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Times Advocate, 1997-08-06, Page 17
Above the rest The high view. Johann Memmel, eight months, gets a boost from dad Karl on Saturday -at Dashwood Friedsburg Days. Eventsat the 26th annual:celebration of the village's German heritage this year themed 'Take Me Out to the Ball Game' included an oldtimes -baseball game,- horseshoes, mini -tractor pull for kids, a Strong Man's competition and much more. Practice continue to evolve SIR,VIi ORD- • till enc produc- lion- practices continue to evolve. • Segregated early weaning (SEW),` multiple site production. and alli- antes arc all relatively new con- cepts in, hog production in Ontario.. .Have they rcalIy,nwde any difl'cr- .. ence'. Are traditional farrow -to - finish. farrow-to-feeder.pig or s fin=isher operationsoon to disappear? The pros and cons of traditional and • more recent •pork production -practice, will he compared_ in an OA`I!-sponsored seminar for swine producers to be held at the Shake- -• spcare Community Centre on -Wednesday. August 27. beginning at 9:30 a.m.. Traditiional and rhulti- pie site, production systems will: be. " compared in- terms of costs of pro - Auction, pig .health. manure roan agement, feeding. rnarketirig. ef- lects _5,m rural communities and outer : pertinent issues. Featured , speakers are Wendell Berry, farmer and author. Port Royal,. Kentucky and Dr, Kenneih`Fostcr, agricuhu- - ral economist: Purdue University. For registration or rntirc informa-. thin antcerning'the seminar. "Com- paring Production Systems: What is the Future?". please contact your. locat,OMAFRA officer or call Ar- lie -Erikson at (519) 846-0965. COMMI NLTY Times -Advocate, August 6, 1997 • Page 17 New family in the Varna community The Steenbeek family ha 'moved here from Holland. By Joan Bekrling Varna correspondent VARNA - • The Varna -Goshen . Chureh worship . service was held August 3 in the Stanley ('omplex Pavilion. Tracy Crick gave the call to .worship.- Debra Rathwell and Cara. Stephenson shared •their.gift of • music • and. sang • "Praise the -Vacation J3iblc.School began on `i'uesday in Brucelield. Next Sunday, June 10, worship will be in Varna Church and Sun- day. unday. August 17 -will be your chance to worship -at one of the neighbor- . ing churches. Sunday School teachers are need -t4 - ed for the fall. If you arc interested even in one Sunday a month, please call Joie Laurie or Tracy Crick. • A community shower will be held.for Shelley Hayter on Septem. her 4 at K p.m. at the Stanley Com- plex,. She marrying Jared Rough- en'on September 20. Following the church service • a potluck lunch was served. Linda and .Leanne Keys took charge of the sports and kept .the children husy in relay races, fishing and a candy scramble. • Evelyn McKinley kept the adults busy with some games also. Marg Robinscon guessed the num- her of jelly beans. Gordon Hill had the most buttons on his clothing. Hugh' •McBride had the most change in his pocket. Margaret Hayter' had