HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-06, Page 18:Page 18. Times-Advoc August 6, 1997 Birth Announcements 1111 r--611/11 KNILIJJl1SE:r11SON • Hick and I)tlhie arc proud 10 announce die hinh 01 their first child. a daughter Midi -ilk Katelyn was. born July 26. 1997 al 9 46 p on al Victoria 1lospi. tat: London. weighing 7 Ips 5 (I, Ecstatic hist time grandparents are Gayhm and Eve - Is n 1 'sephso n. Eseiet and proud third -I ink >aan(hnolher is Patnu.1 knill.4'ans- • 12' I )eath Notice .r • ,SEIA)ON • At I,setel Villa on S 6g. Au- gust 4 1997. I-lorent6 1('uakwclli Seldom of .. 1%xeltw'In her hist seal Ilelose.1 sale of 1J1r late Wallace Seldom 11 995) I)e,lr mother it Pas{I Scldon e t Twice and Jen and lid Ket Make nV 1 spume Township Dear grand - mother of Melissa and Al Knight. Becky and r "Moon (':user. Sarah and Jamie Tomlinson and Natalie Kerslake and great-gruldlhoiher -• 01 raw 11. Max arid Danais Deaf sislcr of 1111 rylc and. 1-e' Keenan of S( ( alharines and Timis and Vera ('o;nkwcll- of Thunder Bay Predeceased 4r -a sister' Rena ('oakwell there .n111 he no funeral Monne" visitation 4 public/funeral'ervtce will Ise held :u - the Hopper Hockey Funeral Honc,,17l) Wdlimn Street. 1' west of Stint's Exeter- on Wcdnes- day. Arnim' kat 2 p nn Interment Exeter ('c- umtcn Donations 10)he'Alrbenler Society +- or Ih�'h�rlir \'ala would Ise appreciated by the' t: 4s 424 i%AC'ON . >\i South Iluron Hospual, Ex- eter on Tuesday. 1uh 29. 1997. Alfnd'Wal ton of.Exctcr in his 91rd year 1)car brother. of Harold of Exeter and a sister in gangland Friends called at the Hopper Hockey. I:uneral Honie. Exeter during the hour prior to the ' complete Legion Funeral Serynci which was • held ,on July 31 with Rev Centel! Parsons officmaung Cremation with interment 01 ash . es in Exeter Ccmetery,Dripations lb the Vit 'nstian'Ordcr of tJutscs of the Legion Poppy r fend would be appreciated by the family ' '42.. 1 r Come of jip `t j • EXETER BJE#LE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Serv)cre Sunday School for all ages • 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Tuesday evenings - 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 914 Orchard Street, Exeter Everyone Welcome r1114111 441041 EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St. W. Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 August 10, 1997 10:00 a.m.'Moming Service Sunday School just for age 3 during morning service • Nufsery Available .7:00 p.m. Evening Serdice. Everyone Welcome • Sunday Radio C 20 8:30 a.m. • CKNX KN)( 9200 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. • Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter - Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-2661 • Sunday, August 10 Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday. 7:00 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome August 10 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN 68 MainCHURCH nth 235-2784 . . Minister Rev. Daniel Roushome Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday, August 10, 1997 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship August 18.22 Vacation Bible School Visitors are most welcome EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Sunday, August 10, 1997 10.00 a.m. Rev. Cordell Parsons Junior Congregation 10:00 a.m. Social hour following service Courtesy car. es.idrey Mac- Gregor, 235.0972 All welcome Ueath Notices WINDSOR - Suddenly ou W'edncsday. Jul) sit. 1997_ John Douglas Windsor of Eyler. in hit filth )car Lived lather of Nicinrlas• Windsor rel • Huron' Park Helmet! son if Mas Wurkor 1.4 