HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-07-09, Page 5Times -Advocate, July.9, 1997
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Researchers determine.
value of Huron tourism
By Kate Monk
T A Repprter
of the year; Huron County will
have a very -accurate picture of the •
size and importance of tourism 10
the local economy. . .
University of Guelph researcher
• Dr. Harry. Cummings will he using
a process for the tourism study :int:-
ilario one he u:Cd for I;1.1 \ car"s.
agricultural report. -
Cummings has found tourism in-
Iormation is a little harder to come
• -hy than farming statistics.
"In agriculture, there is the ag-
riculture census. The tourism sector
doesn't have a census:- said Cum- .
mings. - • • -
-"Thc number of operators is not -
easily identified: We have no idea,
how much they contribute to.the to-
tal economy (of Huron County).- -
Thc study is• a cooperative effort
of the., Huron County- Planning and
Development Department. -Huron
Federation of Agriculture and the
• University of Guelph.
- "The . cooperation between_. ag-
riculture -and tourism recognizes
tourism is tied to an attractive land-
scape which is agricultural," . ex-
. plained. Cummings, adding "The
rich agriculture heart-
land of Ontario is at...
tractive to tourists."
Thc Planning and
Development De:
partment . helped
Cummings and his.
assistant Karen ' hrr.
ris compile :
1.500 NO
service ns• .
in . Huron .- County
which sell goods and .
services AO tourists. These range
from local recreation departments
10 restaurants and motels-. •
Businesses and.- organizations
have already received a survey .for
their input. According. to Cunt-
mings: respondents. will use 'I996
data to determine the value of the --
business, the value of sales and the
number of employees. The per-
centage and. amount of salers to
tourists will also be estimated.
The origin of the tourists will be
identified. '
The rich
tland of
tario is
ctive to
"Tourism is an ex-
port industry because
many consumers come
from outside the region
and• bring, new- dollars
to the region;" said
Cummings. •
It is not "too late for
'people to complete the
'survey according to
Cummings, as more. re-
sponses will- give a
more accurate picture
-of the tourism industry. -
. -.Preliminary study results. will be .
available at the end of the summer
and the final report will he pre-
sented to the -Huron.. Tourism As-
sociation at. its annual- meeting in
Tourlsm In Huron County is tied to an attractive agricultural landscape, according to Dr.
Harry Cummings of .the University of duelph. Cummings is .conducting a.survey this sum-
mer to determine, a, very accurate picture of the size and importance of tourism to the 107
cal economy. •
iittitti it
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Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume:
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than two pages
O The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
• Start with your name, address and phone number
❑ Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order -
-that is, last job first.
❑ Use a separate paragraph for each position and
precede it with the dates you held that position.
❑ State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
O The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
• Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships
and/or offices held in professional or industry
associations. -
O Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
• employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an interview. So make K as Impressive
as you can but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
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Community Living.,
ends successful year
EXETER-- Community Living-
_ South Huron held their 29th an -
nual General Meeting on June' 19
at the South Huron Rec Centre in
Exeter._-. _ - -
C..LtS.H. President Paul Turn-
.. bull chaired the meeting. He pro-
vided some highlights of the. past
year. including the completion of
the new Godbolt Home on Sand-
ers Street. .Fin 'people are now
living in the duplex, and a sixth
• person about to move in, pending
staffing arrangements. Union ne-
gotiationswere succes`sfully.com -
pleted, with`a new contract rati
Dashwood Wood Products- has
completed a successful year with.
a" steady growth in ;sales con=
tracts..ovei $285,060 in sales of
pallets'. crates . and stakes. The
workforce has stabilized and a
few more- people hired so_ 'that
more contracts can be accommo--•
Under fundraising, the 1997
Flowers of Hope Carnpaign
brought in over $16,000, and the
'Partners" - (Parents----- Grodp)
raised over $9,000 through 'craft
sales, a quilt raffle and a concert.
They donated $5,500- of - the
funds raised to Dashwood Wood
Products and to the Communis
involvement Program •
The' new Board of Directors
was presented and installed, with
Rev. Bill Jones •of Kirkion offi-
ciating. - -
Thc Slate of ,Directors. for
`1997-98 are: Niall Straw. 'Paul
Turnbul4•. Herb Verbeek, Ed
faksmapis. - Helen- Boogcmans,
Tom Consist, Donna Greb. Anne
Klungel. and Nelly Steckle.
Following the meeting:. every-
one enjoyed. entertainment . by.
.Bob•Heywoo d, and a dessert -fest
was served. -
Health Unit launches
safety seat campaign
campaign •. for.: -correct use ".of child
safety seats is, being launched in
July with no cost information -ses- -
Bions at the. Huron County Health-
ealthUnit on July 16- and 23 from 10 -
f 1:30 a.m. Children are welcome .,
as child care will . be provided - by
volunteers. Thc campaign is being
sponsored by the - Huron County
Health Unit. Rural response for- ..
Healthy Children. Huron Home
Childcare and Family Resource -
Centre, the .Ontario Provincial.Po-
lice and -the Minitry. of Transporta-
In 1994, more than 1000 chil-
dren under fi'c years were injured
and 13 children were killed in vehi-
cles in Ontario. These collisions oc-
curred on trips to the•groecry store. -
to,work,'to drop a child off at'day
Exposed groynes
pose liability risk
• High water levels have exposed groynes
installed in the 70s on the south beach
to control erosion ,
GRAND BEND. - Council re-.'
luctantl• agreed that posting warn-
ing signs about 'exposed .groynes
on the south beach could open the
village up to liability 'risks.'
Council received a letter from
A.F. Hodgins regarding the groynes
that were installed at the cost of
lakeshOre residents prior to -1975 in
an effort to- control erosion. Hod-
gins expressed -.concern about the
. safety of people • walking on the,
beach; and asked the village for di-
rection about how to get rid of the
. groynes.
"At that time.. that was the thing
to do." explained Harold Green..
Thc groynes. large. wire baskets
with a stone core. Have been buried
under sand until recent high water
levels which have scoured away
much of the beach. • '
Although village staff . rec-
ommended council, at least post
warning signs about the exposed
groynes. after much discussion it
was decided the issue should be
discussed with the Ausahle Bay-
field Conservation Authority that
Originally supported the concept.
. "You .take those things out...and
if there's any loss of. beach, it may
he a legal i'.ssue,"said Mayor Cam
. Ivey, adding: "There's a nasty legal
Village staff will monitor the
groynes and council indicated if
they are damaged. they should be
. Connecting Links
Grand Bend Council received a
letter from the Ministry of Trans-
portation advising the 1 kilometre
connecting link on Highway 81
from .the village east limits to
Highway 21 (Ontario Street) will
he revoked on Jan.l. The ministry
has determined the municipality
will not • receive compensation for
this transfer.
r'ouncil also received word from
Inc ministry that the 1997-98 High-
way Connecting Link allocation
proposed by the village for traffic
lights on Ontario Street was de-
nied. Council will write the: min-
'istry a letter stressing the safety
importance' of installing a traffic
signal at- Lake Road and Ontario
Street. -
"There is 'a very serious safety ts-
suc," said Councillor -Bob Mann..
adding. "It's remarkable that we
don't have fatalities."
care or school: it is vital_ that our lit-
tle ones are • protected by using a
child -seat whenever travelling in a
vehicle --and .the key - is to use it
correctly:- Each child seat on the:
market ha .its own 'method _of - in-
stallation..Instatlation mistakes are
often made hccause more infoima-
tion is needed. -
i. in addition to the information ses-
cions: car seat safety pamphlets will
be sent to sekctcd area automotive
dealers and exhibited. at local
events. -Plans -for the .fall .season in-
clude' car scat' safety. clinics. Each
manufacturer has- individual in-
structions which will be used at the
To. register -for either information
session. please call by July 15, 482-
3416 or 1-800-265-51.84 -.and ask
for "Car 'Seat Sarety Campaign."
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County of Huron
Waste Management Master Plan
Reuse Rdfills �
If you're interested in waste management issues, plan to attend
one of the three public meetings on Huron County's draft plan
for dealing with the solid waste produced in Huron County over
the next forty years. The plan is outlined in the preliminary draft
Stage 3 report for the Huron County Waste Management Master
The meetings are being held:
July 9
July 10
July 16
Wingham Golf & Curling Club
Holmesville Community Centre
Hensall Community Centre
All three meetings start at 8 p.m.
Copies of the draft waste management plan are available for
review at your local branch of the Huron County Library.
For more information or your own copy of the draft plan, please
contact the Huron County Planning & Development Department
,at (519) 524-2188.