HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-07-30, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, July 30, 1997 Fnn�rrr.�__ By Tfip Payne ACROSS nautically 2 wds. 1 National — 6 Meat skewers 11 Mesita of Paris - 16—kwando ' 19 "Tomorrow" Musical 20 Veranda ' 21 Small animals 22 `Wait a minute!" 23 Start of a quip: 4 wds' 26 Belore (poetic) : 27 Ebb.or neap — 28 — -dokey • 29 Thermonuclear • reaction • 30 Bus. degrees 3t.Scrateh (out) 32 Road Runner. to the Coyote . 33.Reddish brown 34 Be stationary. 35 Tyrannical rulers 37 '48 HRS " star 38 Penn and — 39 Gobbted up 40 — Paese cheese 41 Speaker of the .quip: 2 wds. 44 -That's —" 47 Postseason mes 49 nock it off!', nautically --. 50 June honoree 51 Ways and committee 53 — of contents 56 Wading bird 60 Flamenco cry 61 Variety 62 Make even 63 Away: arch. 65 Pan 2 of quip 67 TV's Spelling 68 Part 3 of quip: 3 wds. 69 Chant • 70 An outsider 71 Mist 72 Gymnast's goal 73 Young woman? 74 Wing: prefix 75 Jiindu teacher 76 Spanish gold 77 Snowy bird 80•Church Lady's foe 82 Bowlers' milieus 84 Part 4 of quip: 3 wds. -- 89 Ms. •Dawber • 90 Chatter (colloq.) 91 Yogi Bear's sidekick: 2 wds. ' 92 Red-hot hunk's 94 Bogeyman 98 Greasy substances 99 Disperse 101 'And — — - goes 102 Rock group 103 -Let — —•' 104 He `cometh" 105 Biggers' detective 106 'No its. —, or buts" 107 On the - vivo 108 Endef the quip 3 wds. 111.Cofee vessel 112 Golfer Hale 113 In the know 114 A kind 115 Chang and — 116 Dissolves 117 Famous 118 City in the Ruhr DOWN - 24 Rich -cake • 25 Zest 1 Trained a show. 30 Armed citizen horse groups• 2 Dissimilar 32 Famous 3 Battery battleship terminals • - 33 Somersault ' 4 Split 34 Ayres. et al. `` 5 Ruby or Sandra 36 Golf term 6 Satisfies one's . 37 6:00 show thirst • 38 — la la 7 Former CBS 40 Brosnan role .. chairman . - 42 Give a ring • 8 Black , 43 Hail, to Horace 9 Ms. Babylonia 44 I-(andsohne 10 Wicked . young man 11 Covers with turf 45 NBA's Moses 12 Jazz pianist • 45 Folk -blues Blake performer 13 Nose, slangily •' 47 Exploding noise 14 Discombobulate . 48 Sound systems 15 East: German 52 One (German) 16 Saved by = .- 54 Shakespeare's 17 Treated with •, nver. ' • carbon dioxide - 55 Big — (clock) • 18 Ugly item - 57 Sewing -kit item 58 Belong . intrinsically 59 Pool members 62 Hiding place. 63 Tiny particle 64 Watchful • 66 Hive member 67 Pintful. perhaps 68 One -named • model 70 Abbr. oh a envelope • 71 Did the crawl 74 Architect 1.M. — 75 Rating symbol .78 Immortalized cars in a song 79 Greek letter 81 Mimicked 83 Stomach muscles 84 Diagonal , 85 Common street • sign: 3 wds. 86 Hitting high. in tennis 87.Ousseldort • citizens 88 Conversational - filler: 2 wds. • 90 Auctioneer's -. word - 93 Indian fig tree ' 94 Expressed pain 95 Mdrtises' partners • 96 Stay. around 97 "The Joys of :Yiddish" author 99 Glower • . 100 Small American bird 101 Talia = 104 Ooncernrng'• • 2wds 105 Idle talk • , 106 Vigeda, et al 108 Actress ' Basinger 109 Number in•a brace " -- 110 Malrire 1' 2 . 3 4 5 b MERNERa Meats of the Dashwood sausage Order ahead for Friedsburg Days •Dashwood Sausage •Headcheese • Smoked Chops • Pepperoni Saturday August 2 6 7 � 9 10 11 17 13 14- 19. 16 mil 1b-■a■■ill■■■■ 21 ■■ -. ■ 22 ■ 2J -..■■■24 ■■■■■'S ■■ . ■■ 26 ■■ 111 29 ill ill ■■■ 3 ■■■■ ■■■ - ■ 1■� 4r, ■■ 41 ■ 42 43 . ■■■■■■ 44 45 ill■■ 4-. ■■■ 46 49 ■■■■ i ■ 51ill ■■■ 51 54 55 ■■ 56 5- S8 59 ¢C ■■ 51 ■■■ 6< ■■■■ ■■■ ■■iill■■■iil■■■■iii ■■■■■ 69 ■■■■■ 70 ■■■■ 71 ■■ 72ill ill ill illl Mild■■ 8f, At ■■■ 82 R3 111 ee Ail ■■■■ 87 ee 89 ®®iill ■■ °' ■■■■■ 92 ■ 93 - ■■ 94 : ■■■ 95 -- ■■■ mil in, ■■■ 102 ■■ 103 ■■■ toa -- ■ - Ill ■■■ 106 ■■■ ■■ lid ■■■■■■ 109 ■■■■ 110 ■ .: ■ .. 