thc most things in her purse. The Finlay family travelled the farthest to get to the picnic. Ivan McClymont won the elimina- tion draw. Joan Beierling won the gift for having the closest birthday to August 15. The community would like _to welcome . the Steenbcek family frorn Friesland, Holland to thc Var• - • na community. Klass and Sjoukje have four boys. Gcrhardus is enter- ing grade nine, John is in grade • eight. Rornmert is in grade six and . the youngest rine Jentje is in grade five. They own the house that. the Rowntrees lived in and the Rown- trees are. living on #4 highway near Vanastra. Tim Hortons opens St. Marys location (From the St. Marys Journal -Argos) ST. MARYS - The new Tim Hortons opened without fanfare last Sat- urday .morning, but it .didn't take Si. Marys and area residents long in realize the coffee was perking. The Queeen Street East restaurant appeared to be full of patrons most of the day Saturdayand again Sunday. -• Franchisee Dennis Whaling of Exeter, said he was happy with the store's openiweekend. • s "lt went fineng:'Whaling aid Monday evening. "It was a busy week- end and i.think it'll stay husy.,Today's been an excellent day also," Whaling and .his. wife. Linda also operate the Tim Hortons franchise • in Exeter. - The Si. Marys Tim' Mit-tons, a 53 -seat restaurant has 24 employees. most of'thenm. full time. The shop will he open 24 hours and has a drive-through window. • - Whaling is pleased with -the appearance of his 2.700 sq. ft. facility. "1 thinks the store ifself is pretty; nice. J think'it turned out well." he said. He's also delighted with how the new business has been. received by the.St. Marys community. "We've had good comments on the building, on the service, and.on thequahty of the food," Whaling said. • Patti Jameson,. director, Corporate communications at Tim Hortons Canadian headquarters in Oadkville, said the new St. Marys location is a unique one in several ways. . • "There were a number of special details for this particular store, white help to make it fit into historic d.iwntown -area of Si. Marys," Jameson told the Journal. Some of those include antique gray Krick, distinctive molding& and fascia. and a decision. not. to install a pylon Sign near the raod. - - ' . • The interior of the store also has some novel features,. includign new - style low counters. which are easier for staff and customers to use, and -allow easier niewing of hte product -display case. Frosted glass panels also surround the coffee station. "We are extremely pleased that we were able to riper- a Tim •Hortons store that fits into, and is- welcome in this,beautifu and unique commu- nity," Jameson said. OPINION Tough new law isn't the whole solution By Pauline Kerr Sago ee r City News Three strikes and You're out. The third. impaired don ing conviction Means no More driver's li- cence. Irl the past. impaired _conviction number one meant •a driving prohthilion and a fine, the amount depending on a number of factors in- cluding how far over