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Times -Advocate, July 23 1997
Page 3
Hold it in...
Like a fish? Spencer Swartz, 4, left, gets some going under advice from Lucan life guard Lynn Cowdrey during his swimming
lesson at Lucan Pool last week. For information on pool programs, lesson registration and public swimming, call -227-1278:
Blanchard wants commissioner to
make St. Marys part of Perth South
By Don Van Galen
. ST. M_\RYS - With the unofficial announcement that the' province has
accepted the Perth County restructuring plan..thc other shoe fcIIon;Thurs- .
clay July .3. when Blanchard Township Council acted to force the amal-
gamation of St 'Marys with Blanshard and Downie Townships.
"We -decided that now is the appropriate time ,tri
look at --the Perth South situation and .we have for -
...warded a request tothe minister to appoint -al
mrssiuner." Blanshard Reeve John Scott said. in an
interview*. . -, - -
'As you know: we (Blanshard► never -approved the
county.plan, Scott-explained.:''We =held off. until
. the county plan was, approved. it's our under-
: _ standing -that now that is done a c:omntissioner will
cinlv•look 5t Blanshard. Downie.;tnd St. Marys:
Scott explains' that Sr:Marys shouki.bc -in .the
Perth• South . amalgzinan'tin plan because the new
municipality needs an urban centre.
Other factors' Scott says must he considered •in=
• elude .St. Marys' need for more land (which was
M ackenzie responded.
"It's a gamble. ho question, hut I_m sure that the=Ministry is aware of the
amount of work we put into it-atver two gears= -and will take that:mtoac-
• He also said that.wnh the Perth County, Restructuring Plan approved
antis -Toed by the Minister it was lass likely to fie set aside by -a commis--
'oi)ner. -- --
"It's a gamble, no ' If it wasn't signed, he would he looking -at the whole -
county, no question." : .
question, but I
sure that the - he appointed until after this fall's municipal elections. per-
haps in 1998. That: could- mean'that councils elected in -No= •
vemher will he • interim councils, serving until a commis- -
sinner rules on -a possible new municipal structure -and then
Ordering new elections: • •
•. That -is stimething MacKenzie said they had hoped to avoid
. by getting an agreement from all municipalities before' the
deadline of Tufty I• of this *year. _ -
He also • oints but that St: Mains could 'still negotiate a;
"home grown solution' with .Blanshard -and Downie town- .
ships,. making n unnecessary. tor the Minister to_appoint• a
painted out in a study comrnu;ioned by town"cOuncil late last -year) and.to-- commissioner:
facilitate- the smoother operation of jointagreements.un• recreation:. the'. _In .the meantime.- Perth CCounty • is proceeding 'to -:implement its re-
community centre and other issues.- structuring plan without -Sty ,Marys and has formed an executive com-
Perth County'Restructuring Chairman and Hibben Township Reeve- mittee to decide -on which Bevel government• Services such as roads. po-
Walter -MacKenzie said he wasn't really surprised by Blanshard Town- tieing and other services will be handled.:
;hit's move, saying it may be their only option. • . Don Van Gulrn is.a cpectal.•orrerpondent to
:Asked if he was wonted that it may disrupt the Penh County plan. . - the .St..L1ans 7nitrnal Argtts.
MacKenzie said that ie is unlikely that_a commissioner will •
Ministry is aware
of the amount of
work we put into
it --over two .
years --and will
take that into
Drowsy drivers cause deadly disasters
TORONTO - Working the. night
shift the last few weeks has taken a
your on yousleeping habits and. the
only thing on your mind is a soft
pillow and a dark. room. But it 'isn't
- a bed you're headed for: it's your: •
car and. the highway. -.You'll be
okay to drive if you just"get a cup
of strong coffee:.. -or will you? ..
\ study by the U.S. National.
I'ranportation . Safety Board I'ourtd -
that 60 per rent of vehicle accidents
investigated were • fatigue -related.
