HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-07-23, Page 10COMM l INT Lawyer explains points of law The Grand Bend CWL heard about wills, trusts, powers of attor- ney, etc. at a recent meeting. By Roberta Walker Grand Bend correspondent GRAND BEND - The Catholic Women's League of Immaculate Heart of Mary Council inet on July 8 at the parish hall after Mass. CWL president Josy Bruton presid- ed for the business. She thanked Nancy Stokkermans for chairing last month's meeting in her ab- sence. Lia Vandenberk and Jean Mommersteeg collected the dona- tions of food and supplies, and de- livered everything, by truck, to the . collection depot in Stratford. The supplies will be sorted and shipped to children and their families in poor countries around the world. The Catholic Family Conference will be held August 16 and 17 at the UWO campus Alumni Hall in London. Prior to 1946, Canadians held only British passports, as members of the Commonwealth so 1997 marks the 50th anniversary of Ca- nadian Citizenship. A celebration was suggested, as part of the CWL Citizenship and Immigration con- venorship, like a parish -wide pot- luck supper. People would bring special recipes of their culture to celebrate as a Canadian communi ty. November 4 was chosen as the date for this event. Entertainment may be arranged for the evening, to reprise the great success of the June potluck supper for Seniors. Over 100 attended that event. The annual pilgrimage to St. Marys Shriners was optional, with July 13 as the special day for the CWL. Several days are also open in August for a novena (nine days). Dates will follow. Lia Vandenberk has the details. Tickets are available for the par- ish pork barbecue on August 10 and for the eon August 24. Toni Vandenberk will be col- lecting the quilt tickets. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 2. Lia Vandenberk will be asking for a few more volunteers to collect for Glad Days for Huron -Perth Epi- lepsy on August 7 and 8. Call 238- 8303 if you can help. After the meeting was adjourned, refreshments were served, and a guest speaker, Michael Forrester, a Grand Bend lawyer, 'was intro- duced. He spoke about wills, trusts, powers of attorney and current changes to the Family Law Act of 1986, and the Substitute Decisions Act. He answered many questions about wills and powers of attorney. Shelby Lisa Ann Wouters, infant daughter of Eddy Wouters and Trees trimmed in Centralia Volunteers cleaned up the, church yard on Saturday. , By Mary Peterson Centralia correspondent CENTRALIA - The weekend provided wonderful summer weath- er for outdoor'activities. At Central- ia United Church, Ron Kinney trimmed the,trees in the church yard on July 9. Several volunteers assisted with the cleanup and truck- ing. On Sunday, some of the congre- gation enjoyed a brown bag lunch under the shade of the trees follow- ing the worship led. by minister Heather Scott. On July 27, Centralia United Church is holding its annual beef barbecue from 5 to 7 p.m. Tickets are $9.50 for adults and $4.75 for :hildrep aged six to 12. For tickets, :all Allan Powe at 228-6557. Cpn ;rogation members who ,can pro- vide pies should call ,Allan Powe. The Doug Lewis Band is providing entertainment. Centralia Faith Tabernacle The youth from Centralia Faith Tabernacle will be attending Camp Lamerechton Christian Youth Camp from July 27 to August 2. ' Community activities On July 20, June and Bill Essery held a family reunion at their home at, Spruce Grove. Newcombe fami- ly members from Pontiac, Michi- gan enjoyed the visit. ' Afternoon activities included baseball and volleyball games for family members of all ages. Ruth Ann and Matt Pickett were delight- ed ,with the gifts they received at the surprise baby shower. Euchre results In Crediton recently, Lone Hand winners in the euchre games were Esther Hodgins and Mary Kenney. Eileen Pullman and Irene Theander were High Hand winners, while Low Hand winners were Eileen Rollings and George Adams. Hot under the collar Idos to Santa Claus and White Wonder for enduring lursday aftemoon's heat and humidity. White Wonder was ving Santa a tour of Exeter's Main Street during the iristmas in July sidewalk sales. They were last seen head - g to the nearest swimming pool. QUALITY TYPESETTING :kers • Resumer • Programs • Bnve,►Htrat • Boo*Nta • and motet r more information rase phone Deb Lord at 11111111411111111110 Theresa Baltessen was welcomed into the Catholic community through the Sacrament of Baptism at Immaculate Heart of March Church.. The Catholic Women's League held a baking and vegetable sale af- ter the Masses last weekend. The next bake sale will be August 23 and 24, after all weekend Masses, and tickets will be drawn on the an- • nual raffle. This years' prizes in- clude a handcrafted queen -size quilt, a vanilla wool afghan and a twin size quilt. Tickets are also being sold for a parish pork barbecue on August 10 at 5 p.m. to be held at the Alham- bra Hall on the Klondyke Road. This event is hosted by the CWL. For tickets, call 238-8222, 243- 2989 or 296-5521. Choir practice will be held this Thursday, July 24, after 7:15 p.m. Mass. New members are welcome. Times -Advocate, July 231997 Page 9 Time to register for Vacation Bible School Daily sessions will be held August 5 to 8 at Brucefield Church. By Joan /Melding Varna correspondent VARNA - The daily Vacation Bible School for Brucefield, Kip - pen, Varna, Goshen pastoral charges will be held August 5 to 8 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Brucefield Church. The theme is "Adventure Fair", "God's Kids in Action" and "Just a Little Clown- ing Around." For information or to register contact these people: Beth Cooper, 263-3033 for Bruce - field; Lauren Love, 263-5349 for Kippen; Willi Laurie, 482-9265 for Varna -Goshen. Please register as soon as possible. There will be a worship service in Goshen on July 27. The church picnic will be held in Var- na at the Stanley Pavilion the fol- lowing Sunday, August 3. The church service will be held in Varna on August 10 and there will be no worship serviFe on August 17. The Stan Lee Club members took part in the Senior Games in June at Lucan. Elmer and Norene Hayter won a silver, playing eu- chre and qualified to participate in the Regional Games in Sarnia on July 16. They came home with the gold from the Regionals. The community's sympathy' goes to the Webster family on the passing of Bob's father, Mel Webster. Opera hymnody returns to Grand Bend GRAND BEND - A service planned at Grand Bend United Church on July 27 will feature sa- cred text set to a gamut of music. Former Canadian opera singers Adrienna Stewart and Sylvia Bu- chanan join. Grand Bend baritone John McLean and music director Norm Abbott in a presentation, in- cluding a quartet from 'Elijah'. This will take place on the lawn outside the church. Tenor Edward Avey provides the oral continuity and the sermon for this integrated Sunday worship. EXETER PRE- INVENTORy CLEARANCE July 23 to July 30 � MOEN\ FAUCETS up to 5O? 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