thelegaflintit the person was. Numhcr two meant a driving prohibition and a few weekends in jail. Number three meant the driving prohibition and considerably more jail.tim... • - • - Thosc . who have hcen fighting li►r tougher. penalties .for impaired driving regard change as a triumph. And 111 many ways it is. For most of .ns.. hawing no driver's licence mean. cnipluymentpossibilities are narrowed dramatically. i1 temporary licence suspension can often he coped •with - getting rides.lo work. or even hiring .(.driver. But los- ing -that hrenue-tor hfe mean. permanent lifestyle=chtnges. We live in a highly 110 hile society. and.heing prohibited from driving lunit. not only employment, but reduces the options for horsing; recre- ation and more. You hal(' to Kyr where there is public transit or de- pend on a spouse for ride. You have to do some real fast talking when you are asked for "suitable identification" - usually driver's licence plug a credit card., . Although the lifejiute licence suspension Is a success of sorts, it also ui • ., Isidore in the extensive public education programs over the last 1i' solo ..i v*• ., I IR. l figures showthe message is getting through. 'The number of 11 11h. un our roads where alcohol is a factor hags• been dropping. But .note people will never -learn. And diose are the people.. who will lose the. privilege of hohling a driver's licence. Despite the app,uc111 harshness of the liletime.licence suspension, thea are people •w!µ1 will say it isn't enough. A glance .it the police re= 114 1I i' nl this newspaper will indicate that for a certain segment of so ie - 1'' ,1 hence suspensiim i. no real pruhlein Hwy get nailed for On - pa uiet' di ing and the first thing you.know, they are hack °lithe roads. Ilse next time they get caught, they get nailed lou unpaired driving plus dr iy mg Mille under suspension. • - • For (hose who'will not learn through education, enforcement must he the answer. And no master how harsh the penalty..110 matter how strict the law. enllacemenl still depends on the'person in the police car with Ihs roadside breath test machine. Right now, police departments are stretched to the limits as far as manpower is concerned. Officers spend a phenomenal amount of time sitting in court, and transporting•pirisoners to aced from -court. The pro- posed elusure.ol many 01 our fails will only worsen an already had situ- ation. - And some of the problem is a result of municipal budgets getting tighter and tighter. Police departments are growing smaller and p osi- mins-are 001 tering filled. Tougher laws"ntight be one answer to the problcin of impaired driv- ing, but they areffrthe entire answer.' Which is more likely to make 'a Ihunk call a cab or phone a sober friend for a ride - tougher impaired dnving laws, or a police cruiser sitting just around the corner at closing limn? Police need string legislation tu.back them, hut a lawwohich can't he • enforced is worthless. Exeter Times -Advocate brings you: If your life is in need of