And the Canadian Automobile As-.
soiciation recently- produced a bro-
chure .entitled "Wake UP!" that
specifically addresses the issue of
sleepy drivers creating havoc • on
the roads. .f -,--
"We're reading a growing .num-
bet of reports showing drowsy.driv-
ers can• be just as dangerous on the
roads- as .drunk drivers:" said Deb
Blewett. an auto. insurance expert
from The Co-operators. "According
to statistics. being. tired can: impair
a driver; just as alcohol does:
. A Gallup poll by the SJ.S. Nation-
al Sleep Foundation found that -12
per cent of people said sleepiness
routinely •interfered with their abili-.
ty to drive during the day. And, at
.least 100.000 police -reported traffic
Crashes- and 1.500 'deaths occur
-each year because people . tall
asleep at the wheel in the -U.S.. ac-
cording to another report., .. • •
-There . are ways to combat fa
tigue. For example: • Get a dnving
buddyif you have trouble staying -
awake at the wheel. try not to drive
alone, Find someone who will
share the driving. - ..
• • Plan your driving time when
you are normally awake.
' • Exercise. Pull over and do _
stretches. and perhaps even -take a
quick walk._ .. :> _
• Open a window and breathe in
fresh cold air.. -
• Don't duk any alcohol before
An Exeter first
Vert line honor. Veri Trucking driver Mike Millian was the second person to steer a com
mercial vehicle over the new Bluewater Bridge span in Samia/Port Huron yesterday morn
ing. Veri general manager Mike Hogan said his firm was chosen by the bridge committee for
the honor after their name was drawn. "It's a real honor, a once in a lifetime kind of thing,"
Hogan said. Millian also feels honored, but he was more practical in his approach. 111 just
travel over and take a load," he said. Millian is bound for Michigan and Illinois.
you get behind- the wheel. That one
glass of wine:may make_ you even
more.tired.. - -
• Check any prescriptions you are
•taking to -ensure they -do not. cause
. •drowsiness. •-
if you... do feat. giving' into sleep is
the Only alternative.- pull over!
Look for a safe spot to pull off
the road (perhaps -a _rest station
''parking lot or car pool tot) and take
that •nap your body is screaming
for. "There's -been a lot of.publicity
and startling statistics produced
about odrunk -driving: but this issue
also deserves attention," said Ble-
wets. "Many .1)0)0e probably do
not consider driving.while sleepy;a_
seriousy problem; .but these drivers
are causing accidents on our roads
and that is a serious issue." •
South Huron - Grand Bend
area merger likely to
include Middlesex
By Heather Mir
T -A Reporter
EXETER Although amalgama-
tion talks between South Hurcin-
North • Lambton municipalities.
broke down after nearly a year at
. the table. Exeter Mayor Ben Hoo-
genboom Said fie wouldn't be sur=
'prised if the Ministry. of Municipal
Affairs, imposed a. merger between.
North Lambton. South Huron. and
North Middlesex municipalities, .•
"We have a lot more -in common
with'. Biddulph, ' McGillivray and
Lucan•than we have with Lucknow
or Wingham," he said, adding,.;
"Are things going to include North
' Lamhton and North Middlesex'?
I'm willing.to bet•my last dollar .on.
• it.' ,.
Hoogenboom. --added Exeter
•Council will participate in .dis-
;cussions but • has agreed io leave'
further."action on the issue of amal-
'-gamation_ up to a new council to be
- .elected this fall. • .• •-
• .A recent -report by Middlesex'
County's corporate "services 'com-•
mittee. states • significant re
lationships exist , between Exeter;;
• Grand Bend and North_ Middlesex..
This report- follows: a May 1 letter
from Minister Al •Leach to -mayors _
and reeves in Lambton and -Huron`
stating a reStructur'ng- .commiss--
sion. if granted as a 'result of a
greater Grand -Bend -area request.
will -possibly..--involve Middlesex - -
County as well as substantial por-
tions of South Huron and North
Grand Bend Mayor Cam Ivey .
and Deputy Mayor Phil Maguire re-
cently.met with . Middlesex County '
Warden • Alan Marr and ad •
ministrator Nigel Be.11chamber.