111 ■■ ®■■■■ 113 ■�■ 114 II 115 115 ■■ 116 ■■■■ 17- ■■■■ 118 ■■■■ ?MEME CROSS WORD `IDLE CHAUE! For answers please Euro to the Announcements Church services to resume in August Rhoda Rohde Thanes Road correspondent THAMES ROAD * Bill and Rho- da Rohde spent Tuesday • • and Wednesday with 'Dan' Rohde and his fiancee Nancy Blyttie at Oak- l fillet•' - Mery and Joanne Fields, Josh and. Justin spent the weekend and-Lau- retta Fields of near Hensall spent Surlday with David ,and Marlene - Cunnington. • '- - Bill and Rhoda Rohde attended the open house for Glenn and Verla Copeland in honor of their 40th - wedding anniversary at Woodham United Church on "Sunday after- noon. • Church news On August 3 at 9:45 a.m. church • services will- begin at Elimville United Church with Rey. Jock T°I- may in -charge. ' On -August 10 at. 9:45 a.m. a .church service and communion will. be held at' Thames Road Church. WI -tour ,vegetable farm , , Staffa ,WI members , went to see Visscher's ',crops' and processing, • sheds. • '-/Roberttl< Templeman ,Staffs correspondent ` ' • STAFFA- - $taffa, Women's Insti tuts members met for latch at the Triple A --rest'aurant .,in Exeter on July 2.3. They then •went to Viss- cher farms where Tcna gave them a. guided ,tour.o t c crops and pro, • cessing sheds_ • , They then. returned to Doris 1Ni11 er'.s home in Exeter for the meet= President Kay, Simile presided, opcniftg with the Institute:Ode and Granton Fun Day begins with parade There were games af- terward at the park. By Muriel Lewis . Granton correspondent GRANTON - The BX -93 Silver Bullets faced 'the Granton UC Dis- ciples in a hilarious baseball game at the park on Wednesday evening, . July 23. Pledge sheets were in great demand and a food booth added to • the pleasure but no one- really knows what the final score was. . . A former St Thomas Anglican Church rector. Rev. Samuel James Bell died in Maple Ridge, British - Columbia on, July .10 at age 87 years. . Muriel Lewis and son Larry at- tended thc 175th.anniversary of the congregation of St. John the Devine Anglican Church, Arva on Sunday. July 27th and the chicken barbecue which followed at Weldon Park. the -Granton UC Stewards served ' breakfast at the park on July 27 which was well attended. An out- door service followed with mes- sage and music of the Gospel by Bob Heywood. ; • ,Regular services resume.- next Sunday, August 3. I.1 a,rt1:-at Gran- -ton and -9:4,5 a.m. at Wesley. . Fun Day - . -.On July 26: in spite of thc over- cast weather, a parade proceeded up Main - Street. at 11 a.m. -after judging at the cenotaph corner, led by the Granton fire truck. Flags were carried by • John Clarke and Jay Lamtuiurn: -followed by. Ste-• - phen Currah and Tara Westman with the Lions Club, banner. Next in line were the waters: first Mi- chael Wheeler.- second • Patrick Broughton and third Austin Paf- ford. Runners up were• Macauley Pafford. Alexandra and Yelena Ac- imovic. Amy.- Kylier Sarah and Benjamin Lovell, Sabrina Kenney, Blake Betancourt and Katlyn An- derson. Push and pull: first Amy and Conor- -Harrison, see and Jere. — my Quinet. Natasha • and Ashley Rockwell, third Blake and Page• Tarron. Runners .up Lisa Topham. Tanya Green, .Jesse Road: _Melissa Harding. Dustin Ledrew. Animal - class: Tonva Westman zinc', her ;sheltie -dog Marcedis. - - Bikes: first Whitney and Mitch Benner. second Jennie Topham. - third Sharce green. and Mynta and Carly Westman. Small floats: first Robbie Stiltz. second Joan Stiltz,. third Harry Fos- ter. - Tractors: D. Beatson with a .46 Cockshott. Jim Hodgins with a 47 McCormick and Max Bilvea with a 5.0 super C Farmall. - Large floats: •first Snow White with the.. Walter Riddell family. second Wizard of Oz with the Queen. St•. Mob. third Trouble -M- Acre._with the - Cook and -Riddell families. - The rescue team brought up the rear. • - At the. park there was something fur' -everyone atuding games tor kids: pingo. a -IOW booth and bah, imp table Decoration day at Hensall Cemetery The Legion laid a wreath in honor of their comrades. BHenson correspLiz ondent - • HENSALL - Hensall Union Ce- metery -held their annual Memorial and Decoration Day on