HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-08-06, Page 5j
Back in Time...:.
By Ross Haugh from the archives of
the Exeter Times Advocate
August 5, 1987 Youngsters attending Exeter Public School when
the new term begins in September should receive better protection
when crossing Main Street. Council acting on a recommendation
from police chief Larry Hardy will be Making two major changes at
the intersection of Main and Victoria streets. No parking signs will
be erected on hoth.:vdes of Main street, north and south of Victoria'
ktreet to 'ow a better line .of sight for motorists and -pedestrians.
";.:►e wsing will he changed to a pedestrian crosswalk and
properly designated .with signs and markings.
Laurie Forrester representing La -V -Esta Beauty Salon was named
Dashwood Friedshurg.Days Queen for 1987. Runnerstip were Anita
Denomme.and Tammy Keller. .
• August 3. 1967 - This week, Ontario Development Corporation ,
.hired six men to handle the fire fighting duties at the base. Three of
them are members of the Exeter volunteer.frre brigade. The new fire
chief at Centralia is J.A.. Robichaud, who was a member of the
R.C.A.F. fire fighters at Centtalia. Working, under him are F.C.
Pyke, William. Musser. Reg Stagg,,Don Wells and Irwin Ford. The
latter is chief of the Exeter brigade.
Gerard O'Rourke, soon of Mrs. Dennis O'Rourke, RR. 3. Dash-'
' wood won a•hicycle accessory kit in the Elmer's summer safety con:
test, sponsored by the Ontario Safety League..
August 6, 1957 - Fifty boys and girls from London orphanages
were treated to a picnic and colorful toys by members of the Air -
•men's Lounge, R.C.A.F. Centralia at Riverview Park, Exeter, Same-
day. -
The R:C.A.F. School .of. Flying Control commanded by Squadron .
Leader S.N.E, Beacuchamp of Winnipeg moved from Grand. Bend
to R.C.A.F. Station, Camp Borden at the end of July.
Miss Marilyn Marshall of Kirkton was runnerup for the title of
Dairy Princess of Huron County in a recent milking competition.
. Gordon Clark .Turnbull, who. -developed the Lake- Huron summer
resort "Turnbull's Grove"; twenty years ago died Friday . July 26.
August 3, 195. -Pe(er 'Wright. son of --Mt ,and .Mrs. George "
Wright celebrated ht. nintli hinhd ,v last week hy.catching one of
the largest pike ever hauled from Georgian Bay. If weighed 16
pounds. two ounces .Ind measured 42 inches in length.
Yeggs blew open the safe -at Jones and May•general store early
Monday morning, -hut were frightened away. Thursday morning, the
Dutch Boy Food Market at R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia was -entered
and $157 was stolen front a cash register. • ` -
Mr. James Lawson, whofor many years -operated a jewellery husi-
ncss in Exeter. died in.Victoria Hospital: July. 24 at the age of 79:
55 -YEARS AGO, - •
August 4.-1942 In ''spite of the rubber and gasoline restrictions,
the number of Civic, Holiday weekend. visitors at Grand Bend was a
1 near record breaker. ' •
. Leading Fireman William Chambers. P/O'Jack Anderson and Pri-
+ I • vate Alan Fraser have -arrived safely in England. - •
Mrs. A. -Willard has been engaged as organist Of Main Street Unit -
'ed Church to succeed the late- Mrs. N. Dore. .
Red leather spring" tilled seats are being installed at Leaviitt`s.. -
Theatre in Exeter., . .• .
!' Turnip growers:m Huron County organized as an association with •
Edgar Cudmorc. -. Exeter as chairman and Harry Strang, Hensall, - .
Bruce -Tuckey'and. Harold Hunter. Exeter, Russell 'Doherty, Blyth
- and Bruce Roy, Londesboro as a committee. .• - s
Blyth's Paper a summer treat
-Tirnes-Advocate, August 6, 1997
Page 5
. By Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
BLYTI# There's Nothing -In the
• Paper rookie playwright David.
Scott may have found himself a
new career. '
The comedy debuted at the Blyth
Festival recently and has made
quite a. splash in its first run.
Scott, the editor of Seaforth's Hu-
,ion Expositor, has .written about
something he knows all too well
and has cranked out a charming,
light comedy comedy with characters you
may feel you know from the coffee
shop or work.
George Stewart -(played by Jerry
Franken) is the disillusioned editor
.of the Shadowville Examiner. ,t
weekly newspaper not ton far rc-
moved from- the one you're read-
ing. Stewart has labored at the
• paper for his entire career and has
watched it become a shadow of
ws tl
•44 lefes
te'�i• "t
elks .
ratis M,ilessoc
41• foot
Coffee shop owner Brenda (Beverley Elliott), right, .talks to' Sam (Dick Murphy), left, and
(Vernon Chapman) in a.scene from the Blyth Festival's There's Nothing fn the Paper.
what it once was when the paper go-getter with high energy and.ap- out it coming, off self-important or
Was privately owned. George is ' peal. . • • trivial. •
running ,on autopilot. slipping a . - Though sometimes a little too` If,you go
swig of the hard stuff into his cot-- Over the top with -her delivery. Be- - There's Nothing `%tr the Paper
fee cup when he's having a had day vcrley, Elliott as coffee shop own- runs until. Aug; 23 with the Blyth
(just about every day is had -for er Brenda is•1he anchor, of the play, Festival's Other repertory plays.