They toured the area and Mart ex-,
pressed concern that such- a merger' ._
could negatively impact Middlesex
by fragmenting it: No foirnal pro-
posal about Grand Bend.-: amal-
garnating with its Middlesex neigh -
hors has been brought forward.
Earlier in the process.' the mu-
nicipalities of Usborne. Exeter. Ste .
phen. Grand Bend and substantial
portion of Bosanquet hired the con-
sulting firm KPMG to prepare n re= -
�:Qort on amalgamation options: The
consultants recommended the in-
n-volved municipalities could -Merge •
-• with the options of being entirely - •
within Huron -County or adopting a
:dual•county:model. - .
Exeter withdrew from the- talks -
last fall after Bosanquet' indicated
no compensation would he -accept- -
able if a .targe ;hare of its assess-
ment was -lost to the'South Huron
merger.-Rifts"also developed con-
cerning electoral distrtFution.-- -
TAKE NOTICE that the -Council -of the Corporation.of the Township of
Hay 'passed By --law No. 25-.1997 on the ' 1st- day of_ July, 1.997 under
Section 34 of *he Planning Act. 1983..as amended. _ -: _ - ._---- --
AND TAKE NOTICE that' any person or agency may appeal -to the
Ontario Municipal Boaid in respect of the bylaw by -tiling with the Clerk
of the Township of Hay, not later than the .1 2th day of August. 1997: a
notice of appeal setting out objection to the bylaw,and the -reasons in
support of the objection.. acconipaniedby payrnent of the tee prescribed
ander the Ontario Municipal Board Act._ •
AMOUNT OF FEE payable on appeal is 5125.00. '
.AND TAKE NOTICE that only individuals; corporations and public
bodies may appeal a• zoning by.law-to the Ontario. Municipal Board. A\
notice df appeal may not he tiled by.an•unincorporated association or
;roup. However:.the nonce, cif. appeal may bellied in the name ot_ an
individual who is a member of the association or group.
.%N.EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect -of the by-law describing
the lands to which the -• by-law applies is ..provided betow acid this
amendment potentially applies to all lands designated agncutture witMn
the Township of 1 -fay The complete by-law is avaifablefor inspection at
the Clerk's Office during regular office hours.
DATED at the Village. of Zurich this 23rd day 01• July. 1997. -
Janisse Zimmerman. Clerk=Treasurer -
Township of Hay. Box 250. 14 Mill St. -
• Zurich. Ontario NOM. 2T0. • -
Fax: t 519)'364329 -
By-law No. 25-1997 amends Zoning By-law Vo. • 10-1987 toancorporate
the new minlmum'distance separation formula (MDS IA II) recommended:
by the Ministry. Of Agriculture, Food:and RuralAffairs. This amendment
. revises -the cirrent minimum distance separation requirements for the
establishment of new tarns buildings and for the establishment of -non-farm
reiated buildings and structures within the agricultural .areas of the
Township of Hay..Atso included are delimtions for several terms..used by
the new formula. this by-law also incorporates setback requirements for
liquid 'manure tanks froth.. wells and watercourses and -a minimum •
separation distance for .the establishment orManure storage facilities..
Riese requirements have historically been part of a by-law to regulate the
location of manure pits: - — " - • '
This by-law amends Zoning By-law No. 10-1987.
• For Outdoors • Pools • Garden Areas • Srairoones
ottR,+ ttrwtrR.
• Hammocks
• Artificial Plants. Tries and [-burn
• Share House • Accessories
P.V.C. Thbular
- the Ultio•te
Hi Elegant
GRAND BEND 238-2110
mow ata f (2 mAM. Mom Me water /lima)
Maw. -P S. S:ao-S • Sat. I.0:00-5