Exeter and the late Gwen- Jdolme (igen" 1 Kipper 1 \\ Indsor � 111(0 Otear Mother and hn.thel 111 I.1ss of. Kinn and Carol Wnidsor (11111c, and Karen Wuul:nr all 01 ninon' Park. William "11111 - and \1n lis ik Windsor of (01114111 Dear grandson of ,\rime Mile Wlndcor of Kdsa l tale Ite,icd ,h Ile T Ilam Ibdlne.in t# Son, funeral Dome. 1 )ashes rod n: 0)5 v-111 nor' \Iondas ent•ntng. 7.9 p u1 1 hr Ilnu•r:.l Soni,/ ssa. hilt :u Zlon Lutht•ran l porch. I)a•hssoo4 .m Inesda' twist S. 1997 al 1.1 .. is. I'a.to1 lid's F. 1renihuIak 111 Ott Crated Ink•rnn•m /Inn LWhr1:a (i•nh•Ici 11 ,h wind. ailuonal &mina 10 Zion I u l iscr ni ('hurtle ur 1,..l y of choice wIiultl lie ,ntplet Elise, - - / - 44 In Memoriams. STARTS THIS WEEKEND John Travolta & Nicholas Cage in FACE/OFF Inns Vol Kilmer in THE SAINT s DRIVE-IN Huron county n0 a 4 Shnplu 238-8344 4)1'('l1AR\If: - In locule rtietnori o1 ('111 dial IfIC1111 ( eo.;•/ v, 15,1 passed ,osa) Int • 4)1a1: 1101..\1ryu.i S. 1992 .. 11.• - IIc had a nature on could Hol help !ovine • Anda heart Ilial was purer than egad Anda(' thine ho knew limr:usd his lino. HIs nh•nsur) soap never (trot) cold Cr lined by S, gel ant' Mary. 1 k_•uls and - Danielle, Bernadette and Jell 425, Go11.1) - Three years ago.- August I. 1 lust my hest friend - uiy Granspa, Doug e Remembered with a sui,il'. always I('4ed and very much missed, Ryan. - 12c GOULD 19•lovmg memory til nay 4)ad who passed away August S. 1994 Always loved and forever to myr heart. Anne - ' 42e LEWIS - In loving nkerinry til a dear hns- hand. Willie's. 110 passed :n: ay August 11). - 1982, Just a 4frayer from one ss lin loses y,iu,- ' Just a Memory fond and tine. In my heart you/I've foresee Hccausc I thought the world of y Lovidgly remembered and sadly missed by -your ware Nola - 122' Cards (M thanks ALLISON • Many tha'nks'to no, relauses.. friends and neighbours for cards. flowers. gifts and hest wishes tin the occasion of my' 80hh birthday. Special thanks to all.nsy farm- • ly for the work and preparation, making if a insist rnenndrah_ le occasiorn. :12' ; Lola FRASER - Many thanks to _my nsatives, friends and neighbours for their prayers. cards,.visits. flowers. gilts.. phone calls and food that 4 received while a pai:ntin Vic- tona Hospital and since returning home' Special thanks to Doctors Teu and Scrinigc: 'our and the nurscs.ani the good care that 1 received ar hone from the V.() N''' and homemaker. I appreciated Rps: Pittman -and - Rev. Plan's calls and prayers 32' - Mabel - • GEOFFREY -. We would Tike to express ourappreciatron to fill out fiend and neigh - hours for their lovely cards._ masses and phone calls and,good wishes on the occasion of -our Golden Wedding Anniversary- Spee coal thank you to our wonderful 'family and 'grandchildren for making this day. so sper 'oaf for the wonderful meal and 'party at -the . Westin Hotel in London. 11 will always be remembered. I 32'Ted and Jean //NN r- KIRK - It was'a great dayMy sincere -thanks 10 alt who participated in my 65th hinhday party. If I failed to thank anyone personally for. cards. gaffs and hest wishes. please accept my thanks Spycial thanks 10 all my family. and norther for then time and e=�fons to make it a day to remember . Shirley MILLS A sincere thank you to our neigh- . hours and the fireman for lieing,herc Mien needed Special thanks to Jint anis Lela Jar reit, Rob and Barb Oud and fbr all our.l:unt- ly, support - 1'c - Jean and (',u1 Trip to Canada's Wonderland $35. each includes transportation by -coa( h and admission August 20, Sponsored hy: Crediton Optimist . -for infmnr.il' all 234-6219 'trip dependent on ticket