HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-07-30, Page 1EXETER RODEO DAYS - Sat. and Sun., Aug. 9 & 10 - FUN FOR EVERYONE
L k(?ter
,,,,,,•(, 1873
4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
'Take me out to the
Ball Game'
See page 7
Zurich Fair
'Rural Challenge'
See page 8
Grand Bend's
first lifeguard
marks 50th
See Crossroads
Second front
Police ask
public for
help in hit
and run
EXETER - Huron County OPP
report a 1990 Chev blue four door
was parked unattended at the Dar-
lings Foodland parking lot on July
22 at approximately 3:15 p.m.
when it was struck by another -vehi-
cle which failed to remain at the
The Chev received moderate
'damage to the passenger side. The
suspect vehicle is either a newer _
model LTD or Marquis, light grey
in color with two occupants. a
male and a female. both possibly in
their '50s.
To assist the Exeter OPP, anyone-
, who observed this collision is
asked to call Const. McGregor at
the Exeter Detachment Administra-
tion number at 235-1300 or Huron-;
County Crimestoppers at 1-800-
Grand Bend
GRAND BEND - Police ire in-
vestigating frauds that occurred in
the Village of Grand Bend on July
25. .
• Police were called to a motertn
the village about a male adult in -
possession of a stolen credit card.
Police arrested the male and took.
him to appear in front of a Justice
of the Peace in Sarnia where he
was released. The male took a cab
from Corners cab service back to
Grand Bend where he was unable
to pay for the fare. The cab driver
drove to the OPP detachment in.
Grand Bend where the suspect was
turned over to,police.
Steven.Elliot. 21, of Exeter, On-
tario is charged with possession of
a stolen credit card, use of a stolen
credit card, fraud and fraud in rela-
lion to fares. Elliot was arrested by
Exeter OPP on warrants and is
wanted in Stratford and Waterloo.
Ontario for numerous other charg-
es. He is to appear in Sarnia Count
on August 18,
Hear ye, hear ye!
Town crldr Bill Paul as Sir.Justin Tyme proclaimed the side-
walk sales to everyone on Main Street on Friday afternoon.
Paul along with, a face artist, juggler' and odor, characters
made the trip from Ldndon to entertain -shoppers,
This Week
Biddulph sends missile to Queen's Park
Biddulph council has told the province they're fed up with downloading
By Craig Bradford
T -A, Reporter
dulph .rownship councillors are
still wnldering who will be doing
what when 'it comes ..-to -provincial
downloading: •
Council has told the province it
needs more exact information on
what, transfer payments have dried
up ,and what .their responsibilities
are s6 they can plug the figures into
'future; annual budgets. '
- Biddulph,Reeve Earl French said
without the. financial figures and
not' knowing 'bow the:ehanges will
take place, there is no way they -can
forecast whether, municipal taxes
will. have th be hiked or not. -
"We are definitely going to have
do.more with less. but until. we
can start planning based op .real
numhers,.thcre is -little we can do to
mitigate against higher costs and
lower revcnucs,"'French said in a
press release.. - -
Tt>.is year provincial transfer pay--
mcnts. to. piddulph werecut by
$126.89( dRith $207,609 more to be
cul in '98' with tl)e cancellation of
the Municipal Support Program.
Biddulph chief .administrative cif
(icer Larry Hotson'sald that means
that, provincial support -for -things
like roads is a thing Of the past.
Without knowing how, the proy-
__ 'ince is changil g the tax assessment
system -(details are -cxpected'in the
spring),,municipalities-can't project
•Hutson said picking up such one-
time provincial -responsibilities like
the Farm Tax Rebate, social hous—
ing and rural policing. could cost
,Biddulph• taxpayers . more than:
$700,000 a year. • • . • .
• Hotson said correspondence frimi
Agriculture Minister .Noble Vijle-
ncuve and North Middlesex MPP
Bruce Smith on government down-
loading has provided little satisfac-
"We've had basically the same
letter from virtually everyone in the
government." he said. '"11 secnis
everyone , is hanging .their hat on
this -(Community Re -Investment)
The $500 Million fund is ear-
marked for helping municipalities,
merge and cope with. downloading.
