Times Advocate, 1997-07-16, Page 18Heritage binder
w a.
This No. 4 Massey -Hauls grain binder has beers in the Harris family since 1905.. The Harris'
used the binder on the -family-farm until the late 1970s. Earlier this year, John Harris re-
stored the binder which was on display in Ilderton last weekend. Marlene Demaray (left) of
Thamesford, 'Evelyn Bridgeman, Thamesford and Eileen Harris of St. Marys took a moment
to admire the binder at the Elderton fair.
Denfield Livestock Sales
The Market at Denfield livestock met a moder-
ate demand at prices 1.00 to $2.00 lower on most
classes of fed cattle. Cows sold steady, veal fully
steady, stockers were strong. Pigs, sows and
boars fully steady.
Mac Parker, Watford sold 5 steers average
-weight 1247, average price 93.24 with sales to
99.25 purchased by Holly Park Meat Packers.
Gord Hardy, Lucan sold 12 steers average
weight 1275 average price 92.27.
Philip Hail, Aliso Craig sold 10 steers average
Weight 1297 average price 91.24. -
Don Eedy and Mark Vanderploeg, Denfield sold
8 steers, average weight 1198, average price
92.87 and 3 heifers average weight 1225, aver-
age price 92.75:
Bob Hodgins, Lucas sold 11 steers average
weight 1377, average price 90.01.
Bill Woodbum, Parkhill sold 13 steers average
weight 1363 average price 89.99.
Jetoplitims,4110hgate sold 101kimo et Leers atv6*r-
farilo prltte 102.25. -
Choice steers 92.00-95.0Q sales to 99.25
Good steers 87.00-90.00
Plain steers 75.00-85.00 -
Choice exotic cross heifers 9200-95.00
sales to 97.00
Good heifers 85.00-90.00
Common and medium 70.0045.00
Good cows 55.00.60A0
sales to 65.00
Canners and cutters 44.00-49.00
Shells 15.00-30.00
Direct to packer cows over 600 lbs. 110.00
Direct to packer bulls 112.00
Choice veal 95.00-105.00
Good Holstein veal 80.00-92.00
Plain veal 65.00-75.00
Good Holstein cull catvesl00.00-160.00
Beef calves $150.00-$225.00
mws 55eaner pigs 6 .50
-Boasts 15110411140
Times -Advocate, July 16, 1997
Page 17
Brussels Livestock sales lively
The colic u, Brusselc Liveaoc4 for the week
• trotting hely 11.'1997
Fed cattle 731 Cows: 235
Veal calves: 358_ Lambs and goats: 300
Stockers: 743
Both fed steers and heifers sold on a steady -
trade The cows also sold steady. Veal sold
on a good active trade. The Iambs sold
steady to Iasi week. On Friday all classes of
stockers sold steady.
There were 410 steers on.offer selling from,
88.0010 94.00 to the top of 102 00
A steer consigned by Cunningham Farms, '
Lucan, weighting 1235 lbs sold for a98 75 -
with their total offering of 30 steers aver-
agofin92g 53.1334 lbs: selling for the overall 'price
Five steers -consigned by Tom Skinner. St
Pauls. averaging 1064 lbs. sold for an aver-
age puce of 93.93 and he had sales to 98.75.
A Lim. steer consigned by Jack Culbert,
Dungannon. weighing 1325 lbs. sold for -
98 50. with the total offering of 35 steers av-
eraging 1351 lbs. selling for the overall price
of 94 00.
Seven steers consigned by Terry McCarthy,
Dublin, averaging 1317 lbs. sold for an aver-
age price of 91.49. with sales to 96.25.
A lim steer consigned by Dennis Lamport,
Crediton- weighing 1355 lbs. sold for 95.50
to Ryding Regency. with his total lot of 9
steers averaging 1259 lbs. selling for the av-
-erage"of 94.25.
Thirteen steers -consigned by Schmidtbrook
Farms, Woodstock. averaging 1449 lbs s
old for the average pnce of 91 50. to the top
-of 9525 -
Sixteen steers consigned by Don McAllister,.
Chesley,-averaging 1443 lbs sold for the ay;
erage puce of 88.20. to the high of 94_00.
Two char. steers consigned by Allan-Thom-
ton- Gorrie, averaging 1228,Ibs. sold for
93.75. -
A rwf steer consigned by John Gmgench,
• Mount Forest. weighing 1295 lbs. sold for -
Twenty -ole steers consigned by Dale and
John Taylor Farms. Creemore averaging -
1325 lbs sold for the average of 90 45. with
sales•to 93.00 - "
There were 321 heifers on offer selling from.
