
Reeve •
Deputy Reeve • -
Councillors: Three .2 !ie elected .
HsTiro ComrniSsiorieTs: 'o be elected.
. •
. .
. • •
- Two H 21 -Public School trustees: combined with all Middlesex
. •
County Municrpalities • • ' • • •••• •
One (1) Separate SchOof trustee copibined.-with all
.Nliddletex COunty,Munictpalities
• • One (1) Separate School Trustee French): combined with the
.City of London :and all. Middlesex County and Elgin' County
MuniciPalittes; •
• .•
Nominations. forms and full- partiulars• of procedures to be
followed. may be obternedliorn theundersigned.
• •
tf•-a greater number of -candidates than 'required to fill .the said
• ,offices'are nominated and confirmed,.notice of the dates and
• nrnes of the Advance and Regular Polis will tie. given. Wherethe
. number of candidates for an office who are nominated at the.
end Qf nomination day is not sufficient to fill the number of
dacancies; prothstons respecting acclaMation will applyto those
oandtdates who are nominated. and confirmed. on -the
Wednesday following. nomination day (October 15, 1997,
between, thehourt of 9:00. a.m. and 5:00 p.m.) I shall receive
andcertify additional nominations for the remaining vacancies. -
Potential candidates are asked to take notice that prior to.
rdceiv)ng or , spending •montes, . a • candidate. must .file a
,rfoininatton form with the Mubictpal Clerk....
Dated at Lucan this 24th day of September, 1997.
R.J.Payrrier A.M.C.T. • . •
Clerk and Returning..Officer