change, then you need to call today and place your FREE ad. We can , help turn you into Wel To place your FREE ad and be matched instantly with area singles, Call 1.500-213-7514 Ext.135 24 hours a day! To listen to area singles describe _ themselves or to respond to ads, Call 1-900.451.4323 Ext. 135 5, ONLY $249 Ow m4.M Od 5. le1l10l 545 .v *'371 be 10 4 Teasda 394.p aur mr> Y qucline I -.maks Seeking Males (a11 1-900-351.4315 Eat 435 Il• 52.49 per minute VENT PA4S*).l*1I Alma. SW non. A. 145 Y. 6N 15, Wog esti. ra695.0 11644/411. tangs. •'0e77d 5ers w5n5w9 gr4 t4 beck sags 4.6 opootie 37749 5W. WS. 5.0 a Mugs* Ade ITTS r 444177- 5WF IS. 5T PAW, 7l•. Ow 741 Its. -0to1. eratg.t tabes N rang% 11ary 4110 741 1.09* agl 1575704 111 'clog came Sel 3741.10 5111* * 41.mLYL1 54.0 70.5 r. 7n ' 0aws tub*. qa5.q Wmons arbag la, pwys one led .5104.47 SY /WOW 13237,11 WWI 411141247.44 SWs JD ST. bad, 5. Oar* *04n9. aq.9 nom NgM tad 414 wog. vat - .9 IAFt4140. asr 5w 14N4 a1d boas. segs Ne nst 5e1 eta doisn't wg gad games LSI 0444/12 ria5.r SwF. 20. 51: tis,. *1,4, ts.* Igoe eyes. er o* ergs m geln0 ing web 5.13749 wMarpp '.5.1 gess eggs% 114,9 *n 859 *ow* 51 ro Nos 776 Ade1 - C.111 a t1H aux? Ye7i 1 a 1 114107 51 7S. ,most .1u. . maw req p was Wog to bag gem. seeks Ir.511 M9e5r5. a7*M 511 *M 9747 UEAI no a HArnit.v - 06.w 55. wow 37 TI' 1207 Oadws noon Wham ayes 590,1 Nang *'low sang and bong NO Peewee ass 9elean/ loln*rwa5 NW 74219 IMAM 14f7:. 0.61 SMC;. 73. O.A N**set Mega 4A. . employed 65.7' or, a/ Wee 57.7n 45.159 ages Ne 511 w*&owl Nee 11491 to Wag, mrpo3 14111141111151115*' - 5W0 219 7 5m. wan Nee town nag bas lb be we, erloos 64g w Na. Noce *5'4 4g wets howl.taiga*,os 511 7 Mag 119111 lay 141AM SWF 54 1104 two Wow 9f0f9. ¢7 7 7 M1040.1.1.4=73,64= .Y1*4*4114= b 407- 11t rat 1515,1 . mP wag SWF :b• 7545b*s 44) wdwets wean iiw Net w91s 444 Inst lee bow Ll b 5. 9461, 4 Y►o9e4W 741 511UA11411*17S' 1541 Wan SCO A. sr Ilse. 7175 bard Cour* *U'paa 44.45.7. ergs .5.*.q OHO n.. g619 5...1741 b• 1 SC4. 4 74117 any nag 641312 - II 1.1111.101 5.44051* Gooltwofila SWF 05 34 Mg' ..0 ,111 1651 *.155.5 Wag 11114 get 759 156, 44474.99 tory 591. 465 '0 ben W Mage 142073 . alEr1 * NM 1 441 '149* 5W 4ri, 51 5 T /74 mgt. .5., 7 07 toes Nes gnaws rgs p1.n9 mvs4 315 N4ea in Yrlo 4 s SU 1ee.0 4 Wino try Aa 71)1 41.11111111 I*'uen SW F 41 54' 'am55e*$4 655044 nags* 4.7 57* 97417 775.4. 05461 7 *4. 147 *6 4 1era•n SY era 1.9 N415177ir• 444a4141114% 445 1111 *5,.17 777 SwF q S 750s gO • erg Man. 44. pa* 1.1.4 sat. m. 777 7041 Yoe 554 _ 'c Ns em 71934.9/497 Ar WO I• 4441117*' 'w* .e 51 455 nag gag wows 77. mask 5,.s .5.5049 4*5g 44.549 M Sar 7941 .7164, 1M * 55087 .6. 755{1 4•\5.7111 5,t :459 9.11 2S S1' bp. N. W4ya s e'er' +•4h 146 eases wile 411/ *Id 6.7 w en, 6 7715 a don and w i wit 5Wu*N047gait SI RV 11,11911 • 'SAF. N S d bow no. gag rpm won IP *9. awn Wm W Ola 4, a9��yccf1qq .3759 w W.. has t. we Fenn 5* 9044 IAN 117 641.4147 aWt A S 3 loan yr hug eyes •9.197 Ng egged lig pagers; Camp% we Acal il argebn eggs en Nang Aare to Irmo* gag 5M 51 f' FIN •1111M15G 1404o*4441 55.5 12. Pada tot *gag, •Ya1's 5.971.'1511 NMN ens Nod lees Yrl ifi6711,74 b45*41 SGf 74902 WHAT I117U1' 51111!