Times Advocate, 1997-07-30, Page 9('(IMMI.TNTTY
Savanna thrills- at The Pinery
PINERY PARK On July. 19,
over 4,000 people took part in the
Savanna Festival: held at Pinery
Provincial Park in honor of Canada
Parks Day. The event was jointly
hosted by The Friends of Pinery
Park and Pinery Provincial Park -
staff. The Festival was open to the
public. as well as campers in the
The dunk tank was a popular
item with Park Staff and the public.
Les Kobayashi (park superinten-
dent), Terry Crabe (natural re-
source management supervisor),
Rob. Burnett (assistant superinten-
dent), Bob Crawford (enforcement
leader), Ken Armstrong (park oper-
ations supervisor) and Chris Gebert.
(operations), gamely . provided
themselves as potential dunkees
and the crowd was rewarded with
early and successive-dunkings. Jac
le Fete, the Voyager, arrived early
in the day with his 20 seat Montreal
canoe and treated people to a half
hour paddle on the Ausable River.
. Participants were issued a pass-
port and encouraged to try their
hand at all game stations. Each
game station was designed, con-
structed and operated by members
of the various park departments.
Participants could use a fire back
pack at 'Fire Frenzy', toss acorns at
'Kristie's Kavity Korner', write a
ticket at 'Campers Chaos',. catch
fish at 'Reel in a Deal' or enjoy
many other games. Winners at each
station were issued a sticker. Any
passport with three winning stick-
ers could be redeemed for a Glen
Loates print, Passports with stamps
of participation from six game sta-
tions were entered in a • draw for
Ontario Parks t -shirts and hats. A
prize of two .nights camping in Pin-
ery Park, available to be won at the
'Campers Chaos' game station, was
awarded to Cambridge's Andrew
The day concluded with a five
performance at the Outdoor Thea-
tre. Nine, hundred people enjoyed
the antics of Jane and Dave's Awe-
some Environmental Adventure.
Dawn Crabe, the executive direc-
tor of The Friends of Pinery Park,
wishes to thank everyone who at-
tended the Savanna Festival and es-
pecially those who contributed do-
nations. All monies collected will
further the works of The Friends of
Pinery Park, a non-profit charitable
organization,. dedicated to the de-
velopment of interpretive, educa
tional, historical and scientific pro-
jects- and programs in Pinery
Provincial Park-.
Plans are underway for a bigger
and better '98 Savanna Festival of
1998. The Friends of Pinery Park
and the staff of Pinery -Provincial
Park look forward to seeing you at
another fabulous event.
Submitted by The Friends of Pin-
ery Park; Photo by Kristie .Vari-
Crest Centre opens townhouse units
The five -unit townhouse will be
home for 12 developmental , de-
layed adults.
By Annie Morenz
Shipka correspondent
SHIPKA'-'The.Crest Centre (where Ann Russell is
employed) held an Open House at their new residence
on King Si:, in Ilderton last week.
It is a five unit townhouse and home for 12 devel-
opmental delayed adults.
The unique design was.constructed by Lyon's Con-
struction of Lucan. • • . ,
Board members proudly held the ribbon while the
residents of the new homes cut the ribbon. Tours of
`the building were conducted by the Board of Direc-
tors. •
A large number of family and friends joined the
.community of Ilderton in welcoming the new resi-
dents while enjoying refreshments. on the lawn with
them, • '
The Russell family reunion picnic was held July 13
at Point Pelee National Park, with I.van Russell and
family in charge, and more than 50 in attendance.
From this area were Don and Bruce Russell and fami-
ly, Doug, Ann and Elizabeth Russell, Velma Russel
of Dashwood, Kathy (Russell) Plain and family,
This family are the descendants of the late Walter
Russell ; of Essex. The highlight of the children's
games was a pinata filled with candy,. Next year's re-
union will be hosted by the Jerry Russell- family of
Detroit, Michigan.
Get well wishes go to Lorne Fenner who has been
Melvin and Gertie Stade, Steve and Josephine Die-
trich and Clarence and Elinore Miller motored to
Troy, Michigan to visit with Harvey Schroeder and
his housekeeper Gudi.
Harvey is now 97 years old, and was _born and
raised in the Crediton area. When he. was 16 years
old, he worked as hired man for Melvin's father, Wil-
liam Stade. -
Velma Russell, Dashwood, Don and Anne Russell,
Bruce and Doug Russell of the area, and Kathy
Plaine, of Strathroy, attended the funeral of their aunt
and sister-in-law Mildred Baldwin, a sister-to,the late
Cliff Russell. Her funeral was held July 17 at the
Kennedy Funeral Home in Essex.
