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Times Advocate, 1997-08-06, Page 19
Were Back! PENCIL TINS Watercolour pastels and graphic from $12.95 Also again stocking sketch pads $6.95 and up 51 d0.) T. Gv v 424 Main St. Exeter, (519) 235-1331 Office Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Blyth's Melville Boys • . Say 1 Do! 1 Do! to Huron Country Playhouse Mary (Carolyn Hay) .and Lee (Eric Coates) have a serious moment while playing cards in this.. scene from 'The Melville Boys" a Norm Foster comedy now playing at.the Blyth Festival,. (Photo by James Hockings/Off Broadway Photography) Summer fun at The Melville Boys By Kate)Vlonk T-AReporter 111 \"T I I - The .11t'lt'ilh ,•t iitrtt ,Ihtiul isytt brother, anti Ut.•11 Weekend -tit :Ii i s of the cot- ta_,. opened -Lt'. Wednesday at lhr Blyth 1=e.iisal • The east. I..lim s laic Coates as 1.ec MrtxiIj the responsible mat- ri.'il -brother.- ('(lairs reprises his many reile-. io /luriuleuree ?AV!. a play he helped tocreatc at the l-e.- iiyal..la.t year. Ali Cohen. in hi-. 17r;t .eas(>n- at Blyth. play. owe. \Ielilic. the younger. lively hioih- ei (when .y .t•-• alit in Ihr I c:i,Val itlttcIl,nt UV ()Wei fit 1/1, Ltprcl.- The il.( ho. hurt -nut; the Melsille brothers- weekend retreat. creating unexpected inavhent..tears. and. I:Iu!ilil r arc played by Sharon 13%rtihaunt and Carolyn Hay . Bern - haunt. in. her lily lc.tisal debut. i. I:orrtla. .1 erc_'arttiu. aspiring ae- tre.s. Flay. in her second season at llhth. play, `lar: the. quiet re= pre:. d• s i ace. killed as a comedy: the-- play' cruises along nicely With the 'actor. landing their place.s In their char- acters.- However',. when the play . switches to a scriou.. tone./Cohen • seems -to have a dill -retell time being_ authentic or believable. 11` you don't mind protanity in a play. The hlcl�illc f3tiy. is an en- rerunning- performance it rain~ tri repertorvv until Augfia 22. For tick- ct.. call 5l')-52.'-(130(1. Blue Water residents enjoy trip to Goderich Museum - ZURICH - The residents of -Blue - Water Rest •Home took a trip in nostalgia at the Marine Museum. Goderich -on July 29. Esther :'Ma kiss. Jdlictte !)enamour. Clara Hamilton. Dorothy • Dietrich. Doro- lhy Baply. Rose -Meeker. -..Janet- Kleegei and Adelina•. • Denomy,_ along - with Auxiliary. volunteer Laurette ('orriscau..ol,inlccr lay- er (retell Thief and (amy Shantz Arhus ant. Many item. were Ianiil tar to them and some unknown. The attention was complete with a trip to Si:--Christitpher. Beach tot ice -cit, in cone: • Wetdnesday • altcrtuinn the rest - dent. enjoyed - Ienionadc in the .hade-oI the court Sant Ss Ink listen- ing to l.iherare Thursday afternoon Chapel . Ser - Buck & Doe Sherri Chappel & Sean Kyle Sat., Aug. 16 Hensall Arena isht: flT1unch provided Ticket's 55./person for more information call 2..Js-.1854 *Age ni majority only' rBuck &Doe For Todd Caldwell & Krista Decker Sat., Aug. 9 For more Information call: 262- 2716. 262-2134. 262-2339. Age of majority. lunch provided Vice was eunductetl'hy Iter. Ephri- ant Gingerich, a retired. minister of" Zurich Mennonite Church. Fr. -Mat, that,,. Wronski, St. •Boniface• • -Church Zurich celebrated Mass: - Thursda evening resident. -Jean Burr. Hilda Rader. •Rose Merrier. •Bok• Carson. Dorothy- Dietrich: - Kurt Gebel. Clarence Gascho. Vivi- .