HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-06, Page 15Delia hopes
to mine 2000
Olympic gold
Continued from page 14
do,'• he said. "(The horse i.has to be
more than willing: moue than happy
to do it for you."
• Fischer • has been be. 1ping- - Delia
develop a closer relationship to Si-,
lent Sam and his other horses by
using another- equestrian discipline
. While enhcr hx'ked on as a waste
of time or a nom:relatedf exercise by
the majority of North American-
-•show jumpers. -Delia said many Eu-
mpean riders arc using arcs age to'
better their. ht rses' footwork. mus.-
us-de structure'and the rider -horse re-
-lanonship "and 11 -shows
While working on lits shots
•jumping and developing ht busi-.
ness plan. Delia continues t, ;gn.
. clinics throtlghout.i)ntario.to
riders that arc at a "stage h. "'i.
-once at. This -is his advice to riders
i.vho either .want to co the coni
. petttivc . Nutt of fust .t'nti,x their
cquihe friend's companionship..
"1 think the most important thing
around horses isahat they bring out
-the hest anti worst in sou .Rule
.horses because s•t,ti hive them. •
• - •.l)on. t concentrate 'on winning
and- getting the top Work hard
around them. and practice, ultimate
patience. Get to knot( them
Not horsing around.
Canadian Equestrian
Team member Chris
Delia hopes to turn his
'96 Atlanta Olympic
Gaines experience into
future gold. Here he's
seen with two of
Clandeboye's Hearth-
stone Farm's horses,
Misty, left, and Coda.
d •
. Times•Advoc nr, August 6, 1997 Page 15 -
Roya racing riot at M'otorplex
Exeter's Steve Roy leads . the Street Stock standings
By Craig Bradford
7-.4 Rr'poner
• CR AND BEND - 1:utcr drag
ra:ct Ste e Ros ats the I;iid h;uk-
rhilosoph' at,. the test each Sat-
urday night ai Gran,i Rend Mo
torplcs .
Roy mai he lcadin� the, _Super_.
. Stock ThunJcr Series point race bur
ithai's•n++t what he hicus on
tried t'o hard
said simply about. wh1 he. finished
second in:points last season _instead
,,f first. • \ti's rc out there to hai;c•'
- Jun '.this Is im da• +
ICA owns an 'Exch., garaec-.anJ
docs moil of the-. s 'r4 -on his
Nora with a{() : uhia:. in:'ft small
Nock/ znglnc•.hiniself along wrlh'
Greg. 15 • The '+hole fairiilt sup--
'r 'rn. Roy :ncluding a ifs l)chl+te.
•,,ns terns. 1:41 and Jason. • 12. and
.lauchicr 'ilt.hcllc; s l='rn Sand'..
the lanirlt dr,. tai's akin•_ tor•the
r;r.,ni _ :
Rot is ; inck)ng in at allow 14.24)
sc, �,ndsrtnd y t npfi. coon enough
`to put -hon at the top of his.clas.
"Td like to a Ill this tine he=said
(1:the Q. season '`Then us 11 �o
Rox is -also a stock car. fan.-- but
has pied out dabbling on the t" -al
1rad. or.c' en thinking of going past
• pro c imp n lib dragstc rs
-There's too much u irk and ex-
pcnsc• t .u,; k cars." he said.
. • There less danger here in a
s,nsc ,l- ha'_o to he at work Mon-
; day > hke.to load up. go race then
some hep from 'his -oldest: son. •
go -home.-
The Funny Car Fix Hunt and the
Hot .Street -Car Shoiitout took over
the Motortilex on the weekend. Fes -
ti' hies included a country concen
Sunday night' featuring '94 Ca-
nadian Country Music fondle vo-
calist of the year winner Patricia
Conroy. Parkhill's Judy Von, and
'Garth Brooks' tribute hand . No
Thfz weekend the ---Grand - Bend
' HorRod Reunion will bring.a blast
from the -past to the Motorplex and _
tin Labor Day Weekend Jeff Heal-
ey.. Thundermug and Alanis Mor
rissette coyer hand Jagged Little'
Pill be the Monster Meet outdoor
musical entertainment. For more in-
formation or tt, kets. call (519) 238 -
RACE (7223'
Mean machine. Exeter's 'Steve goy with his 72 Nova featuring a 3,50 cubic inch small block
engine that puts him in the 14:20 second 94 mph, range in Street Stock action at. Grand
Bend Motorplex's Thunder Seris..
eoy w ints=ra e n his-division-at-press—
Shoe pitching
Fine form. Exeter's Lia Snell shows the form that shoots
for about 40 per cent accuracy during the Dashwood Frieds-
burg Days horseshoe competition at the ball diamond,
Til Jri! JI ;11.P'
• Grand Prix show Jumper.
(highest lcvcl);.iides Silent Sam
competitively; based out of .