Clarence and Elinore Miller returned to Taber, Al-
berta, after spending 10 days with Melvin and Genie
Stade.-Elinore and Gerrie are sisters. They also visited with 011ie and Sherrie Edwards,
of Dashwood. During this visit the Stades received a
phone-ealhto say that Gertie and Elinore's oldest sis-
ter Alwina Olson of Regina, Saskatchewan, had
passed away.
- Alex Russell, son of Doug and Ann has completed
four years at Brock University in St. Catharines and
will graduate in October with an Honours B.A. in
Business and ,Political Science. ,_
Dr. Glenn and Nancy (Baker) Babich with their
family, Philip, Sarah and Sandra of Dover, Tennessee
spent the past week visiting relatives in this area.
A family reunion was held; last Sunday at Shipka
Community Centre to celebrate Ken Baker Sr.'s
birthday. .
Congratulations to Ernie and Sheila Miller on their
25th wedding anniversary in July. •
I had an enjoyable. 79th birthday this month with
visitors, cards games, phone calls and cards. •
Prize winners at Zurich Fair
Fair results
Vegetables and flowers
Kindergarten - grade 4: Pota-
tdes - Derek Zandwyk, Lauren
Pennings, Laura Zandwyk; i3eets
- Derek Zandwyk, Laura Zand-
wyk, Kelsey Haberer;. Carrots -
Laura Zandwyk, Derek Zand-
Yellow onions - Laura Zand-
wyk, Derek Zandwyk; Green on-
ions - Amanda Neeb; Green to-
matoes - Lauren Haberer, Derek
Zandwyk, Laura Zandwyk; Yel-
low beans - Lauren Pennings,
Derek Zandwyk, Laura Zand-
wyk; Green beans - Laura Zand-
wyk, Derek Zandwyk; Peas - La-
uren Haberer, Laura Zandwyk,
•Lauren Pennings;
Slicing cucumbers, - Laura
Zandwyk, Derek Zandwyk; Pick-
ling cucumbers - Laura Zandwyk,
Lauren Pennings, Derek Zand-
wyk; Zucchini - Kelsey Habercr,
Lauren Pennings, Derek Zand-
wyk; Vegetable dinosaur - Sarah
Petunias Derek Zandwyk,
Laura Zandwyk; Small marigolds
- Laura Zandwyk, Derek Zand-
wyk; Large marigolds - ,Laura
Zandwyk, Derek Zandwyk; Wild-
flower arrangement - Laura
Zandwyk, Derek Zandwyk, Sarah
Kyle; Coffee mug arrangement
Laura Zandwyk; Coffee table ar-
rangement - Derek Zandwyk,
Laura Zandwyk.
Grades 5-8: Potatoes - Carolyn
Van. Sligtenhorst, Mark Soudant,
Deanna Zandwyk; Beets - Daniel
Zandwyk, Erin Pennings, Mark
Soudant; Carrots - Alicia Pen-
nings, Deanna Zandwyk; Yellow
onions - Deanna Zandwyk, Caro-
lyn Van Slightenhorst, . Justin
Soudant; Green onions - Trevor
Neeb, Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst,
Mark Soudant;
Green Tomatoes - Daniel Zand-
wyk, Deanna Zandwyk, Mark
Soudant; Yellow beans - Alicia
Pennings, Justin Soudant, Caro-
lyn Van Sligtenhorst; Green beans
- Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst,- Erin
Pennings, Mark Soudant; Slicing
cucumbers - Deanna Zandwyk,
Daniel Zandwyk; Pickling cucum-
bers - Deanna Zandwyk, Alicia
Pennings, Daniel Zandwyk; Peas - -
Deanna Zandwyk, Daniel Zand-
wyk, Erin Pennings; Zucchini -
Justin Soudant, Deanna Zandwyk; .