-- an. Frcntlin.. Dorothy 13apty and Es- ther Makins enjoyed "Dog Day:'' • with .barbecued hot (lugs in the court -yard. Later Max Ducharme • and_ .''The Townliner ' visited the - home to entertain the residents with sonic sial tine music • • I he residents look forward to a • trip to the Grand Bend Zoll on Au-.. gust ti and celebrating the August •birthday.• with, Hensall 1. VIA' on Au�u.1 12 9on &'. cDarlone Campbell iaai/c %mile; eme iriendt lo the lEftu elk & IDoe for Chad Campbell & Liza Uimonen Aug. 9, 8 p.m. -1 a.m. Crediton Community Hall Age of majority required roB.,„*&fteimit h For Jeff (Butzy) Butler & Suzanne Jansen Fri., Aug. 15 8:30-1 a.m. at Hensall Arena Contact: 262-2518 or 262- 3136. D.J. Footloose Lunch provided. Age of majority di required MLOMO POLAR MUMS ENE Haan ARIA ACS UHANK I %AMAV YMIQCKEDCHULOn PON MUMM UN©E R MIMES AG©© EM A©GEL BUWEW B©MH BWEL P AMID TAL S P QU TM NE OWA L I©M HADAWRAYUWG TMI G AND BWW[ E1 moms DuA©E SHIIWIFA LU©E S WU R R EI] F IQ[1M [ijASUW L'UAVID WU R EW ij [!JMNW(] WALUS SE D I9WA LM [QaWAW MIST TRA RIM L)A�QUMi©ATO HEAT SAW UMW H IMM P AMS E ©H ©MWEI T W (BMW UM 1 NED LIMB []O N UM [ f1RG1 WW I A T LS L!)Il©i71E JAMS AM! CNN VNlalltiD©[a]A NU[e]N[a]MT 1 C ©UMW [CAUL L NAME NONE MUAWg GEN[ DYNE] MUINNA GRAND BEND - Audiences will he crying "i will' 1 will!" to the heart warming musical by -Jones and Schmidt / Do.! 1 Dire A Musical Ahout•Marrigge, on the' Playhouse 11 stage at Huron Country Play- house until August 9. Returning .to the director's chair for his second show This season with I- Do! -I Do! is David Nairn: Once' again. Huron Country Play- house is pleased to have CJBK and BX -93' as the media sponsors, -for L Do! / Do! A Musical About Mar riu,t,'r. along with Scene Magazine.• who is the -production sponsor.; / Do! I Do! isthe. story (if a Isar - sciage - thc.marriagc of Michael and. Agnes: Not only)s it a -chronicle of their- lives- 'together. encompassing the birth' of their children, quarrels. money piohlems. and thc love they share.- -It is an entertaining and ,light-hearted look at the still surviv- ing great institution of - marriage. Tom -'Jones and Harvey Schtnidt have -taken this 'timeless story and intertwined the moods and events through their lyrics and .cheerful •score: •: Based on the play The /•-ourpos- ter hy Jan de Hartog: / Do_! / Dn! has .been performed on stages - across North. America. The F(iur- poster was -written in 1947, and was - lirst.presenfed by The Playwright's Times -Advocate, August 6, 1997 Page 19 Company 'at the Ethel. Barrymorc . Theatre, New ,York City. in 1952. 'The protluction starred Jessica Tandy as Anges and'Hume Cronyn as Michael. In 1997. on the • Huron Country: Playhouse..il stage, director David Nairn is joined .hy Melodee_ Finlay as Agnes and W.J. Matheson as Mi- chael This marks Matheson's de- , but at Huron Country Playhouse. Audiences will remember Finlay for her work in Neil- Simon's Rir- mours, - and Ray: Cooney'. Not ' Nh►i . Darling. - Holding- dowry the to chnical as- • pects ill the productionarc George Pothitos (Stage Managerl. Stephen. Woodjett.. Music. Director, Ruseell -Noble. • Lighting - Design/ Technician.. Agatha Knclson, Cos- tumes and Allan Wilber, Sets. 1 Do! 1- Dol A Musical About Marriage guarantees to delight and if you. are looking for a way to hear . the heat this -summer. make sure - you check out Playhouse 11. Thc..re-. cent -.addition of air conditioning and climate control to the space wilT keep you enol on these hot siminer nights. Don't walk,- •run up the aisle -to see / Do!'