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Times -Advocate. July 30, 1997
This Week in Sports...
Exeter Rookie btu wraps up - page 15
• Sharon Amos takes. her etek to the Canada Games - page 16
Call Sports Reporter Craig Bradford
with your sports tips -
(519) 235-.1331 • Fax (519)235-0766.
•Co-op JuniorsAake 1-O OBA qualifier lead.
ass ' - * ..1! . 111.41.1 ,r -.--+..
a ..,y, -boas. ,t - •
,.r .:01
- seventh and would not relinquish it.
He's safe! Co-op Junior baserunner James Ralph avoids the tag by the Byron third baseman Exeter matched eLighth
andide's one run
- :completing a successful steal .during ,Thursdays home.game_ Exeter ended up losing 13-8., , tonings in • the eighth ninth, but
, it wasn't enough for a win.
- •Express coach :Joe Futon. said er- . .
rors hurt them by setting -up three__
runs.,but added the team
McKichan guiding future -:ba - .o
The Exeter hardball team needs one more win t� make it to the all-Ontarios
• EXETER = The. 'Co -Op- Juniors
hardball team is a step away from
advancing...to Ontario -Baseball As-
sociation finals after edging Lis-
towel 6-5 at home on Sunday- • -
The.Juniors.necd only to win one
of -.two games at Listowel to 'ad-
vance:with game two:Qf the best of°
three --series' tomorrow; 8 p.m., and
game _ three • (if necessary) next
- week.
Dwayne- McNab pitched ,six and
third innings after loading the bases
on -walks. Darryl Hartman came in
and _.promptly struck out his.two
hatters. McNab was -put back-iand
he made his own put out to seal the
win, forcing -the batter -to pop up to
the mound..MeNab struck out five, -
walked.four and gave up sire hits.
Exeter's- offence was -led. by. J.J.•
Anderson who just missed out oa.
hitting for the cycle with a homer, a
double and -a single in four at bats.
Scot Kemp added a single and dou-
ble, Hartman doubled. Bill Hodge.
had two singles and -Dale Hope and
McNab also . singled: Jo,.Maskell
laid down -a "picture perfect"bunt
single, manager Gary Hartman
said. - •
Exeter split a pair of league
games last week. The Juniors -won
6-5 in Clinton on Wednesday, with
starting pitcher- Dwight .Gingerich _
putting in n_ ine strong innings with
nine strike outs, one walk and gave
up -seven. hits: Exeter's' defence
committed no errors and Hartman
said -heads up baserunning earned
them the victory:
Exeter hits came from Dale Hope
(double), Maskell -(two singles) and
singles by Anderson: McNab and
At. home' Thursday. Exeter lost.
13-8 io second place Byron. piing
-int their six -game .winning streak.
to an -end, Starting pitcher Kemp
struck- out five; • walked. four and
gave up 10 hits to the muscular By=
ron bats over -five innings including
two :home -runs: 'Darryl Haim -an'
. gave.up two hits. walked none and
struck out one in -relief: • - -
Jamie' Rotph led Excter hitters
.with a triple and single, while both -
Kemp and Hodge ,added a- double.. - -
and a single. Blake Schade-and An-
"derson hittwo singles and -Hartman
addeda one -bagger.
-"The loss did not discourage_the _
Junior squad:.at all." Gary Hartman
said, "because= The OBA finals are -
in New Lowel l -on 'Aug. 22-14 . •
Exeter has -to settle for third place -
going into league ` playoffs in
Strathroy on Aug. 8-10; hut they re-
_ main healthy with - no injuries.:.
Those two 'games. against• Thorn=
dale have yetbo he scheduled_ •
Express still baffled by Lakeside
EXETER - The Lakeside hex on played well overall. Exeter had the Rick Boon and :Mark Rester with-
- the Exeter Express senior hardball tying. ryn- on third in•the bottom -of tine "cacti -and Dan" Masse with a:
team continues, this time out a 10-9 the ninth but couldn't cash in: homeruns
loss at home.last week.: - • . - • Starting pitcher 'Mike McCabe Exeter, is now• 5-11 on the season
Exeter started. strong with three threw four and a third innings, civ- •with.four regular -season -games left
runs in the- first inning .and two ing °.up eight hits, five -runs, two:- Pointing out; the -Express, a _'.D=
more in- the second: but Lakeside . walks and striking out four: reliever team: is playing in t league with all
continued to; chip -away,. eventually _ number one Many Meaner pitched other teams- at: 'C' i Tillsonburg.