Villeneuve • 'also said Biddulph-
iddulphwould be eligible for Some of the
$70 million transition fund.to deal
with Who Does What decisions:
The most helpful provincial of-.
ficial so far has been Municipal Af-
fairs Minister Al Leach's assistant,
Ernie Hardeman, Hotson said, wlio
at. one point spent an hour and a
half on the phone with Hotson to
listen -to and respond to his ygerics.
"At (east he's taking (Biddulph's
Concerns) to, the, caucus in Toronto,
to be discussed," Hutson said,.add-
ing he has written .a letter of thanks
to Haldeman. = •0
Other notes from the. recent conn -
oil meeting:
Safe Homes gives youth aplace to go
Children over the age. of 1.6 in crisis' can find help through the free phone
line established in the 'FXeter area in 1988'
By Heather Mir
T -A Reporter
' `Bart' DeVrics, an Exeter board
member. has been `involved with
Safe Homes since its • inception
EXETER - Safe- Homes,for
Youth, a program that began eer-
ating in the Exeter'area in'1988. has
recently faced provincial -funding
cutbacks and is looking to the com-
munity to makeup ap annual short-
fall of more than $10,000. •
Safe Homes. was created when
then South Huron District High
School principal
Bruce Shaw dis-
covered some of his
students . over .the
age of 16 were
homeless. For vari-
ous reasons, these
children could not
return.. 'home but
were - too • old to
qualify for care' by
the Children's Aid
Shaw, also mayor of Exeter at the
time. and a small. local board start-
ed to develop a program that would
eventually offer a 24-hour, seven-
day-a•week free phone line to con-
nect children in crisis -with coun-
selling and if needed, a safc home,
Children are able to talk directly'
with a counsellor who may act as a
mediator with parents. If nec-
essary, children are placed with a .
Safe Home family where they are
given a structured family life for a•
short time before returning home,
finding other accommodations or
being transferred to another facility
such as a group home. Their
whereabouts remains strictly, con-
fidential. •
The service is unique. to Huron.
County and operates with funding.
from the province as well as the
United Church, local service clubs,
United Way and several volunteers
including a seven -member board.
.when he and his family decided to
provide a safe Amine after reading a
notice on the Exeter United Church
bulletin hoard. Over the past two
years. the program has seen it pro,
vincial ' alloca'tion reduced from
69,000 'to $64.000. With an,
• $80.000. • budget, that leaves
$16,000 to he raised, in the com-
munity and DeV-
ries fears there. is
little left to cut.. if
the Service doesn't
operate on a round-
the-clock - basis
Devries says ' it's
not worth pro-
viding hccause
children don't
choose the time of
day they will be in
crisis. He added the -staff is made
up of four part-time counsellors.
all of whom work on contract. The
rest of the budget is spent on pro-
viding a paging systemani paying
for'children's expenses while un-
der Safe Home's care.' Families
who open their homes to children
in need art given an allowance of
$20 per day and Safe Homes will
provide for any emergency care the
child requires 'while under the care
ot(the organization. .
A substantial chunk of the budget
also pays for insurance .coverage
required by provincial regulation.
Families who volunteer to be in-
yolvcd with Safe Homes go
•through a reference" and police ,
check and. must keep all, in-
formation confidential. No drugs,
or alcohol use is. tolerated while the..
child is in a safe home and there.
arc rules to follow such as curfew.-
urfew:. Families must provide the child
with a room of his/her own.
, . Huron County's youth need Safe
Homes for a variety of reasons in-
cluding teenage pregnancy, sui-
.cide, physical or emotional, abuse,
truancy and drug or alcohol related
problems. Last year. the phone line
received more than-400'calls and
What a waste
Council will send a lett, - e
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) telling
them to stop mailing them their
•Middlesex -Elgin Community Lead-
ers newsletter. Hotson said there
was little or no information of inter-
est to Biddulph. "All council is say-
ing is this is a waste of taxpayers.
money," he said.
Owners of .three at large Rott-
weilers,in Granton neighbors have
complained • about were ticketed:
$105 ($35 for.each dog).by the an-
imal control officer.'