/ Do!. Take your -place to, • day by calling .the Huron Country Playhouse .Box Office at 1-800- 706-6665 or (519) 238-6000. • Dickinson will guide you to the stars at The Pinery GRAND BEND. - Renowned astronomy commentator Terence -Dickinson will give a well-informed:guideto the stars at The Pinery "Provincial Park on Aug: t0. - • _ Starting- with a hook signing session from '8 p.m. -9. p.m.- high- lighting Dickinson's award-winning -Exploring thc Night Sky:and Exploring the -Sky: hy,-Day, the event will he capped-Aviih him show- ing astronotny.enthusiasts how to navigate the sky at 9 -p.m. - The event is sponsored•hy The Friends of Pinery Park. ;Exploring the Night Sky and a selection • of Dickinson's f2 other award- winning hooks can he purchased at the signing session. The Friend's nature gift shop and Savanna Shores (in The Pinery visitor centre).` - Dickinson also appears on the Discovery Channel and' writes for: several magazines and newspapers including Equinox. Buck & Doe Steve Watson & Michelle Moore Sat. Aug. 9 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Hensall ice Surface -Lunch prgvided For Denise Ward & Dave 'Meeker" Smith Fri., Aug. 8 8 p.m. -1 a.m, Ilderton Curling Club. Lunch provided. Music - D & L Music Friday Special Fish & Chips $4.50, fn(ludes coffee Sat. and Sun. Smorgasbord 4-8p.m. Adults $8.95 Seniors $6.95 Children under 10 $4.95 "home oJthe Elvis Burger" Larry's Town & Country inn Crediton 234-6310 Buck & Doe! 1 1 1 for STEVE McGREGOR ANNE andMARIE MALONEY SAT. AUG. 9 8 p.m. 7 1 a.m. Music by: Susie Q & Mister. B 1 Lunch Provided Age of Majority- t For Info Call 522-0640 OR 345-2489 Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Aug. 6 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1,000 Jackpot Game 53 calls or less $1200 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations. no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 -r Coming events SINGLES DANCE, Sunday. August 10 at the Brussels Legion Hall Dancing from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m Music by. The Country Troubadours 32' PARKS BLUEBERRIES U -Pick Blueberries. open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. weather per- mitting Located Hwy. 2. east of Thamesvilk. 319.692.3373. Saturday. August 16. Blueberry. Festival: Saturday. August 30. Antique Tractor Show: Saturday. September 27, Scarecrow forms due: Saturday. October 4. Great Annual Scarecrow Contest. 3I -37c VACATION BiBLE SCHOOL at the Exeter Christian Reformed Church. 332 Huron Street West. August 11-13 from 9:30.11.30 a.m.-For children ages 3-12. Busing availa- ble for Centralia. Huron Park and the north end of Exeter behind the Chrysler Dealer- ship For more information call Jennifer at 263-3379 or 235-2990 Everyone welcome. 31,32c OPEN HOUSE. Saturday, August 23. 