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Vacation Bible School held in Hensall
Thirty children en-
joyed a program of
Christian Develop-
By Liz Sangster
Hensall correspondent
HENSALL - The next Drop -In
will be held.Thursday July 17 at the.
Hensall United Church. Foot care
starts at 10 a.m. Please contact
Marg Cole at 262-2304 if you are
interested in scheduling an appoint -
Forthcoming marrlage -
Gerald and Kathleen Grubb
are pleased to announce the .
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter Susan Kathleen to
Gerald Alvin, son of Alvin and
Shirley Cooke. Wedding will
take place July 19, 1997 at
Thames Road United Church.
Forthcoming marrlage - Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Rau of
Zurich along with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Szabo of Kirkton
are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
children, Wendy Lynn and
Nicholas James on Saturday,
July 26, 1997 at St. Peter's
Catholic Church, St. Joseph,
Ontario. Closed Reception.
Graduate - Bob and Ruth
Galloway of .Stratford are
proud to announce the
graduation of their daughter,
Jodi, from the Law and
Security Program, Georgian
College,. Barrie on the Dean's
Honour List. Jodi is a former
student of Stephen Central,
Rainy River, Downie Central
and Northwestern Secondary
Schools. Jodi is presently
landscaping at Hammonds
Nursery, Fort Frances, Ont.
Love and Congratulations
from Mom, Dad, family and
Graduate - Barb Mortley.
graduated from the Early
Childhood Education Pro-
gram at Fanshawe College
on June 13. Employed at
Fanshawe College.
Love. and. Best Wishes.
' We're proud of you
Mom and Grandad
ment. Lunch will be served at 12
noon. Following lunch, entertain-
ment by the Fellowship Singers,
followed by a speaker from Shore-
line Health Co. The day wraps up
with games of cards for those who
wish to stay. The cost is $4 per per-
son. Transportation can be provid-
ed if required. To make reserva-
tions contact Marg Cole at 262-
2304 or Shannon Dougherty at
235-0258 by noon on Monday July
14. This event is sponsored by
Town and Country Home Support
sf~rvices and local volunteers.
Hensall United Church
Rev. Robert Peebles was the
guest minister at Hensall United
Church. Rev. Peebles' message
was "Stirred up". Ron Greidanus
was the organist. The ushers were
Michael and Ann Annen. Joanne
Rowcliffe was also an usher with
Cecil Pepper looking after the ele-
vator. Rev. Peebles can be reached
at 235-3579 if pastoral care is
needed. Please note a congregation
meeting will be held after church
on July 13.
A vacation Bible School was
held last week under the direction
of Pat Veal. Thirty children en-
joyed a program of Christian De-
velopment and crafts and snacks.
Thanks to everyone helping with
this program.
Graduate - We are pleased to
announce that on June 13,
1997, Tara Ann Pepper
graduated from the Rec-
reation and Leisure Services
Program at Fanshawe Col-
lege. She maintained honour
roll standings throughout her
course • of study. Proud!
grandparents are Edna and
Norman Pepper of Hensall
and father Albert • Pepper of
London. '
Congratulations and
Best of Luck'
Love Grandma, Grandpa, Dad,
Shane and Les
Graduates - Gerry and June Glavin wish to announce the
graduation of their daughters. Jennifer from the Canadian
Automotive Institute at Georgian College in Barrie. She has
completed the three year Automotive Marketing Program, and
is now residing in St. John's Newfoundland. Rosemary has
graduated from the Sports Administration two year program at
Durham College in Oshawa.
We wish both girls all the best
Love Dad, Mom, Steve and Craig
History of
USBORNE TWP. - Huron -
dale W.I. held their June meet-
ing at the home of Helen Hod-
The roll call, 'Your first re-
membrance of a telephone call'
was answered by 14 members
and one visitor.
. Marion Dougall and Marilyn
Pym told about their weekend
at Hamilton at the 100th anni-
versary of the W.I. . .
- Approximately 2,000 mem-
bers attended International Day
on Saturday which represented
20 countries.
During the day they travelled
to the home of William Lyon
McKenzie King and 'the Ade-
laide Hoodless Home.
Helen Webber read a poem
"Attitudes" and Laura Sillery
gave the motto "People who
say it cannot be done should
not interrupt those •who are do-
ing it." -
Current events were given by
B,ev Campbell, Helen Hodgen,
Laura Sillery, Lois McFalls and
Helen Webber.
Lois McFalls gave a reading
on telephones and the guest for
the evening was introduced.
Sharon Chuter, manager of
the Tuckersmith Telephone
System, showed many old -tele-
phones and talked about their
history. Bev Campbell thanked
the speaker and lunch was
Times -Advocate, July 9, 1997
Page 19
Monument unveiling
In celebration of Oakwood Park's 75th anniversary, Phil Walker and his family including
wife Roberta; daughter Fiona and son Brendan, hosted a monument unveiling Sunday at
noon. The ceremony, attended by Huron -Bruce MP Paul Steckle and Stephen Reeve Bill We-
ber, was followed by refreshments held at Wexford House. Fred Lewis, president of the
Oakwood Park Association was the master of ceremonies. The Walker family was the first to
develop the property now known as Oakwood Park.
Saintsbury ACW travel to Owen Sound
They held a meeting
at Betty and Bill John-
son's home in Owen
By H. Davis
Saintsbury correspondent
SAINTSBURY - Hazel Davis
visited with relatives and friends at
the Exeter Villa, Mary Brown, Pat
Skinner, Blanche Walters, Whitney
Coates, Georgina Dobbs and Gote
Wennerstrom. Mary Brown was
celebrating her 95th birthday on
July 6.
Katie -Scarlett MacGillivray and
Starr Davis visited on Saturday
with great-grandmother Mary Da-
vis and on July 1 granddaughters
Joan Beaune and Kelley, Heather
Mac Gillivray and NancyCunning-
ham and family visited., ,
On July 5, eight members from
St. Patrick's travelled to Owen
, Sound to the home of Betty and
'Bill Johnson for lunch and their
A.C.W. meeting.
Following coffee and dessert the
meeting was held opening with the
hymn "Angels Watchin' Over Mc"
followed by the Member's Prayer
and General Thanksgiving. Prayers
for Sunday School was led by Su-
zanne Davis, Church and Her
Work by Margaret Carroll. Mis-
sionaries remembering the Prayer
Partner by Betty Johnson, Absent
members by Chris Kramer, Sick
members remembering Mary Da-
vis, who was unable to make the
long trip, by Mabel Needham, and
the Sunday School teacher's prayer
by Hazel Davis.
The Bible story "Mary of Betha-
ny" was read, -taken from "Women
Pinery butterfly count down
GRAND BEND - While the number of butterflies counted at Pin-
ery Provincial Park and area on June 28 is down from the previous
three years, butterfly enthusiasts shouldn't fret.
Park naturalist Terry Crabe said the numbers were down because
of spring blooming late.
"Everything's about two to three weeks behind normal," he. said.
"Nothing has caught up yet."
Crabe added that the sweltering heat of the counting day grounded
many butterflies. Another reason for the lower numbers was fewer
people were counting —.organizers wanted to limit counters to en-
thusiasts only to avoid logistical problems.
Results from the count (last year); 39 species (50); 3,962 in-
dividuals (5,801); 44 observers (97).
Two years ago saw the biggest numbers counted with 54 species, a
whopping 13,968 individuals and 66 observers. Crabe said 1995
must have been a good season with ideal weather for butterflies to
have their broods.
He said butterfly experts 1, year after year trends rather than
a single season's results when contemplating the health of butterfly
populations. While Pinery numbers may be down, Crabe noted, oth-
er areas throughout North America may be having banner butterfly
Coming events
HERN REUNION - Sunday, July 13 - 1 p.m. MacNpughton Park. Exeter. Pot luck
lunch. Local family please spread the word to out -of -area family. Hope for a good turn-
out. 27,28x
THE GLANViLLE FAMILY REUNION is being held on Sunday. July 13 at Sea -
forth Lions Park. Potluck supper and brinia game and prize. 28c
EXETER UNITED CHURCH, 42 James St., Vacation Bible School, July 21-25,
1997. 9 a.m. to noon. Ages 3-11. Freewill offering or S2/child/day or SS/family/day.
CaII 235-0860 to register. 28c
BEEF BARBECUE,. Centralia United Church, Sunday, July 27, 1997, 5 to 7 p.m.
Adults $9.50; children 6-12, $4.75. For tickets call Al. 228-6557 or Larry, 229-6304.
Multi -disciplinary Education Level 1 for: volunteers who will visit patients; and people
wanting more infomtation. Start date: Wednesday. September 3. Register: 262.3320.
BAKE SALE, Caven Presbyterian Ladies at Exeter PUC Park on July 17. Craft sale at
Church on October 18. 1997. Vendors needed. 235-1118 or 235-1996. 28,29'
of the Bible". Passages for study
and discussion were read for the
group to understand the relation-
ship between prayer, learning and
Viola Atkinson closed the devo-
tions with prayer. In other busi-
ness, Suzanne's fundraiser was
very successful, a letter from Dean-
ery representative Mary Blackler
was read and the date for the Fall
Deanery was announced.
Church receipts and financial
statements for the second quarter
were distributed. Daily Bread col-
lections will he delivered this week
and the second hale will be sent.
The treasurer's and secretary's
reports were read. A contest was
given by Margaret Carroll was .von
by Suzanne Davis.
Hugh and Hazel Davis were pre-
sented with a gift from the women.
Following . a home and garden
tour, along with a panoramic vices
of Georgian Bay. the group left for
There will he no services at St.
Patrick's July 13. On July 20 The
Rev. Stanley Jay will he at St. Pat-
rick's to celebrate The Holy Eu-
charist followed by a barbecue and
pool party.
Suzanne Davis visited on Sunday
with her mother Dorothy Dietrich
who was at her home at Dashwood
for the weekend.
MULTI -FAMILY YARD SALE - 1-1/4 mile west of Dashwood. Sat. July
12. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rain date to be announced. (28')
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Turnbull's Grove North (3 miles north of
Grand Bend, Hwy. 21). Watch for our signs. (28c)
YARD SALE - Country Flowers - 58 Main St. South - just north of
Presbyterian Church. 7 a.m. to noon. Saturday, July 12. (28c)
Were Back!
Watercolour pastels and graphic
from $12.95
Also again stocking sketch pads
$6.95 and up
424 Main St. Exeter, (519) 235-1331
Office Hours: Mon. Fri. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.