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4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
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4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
Sloppy accounting blamed
County misses $73,000
• By John Greig .
HURON COUNTY - Sloppy_ tic -
c -
counting h% counts staff resulted in
about $73.00Q in revenue being
'missed. county. councillors ..were
told - Ise • their auditor • at a July 3
Eugene Bender of yodden. Bend-
. cr & Scchach. stressed there %vas no
wrong -doing. but. that a. -new pro -
The letter said. "Our recOmmen-
' dation is.that departmental person-
nel he given guidance as to what is
expected of them and :adequate
training to personnel ui pro ids cul - •
ficicnt accounting- 'knowledge to
perform this. role "
• Bender attended the meeting only
after' several- councillors expressed
concern that the criticism had not
cess -of responsibility for daily ac- `been hrought tcicouncil'. attention
counting. with a " • dirc h '
lack 01 trainingc` it'S been indicated As \--;olden: Bcndcr
and staft. ,is icy here that there are :Secha01 is based in
hlamc - • • problems in our ac- Goderi,•h. Bender was
(44-er the ,past • called -to came to coun'-
sevcral year. fe_ 'counting and treasu-
sponsibilit' fair 1.1' department...'.
c,;unty, Aclniinistrator
• ti!urn:al, entries: Lynn :! -1urra% said -she
has been trans- .-
terred Yrom the treasury • department
ti the departments. =who set the •
Bcndcr ';aid the idea ,ii the pro-
cess is tine and common. but that,
• there Were* no regular checks that-
, ilie rcvciiucs matched up with rx-
pcn:cs and expected "revenue . _
Thc missed entries requircd.ahout
SL2.70O worth o1 Work by -a Vodden.
• Rcndcr X Sechach accountant be-
fore' the hooks- were ready fair the •
auditorto]ook at
• Bender -recommended hiring- an;.•
• -other staff_ person for the treasury
• •,iepartment. u• 'look after keeping
• track of' the. hooks. An advertise-
.ment has- already been placed for .
that position
Thr concerns "wcrc outlined by
Bender, in the annual management
- letter to the count,•
' , understood the direction
given my the. admimsiration. -'fr-
iian re • and personnel committee:
N'hrch previouslh' heard from Bend-
- er, to he that the, ::ritici.m shpuld.hc
circ -elated through county : ornmit-.
tees�hcfore-ii 'was 1Foughi t,' coup -
_ "les been indicated here- that•
there are problems in, our account-
ing and trcastrrdepartmcnl.7` said
Councillor Brian McBurnet 'of
Turnhcrr Township '"N, w 1 sec
we've adycrtised•for\\c
should- know .enough to present this
to council todac " ' - , •
McBurnex yeas concerned that -11 -
hat -if
the rssuc wasn't dealt u ith. at 'that -
meeting. -n would look like ihc
mots - was , rn crtnc=ri}' the-prih-
cm. .
Counts council doom t mcct in
No fine for snagging,
In ,our April 9 editinn.•bve reported that John Stcucr ,it Huron Park was
convicted in Godcrich provincial coun of fishing for salmon in tftc Ausahlc
River tither. than• by angling and for •possession r.f snaggcrs. We also
repeated -the words of -the Ministry of Natural Resource. That Mr. Steucr
had_ been, fined !for snagging salmon,. Mr.-Stcucr'ha/informed the
newspaper that he was nht convicted of the offence of snagging salmon
Exeter Council approves high
school smoking area lease
• EXI , t.I; - 77i: ' .,v i nt 1-:.t. •
s willic.ts: .. tsar_.' ;win(I at Snutt
Huron : ) -t•,, ii school as a
smoking arc• - students: Al its-
re,_ulat meeting• in Nlondas
• council passed a- bylaw n ' leas
land iron. the Huror C ‘unts h...ir,
0f Edu:.ui.in when .tu,t; nt- v
allow-co:1, AI;,i
r----- —,
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- — — — -- J
r..:,,. :,iv. wtii h prohibit•
snint.c._ h,,ol prnpcn� has m-
:rc,,..• 7.itiw: than decreased the
1111.111 11:" ,111 students. at.-
,ortiui_ 1, .:hooi principal Bill
Crenh since it has. raised the profile
01 smirk.
C'urrcntlo students stand on the
slue wall. it front oil tJic.Itigh schhut
1, ni ,i.; ('nncerns hat s• • been
;.u._„ •ir,.u' galea and the genera;
inipr s,i,u tins makes; un tisitors
tt fife s.h •,,;
Thc tnt.11 think, this arrarlgentent
wilt hely the current gnu io
In :i mettle n t: council. TowAd-
nunictratut Ricf'Hunde� stated the
act t - insuraticc cimipany. regards
try: airs .i ,r;. Ir creat' a designated
un -site smoking area as a good
one, Proma liability perspecti e.
the leak is heneftcial.
"In the current situation. students
who, smoke congregate un_ puhhs
prupert� .near heavy traffic and pe-
destrian- areas: and near .private
prtiperts•- • .