Vegetable display - Alicia Pen-
nings, Justin Soudant, Mark Sou -
dant; Raspberries Justin Sou -
dant, Mark Soudant; Rhubarb -
Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst; Roses -
Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst, Deanna
Zandwyk; Petunias - Daniel Zand-
wyk, Erin Pennings, Justin Sou -
dant; Small marigolds - Daniel
Zandwyk, Mark Soudant, Justin
Soudant;Large marigolds - Daniel
Zandwyk, Deanna Zandwyk, Car-
olyn Van Sligtenhorst; Cosmos -
Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst; Deco-
rated cucumber - Carolyn Van
Wildflower arrangement - Dan-
iel Zandwyk, Carolyn VanSligten-
horst, Alicia Pennings; Coffee
mug arrangement - Deanna Zand-
wyk, Erin Pennings, Daniel Zand-
wyk; Dining room arrangement -
Erin Pennings, Deanna Zandwyk,
Carolyn VanSligtenhorst; Barley -
Alicia Pennings; White beans -
Alicia Pennings, Carolyn Van
Sligtenhorst; Soybeans - Carolyn
Van Sligtenhorst, Daniel Zand-
Nursery School
Art - Laura Ann Mathonia,
Amanda Allen, Marc Metzger;
Coloring book picture - Robbie
Henderson, Leigh McCarroll,
Laura Ann Mathonia.
Marshmallow person - Kelsey
Haberer; Leaf collage - Kelsey
Haberer; Edible necklace - Kelsey
Grades 1, 2, 3
Playdough creation - Derek
Zandwyk, Lauren Haberer, Laur-
en Pennings; Flower collage - La-
.uren Haberer, Derek Zandwyk,
Laura Zandwyk; Mobile - Lauren
Haberer, Amgnda Neeb, Lauren-
Pennings; Book mark - Amanda
Neeb, Lauren Pennings, Lauren
Haberer; Peanut butter cookies -
Laura Zandwyk, Lauren Pen-
nings, Derck Zandwyk; Large
cookie, decorated Amanda
Neeb, Laura Zandwyk.
Grades 4, 5, 6
Sock puppet - Sarah Kyle, De-
anna Zandwyk, Justin Soudant;
Fridge decoration - Sarah Kyle,
Alicia Pennings, Deanna Zand-
wyk; Wooden article - Justin Sou-
dant; Article made from recycled
materials - Sarah Kyle, Justin
Soudant, Deanna Zandwyk; CoI-
•lage, any agricultural theme - De-
anna Zandwyk, Justin Soudant,
Alicia Pennings;
Pressed leaves - Sarah Kyle,
Deanna Zandwyk; Snapshots,
pets - Deanna Zandwyk; Choco-
late chip cookies - Deanna Zand-
wyk, Trevor Neeb, Sarah Kyle;
Chocolate cake - Sarah Kyle, Ali-
cia Pennings, Trevor Neeb; Muf-
fins - Alicia Pennings, Sarah Kyle
Fridge decoration - Erin Pen-
nings, Mark Soudant; Wooden
toy - Erin Pennings, Mark Sou -
dant; Other wood article - Daniel
Zandwyk; Decorated t -shirt -
Mark Soudant; Snaps, farm
scenes - Erin Pennings, Daniel
Zandwyk; Chocolate brownies -
Mark Soudant; Oatmeal cookies -
Daniel Zandwyk; Chocolate cake
- Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst, Mark
Soudant; Bran muffins - Erin Pen-
Mini -pedal tractor pull
Up to 50 lbs. class: Mandy Ma-
thonia, Steven Van Aiken, Greg
51-75 lb. class: Gary Sebben,
Jeremy Rowan, Michael Vanaak-
76-95 Ib. class: Larry Northo-
ver, Justin Hay, Shawna Forrest-
Times -Advocate, July 30, 1997
I" 1
Voyaging on the Ausable. Voyager Jac le Fete (played by Pinery Provincial Park natural heri-
tage education supervisor Tom Purdy) led groups of people for canoe rides on the Ausable
River as part of The Friends of Pinery Park's first Savanna Festival on Saturday.
Fair tops -off months of planning
By Carmel Sweeney
Zurich correspondent
ZURICH - The Zurich Fair is
over for another year. Many- volun-
teers worked hard during the past
couple months planning and getting
everything. together.
President John Becker and secre-
tary -treasurer Margaret Deichert
worked hard to make the fair hap-
An Appreciation Night and bar-
becue for all those who helped with
the fairwill be held at the Park . Pa-
villion on Aug. 13 at 6:30 p.m.
Winner of the Rural Challenge
theme draw for $ l00 was Craig
Masse, RR 1 Zurich.
There was a total of 22 babies in
the three classes of "Babies- on Pa-
rade" show at the fair on. Saturday.
The Agricultural Society.donated a
toonie to each baby on stage.