Markham and Mississauga. horn
in Mississauga.
• '96 Canadian Olympic
Equestrian Team member. •
• First in '96.0 anadian World . •
Cup standings: won two World
Cup.'96 Qualifiers Quebec Cite
and Bromont; second at Blain-,
sille Qualifier: won NO Tampa(
Modified Welcome; second at
La Qumta Clastic World ('up
Qualifier; fourth at '9,5 $150.000
Volvo/Hits Grand Prix
• '95 World Ranking Rookie
of.the Year. Fla -BCM. Switzer-
• Canadian Amateur !uniper •
champion whip: -riding Harp
three straight years. '91-93, at.
Collingwood; National Amateur
Championship CET.C'haillenge.
Trophy winner at '92 Ros al
Winter Fair.
Lawnbowlers notch silvers -
COBOURG - Exeter's Andrea
Weigand and Laura Pearson Atm
the silver medal for Junior Girls
Pairs at the Ontario I.awnhowling
Championships on- the weekend by
winning and losing a game.•
Exeter's Chad Sntith and Jason.
Batten with Mitchell's Tint Eick•
meycr finished third in Junior boys
triple:. losing all their -games 15-'.
14. 19-1_0 and 19-11.
Nationals whip
Atwood 11-1
KiRKTON - The Exeter Nation-
als midget girls fasthall teani on-
tinue their w inning was by crush-
ing Atwood 11-1 last week.
Starting -pitcher Kate Skinner
went four innings. striking out six.. ,
' walking none and giving up only
two tuts.:LisieGeuns. gave_.up:a,hit-.=
and a run in one inning of relief.
'Exeter hats were"led hy•Mary. • ,
Anne Grotentraast With a homerun.
a single and a walk. Skinner and
Lisa Campbell added two hits each.'
Have a 'burg!
Exeter Saddle Club's Tanya Hammond. left, and Pauline
Johns helped serve up hamburgers' and pop' on. Friday and
Saturday at Darling's Food ,Market. The. barbecue was a
fundraiser for the club): - -.
Express lose tough one
STR:1•THR )'Y -.Sometimes *piay -
ing gout hall lust Isn't enough. .
11)at's "hat the Exeter Express
Senior I%fcil's Hardball 'team ftwnd.
out on Thursday at Str ihro.i whim
thcs vt:crc cdgcd 6-5 ` '
Fscrer started the scoring• in the
set and tnr)nig after Marty Ntertir
ingled• stole second dial that
cored on a hit bx Taut Snith.
,Sirathroi s'.•urcd three in the sec-
ond on., tint luthiers. though rhe
match ,is played:I11'an"undcrsued
The lixpress .cored three of their
own in 'the third on' a 1111 hs Fred -
Gregus. a "alk to.Rittk Boon :and a
towering honterun hrMcrncr. lis- -
efcr added to their lead in die four di
hen Silt Glover xinglcd in Terry
(irnttncr atter he doubled.
Strtthruv took the lead for gtnid.
in the fifth by scoring three on two
long honterun%.
Both trues threatened to score
n(intcrtnis times during the rest of
the game but litilcd to:xlo so.
Exeter.. ' starting . "piicher Dan
• Masse went the distance. striking
, out six. walking four and giving up
t l hits: ' .
. Exeter won two, home games by .
,forfeit last 'week 'when London •
failed to show up, leaving their
: record at -7-1'2 with their last game •
yesterday after press. a home lilt
versus Lakeside. ' Exeter.. a '1)
'teaht, tart -t liguri out how- to -beat
. the •'B' level Lakeside who have
„won each match up this season. '
Fury loss could be costly come playoffs
EXETER - A 1-0 los at home
to Delhi last week may lead to
an early season exit for the Exet-
er Fury senior men's soccer -
team. •
Delhi scored their goahearly in
the first half. with Exeter con-
trolling the game for the rest of
the match. Brett Rideout -and
Brian. Brand narrowly missed ty-
ing the game in the first half.
Brand's bullet bouncing off the -
post while Rideout kicked the
ball over the net from.in close.
Exeter -had numerous other
scoring chances' in the 'second
but failed to find the mark. Pete
McAllister rang a shot off the
crossbar while Jason McFalls
walked in alone and shot wide of
the net. Midfielder John Watson
:created many,excellent'chances
with his strong play. -
The loss puts the Fury at 5-9-1
and allows Delhi to hop over
them in the standings. There are
four teams ahead of Exeter in the
hunt fora Division II East•
piayoff spot with only seven
games remaining. The Fury -next
'play a Division 11 Cup quarter fi-
-rlat=homeTame=at'fr3WP31170n—Whlch-way?Exeter Fury's John=Watson tries to figure out a
Thursday versus Mondial. Their way around a Delhi defender during their game last week
next regular season game is at - at Nabisco Field. Exeter lost 1-0.
Kurdish on Sunday.
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