Get'rrge), and avoiding facing the hosting most Of the action in her Dates: Aug. .7..2 p.m.; Aug: •9. N.
fact that the -paper's decline, is mir- business that takes up the right side• ,p.m.: Aug. 20. 8 p:m.:;Aug. 21: 2
miring his own. of the stage. p.m:: Aug: 23; 8 p.m:'Matinee tick-
With the mantra of "i love- my But itk the' banter 'of Sam 'and ets cost $16.50 for, adults,. 56 for .
job. i' love my job, George half-. Hank .and the', performances 'of 'youth; ivening tickets cost $20 for
heartedly tackles the things every -Murphy,.and Chapman that makes adults. For more information or to -
small town newspaper editor has -to , this playa, delight. The two pro- order tickets, rill (519) S23-9300.
deal with — people dropping off vide the laughs and '.share the hest' '
vegetables that look like. ducks or 'lines. and the hest one-liners in, the
famous people, fitting in the howl= play. From Hank preferring si li-
ing scores and cheque presentation hrarian ft* . romantic , compan-
pictures and complaints about typos ionsltip . ("1 don't want a bingo
from curmudgeons like ,Sam and woman") to Sam 'contemplating
Hank (played ' with. Show -,stealing proof-reading - for . -the' Lxatniner
'comic tuning by Dick Murphy and (';I'tit ;overqualified I can
Vernon Chapman 're- spell"); the two deliver their lines
as effortlessly .and believably as
the 'old characters you :know
and love that live. around
the corner.
_,D�r�cting- -,_h. y.,Terry
Tweed is even -and light-
ing, .set and costumes are
acceptable. But it's not the
technical • aspects `.of the
play that are, paramount
it's the writing and -per-
than - 'formances that are- par-
tiction stories in The Express. amount: • ,
Scott has,a'big task ahead of him
hesting his first go at. playwriting.
If he,- delivers 'another yuck -fest
like The Paper with his second'try.
Scott may want,to dabble in news-
- on the side and take up pen-
ning plays - full-time.;
The Paper is a delightful look .0
small town life and why it's so im-
portant • to hold on to many of
those values in a time when big
business is swallowing up the little
guy.whole. - .
And kudos to Scott who has writ-
ten a vibrant. funny play about
something he faces everyday with-
spectively ).
But George's ' sub
dued, ordinary ' world ,
s turned upside
down when a -randy=
newcomer named '
Bob (played with
feazy zest by 'Brian
Paul) lands in town
and starts up a scan-
dal sheet called The
Express. The stranger
Aug(s! 5,. 1917 - Mr. Herb Southcon. traveller. of Toronto, has
hcen visiting his. home here -during the week. He -and his brother Or-
ville left this week on a month's trip to Western Canada. -
Since the - post office at,Crediton East has been closed, a number
of'the East end residents have etectcd rural mail boxes to accommo-
- date their mail. . .
Hensel) Ont.
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bill found
threaten reputations and a story
about a teacher at, the high school
having AIDS divides the, cont-
. munity. •
Franken. though -at times a little
00 laid hack, • fills the role of
eorge with the necessary' cyn-
ism and sarcasm every newspaper .
crihe has come to expect from an
ditor. Sharon Bakker a office
onager Nellie is suitably earnest
nd annoying at the same time as
e mother hen and - moral "' con-
cience of the -paper while Kirsten
anRitzen_ as ad sales rep Joan
lays the ambitious though naive
- GRAND BEND - North Lambton _le
police arrested a male in a Grand s
Bend business after he passed • e
counterfeit money on Aug. 2 at ap- ' m
proximately 11 p.m. a
The staff at Coco's Baron the th
Main Street in Grand Bend found a s
counterfeit S20 bill that was passed V
by a patron in the bar. They held P
the male suspect until police ar-
rived. The bill was lighter in color
than an authentic bill and the holo-
gram didn't shift or change color.
The serial number was
Have a news tip?
Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331
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A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy.
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application.
Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume:
0 Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer
than two pages
0., The resume should be typed on 81/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a clattered look
Cl Start with your name, addressdand phone number
0 Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order
-- that is,vlast job irst-
0 Use a separate paragraph for each position and
precede it with the dates you held that position.
0 State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
0 The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific instructional courses you have . -
attended in conjunction with your work.
0 Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships
and/or offices held in professional or industry
0 Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an Interview. So make it as Impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie '.ord at
424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 235-1331