. Variiius risks inti result. Those.
risks are greatly• reduced by creat.
ing a smoking area in a safer loca-
tion. Froin 'a tont, perspecti c. the--
nsks•related Witte, current situatton
are greater than those associated
with the proposed approach." the
memomeo states. •
7 he 20 -year lease will take effect
on September 1 and will sec the
• town ,paying $1 per year for the
'leased property. -
arttilar, arrangements -have been
made at other county high schools.
Main Street bridge test •
The- Ministry of Transportation
willpay .90 per cent of an SK.0O()
tesi of .the Highway -.#4. bridge over
the Ausahle -River in Exeter. The
test will .assess the condition of the
.- deck..and IS • required .-.before • the
MTU will eommii to funding the
full protect
Internet access alit town office •
n• Council approa. l..:i.tiedicate'd-tel
cphune line at the town ,office fat
,—intern. et uses through the Corn
mutiny Access Protect (CAP,. The
.purpose- of the ts�wn''offace location
rs to. p•cwide Internet access to en-
- treprncurs. small buswess owners
Councillor ROI '.\ir: klc of Exeter.
• said dealing quickly and effectively
with this problem w:ls a:hancc tot
the count% to show it's working
yell _ , •-
"\ou must rcahic admit stration.
we arc the pc,iplc who represent the
taxpayers of Huron County." he
said.. "This is a chance. to show
there :is slime accountahilit ar=the
coi my level. 1 tecl very uncomfort-
ahlc 'as a councillor waiting two
month. "
Councillor `Bob Hallam of West
WaWanosh Township said it there
arc problems with accounting. leav-
ing them two month. to he solved,
could "cut us shon7 •
Thc count employed .another ac-
•cotints person in the uras-urj de-
partnient until the• end "of April.
when that person's contract ran out.
The ccc hadn't Leen replaced
_as it Was assumed devolution of.
Horne Care and the 'impending
amalgamation • of the Huron -and ._
Perth Health Unit:. 'now On hold. - -
would have decrease," ,the amount
of work
Bender said. if anything. the rap:
id change caused by prtwincial poi- -
icy decisions will require more
staff., -
As such. Murray -had already ad-
ycrriscid for a position. on a non=
air Continued on page 2'
$100, 000, 000 needed
by Huron County tax-
payers for road repair
By John Creig
Count. will. have -94.4 km more
high% ' to look aftci as of Jan 1:
The transfers irom--the pro%
will leave the \Vingham-arca'wtth-
an pio%inetal roads•
Hwy 4 from Clinton- nordi to ilio
^„ c Counis boundary. H” its
tram the,Pcrth County 'boundary is
Hd•y . 1 and Hwy S 1 from Grand
Bend to Middlesex Counin wail he
eicen,ti, the'county
The transfer includes _an uncondi-
tiori'al payment from .the -province
o1. c2 4 rilillion T!ic grant Iiroides.
for one year of ma. cnan •c: • • •
=Count] Engineer Sandra Lawson
told count.- council 'at its July ?
meeting that .she was concerned
-about the „Ilan, 1 transfer date; as it
is in middle of the .winter sea -
:,,n • - •
Shc was t;, loit b the province. for
a ,hangi• in date. hut said. the.date
was . me -tliin'c the province appears
":set in stone
, Lawson met yesterday' iTuesday)
with Minrstr% of Transportation of-
fie ialS - and was to discuss what
.would happen to assets. such -as the .
pro\incial higherac`s shed south of
Ingham .•
- .. -
Lawson- said the S2.9 mullion -
covers about 67 per cent of w hat •-
the, pro% ince' belies es is needed for _-
.work on the roads.
"So.that.means a cost of Si mil-. -
hon ni the -Huron Counts taxpas= -
ers!T. asked -Councillor B)I1 Mic klc
of Exctcr. -.
"That. -would be .orrc-t." s..id
Lawson.: -
Councillor 'Bean McBurney of
Turnhcrr Township pointed out
that residents of the \Vineham-area -
will have to drive _t'r km before
they will see .a provin,ial.highwa�
- The 94.4 km _ is in addition to
more"than ()O km' of roads the pro\ ='
-ince downloaded -to the count.
April. 1.
•lobar Greg o cd :tor: ,•t11"rnc-
1,.a';.acfinncc Tina%
10. left, and
-his brother
Jordan. 8.
tried their
driving skills
at Centralia -
Huron Park
Lions. Club's
Million Dollar
' Hole -In -One
contest at
Exeter Golf
Club on
and researchers.
Most (if the town's costs arc in-
kind donations office. space. fur-
" nature.. existing equipment. staff
tune) with a federal grant covering
the cost of haring'a student with In-
ternel and computer cxperienee.
Thc town and the Exeter Public Li-
brary will share Jeff DeBluck's
time as the Internet advisor.
Councillors expressed concern
Atte Internet May be used by staff
.- for- non-productive purposes and
r. -were assured a policy for staff use
would be created.
If we had a million dollars
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