88OOto9400tothe high of99.00
Fourteen heifers consigned bs Johnston
Farms. Blucvale. averaging -I 140 lbs. sold
for an average of 93.17 to the high of 97.00
A black heifer consigned by John Coleman..
- Kippen, weighing 835 His sold for 94 00
with his total offering -of 8 heifers averaging
981 Ihs selling for the overall pnce of
91.44 - -
Eleven heifers consigned by Grocnherg -
Farms. Lucknow. averaging 188 Ihs sold
for 93.50. with their total offering of 37 beif.
ers averaging 1 186 lbs selling for the over-
all puce of 90 48.
Fourteen heifers consigned by Ervin B Mar-
tin. Mount Forest. averaging 1 1 15 lbs sold
for an average pnce of 89.69. with sales to .
A lim heifer consigned by Darryl Finkbten-
er, Crediton. weighing 940 lbs sold for -
92.50 with this total lot of 9 heifers aver-
aging 1099 lbs selling for the overall price -
of 86.51.
Eleven heifers consigned by Ed Pndham.
Stayner. averaging 1 129 lbs. sold for the av-
. erage pnce of 85.98. to the high of 91 75.
A black heifer consigned hs Ro Tullock.
. Meaford, weighing -1 135 Ihs sold for 91.50
A char heifer consigned by Gerald Rath -
well. Brucefield.wetghing 1140 Ihs sold for
Eleven heifers consigned by Wayne King.
Gonie. averaging 1 168 lbs sold for an aver-
age pnce of 88.22 to the high of 91.00
There were235 cows on offer selling from
45 00 10 60 00 to the high of 72 50 -
Six cows consigned by Lauderlea Farms.
Listowel, averaging 1305 lbs. sold for an av-
erage price of 61 67 to the high of 67 50
A char cow consigned by Arthur Widdis.
Conn. weighing 1555 Ihs sold for 64.00
A sin cow consigned by Alfred Grubb.
Teeswater, weighing 1560 lbs. s old for
62.50- - •
There were 16 bulls on offer welling from •
63 .0 to 84.00.
A sim bull consigned by Geo. Townsend. .
Seaford), weighing 1415 lbs. sold for 84 00
A hull consigned by Frank Bullock. Ayton.
weighing 1460 lbs. sold for 76 00
There were 358 on offer selling: Beef: 9500
to 103.00. Hol; 80.00-9500 Plain Hol
60:00 to 80.00 ..
A veal consigned by Amsey Brubacker.
Mildmay. weighing 630 lbs sold for 129 00
A blue Belgium veal consigned by John
Vervurg. Londesboro.. weighing 640 lbs -
sold for 126.00. -
A lim veal consigned by Eric-Scheurwater,
paisley, weighing 665 Jibs sold for I22 00
50-80 Ihs 13500 to 178 00
80 - 95 lbs. • 144 00 to 149 011
Sheep 4700 to 72 50
Goats 32 50 to 12000 each
Under 400 lbs. 101 00 to 1 1800
400 - 449 85 00 to 117 50
500 - 599 86 00 to 122 50 .
600 - 699 93 50 to 1 1250
700-799 89006:Al2.00-
800 - 899
900l0 712.00800-899 9250 to 10975. •
900 and over 91 75 to 104 00 -
300 - 399 Ihs
400 - 499 81 00 to 109..50
500-599 71 00 to 11000
600 - 699 90 00 to 107 00
700 - 799 75 00 to 99 50
800 - 899. 66 501o9450
900 and over 73 25 to 93 75
Plain stockers - 6000 to 80 00
Match - hosts
Mary and John .Walls welcomed the media to their farm in
London Township on Friday, the site of the 1997 Middlesex -
Plowing Match on September 1. The event will begin at
9:00 a.m. and conclude at 5:00 p.m. with an awards pres-
entation and barbeque in the Ilderton Community Centre.
There will be plowing classes for everyone from the novice
to •the expert, with antique, ladies and ViP classes. A spe-
- tial conservation tillage class will run in the afternoon. -
Consolidated Statement of Operations
for the year ended December 31, 1996
stares ar Fiaecies
Requisition an Leal M.nicipelltks
Coverneient of Canada - -.