sales* Mon., Aug. 18 -Fri. Aug. 22 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Vacation Bible School Preschool to Grade 8. Caven Presbyterian • Church , 235-2784 All welcome *Free will offering daily Forthcoming Marriage Anne Marie Maloney • / . daughter of Mrs. Laurene Maloney.. • • and the late. Clarence Maloney and Stephen James IcGregor son of Mrs. Betty Ehgoetz and the Late James' , McGregor. Would like to announce ' their forthcoming - marriage. .; on - -August 16, 1997 at4:30pmat Hensall_tlnited Church. Open reception at 9 per( Seaforth & District Community Centres., Dance Hall 9pm I am 349-2678 •line Dancers Welcome Fri. Aug. 8 Country Versatiles Sat., Aug. 9 Sunrise !WNW ilfWifi•VONVII, Bluegrass Family Weekend August 15-16-17 Featuring • Charlie Waller & The Country Gentlemen • Leon Morris & eight other bands Rivernlaceark. R.R. #3, Ayton, Ont 519.665.2228 7n August 16. 1997 Ron Drotstrick Ante Sherrie CHi11,n ti will ofiieiAll9 becoit+flt Mr. a ib M'rs.•. A "Best Wishes" celebrAtion if beteg theta At the Exeter Legion commencing At S:30 PM. �lr n Y ir I • Happy. 50th Teddy - Bear Happy 40th C Friday August 8 NO DOUBT and , TOP 40 Tribute ... TRAGIC KINGDOM Canada's one & only tribute to the newest pop. sensation. NO DOUBT', TIX '5 -advanced 57 door •TRAGIC KINGDOM". is known as'the sexiest' show alive! Saturday BUCK & DOE/ '... PIG ROAST for IAN PECK & STEPHANIE HOLMAN Next Friday Our Annual STREET DANCE with "FRESH HORSES" An Amazing Tr.b,te to Garth Br„ks' i-717 = ' j 0014 L_ „---' Hwy 8 West. Clinton 482-1234' You're invited to an OPE N HOUSE in honour of ft'a (Tiny) Wells' 80th Birthday at TriVett Mernorial.Anglican - - Church, Parish Hall, Exeter. Sunday August 104-4 p.mt "Your Best Wishes will he her gift” Love front your Fancily rie r .. 41., 1 I, 1 / 1 / • rir, a 41' . .thOJLML .LLyI 'e, - Sunday, August 10 Legion Service, 1:00 p.m. at War Graves Site Meet at Southwest Entrance. 12:55 p.m. Medals to be wom 1 'Murder, Marriage & Mystery:. Kash & Hughes' Jones & Schmidt's IDP! IDo! A Mu8ical 'About Marriage July 29 - August 9 July 30 - August 9 August 12 - August 30 Box OFFICE OPEN!!! Monday to Saturday 9 am • 9 pm (519) 238-6000 or 1.800.706.666 JoAnn, Teresa, Mike and the Crew • fhe children of Manly. old Res Helw►i(k Unite you toms Open Horse in h0101 of their 4Oth wedding anniversary. Celebrate wi11, ria Sat.. August 4th..? i p 4)11 Bain St. W.. Zurich. 1St. Peters . Lutheran Fehowship Hall in case of rains. love and Congratulations. laurie. Phil. Stephanie and Ashley, Nark. Dare. Wendy. 41111048 lawn. Bost wishes aely. et...,C) 1 1 SOth Wedding Anniversary Rill and Velma Harvey ()PEN HOI `SE August I p.m.- Exeter Masonic Lodge •: 1 1 4 / 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1' 4 1 1 ...0n0:...0...000.000:0.............000 'Deco ra do n Day ' Exeter Public, Cemetery 0 Sunday, August 10, 1997o - - Service at 2 p.m. • , Guest speaker - Bob- Heywood Memorial Tree Dedication Public' Welcome • er.41, 4r. r•._41•2._._{ir.41.ivi.. .r r. Or.err• YARD AND ARAF SAES YARD SALE -.Sat. August 9-84 433 Main St. S. Behind Triangle Discount. books-. mountain bike. golf clubs. roller blades. etc. (32'i BACK TO. SCHOOL YARD SALE - 273 Pryde Blvd. • Sat. August 9 - 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. • Student Furniture and Clothes. (32' GARAGE SALE = rain -or shine. Friday, -August 8 - 2 to .8 p:m, 172 Mill St.. Exeter t 32c; i / Don't Miss!!! EV TOYOTA HOLLYWOOD STUNT SHOW Wednesday, August 27, 1997 CLINTON FAIR GROUNDS 1 show only at 8:00 P.M. Featuring Brand New 1997 Toyotas Admission 57,00 Children 12 & Under $4.00