- 5*5 61. S Yu n1wM.. aanegved 47* Six -57 ' Ong 51141 9 p slrry ht.. ag9. •+` 11101111'1.15.2 01114 579 11. Tim: 774 4/4114 waged e5. Mr.. FF•4R •w4 meet She go 451 N..955.5. 517214 4 TEAT DIMES 5149../ .ire. SW gm:PWWt 53. Sr taw.* 37-4.4 50-9.6 71375 plow. raow esu. milsmen b54 Lang burg SDI 7 9,11 1141* TAMS 5.471141237E 51115 55.' 56. SS. b7 4,11 440.9 Wong sera 14.1 were gm.; owls Owes 6.49 5. tern crr9. 'Oee. 54a•ng SIY. 445 7 9749 41-1 TI41N011 1(t 7144 4 59 10E7 7 1474 in bin FIM owl 0777 *'4471 tonna low* Seo 7.e, 74 71 *595. pointing SU *5161:1 wet Me saw 14* -3j Sf Ice. • n*7 wan ,r 961 17' 5'95 ow.; 70175 M1 tadro v.q b 5.1 leges earl 51.1 44.r'*9 4 vi. 01907 MT 11F/ 557 5A Sr 7ny •.6 •1 7. em* •an c11 •+*575,9 4 *4* moms. imp% *7• ,as. kr. 5.••05,1. Sir 71'42 11411 4I PIM SwF 70 527111 5975' 777 7 4 10 e-7 w s Wl' .9 37449 •naw Met 4s *n w1 ianvrA SII A' go-go rrwu 7 7{e5 4I) IM, 4711 55. 47 24 57 mono 'MN els biz 4I. • IEes 54.6 *7 *35.50/ s ors Wee/54 .4*all 'Sd.wa 76411 , (1111.*5RNn ala. 4•.495 55.'3 67 477 wan '•nes memo arras war In 4w a 57-14. b egg, ago Gouge 5.914 glow* 766^ 4 art11n 705.' -.sous *1µ,9a/ SWF M *3 Ar s•. *5.1 sedan tart gone Alm an. • Ala row Now. 5r5Y AM MSS • 51410 ST. fp. r.trIews7"r ow no WWW. win Ann p.wa , 5,545 ion* Wm* wow ,.noir SU 7 aA /r514*Mu1. 0 9TO 545 24 maim WO Winn - nods 'r. 74.4 nes •ere /Yes any Anew oft wolovilng. 541 374 137/0. Inn 7771 ✓ arantry 13.1531 EAY 4441F42. a.w,445 SMT" 7) 51• *ban w, f15, oda S. ges la widest wog regret gram ors vulgate gang She Ad 6Si7 .1 *o wood SW 4 S7 '25s. 174414 /47 aural 6 9051st .Ir. M .aures. 374 Ye 4 *rt 1' 'paw. xwower SM4 V4 opts 5.0:19'751 ma daq 5. 37417791 GA/. 4771 . agog SWF 25 5T gran Not 614 498.17 *379 *05et 777.4 69 ••v 14.1 wan sans "Imams 503005. 511 374 WS warra713a 4MLl:arE - twr A sr 0.1 n.1 *510'' '.*.1t *9, ions. loath* h ah sew F15nn opo-*'5on m 91 wagon 1 p50 Ma 44 95.1 aux inn aaa4TT1 ' 044596.1. +aware 9w +Ion 1' Sr 45 .446 Su b oh non anew. Own) aI be SorpAS, f*4 411:'. 716 b maw m 'pow tuns SM. ST. to W. A 9254 . . GIIA1 a5,. WILE - 5F t5 S1• VW lode 1r. 7/ wet WWI '9metl Sag. 1.9 744 Ohs own '7711 Kral adw+rr6g SV 4411631 AM TM TO am l5. SWF. 19. SS. 5. So. r•'•' 5340lartio Wage. o.Ff* 9 . 55.9•9 Mt 5.A6 *7 gorge, *75wqs . 1./ *45 5149 A\MAL (4511 . employed 34.5 21 ST Onlwe le. 5.51'.4. n5' Ws a 5u4*' cox...• n ava. P 1..6'44 Noss mauppm 455, Ivry were. •667,1511 *5 lY41 flf44.441 kl151M • Caws agog SM/ 9.9a• 1604, 045'm 5. •M.aer 5. tad Wes awe. /6tna • hippy. tmr.l ban Sat WS 98 Sin 11111.114% 1 544..4111 SwF 14 5.3'• tow gwww Ow, woos. em44*11 15714* '6.114 posing Ont to Wins M purls 5won9 w 777475..37-9'7 as 7me 37744. 9n19 514 '6S 40 Sig - 1447411 or *ME • SW mat •A. colo N5. 07 alt ocean M wig rot W. on he ,101111 WO. won earl /ow. '47174 Sit 6 rim ".4*, .7 Aa 6616 F7.