taking a 6-5 lead after the,top of the two and two thirds innings,, giving*. Strathroy and London) • or .'B' •
• fifth. But the Express hung 'sight; up tour hits, three tuns, "one- walk' - 4Lakesidet. Fulop_s_aid the. record is
retaking the lead with two runs in . and striking out two: Paul Elston misleading. - - -
the bottom= of the inning. Lakeside pitched an inning, giving up two We have played tough in every
pulled into. the lead. again in the hits and a: run: Rick Boon finished .- game. and should have a better • .
the game: giving up a hit, a run and -record .—, with a few breaks,", he
"sinking- out two -in his inning of . said; '`However. We hope to do riot=
work. • -- • ter when league and OBA playoffs
Exeter bats were led by Bill_Glo- start in August:; - •
ver who • swatted three hits With The -Express next.takc on London
Merner. Fred Gregus,•-Scot Russell at home on July 29.'a .6:15 pm.
and Mark Glavin all adding two; "start..:.•
The.,forrrier.pro goalie is now sharing his .expertise with
By:Craig Bradford
-T-A Reporter
LUCAN - Talk about turning • a
plus intoa negative:`
Future Pro Goalie School's Steve
McKichan of Lucan may have had
his .pro hockey goaltending career
ended by a hit Iromr"behind. hut he
didn't,let 'it stop him from turning
his loe•of the spurt into a lucrative.
career. - - .
Tony Twist; now of the St,Louis.-
Blues; .delivered' the career-cndfng`
check on Dec. 15. 1990: during a
• contest versos McKichan's IHL
Milwaukee Admirals and Peoria.
McKichan was thrown head first
into the hoards and was un -
"conscious for a half hour after the
hit. He suffered a concussion that
developed 'mora- recurrent concur-
sion syndrome. the same syndrome
that ended Brett Lindros' (Eric's
become a high school' phyti ed -
teacher. hut the lack' of available
full-time svorli. steered McKichan.
hack to goaltending aftera short
stint as a Gr. 3 teacher at. Wood-
' stock's Algonquin Public School.
Since that fateful .day in '90.
• McKichan -has kept his hand in
hockey by ! being the IHL Detroit
;Vipers' goalie coach (achieving the
leagues lowest _oafs against aver-
. age •enc .caseni, writipg the hook
, titled Rebounds — Gnattendin•t;
- Fundamentals and establishing the
Future -Pro.Goalic School. •
though '.he plays roc hockey,
. McKichan: gets most jazzed over
• helping Young . goalies , -improve
their games. •
-1C: the hest. job in 'the world."
he said of teaching young goalies
• the. ropes. "I get•to play road hock-
ey for the rest of my lite and get
paid ter it." • - ' • -
McKichan brings the school back
younger brother) NHL career and
• •threatened to end Pat LaFontaine :s ,
McKichan had. played- his first:
and . only NHL game with Mil-
waukee's parent club. the Van-
couver Canucks, IO day. prier;
"If you're an optimist. you•say.at
least I played a game in the NHL,"
McKichan, 30. said. "If you're a
pessimist you say l didn't get my
NHL pen!ion. - .
But he will get some payback for
his injury — he has finally won a
seven-year court. battle for coin- '
•pensation, though. the defence can -
appeal .
"A., an athlete you
know your career
will end at some
point." McKichan
said philosophically.
He did try a come-
back, but IN: diui-
ness and other on -ice
symptoms were too much to han-
dle. so heeding doctors' advice who
warned another hit to the head may
be his last; he made the decision to
call his pro career quits.
"The choice was very easy," he
said. "1 had a wife (Tracey) and one
child at the time."
Getting an education before mak-
ing it to the NHL came in handy.
McKichan said. He was awarded a
full scholarship at Miami of Ohio
University in Cincinatti and gradu-
ated with a bachelor of science ed-
ucation degree. He had hoped to
"I get
for the
my life
tri Inc- Lucan Arena on Aug. 4 or
three weeks. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
pro wannabe goalies aged 7 to 17
and' from • as far away as, Alaska,
England and Australia will be -put
• through their paces. He teaches his
students movement, recoveries.
save selections, rebound control
(hence. the Nes Rebound book title).
ptfck handling and game situations.
One novel. teaching technique
McKichan hyas conic up with is
painting pucks white to help his
students with low visibility situa-
"When they -get hack' to black
pucks they almost
seem to glow in the
dark." he said.
Though many goal-
ie • coaches prefer a
certain goaltending
style like butterfly or
stand-up. McKichan
said all styles have
their merits.