Tickets are available for the St.
Boniface 'parish annual barbecue
on August 10 from 3 to 6 p.m.
They cost $6 per person 11 years
and older. - Contact. Chris and San-
dra Regier, 236-7599 or pick them
up at Masses at the church. -
Natalie and Stephanie Mason of
Dashwood spent a week recently in
Newfoundland. Her husband has
been working there since Septem
ber. They attended the Cabot 500
celebration in Grates Cove where
John whistled 'O Canada' as- the
Matthew ship replica arrived in.
port for a day. .
Natalie and two of her other chil-
dren, Shawn and. Tracy, are plan-
ning another trip to Newfoundland
this summer to see their father and
do some sightseeing.
A surprise 65th birthday party
was held for Maddy Smith on Fri-
day evening, July 25. when about
50 friends and family were waiting
at her home when husband Bill and
her returned home from supper out.
They came home to a front lawn
full of dinosaurs.
Roberta Robertson of Vancouver
is spending 10 days visiting with
her parents Jim and Joy Hogg at St.
Joseph's and two sisters and their
families in the arca.
Farewell" to the family of Dan
and Julie -Turkheim - who- have
moved to Exeter while Dale and
Shelley Miller have moved into
their former home on Main St. E.
Eugene and Deb Regier celebrat-
ed their 25th anniversary July 22.
Wendy. Rau and Nick Szabo
were married at St. Peter's Church,
'St. Joseph, on July 26. The bride is
.the _daughter of Dennis and -Sue
Rau, RR 2 Zurich.
The family of Dan and Carrie Ey'
bergen (nee Sweeney) have. taken
up residence. in Oakville this past
week after living in Georgia for the
last six years: Dan has been work-
ing in Toronto for the past few
months. .
Happy birthday wishes go to
Glen Neeb on July 26
Best wishes for a speedy recov-
ery go to Emily Wilder, daughter
of Lionel and Vicki, who under-
went surgery recently. -
Blanch . Ducharme, ' RR .2 Zurich
returned home from a two-week
vacation at Edmonton. Alberta.
along- with her sister Lucia Aldous
of Mt. Clemens, Michigan: .They
visited with their sister Yolandc
and husband and attended a wed-
ding in Calgary for their- grand-
niece on July 12:
They visited their home town in
Ponteix, Saskatchewan where they
visited with some relatives. They
had- a get-together with another sis-
ter Cecile, who lives in Regina.
Brian and Michelle DePaepe re-
cently spent a week with his par-
ents Maurice and Paula DePaepe in
Donald and Shirley Bedard held
their sixth annual fundraising golf
tournament in honor of their late
son Dan Bedard at the Bayview
golf course can July 19.
.The event ended with a barbecue
supper at their cottage. This year
the proceeds will go to help Bro.
Bob Mittleholtz with his work in.
India. - •
A surprise 50th birthday party
was held -for Ted Lansbergen on
July 20 at their home: They had a
barbecue and get-together arranged
by his wife Hilda and children: -
Jerry and Diane Thiel recently
spent 10 days travelling with
friends to North Dakota and Sas-
katchewan. --
Anne Besozzi of San- Francisco.
California is spending some time
with her mother Gerry -Kane.
High , ,i•'l; iiJt - LOV. CPS
Lots of bargains!
.4 nice selection of formal wear
and skatin ' costumes.
We wish to draw your attention to the
error in our 75 Years Long Weekend
Sale-abration- flyer.
Page 12, Motomaster SK I I0 tires. All
sizes may not he available at all
We sincerely regret any inconvenience
we may have caused you.
enote 331-97- zones: all
Country Bakery
367 Main St. S.
Exeter 235-2525
Wed., Tburs., Fri. and Sat. July 30,31, Aug.1,2 M
Portuguese Bread.
•77 ea.
Sat. Aug. 9 & Sun. Aug. 10
Admission: Adult $10.00 • Child $5.00 • Under 5 Free
Skiat 9diett Rae‘t .54e.cei
Entertainment DJ Friday, Saturday, Sunday
4K Stock Farms (519) 263-5255 Saturday, 4-6 p.m.
Adult $5.00• Child $2.50 Sunday - 7 to 11 a,m,
es NOMAD CAMPING - Must Reserve
Friday, Saturday - Campers call (519) 235-3114
Admission: $10.00 Saturday 9:00 p,m,
Call (519) 237-3249
Call (519) 235-2833