*I* 5w was. 21 9 r 74y. pw Ibn1. N. MI otw. iga91 3765.9 own. INN '77 4w+ Ys 4'�SSq 1.Ms, - e.4. • 3001 YR 4*1.14 SWF 4 5.d1111* Ma M5 eyes NIS. egged. ergs a*.r wogs eggs ars Wee. 5504 591 45. gages raga a1 71941 571* 141R11*.4t gq5-e�54a 5114 404.St9-er*5' ' Awn tAt5 amnia Li Nit 1I5*0M, M W An 24 51. 90414 w .kw oras. *'woos 5.95 aaoo WWI bra nail. 1Mrq lamps. Argo Si WWI Warm A4400 lo/AT 41151'M Ann N.17 Slag m 1 Mei trios wiry pinnos i S•w sans n9'owoi. 5. a5,. biro b a 1* woo 541190 (55.151* •t IAN* Sit .1 56 woo Ada. 01.4 de 4wad Ra m. M 114.9 rg7WM4.0. 5.144 SY 41111 • WicitU' Maw Sit 40 sr 17.7014-7 oft 7463 174* woe 7*7 1707 M 714 1 15'1"" 554 7010/410.45. 770 5 144.111107. 0401114 ' WI. 5 4 E0 2S S9' 'OS4 5,n ny *6 541 426647 94.,5smut F.51 N449 Air.0 S4 .d 5,371*• 191477514 43001 to, *awl caw Rn' SOY * Mao 14 W. 54 145 OAK 519LL1T 55,- w ma SO. '8. *al 161 neo Ion. =goys APo a* Mels lag saws fit .Fo bra WanIA 771 / til1151 1155,1 in Owed SSW .0 5 2 54A W. Mon nm 700 9. 70 ' 711 541671"'-'° 77( 44 Mf 444111 Fly 9d TN o7.4 SF .S016 rpt Mai K 5.37. to Poi! Won Wary owns t5 grog see Oa 111 edam 551123 'A/17Ulr' FA*a9 • SWF '77 sr Iran wan w. IgA int ops to WOOL nag w '.5y bW799`i 65 wSIU Avg5737Avg 1ar1•17• ./ aMate 11[DUMA3TY O}1 '7114. 4' 17 m41'r'i•g .ret w* ' -a *4'n *e' . ogre gaga5, s was fa 4 agars, fenw s law. 4.4on4 SY. MILS SIM AND 111711414.1411 *4751. /worm MK r. sr .a.'5, 941 roes. lean *mg -a swing AI 4e* *won n ;of 44 4001 162117•11.1311? Nice SW4 10. SS- 11.8454 40.- o1..S..as sof M1114V0 54. p*64N*5 514 7 52'4 • IMOD RAM, RIM "TIM Fan 477 las; 13. Sr mewed 5a.. age gag 144 147114.;. q 90374 511 I11611 bre.IIF1 - 04049. 4.1••04 5F 50 5'' sr. t5 We" els. 7796 M. wing _4* 41m. 54"71. Si 6414,'1 :MAZE 1117 IME '461.1 Ng. TOFF 9. 1p 541 1 'ed Mit 47 70 4 177 77 707 5444/ 77 Y 1457. 5.31147716 no Si Via •Mei 5.744..77.74 Iw f b!laWMT C76p4T Al ie. 11 ST it W. 45, nag. `7t.nr..0 ago arae, manes. M WM ti was e... cog. wu41141 Wen* V.3714 154 lies.l5e 7M, • H1M647 1/AD.1 541 31 54' 50. 1155 no, loan 716. 5*. 547. *5..m 144 14`4 *ski Wo 1.w1 ono Ow SCA. 93. Awry '. in wit 74711 641)37/ 4urt IA. MILT 57-15 SwF 4 S1' tegawo No son nee tWer11• .71 ►ora c1 it MOMS gine •ITI Ho WAIN WO SYS rig ST IOW 5.want app to Wit wan Anton Wog. W.- ' 5 /ant 4x5. 1n • 147)11 11.41.9I' tion lag SWF 2S. 97•5A Monde Vs Own e ye We te 4-1 05 46 7 77. 77 Cade 41 *meg b tang 9454.9 PM it 4 Yoe.intro WOW, hi 2113 W MAD will onia 57 "Cag 26.1'71. Min 5. Ow n7 west '`1ap49 *9H wog .141own win Awl. naw t• 4111N ow* Ws 7 6511 I1*1 M 1f 11411145. An 1S s T501455,'. own on •'.9.m WO *AMP .5.5* awn 5.9. 5. 1749 1*'17 777 541w•4. SY • 4.n W4VI71 4,1111,* ng►. 9,C A sY Wg1y a5, a. ohne von bog mom mop erg w' *F rt 1971.0.4.5. soft 5.5.117..777911. 5,37..745.15 *49141 . %MUll114oil 4 g *.we f *NW M. Si' 5*. ow 0 ' 5. 41. mol w9*419 lawn 11.44.4 covensin. rots 9l oh sola Pio 6 1f•0d-4.646711 . (a 9IQ•4Shlaks t-�31aft 1115 $2.49 per minute W*(045.4 M4M71* Irma). S91w 74 S *r 1751*. pi Had At We 194W Win lino manta444. 