"I don't try to change anyone's
style." he said. "1 just work •within
their strengths and limitations."
Though none of the • school's
graduates have played in the NHL
(yet). there are a few notable alum-
ni: Mike Menard who is now in the
Edmonton Oilers farm system after
playing for St. Marys Jr. D, Ron
••�I of the OHL Windsor Spit-
fires and Rich Parent who just
signed a $960,000 U.S. contract
with the Blues. McKichan added
that 12 of his former students are
to play
rest of
and get
for it."
Hot Ice. Lucan's Steve McKichan cools off all summer at his
job — running the Future Pro Goalie School.
• playing in the OHL.
But on -ice -skills aren't all McKi-
chan aims to (each the youngsters.
"The philosophy of the school is
that the kids have to have fun and
learn something," he said.
Getting an education is also un-
derlined. •
"It's acontinuous week-long
harping on doing well in school,"
McKichan said.
He hopes parents also come away
from his school with a different
spin and lose their high expecta-
tions of their child making it to the
Big League some day.
"Kids and parches have to be re-
alistic in minor hockey." McKichan
said. "When all is said and done,
pushing your kid to (make it to) the
NHL is like pushing a rope."
What is important is for the stu-
dents to have fun and try their best
McKichan said, sharing what he
calls the greatest advice he has
heard. -
"My dad (Stanley) said you have
to treat every practice and every
game like it is the only time a NHL
scout will see you play."
When asked who is the best goal-
ie today, McKichan didn't hesitate.
"Domenic Hasek is the best in
the NHL." he said. "I know first
hand what he can do," since McKi-
chan played in the minors against
him. "He has an incredible sense of
anticipation. Hc's the Wayne
Gretzky of goaltending."
Originally from Strathroy, McKi-
chan settled in Lucan because he
loved the arcna (he used to visit it
often when playing for Strathroy
travelling teams), it is near to most
of the major centres he frequents
and because it's a great place to
raise his children — Christopher. 8,
Jamie, 4, and Samantha, 3.
Slo-pitch 97 .
Exeter Men -
- Recent scores
• RSD Seminoles 17 vs. Mudhens 16
Barflyz,24 vs. Knighthawks 16'
inndians 9:vs. Mudcats 13
Huron Park 23 vs.•Big V. 22
-Huron Park 9 Vs. ETR Sluggers -F6
Barflyz 27 vs. Syfilco 11 .:
Mudhens 10 vs. -Ellison Travel 8
lnndians 19 vs. Knighthawk's9 -
• Standings as of July 23
14W,OL, IT'.
I2W, 3L. OT -
9W., 2L. 2T .
9W, 5L; IT
7W. SL. IT •
'W. 9L.,OT
5W..61_. 2T
5W. 12L. OT -
2W: 13L. OT -
2W. 141_. OT
. Team -
RSD Seminoles
ETR Sluggers
Baitlyz -
Ellison Travel
inndilins .
Syfilco •
Big V
Knighthawks -
Huron Park •
29 .
• 10
Nati a als move on to
WOA second round
EXETER - The Exeter Nationals whipped Fullarton twice
last week to take their South Perth Midget Girls fasttxall
best of three Western Ontario Athletic Association series.
Exeter won 18-4 at home on Sunday on the strength of
four homers including Cara Gardner's grand slam. She
also added two singles to cap off a five R81 night. Other
home runs carne from Shawna Rowe (adding two walks
and a single), Lisa Rooseboom (a double) and Julie
Rooseboom (twa doubles and four RBIs).
Starling pitcher Gardner put in four innings, striking out
nine and giving up one walk, a hit and two runs. Reliever
Lisle Geurts sttuck out the side in her inning of work but
gave up three hits and two runs.
Exeter took the first game of the series 16-3 at Fullarton
Last week. Th16 time Gardner gave up two hits and two
runs in her one Inning of relief for Geurts who shuck out
four, walked one and gave.up three hits and a run in her
four innings.
Gardner and- Meagan Ratz led the hit parade with four
each, throe singles and double for Gardner and two sin-
rthecuctdi two deuces with two RBIs for Ratz. Missy Hayter
In with a homer while Usa Hodge hit two singles
and walked twice and Usio Geurts batted two doubles
for **Mt
yQDoch Jaime Paiso said Ratz was hot with the grove In-
" Nllttg."a stellardiving catch."
battik also.beak Milverton 13-4 at Hensail and Zurich
• 13.L at home last week in league play to cap a 4-0
The Nationals next play tonight versus Atwood in Kirk -
ton, a 730 p.m. start: