Times Advocate, 1997-07-09, Page 14Page 14
Times -Advocate, July 9, 1997
This Week in Sports...
• Fury lose to Bosnia again - page 15
• Speedy Motorplex results and standings - page 16
Beating the heat
Those cool customers enrolled in the. Lucan Skating Summer Camp know how to beat the
heat. Pictured are. front left: Scott Moir. 'Charlie Moir: back left" Patsy Brown, Alicia Brown,
coach Carol Moir, Dianne Hagan, Samantha Rummel. coach Alma Moir and Jason Field. The
sixth annual day camp at Lucan Arena started June 27 and lasts for five weeks, coaches
Alma and Carol Moir said. There are 80 skaters. aged five to 18. fromthroughout southem
Ontario in the program. '
Exeter Jets Boys U-11
June 30 - Exeter 1 at L)etko Laser.
'Goal: Mike :vedza .
- .Assist: Peter Fragtskatos
Strong defence by: Brent Windsor: (;reg
Thompson. Jonathon Thornton
Exeter-Hotspurs 1 vs Exeter lets 2..
Goals for. Jets; Media. Fragtskatos
Gnod•defence by: Travis Elder: Wind' r. •
t;naltender for Jets: Stesen t)evlaemrnck
Exeter Dolphins
July 1 - Grand Bend I at Exeter q
Goals for Exeter: Karly Pinder 421; Lisa
Hak. Kaolin `:.in!)s h. Heather
Exeter Bees Girls U-11
June 26
Exeter dnrnets 1 vs Exeter Bee, 1
Goals for Bees: Leanne Cmnyn 131. Ken-
• dra Halpenny
Player of the game: Brtanna Harhnrn
• Strathrny Rockets at Exeter
Goal: Cmnyn
Player of the game: Sara %tar
Exeter Hotspurs
Grand Bend t 1 ) at Exeter 6
Goals: Veldman: Ryan C.unphell 13 r.
Matt Marlene. Esters ,
Assists: Feldman Ben Martin.
I,ir; n
Lucan 3 -on -3
tourney set
for Sept. 5-7
LUCAN - Summer hockey -enthu
{acts have a chance to show their
.tuft at the first ever Lucan-3-on-?
Minor Ice Hockey Tournament set
tor Sept. 5 to 7. -
Teams are:needed=for age divi-
sions ranging from those horn ittt
'90 to 82.. Teams are made up. of
one goalie and -up to nine skaters.
Team registration for the non -
contact tournament costs $200 and
four games are guaranteed. AB
games will.heplayed at Lucan Are-
na. Prizes will he awarded to -top
teams and players. • -
For more information. call t 5191
666-2234. •
Miller puts her gold figures on ice
By Craig Bradford
TA Reporter
EXETER - .While most people talk about silver
lining;. figure skater Shelley- Miller seems to get
only golden ones.
Miller. 19. recently achieved her last of eight gold
figure, and now has sights on completing -her
last two
gold tree ;kites. To do that. Miller mast at-
tempt either a double axel or a double lute.
Figure skating since she was four. the Dashwood
natite will :('ntinue skating competitively but wtants
--ti •u: -on-her edueatrtm-=` t s o switch-ui
Brock. University's physical -.education program
- from University of Western Ontario's kinesiology
before -school starts in the fall (Brock has the better
' skating program. and there's. less sciences in phys:
ed ).
"it would he nice to be oh the (Canadian) junior•
team hut it'- lust nice to compete for Fun." Miller
Her goal is to bccome.a skating coach.
• "I 'want to train athletes — any kind - but I'd
like to focus on skaters." she said from the iceless
surta:e at Exeter Arena last week.
Mtllct achieved all her gold dances at age 16 and
has :oinpcied in H.O.M.E. iHuron-Oxford-
Middleser-Elgiftt and W.O.S.W.1.C. tWestcm On-
tario Section Winter - invitational Competition)
The sir days per week (10 to 12 hours .per week)
on ice winter schedule and four days per week (13
hours per week) summer schedule has paid Miller
the dividends she has craved so far:
"Skating is a lot of work and takes a lot of dedica-
tion. but it pass off." she said. "If you stick to it
you'll accomplish your goals."
That dedication has meant sonic sacrifices:. but
Maki said loco, is important.
"11's hard sometimes but sometimes you have to
till your friends. no, I can't do that. I have to skate.
tonight." she said. •
Miller said the coach -skater relationship is par-
amount for their combined success. Coached by Pat-
ty Firth and Kathy Merrier, Miller said she's had
.goodrole models..
"We have disagreements •and good times and
.orae bad times but we stick through it." she said.
"With coaches you need almost a mother -daughter
relationship...you should be able to tell her any-
Firth. a 17 -year ,coaching ctcran. said ,he
"overjoyed" with her },til ti's suc,.css.
worked . 'hard
and is very
dedicated to
the sport,"
Firth -said. The
figures dis-
dropped by the
national figure
s sting hiidy
which has
switched its fo-
cus to the more
free skating, is
the hardest dis-
cipline. - Firth
said — moves.
are 'done on
one foot in a
figure eight
Miller will not
likely get • a
chance to com-
pete inter-
nationally like
her hen's. 14 -
year -old U.S.
,national cham-
pion Tara Li-
pinski or Can-
ada's Josee
Chouinard. she
still feels the
thrill of skating
fur a crowd.
"1 love being
out on the ice."
she said. "i
love per-
forming for
people because
1 know I'm
making them
feel happy and -that snakes me feel happy too."
When will it be winter? Exet-
er Figure Skating Club's Shel-
ley Miller longs for the ice to
be ,back at her home rink.
Miller recently achieved her
last gold figure and is now
working towards her final two
free . skate golds and a
coaching career. . .
Call Sports Reporter Craig Bradford
with your sports tips
(519) 235-1331 • Fax (519) 235-0766
Lions Club million dollar payoff
missed at arena fundraiser
There were holes -in -one, but golfers fell short of the big pay-off
• and both won T-shirts. But area "Getting to the 'point where
golfers failed to pick up the big you're the (;entre of attention and:
priz on Sunday =-a .97 Pontiac • the pressure of $1 million must '
Sunftre during the semi-final or the have affect some drives," he *said.
Si million during the Both Funston and
final, both held on• "Out Of (our) golf club -worker Jesse
Sunday. Bergmann, .16, got
48 shots we
had two
holes -in -one
and it didn't
Funston said, matching last year's win US CI.
totaldespite wet and windy weath- : Brintnell, 66' .1 1"; thing."
er on Friday. The Centralia -Huron Darren Mason, 69' 7";
Park Lions Club got the ball rolling Jamie Clarke, 73'.; Terry Laye, 95' shots we
with a $3,500 donation. • - 6"; Joe Dick, 99' T";'Perry-Sereda, • it -didn't win -us a thing;" Funston -
Terry Laye and Kevin Chambers no distance recorded; Bill Webster: said with a grin. -
drove for holes -in -one -on Saturday : Pete Sutherland; Barry Mills: - While there's no timetable for the
• Funston said a captive audience . renovations io- begin and no fund-
-on Sunday during the finals may • raising goal: Stephen Arena -needs•
have bad some golfers a ,little neo new dressing dooms and' an ex-
. vous. . - panded foyer. Funston said.
EXETER - Oh, what could've
been. - . .. • .
That's what a few golf fans must
have be -en- thinking after sinking
holes -in -one at Centralia -Huron.
Park Lions Club's Million Dollar
Hole -In -One fundraiser for an ex-
pansion .at
x-pansion.at Stephen Township Are-
na last week.
The event; hosted by Exeter Golf
Club, raised about $7,500 for a fu-
ture expansion, arena manager Rob
The top .10 finalists
in descending order
Seott• Thompson, - 59'
2" away • from pin
(wins trip for .two.to
-Las - Vegas); Mike
holesan-one while the'.
two. and another pair of'
event volunteers were
`clowning around on
Friday, .Funston said,
- but the shots : didn't -
count. - -
• "Out of (our) • 48
had two holes -in -one and .
Lucan ball
skills lauded
LUCAN - Fifteen Lucan Mi-
nor Baseball players have a
chance to make their
coaches, teammates and
parents proud at regional
Honda Canada/Toronto Blue
Jays Hit -Run -Throw skills
competition in Dorchester on
July 26.
They qualified for the re-
gionals during the local com-
petition held on June 29.
Here are the top three fin-
ishers from each age group
(in descending order, the top
two in each move on): pre -
rookie (age seven and un-
der) — Judson Couture, Da-
vid Latta, Gregory Noyes;
rookie (eight -nine) — Logan
Couture, Jeff Latta, Chris
VanKasteren; mosquito (10-
11) — Andrew Town, James
Lucier, Joel Kumagai; pee-
wee boys (12-13) -- Tom
McHugh. Craig Galbraith,
Matt Blane; peewee girls
(open) — Nicole Dann, Bran-
don Lindenfield, Jenni Noyes.
Lucan's finest will take on
counterparts from eight other
communities. The regional
winners move on to the pro-
vincial finals at Toronto's Sky-
dome in August with winners
there advancing to the na-
tional finals at Skydome on
Sept. 27.
Spotlight on volunteers
Do you know someone that busts -their buttfor minor sports? ..
The T -A wants to shine the spotlight on those minor sports
volunteers -that. haven't gotten their due. Jot down- the name,
address, `phone number.. sporting organization and some of the
things the volunteer you have in mind does for -your minor
sport or come into the T -A at.424 Main �t.'1 Exeter to pick up
a 'Top Volunteer' sheet. Sheets can be.dropped back at the T-
A or faxed to (519) 235-0766.
Centennials. beat Nairn
on'#wo penalty kicks
EXETER - The .Exeter Centenni-
als- capitalized on' Nairn's rough
--play at home on•Sunday:to win •3-1
--during their Western Ontario Soc-
cer League Central Ruban Chet,
ladurai scored ..two'
penalty kick goals to
lead Exeter of-
fensively. Chad. Gil-
titian. picked up Ex-
eter'sother goal.
Exeter coach John
Rasenberg . said
Nairn'.s chippy play
and subsequent pen
atties gave his team the edge.
"A lot more (penalties) could
have been awarded." Rasenberg
said. "'there's an - old -. rivalry..
there , no question aboui it. But.
we're more of a finesse team now."..
Though the Centennials' offence
has impro 'ed. Rasenberg. said they
still have some work to do. -
:"We. drove to the net better this
game." he saidd, but added
they couldn't cash in, on
- numerous -chances 'near.
.the opposition's net:
."I wasn't happy with
our finishing: skills:" he
said, adding "some- of the
guys have to come out of
their shells."
The Centennials put
their - fourth place 5-3-2 record on;
the line. -at horne tonight 'versus -
Mount Brydges. a 6:30 p.m. start -at
Nabisco Field: and visits Wal-
laceburg on Friday: -
"There's an
old rivalry,
there's no
about it."
Express double up London
LONDON - The Exeter Express senior hardball
team bounced host London twice.during their dou-
ble header on Sunday.
Exeter won the first end 5-2 in 10 innings. Start-
. ing pitcher Dan Masse allowed only- one run over
nine innings.by scattering nine hits, stoking out -sev-
en and giving :up three walks. Masse was helped by
excellent defense including three. London runners•
thrown out at the plate. Reliever John Fountain
earned the save and -gave up one run in his inning of_,
work. •.
Fred Gregus fled the Express hit parade with three
white Scot Russell added two and Steve Farquhar-
arquharand Rick Boon had one each. Exeter scored one run
in the seventh and capped the game with four runs
in the IOth. London tied the game in the seventh
and came up with one in the bottom of the 10th.
"This was a hard fought and well deserved win,"
coach Doug Fairbairn said.
Exeter held on for -a 3-7 win, in the second half of -
the double. -header. Starting pitcher Russell served ' -_
up_ six solid innings but tired in the seventh -and
gave up five of London's seven runs. Russell .gave
up seven hits. struck out two -and walked three over•
his six :and two thirds innings. Reliever Paul Elston :
came in' for a.single batter and 'responded with a
.strike out. Exeter:scored three runs in the third. one
in the sixth.and .four in the seventh to seal the win•.
_Express hitters were: Boon Wart-Gregus -.with- -three =--
each. Masse, Fountain and Don Russell•alt with two
and Scot Russell, Terry -Genttner and Marty Herner
with singles.
• "We almost gave this one `away." Fairbairn said.
Exeter hosted Lakeside yesterday and next play in
the Lakeside tournament on Saturday at 10:45 a.m.
versus St. Catharines and either Corunna or Wood-
stock at 3:15 p.m..
EXETER - While many have
good cause to fear lightning, a bolt
or two came in handy for the Exet-
er Nationals on -Sunday,
Exeter was leading Mitchell 14-1
�n the third inning at home on Sun-
day when the game was called due
to lightning. Usually the rest of the
game would be played at a later
date. but .umpires ruled it a game
since the season is winding down,
Nationals coach Kenn Hines said.
Pitcher •Lisie Geurts struck out
three and 'Lisa Rooseboom had an
excellent game in the field and at.
the plate. Meagan Ratz is also
swinging a hat bat as of late, Hines
The Nationals couldn't hold on to
a one run lead late in the game ver-
sus Mitchell 11 last week and lost
The back and forth game was in
IExeter's favor by a 9-6 score going
into the bottom of the sixth but
aids the Nationals
Mitchell pounded Exeter for four
runs and never looked back.
The game's turning point also
happened in the bottom of the sixth
— a throw to home from left field
took a bad bounce and ended up
passing through the gate resulting
in two Mitchell runners crossing
the plate.
Exeter 'responded with two runs
in the top of the sev-
enth but .t wasn't
enough. -
Geurts pitched six
innings. • giving u"p
one walk, nine hits
and six runs. Kate Skinner pitched
one inning in relief, giving up three
walks, three hits and four runs with
one strike out.
Shawna Rowe shined at the plate
with a three run homer and two sin-
gles, while Julie Rooseboom added
a throe -run homer of her own.
The loss ended Exeter's unbeaten
little belt
I had
streak, but Hines said he didn't ex-
pect the team to have such a great
"I'm impressed,' he said of his
team's '97 effort to date. "We're
doing a little better than I had
Quality pitching and lively bats
have combined to put Exeter at the •
top of the heap, he said.
Results from Exet-
. er's road game at
Mitchell I on' Mon-.
{lay were not avail-
able at .prrkss and Ex-
eter visited Atwood
at Monkton yesterday. The MI -
mauls' next game is at home ver-
sus St. Paul on Sunday at 9 p.m.
On the disabled list is Exeter's
Jaime Palsa who had surgery on a
torn rotator cuff on Monday. Hines
said he hopes Palsa, the T -A's Na-
tionals correspondent, will be back
as soon as she's 100 per cent.
doing a
er than