Sunday, July 27 and once again were blessed _ with good weather and good attendance.. Rev. Grant Dar= ling was the guest minister and brought an uplifting message. Hensall Legion Branch 468 laid a wreath in memory of lost com- rades. Betty Jinks and Al Alderson provided some beautiful music. Rob Cameron also provided music on a portable pump organ. The Number 25 Pitch Team were grateful to Queensway for the base- ball caps. This past Saturday the second annual Queensway staff and family picnic was held at .the Hensall Pavilion. Everyone had a wonderful lime. Rev. Arthur Horst will be the guest minister at Cannel Presbyterian Church on August 3i Rev. Robert Peebles was the guest minister at Hensall United Church. Rev. Peebles.' message was "So 1 Sent You". Mark Gar- lough was the organist for the min- istry of song. Favorite hymns were chosen by the congregation. Hilda Payne and John Thompson looked after the ushering duties. Cecil. Pepper looked after the ele- vator. Call Marg Cole at 262-2304 if you wish to use the church par- lour. The Hensall Playground and Parks Board will be hosting a Co- ed Softball Tournament on August 9 and 10. Saturday and Sunday. Many prizes, including: MVP, Team prizes, door prizes, draws, food .and more. Anyone interested in entering a team should contact Melanie (252-2489), or the arena (262-3206). The second annual beef barbe- cue. dance and elimination draw is cor ..g up on August 16 at the Hensall Arena. This event is spon- sored by the Hensall Kinsmen. Parks Board and Fire Department. Tickets arc 'available from club members. the arena and Municipal Office. Dinner tickets are $10 and Elimination Tickets are $ 10. The Grand Prize for the draw. is $1,000.00, All proceeds . of the event will be used for community projects. the arena ice resurfacer and the Fire Department _rescue equipment van. The awards for the 1997 Volunteer Recognition will be handed out that evening. fl ROUSE 1<, stapirunt (' 11111 Thurs. & Fri. LUNCH BUFFET ...$4.95 Sunday Brunch 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 418 Main St. 235-3141 Mary Stewart Collect. followed by the minutes of the previous meet-• ing and the correspondence. -During husiness,svcryope was'reminded of the Tweedmuir Curator. workshop .at Salford on August,12. the Perth county Executive meeting in Kirk- ton- on September 9 at 9:30 a:m. and the Perth 'County Rally to he held at, the Listowel Comrrtunity Centre on October 16. with Staffa. branch responsible for a number. Seven members answered the roll call by Jelling of mw ,new ays they had learned ,to use and serve vege- tables. Smale reviewed the 'August' meeting which _begins with• a pot- luck dinner at the home of Marjorie Drake on August 27.•• Lunch was served -,by Cltaudcttc Elliott and r Joyce iller. !lave anews tip? Call the rinses -Advocate 233-1331 HOLIDAY ADVERTISING DEADLINE Due to the August 4 holiday, all advertising must be in our office by Friday August. 1. The front ,office will be closed August 4 '424 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1331 MAYTAG flERfUflE 1 Front Load - better cleaning - makes clothes last longer - save up to 7000 gallons of water/year - $100/year savings APPLIANCE CENTRE 390 Main St. S. Exeter 235-0705 8 6 ( 0 Loci"' Home b MERNERa Meats of the Dashwood sausage Order ahead for Friedsburg Days •Dashwood Sausage •Headcheese • Smoked Chops • Pepperoni Saturday August 2 1• i • • • 1 1 4 4 OPEN 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Dashwood 237-3677 J HOLIDAY ADVERTISING DEADLINE Due to the August 4 holiday, all advertising must be in our office by Friday August. 1. The front ,office will be closed August 4 '424 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1331 MAYTAG flERfUflE 1 Front Load - better cleaning - makes clothes last longer - save up to 7000 gallons of water/year - $100/year savings APPLIANCE CENTRE 390 Main St. S. Exeter 235-0705