Province of Ontario
Other munIc .aleties
Imminent stoat
Fes and service charges
M nccllanerar
Fund Balances at the Beginning
of lir Tsar
To be used to onset matron
Current Operations
Gement government
Protectu n to persons and
Transportation services
Env -nonmetal Serv,4cs
Health services
Social and family services
Recreation and cultural servtces
Pluming and &vdupracal
General gammons'
Protection In persons and
Transportation services
Health services
Social sed family services
Recitation and cultural services
Planning and develdpntlent
Nei A reestiMleas lo (fres) Remelts
sad Rearm Fords
Ford $Noon at the fad sl 18e Year
To be red to offset imam
Budget Actual Acbst
3246 1216 1441
$ S s
8.898.210 8,816,967 8.856,546
331,017 514,084 350.795
12,675,799 12.782.459 14.450.876
28,500 186.232 980,524
293.346 318.965 388.962
3.054.235 - 3.185,96) 3.335.113
785,507 810,179 774,141
16,000 275.587 1.740
121,524 87,119_LEAL
26.904 138 27,839,035 30,407.997
1.351.987 1.451.208 1.257.635
210.1-2I 214,611 235.634
6,193,000 6.015,893 8.087,724
557,752 369.034 316.917
2,193,218 2,105,946 2.214,630
11.416.660 11.647,009 11,953,342
1,765.694 2.160,726 1,656,293
1,021,530 !,277,119 947,097
24,711,963 25,241,566 26.749,342
143,000 142.382 663,206
1,000 196 .
277,000 276,181 500.412
2,000 1.471 6.652
74.000 73,611 1,666.421
1'7.000 117,223 135.291
93,000 93,301 19,170
23,000 24,166 40,570
732,000 730,63 3,091,792
1,190,175 1,195,709 (241,016)
671,122 007,079
MUM. 22111fAil.
To dui Members of Count- Magenta 'and Rrapeyers
01 rhe Corporation of 1M County a Huron - .
We hive aurid Mu consolidated balance onset or me Corpaaaon a Me County a Huron es to December 31. 1996 and 1111
corsobdoad mama" of dperaaas for 1111 yew mon mala Ther statements are Me responi8ly a the cou Lys
rr11negwnw1 O f respors*ary b so eltprM4 an opinion on stem Mance' 11eameits Nese0 on Our beat
We COnducad 04, aude 51 INCONO ICO with pefMal y aonplod auneng sterWards Those wandw8r MOWN Plit ewe plan and
parnorm an seat to Oban rrgasbte assurance immtha the IrarnC*l steunsres ere his a macer/1 mrWatorrWtt M suds
includes emmrirl9 on a 1111 bass evidence sup0onn9 se imams end dbdoauuss n the Mannas statements M suds
also ncludes aesusng the eCeourltnp principles used and e9nMcent estenaties mem by management as wee as emNu/ong
overall fineness, saarM1 prreeahon
in our mem. 11Wee conscbdated knannal 11a11inenb present terry 1111 financier ppelhon of 1111 COrp0fahm a Ins County or
Huron as at Deo11nber 31. 1996 and Its mutts a its operation for the yrs men ended n aecordsncs *411 1111 accounting
pimples dsoloand n nolo 1 to blo fronted 11aamelts
Goderien Onsho
May 30, 1997
Chane. Accountants
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at December 31, 1996
Cash on sod as ri brit
Due to s/ Naos tram reserve Nods
Abse rias motivable
Cath on lend and is bass
Oster mortes Web
Lm- we from reserve feeds to
general frac
Aeseees payable sed seemed liabilities
Flood batasas M ire 4d Of IM year
To be rand Soothe iambs
Marra Fids
Reserve and Reserve Fund Opciatsgt
Transfers and expenditures
Yea -end position of reserves and reserve funds
• 4,660.245
609 371
547,020 1,544
2,361.237 3.424,748
1.547.020 8,544379
1. These Financial Highlights reflect the operations. assets and liabilities of the County of
Huron including the following: Huron County Planning and Development Committee.
Huron County Library Board, Committee of Management of Huronvtew and the Huron
County Board of Health.
2. The Home Care Program, Placement Co-ordination Services. and the Huron Addiction and
Referral Program administered by the Huron County Board of Health and funded entirely
by the Province of Ontario are not consolidated.
3. Copies of the audited financial report from which these highlights were extracted may be
examined at the office of the Clerk -Administrator. County of Huron Court House. The
Squire, Ooderlctl. Ontario.
Homy Kaye Ken Nix, C.M.A.
tfyy� Treasurer