1997, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Ontario Genealogical Society, London Branch. Come and see our newly organized and updated library! Ex- plore the vital statistics, roam the shelves and search our extensive databases on our user.friendly computer! 32c COMMUNITY LIVING•.SOIUTH HURON • Our Fifth Annual Craft Show and Bake Sale at ARC, Dashwood. October 19, 1997 Looking for old and new crafters. Cali 236- 4208 after 6 p.m. or 233.9297 after 6 p.m 31-33x Exeter ball hockey scores Men's league standings as ofJuly 31 Team . W I. 'T ° ' Goals -• Goals Pis. For Against • 12 I 1 116 57' 25 10 3 ' 1 74 . . 48 21 6 '8 0 . ...72 62 12 5 7 2 55 70 12 4 8. 2 61 93;' 10 2. __._12- Q: -- 45 ,_93_ •t Scores from games July 29 Black 5 vs. Yellow 2 . Blue 9 vs. Green 2 OranV 2 vs. White 1-- Playoffs will be held Aug. 12 at the South.Huron Rec Centre. with the following schedule: 7 pm.. Blue vs. Green; 8'p.m:. Orange vs. 3fa Flow;,. 9 p.m.. White vs. Black - - 'Black •. White - Ycllow Orange Blue Green • Ironwood golf scores D 91 - Bess Anstett. V ietona Vander- - • •guns(; Joan Shapion Birdies: Carole Preece jk54- Mystery box prize: Sharon Sleciuk First Second Senior Men August 2 . Bill Gillillan Bill Thompson Rusty Iron - -- Bill Schaefer 4I 45 46 • Si 185 Jim Steen - • 41 Roy Hunter . 47 Wilmer Ferguson 48 Bob Coates _ 50 186 Third- Wayne Pearce-. . 43 Mike Barclay 43 Andy 1k Rarer • 48 Ben Fisher , ' Sj •. 187 Fourth hen Hermann - 49 Ick Regier _ ' 5(1 - • Rud Presrcator 50 Ken Bucket -- SJ. -200' Closest to pin: RiltGilfillari (41. Bud ' Pres/eator(7) Ladies Club July 31 ' Low grass`. A night ER Ritchie 41 B flight Carole Preece - - 43 Jackie Martens -. 43 - C flight Lorna Russell : 52.- 11 night Barb Coughlin- 53 -- Hidden scores: Bernice Thompson; Ter • - - rc Rci;iirc. Carolyn Gilfillan. Roseman .hacfer. Louise Pincon(be. Kelly Hoti,- ' t mann, Cindy Coates .--- Skins: R Ru. - Rosemary Schaefer. Ca- - role Preece: C nt. Anita Riddell. Lorna Russell. Patty Hrintnen. Joanne Hardy. Votpom theHCrazy Line It � gCR oyst Restaurant & inn Thurs. & Fri. LUNCH BUFFET ...$4.95 Sunday Brunch 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 418 Main St. 235-3141 Chipps. - Otis - Lynn Otis, daughter of Patricia • (Johns/Otis) Chipps and Howard Otis,. formerly. of Elimville, . and Richard. Semesiuk, son of Pauline and _the late Michael Semesiuk (1f Hamilton, were wedded .in a Japanese -Buddhist ceremony -at the outdoor chapel. -of the - Discovery Centre near _ Ancaster, Ontario, on July 5, 1997. Services were -- conducted - by Nobu Takahashi,--marriage=-offiee-r.- z - for SGi Canada, lay Buddhist organization. - The bride was escorted by -her stepfather, Allan Chipps. The bride's niece, Amanda .Otis. - performed the_ sake (rice wine) ceremony. Nephews -of the bride and groom Served as ushers. Mild, -sunny weather contributed to the - success of the .occasion. A - reception featuring a potluck buffet was- held after the ceremony in the Discovery • = Centre. -The meal - was organized by. the groom's mother; -sister and -brother -in- - law, Diane and -Tom Gpodale. About 80 friends and -family attended and participated, after the meal, in festivities - featuring music, stories,- and poetry. Celebrations culm= inated in the evening with an outdoor Native American sacred fire ritual conducted , - . by Todd Solon -ion.