New name
Clerk -treasurer Larry Hotson has
a. new title - chief administrative
officer — after council approved , '
new job descriptions for him, roads
foreman (now works foreman) Joe
Dcwan and roads employee -Larry,
Greenlee after roads superiniendent
Hugh Davis retired.
Company and
owner get
GODERICH Revenue Canada
announced last Wednesday that
Mervyn James, Erb and 1028040
Ontario Inc., operating as Huron
Agvise Crop Advisory Service, of
Brucefield, were fined $80,000 on,
lune 27 in Ontario Provincial Court
in Goderich after each pleaded
guilty to. 10 counts under the Cus-
toms Act. *Erb is the president of
the corporation. Judge Morin fined
Erh $50.000 and 1028040 Ontario
inc. $30,000. He faces 18 months
in jail if the fines are not paid and
was placed on probation for thre
years. During that time he must not •
associate with a number of his po,-
ticide clients and business also -
These charges, under section 15
pertain to the possession, purchase,
acquisition. salt apd disposal of it
legally. imported goods, more' spe-
ciftcally.goods controlled under the-.
Pest Control Products Act. The in-
vestigation by the Department was
initiated after a shipment of smug-
gled pesticides which were not reg-
istered for. use in Canada, was
seized . from Bradley R. Martin of
Lobo Township. at the Bluewater -
Bridge in Sarnia in April 1994: The
shipment of pesticides, valued at
$42525, has been declared as baler
twine. The 'investigation tied the
shipment to Erb and his company. -
Martin, for hjs part in the April
• 1994 seizure, was 'convicted on
—atprercounts ender the Customs --Act
Safc Homes' provided 110 days of
care.. The program looks to pro-
viding short-term care _u( to two
weeks hut is some cases, this may
be extended: Often the child is
placed in a home for only a few
Continued on page 2
Ministry satisfied with
gas fume solution
At least one.Hensall resident wants the catch .
basin removed. •
HENSALL - Changes to a' catch basin at 80 London Road, Hensall
and 'a contingency plan by RobertErb have satisfied the Ministry of
. Transportation. -1
Officials met with Erb, the owner of Bob,Erb's Garage on Highway 4
on July 2 to discuss his'proposed solution to prevent gas fumes from
entering the storm sewer.
According to Project EngineefGordon Troughton: of the MTO's Lon-
don office, Erb has admitted there was a gasoline spill at the property
on December 31, 1996 which entered the catch basin near the garage
where -it travelled through the -storm-sewer-and, released fumes into,
homes. n
Although fumes were present in homes -on other occasions. a source
has not been identified.
"At this point in time, he has done enough." said Project Engineer
Gordon Troughton of the MTO's London office.
"If there is a spill, he has chemicals to spread on thc gas to absorb it.
-If that doesn't work. he has a pump on site to pump out the catch basin
and the catch basin has'an elbow." -
The elbow pipe is to prevent gasoline fumes from entering the storm
sewer system in the arca, provided the pipe is properly maintained.
"We're still watching it. We think what he's done is sufficient,"
Troughton said on Thursday.
According to Troughton, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy
is also satisfied with the measures.
Julie Ritchie; a King Street resident, has been involved in thc fume
controversy since her home was filled with fumes following the De-
cember 31 incident. She is not as satisfied with the solution as the min-
"That's not enough. It's still going to happen. If he (Erb) has a major
spill and I'm forced out of my home, people arc going to court," said
Ritchie. "Wo want that catch basin removed."
in Ontario Provincial Court in Eed= •
dy sentenced Martin on September
26, 1996, to a total of $4,000 or 72
days in jail. He was also convicted• .
on September 26, 1996, on two
counts tinder the Customs Act, aris-
ing from a June 30, 1995 seizure of
unregistered pesticides at the Blue- '
water Bridge in Sarnia. Judge Eddy
fined Martin a total of $500 or 10
days in jail.
According to Revenue Canada it
will continue to prosecute those
who contravene tl a Customs Act
and related legislation that Customs
administers in whole or in part, and
puts honest Canadian businesses at
a competitive disadvantage.
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