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Times Advocate, 1997-07-23, Page 21
ate, July 23 1997 Page 19 Birth Announcements Cards Of Thanks reidrnAl L7—//c11.1-- DENOMME - Brian, Cheryl and big broth- er Kunis are thrilled to announce the birth of a darling baby girl. Morgan Nicole on July 10, 1997. weighing 6 lbs. 13` oz. Proud grandparents are Whitey and ,Ruth , De- nomme, Dashwood and Pat Offen of Clin- ton. Special thanks to Dr. Wenske and all the OB staff at Clinton Public Hospital for the excellent care. 30c PLETSCH -.Paul and Faye (Gaiser) and sis- • ter Mikayla of Mt. Forest are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of Luke Donald Douglas. bom in Guelph General Hospital on July 11, 1997 weighing 9 lbs. 8 oz. Proud grandpar- ents are -Don and Maida Gaiser, Dashwood and Doug and Vera Pletsch of Fergus. Great-grandparents are Walter and Edith Pletsch, Mt. Forest. 30' TAYLOR - Murray; Gloria, Lori and Britta- ny are thrilled to announce the arrival of Jen- nifer Mae on July 7. 1997. Proud grandpar- ents are Bob and Dorothy Taylor. Mary McKenzie and William. Clark. 30• Cards Of Thanks BRINTNELL - We wish to thank everyone for making our 40th anniversary such a memorable event. "Many Thanks" for the parties''tGranton and Turnbull's). the many cards. gifts. and especially for -being with us. We will always treasure each and every memory. To our children, grandchildren and all others who helped in any way; our sin- cere "Thank You." We are truly blessed to have the love and friendship of all of you. 30' Russ and Mary Come or�c!jtp dig IP IP iuftb EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Communion Service Sunday School for all ages. 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour Tuesday evenings 7;30 p.m. Bible_ Study 94 Orchard Street, Exeter Everyone Welcome Max LII WM•111•15 EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St. W. Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 July 27, 1997 1Q:00 a.m. Morning Service Sunday School just for age 3 during morning service Nursery Available 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio el CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John Boyachek 235-2661 Sunday, July 27 Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:3Q and 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday. 7:00 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome July 27 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Minister Ray. Daniel Roushome Courtesy Car: 235-1967 Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday, Juty 27, 1997 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Guest speaker: Tracey Whitson-Bahro August 18-22 Vacation Bible School Visitors are most welcome EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St. Sunday, July 27, 1997 10:00 a.m. Leadership by the Board Executive Speaker: Jack Riddell Junior Congregation 10:00 a.m. Social time following the service Courtesy car: Harry Jeffery 235-2177 All welcome HOFFMAN - We wish to thank everyone who helped us celebrate our 55th anniver- sary. The beautiful cards. flowers. plants. telephone calls and thoughtful deeds were very much appreciated. Special thanks to the Dashwood-Seaforth Band. Make us more aware. dear God. Of little daily graces. That come to us with sweet surprise, From never dreamed of places. 30c Maud and Harry NOLAN - Since Katelin was diagnosed with leukemia January 18 and throughout her first stage of chemotherapy. we have been over- whelmed by the tremendous support that has been shown to•us and our families. We are sincerely grateful for absolutely everything- the many phone calls, cards. prayers, mass- es, flowers, balloons. teddy bears, crafts. hats, meals and baking as well as many spe- cial gifts That will always be treasured. We are truly thankful fpr the countless hours many family and friends have given. Our ex- perience has given us a new appreciation for the Blood Bank. We encourage you -to sup- port this worthy cause. Knowing we have the love and support of family and friends gives us the strength and confidence to be- lieve Katelin will win this battle_ 30e• Eugene, Barb, Anthony. Katelin and Kristen STEWART - Sincere thanks to family, friends and neighbours for cards and acts of kindness, also for baking brought to our. home. Your thoughtfulness has been much aappreciated. ' June THOMPSON - The family of the late Earl (Trick) Thompson would like to express thanks to all the family, friends and neigh- bours for their many acts of kindness- Sin- cere thanks for the beautiful floral arrange- ments, cards and donations. The services by the Legion and Rev. Putman will be remem- bered. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses at South Huron Hospital and Strat- ford General. Thanks to Hoffman's Funeral Home and the ladies of the Grand Bend United Church. Your kindness will always be remembered. 30' Marlene, Fred, Sandra. Tony and families Death Notices STONE - Peacefully al South Huron Hospital. Exeter on July 19. 1997. Laverne Stone of Exeter and formerly of Usborne Twp. in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of Vio- let (Squire) Stone. Dear father of Donna and Don Webster of Exeter. Marlene and Larry Burke of Kitchener and Sharon and Steve Buckingham of Wood- stock. Dear grandfather of David and Mane Webster. Deborah and David Fuller, Dennis Webster. Jason Burke; Kristen Burke and her special friend Rob Marshall. Samantha and Stacy Buckingham. Dear great- grandfather of Cody, Sarah and Matthew. • Dear uncle of Goldie and Ed Brady of Pus Ianch. Predeceased'by a sister Violet flim- stead. Friends called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter where the complete funeral service was held on July 22 Inter- ment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the Ex- eter United Church or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family There was an Oddfellows Service in the fu- neral home on Monday evening. 30k RYAN - Peacefully at his residence. on Monday. July 21. 1997. Vincent Joseph Ryan of Mount Carmel, in his 51st year. Loved eldest son of Torn and Mary (McCann) Ryan of Mount Carmel- Thar brother of Anne and Patnck Murphy of Lon- don. Joe and Lynn Ryan of Mount Carmel, Angela and John Prout of London, Tom Ryan of Stratford, Kate Ryan of New Smyr- na Beach. Flonda, Hugh and Diane Ryan of Mount Carmel, Knsty and Allan Stewart of St. Marys. Bridget and Greg Petrie of Toron- to. Loved by his many nieces. nephews. aunts. uncles, cousins and their families Predeceased by his sister MaryEllen Buttic. Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Fu- neral Home. Dashwood, with visitation Tuesday afternoon and evening. Prayers at the funeral home were held Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Mount Car- mel. on Wednesday. July 23. 1997 at 11 a.m. Rev. Father Paul Baillargeon Celebrant interment Mount Carmel Cemetery. -If de- sired, memorial donations to the Muscular Dystrophy Association or chanty of choice would be appreciated. Vince was a member • of the University of Waterloo Alumni. 30c In Memoriams KYLE -COOPER - In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Olive Cavelle Kyle -Cooper, who passed away July 23, 1996. Never more than a thought away. Quietly remembered every day. No need for words except to say. Still loved, still missed in every way. Lovingly remembered by Don. Sue, Doug and their families. - 30• LEE - In loving memory of a dear sister. sis- ter-in-law and aunt Darlene (Frayne) Lee. who left us so suddenly July 23, 1969. in her twenty-fifth year. Our beans still ache with sadness. Our silent tears still flow. For what it meant to lose you Dar. No one will ever know. Loved and sadly missed by Helen and Bob, Marlene and Ross and their families. 30• McCANN - In loving memory of our very dear friend Pauline. who passed away two years ago, July 24, 1995.' To a beautiful life carne a sudden end. She died as she lived, everyone's friend. She was always thoughtful, loving and kind. What a glorious memory to leave behind. She left so suddenly, her thoughts unknown. But she left us mer osier we are proud to own. Treasure her God, in Your Garden of Rut, For in this world she was one of the best Lovingly remembered and sadly missed. Frank, Frances and family. 30e In Memoriams Nappy 80th Birthday LOLA ALLISON >xi®iSIR 1-4 p.m. July 26 - West McGillivra y McCANN In loving memory of Pauline (Hartman) McCann, who passed away two years ago on July 24. 1995. The moment that you died. Our hearts were split in two. One side filled with memones. The other died with you.