4437*, ' 11iniong5 ewer 11 A Ai (117111 lit 515.1 A. 45, awl /511.1*. 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'pm r1* 'lunar WJaS7 . (.040 Y4112.1 %WM C. 'Mx ,boon r *gee. *ley s*4 41e. 416e45.71 wows ml4wr '5ey mtg. 5.3740 565.54. num 7n4 b.11 Sr7979 . MAD 6 M)T711E 41417411 7 to a 1p% 51M.. 20 ST ' •6M . oom 5. 7m 7M. t2ml4 roe** 1M9111n9. 5. r. M.y1a7n 'aN4 7011 tows tonna SF7%576 .. ULTS GET.TDGEIMLL ,Owcaly 115MY. 5,9 SW 44.5 4151 2 for wait ow ricas tow '171' to ons �.w'. row7a 5,U f 5 a.0 in va47.IKS -OTER111 AT LW 19111 21 C. Yad 75,*1 .e. 34.15.. sin 5.5.5. Po 'calm ttwr. tam. :msg. 5,rVary* wow IIA SF 6411 LOUIS m 10111 SW II pad 5444.4 ..905.16 gift 15*? T Ian, .1 to *Obi ..I*1 �1a.g, S7aw.• WW.mt SF '115 RADY TO RAR 0411 ' 9:1 led. a. 1900.. 111 get 44..4(/.. mage 's.s** 4.016.4151.4' .0tOral. wb9lin 1.4' oda 174 p.'aaw sm9 9 645,9 u 1 VI 777 M 5Wp1 50 Td' else6 gad row egg 47. was owls¢ awes 5.t wig w s•4 14.5 5,M. 711 d1 745 nowt u4t.usS r'a' Somata Saw. se. StP ace.. Snag' gig *5. 41414. 703% ••Bas's 77. 70. 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Sf II14 IW SUM bow IW At 4 ON **.. 45 net ever. nna 495 twin, fawn 4954 'Me Plmta 9t6y germ r sage * 1.1ry 1 .• SF 6414 q.'11•M• Saw 7 3011 11111 W00 (1t 34,114 12 a.p. sr** Iwo a4 ry 5g'oy 1.7..49 •wag► 5. saw. riga 1. *7w!5. eM 74 41 •leg. 5.5aW 1.4,4 - Instant Matching (Kir database does the work for you! We start searching for your suitable system matches immediately,. after you place your ad To heat greetings from those who Id your crite- ria, all you do 13 call 1.900.4M-4323 Ext. 133 ($2.49 per minute). 1440 • 4141 •11.*A Ail 27 01• •*tt tm9. gaga gars alas **7. lar 59. 'mo107.'N•9 bag SF *Woo we 9rn 797' 5441)110 SHAM 141.15 S6 '1941..1garl. 374es.54. orae vow 37574441. g56N4s 137 .541401'9. tars gees eggnog a4*5.6 Eng 51 765;5 FEEL Flt6 M) 411 l *44*iwil5>. P 51v x741. Wort fs 495. 51Ie WI. nn.* 577543 11 L. 1701 777477*51wnine 701 a 744.51 4. ;s w win wawa 114./97 3IM 5014 6. 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Mg* at wensp '5,m. a,. mid* 11 ram* woe w woo low 44>r nor. 77 1'a6M74$111 Gro 4M I..5, ql lob wow wg . 74 win. e0r*an14..6 R*r. Oi n 4.1151 . Y or 5 w. M4* *now .• ow wig •7164177 Nen JO a MOM 07. 70 47 774 11001106. -wogs 77 • 4, 4/pa 754 7RrOra ad r Ano n Mhos '.'4 - 604ala5,Mes•WP.,f.5.w"Noe 5, 15,1 6 Soo. 3 379.4 Woo 5 5 4 ..3 *'5.14 510 Aco wow "40.14- g y,6„, • -.'445. w 1lengeo•.tagee 715.4711 Smart Callback ‘‘'e'll let ,you know when you have new messages! Just sit tuck and wait for a phone call. Upon creating your mailbox, leave us the number where you can be reached and the most convenient time to reach you. rest. t • . Profile Match We're looking out for you! We wouldn't want you to miss out 'on the love of a lifetime. When you respond to a Specific voice 4. personal ad, we give you the option of hearing up to 3 more voice greetings which aresim- ilar in content to the ad you are reapl,3inding.to. ' y -..fir Os