- We ou.We think of you in silence. We always speak your name. For all we have are memones. And your picture in a frame They say there is a reason, They say that time will heal. But neither time nor -reason. Help the emptiness that we feel. For no one knows the heartache.,. That our smiles try to hide, No one knows how many tines, We have broken down and cried. We want to tell you something, So there won't be any doubt. You're so wonderful to think of, But so -hard to be without. With love, Tom. Todd and Jen, Sean and Jodie. Darryl. Sandra and Jeremy- 30c BEEF BARBECUE Centralia United Church SUN. JULY 27 5-7 .m. Adults $9.50 Children 6-12 $4.75 For tickets call Al 228-6557 or Larry 229-6304 �llilf) .a t lei JJJilvvPo411R'y RICK AND JODY July 27, 1996 Love Mom & Hubert July 26, 1997 Ted and Jean . Geoffrey Love and Best Wishes from your family Happy 65th Shirley Kirk OPEN HOUSE July 27 1.3 p.m. Phone 263-2515 for more info Buck&Doe For.Greg McCarthy & Susanne Smith Fri., July 25 9 p.m. - 1 a,m. Dashwood Community Centre. Lunch provided. Age of majority. For more Information • call 237-3265 Buck &3 Doe 1 For Ewan McGregor Lynne St. Onge Sat., July 26 9p,m.-1.a.m. Exeter Ag Building. Tickets $5.00. Lunch provided. A:e of ma orit Ct'mi� events SINGLES DANCE, Sunday. July 27 at the Brussels Legion Hall. Dancing from 7 p.m: to 11 p.m. Music by: Country Troubadours. 30• MONSTER BINGO sponsored by the. Parkhill Lions Club on Saturday, August 2 at 7 pm., Parkhill Arena is CANCELLED. 30c SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS COUNCIL Doubles Nite Bingo, Monday. August 4. 7:30 pin., Seaforth Arena. Doors open 5:30 p.m: Prizes doubled. $2,000.00 jackpot. Over 55,000.00 in prizes.. 30,31c VON PALLIATIVE CARE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM is offering Palliative Care Multi -disciplinary Education Levet 1 for: volunteers who will, visit patients; and people wanting more information Start date: Wednesday, September 3. Register: 262-3320. 28,29,30c Don't Miss!!! TOYOTA HOLLYWOOD STUNT show Wadnasday, August 27, 1997 - CLInTON FAiR GROUNDS Featuring Brand NOW 1997 Toyotas 1 show only at 8:00 P.M. Admission $7.00 Children 12 b Under $4.00 125 Main St. Exeter 235-0271 sf WWM 1 MEC For sere itfSrLtisu CJII kart M-5147 11.1111141111 TOP CLASS LIMO for your Special Occasions (519) 235-1848 Exeter Wogibt for Angela Hodgson & Kevin Burtch Sat., July 26 dIsa Craig Recreation Centre 8 p.m. -1 a.m. • Draws • DJ • Lunch • Tickets $5. For Steve Morley an Brenda Neill Fri., July 25 Credited Hal, Credito 8 pJR -1 a.m. 55.00. Door pores, games. DJ. and linen Ate of Ailoritt For more i tto *a ieu cal 228.660 L1v�-1:11 LtLi�L7 Liv UNL•t�y�L,• L love: Brendan, Nathan, Justin, Evan. Rochelle and Aaron IP.S. Grandtba said that when Hoy get Hour first cheque. Holt will spend it On us! • •• "appy 50th Anniversary Donald & Jean Jolly July 26, 1997 Love & Best Wishes from your family YARD AND ARAE SALES GARAGE SALE - August 26 - 8:00 a.m. - RAIN OR SHINE - ATTENTION FARMERS - New bulk bolts/nuts • cement mixer with motor • 2 like new milk house heaters • old style grain monitor • assorted regular garage sale offerings - old linens. • New oak -Dine furniture. 1/2 mile south King Street Crediton. Murray and Sharon Blake. 234-6127 evenings. Watch for our PINE( signs. (30x) YARD SALE - Saturday, July 26 - 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1/4 mile east of Dashwood on Hwy. 83. First Time Ever! Lots of toys and other treasures. (30c) YARD SALE - Sat. July 26 - 7 a.m. to noon. 30 Waterloo St. (30c) BEBOP AROOM ©POT HER SENIOR PERCHEDONTHE EROS BITTE TOQT OSE ARNO MEIN !OGNAC© ORE G©© E©L LOFUIESTT©RONEINT©E PAI IC©RS BEATIT AIR M TQO INNS NUS I EAST EMDEN ERTE BAD KATES ©EE USE FESSED PEN HANS QAUES OQTAV© EDS OPS MORLD URO RA© RU©FUR CHUTE POMP ESE SPAQTA ROS SMIG STRiA MEARESTIRLSIUTINGON BANKS EEC PAM ETAS YEU REED SOS ANON LIM© ALODDUN MES ERS MANIC CEDAQS TOP DQNO CAPE MOR A©QS IDEA OUROMNBEHIND ©©OMS ERASES SME ©OLD SUYN© SANTA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Weekend You Have Been Waiting For... • • • • ZURICH FAIR July 25, 26, 27 This Year's Theme: ."Rural Challenge" rat, JL[lir DAY: 1s Metal Operb CS Dance * SATURDAY: 7 livestock competitions Cs Local amateur saddle horse show t't Mini -Tractor Pedal Pull V "Babies on Parade" Cs Midway Meati SUNDAY 'V Hanle Show Its Old Time Fiddlers' Jamboree leg Buffet Su • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For more information contact secretary Margaret Deichert at 236-4130 •• • •••••••• • • ' • : • : • For Fair Story see page 6 • • • • • • • •