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Times -Advocate, July 2, 1997
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Crimes of
the week
.Spring is here and-crips will soonbeby farmers and.hackyard
gardeners. Illegal. corps: of marihuana -will also he started this timeof
yeal. hoth indoors and out:
littloor growing may he done byroprinically or •in potted. soil. lf.a base._ -
ni nt or garages.heing used to grow -Marihuana the windows will he
covered over. At night you may .notice that the interior lights in -the
gro int''.area ;ire on ,ontieually. . .. . _
Marihuana will also -he planted initside at this tone of.ycar. It may he
planted in.tlic middle of •a corn field: on the edge or inside hush lot -or
along a secluded creek. It may even he planted in a.backyard or garden._
If a •plant is properly cared for it may grow to --10 to 12 feet and maybe
harvested in• ahout tour months. Marihuana can be easily identified_ by
its unmistakable shaped leaves and its odor.. ' . -
Growing marihuana is a criniinal offence. .If.you.havc any information
about anyone growing marihuana or information about any other'crimc:
'call Crime Stoppers: You could receive up to, p-$1.000. reward if your.
inR,rrnation leads 10 an arrest. You do not. have to uveal your. identify or
appear in court. Crone Stopper: can he reached at 332_TIPPS that is
32-1+4' ,,atoll tree -zit 1-800-265-7500.-
our Views
Letters to the editor
Kirkton Horticultural Society
members enjoy dinner show
By Muriel Lewis
Granton correspondent
The Paul Brothers and Shirley were'part of the
entertainment lineup. '
• GRAN'TON - Welcome home to Kent Harding who.,has been teaching in
South Korea for the past year:
Sympathy of the community goes to the family of George Round who
died in Granton on June 14 at age 95. -
Many people enjoyed the ham and strawberry supper at the Holy Trinity
Anglican church in Lucan on June 25._
Florence McRgbert, Norah Wissel, Alma.Nicholson and Florence Bryan
went with the Kirkton Horticultural Society to the Walters Family dinner
show featuring the.Paul-Brothers and -Shirley at:thcir,farm-near Brighton
on June 1.7. .
Muriel Lewis went with the group from -St. Paul's Anglican Ch urch in
Kirkton'to sec the' play Camelot at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival '
Theatre on June 24.
Larry Lewis and his mother Muriel were guests at a picnic.on-Sunday at
the home -of Teresa -Ainsworth and son Shayne. in 'London. • -
Ai the•Granton United Church_on.Sunday.Bev Rabbets,of.St.Marys lcd .
the• service when the sermon was . -entitled "Persecution". July is vacation.
month lotthechargc andthe.nerrt regular service -will be on August 3.
Several interesting events will take place -during the summer: July 6 is
the Canadian-Foodgrains Church service at 11 a.m. at St. Patrick's Roman
Catholic Church, Lucan followed by a pork barbecue. •
July 23 there will be_ a ball game.hetween the BX 93.Silver Bullets and
the Granton -Disciples at -7 p.m. at Granton Park. ` •
J91)7,26. 10 August 1 a-Vacation-Bihle School .is planned at the..Granton
United Church. Thanks to.the. U.C,W. ; there is no fee but children must -
be registered with Doreen McRobert• or April Bryan soon. .
' On •:July 27, Granton U.C. Stewards arc holding. a breakfast. at Granton
-Park 8:3010:30 a.m. followed by -a service conducted by Bob Heywood.
At St. Paul's,Anglican Church -in Kirkton -nn Sunday. Canon.- Michael
Griffin (a former rector) of Stratford officiated and celebrated the Holy
• Eucharist. His message in keeping with,Canada..Day_was that God shall.
have dominion over all the land and "will he in thehearts of alll?lis people.
The lessons were read by the minister and Norma Paul. The next regular
service Will be tin August 3.
A graduation "banquet for. Prinec Andrew Public School students was
held on Junc 24 catered hy-Granton U.C.W. The:1997 Grade 8-graduatcs ..
were Phillip Currah. Sherry Garrett. Jeremy Hack/ Rebecca Harlton. Grace'
. Park. - Karen Park. Amanda Shearme. Nathan -Sherwood.-.Heather West -
man. Jason Wliceler.Tonya Wesiman. and Emily Barr.
Thank you
Please convey our thanks.. to Chris'
Skalkos .for -his attention and' in-
n- • . -
Dear Editora
On hehalt-of the Friend; of Pinery- P.1'rk. ( would
like -to thank your grganwation foe media. coverage
al the opening _cif the new !Bike Trail. June 7: in Pin
cry Provincial Park. The Friends of Pinery Park is a
non-proi11 islntahle orgam/anion dedicated 1n' the
development" of projects' and programs, that ensure
Pinery Provincial Park's natural legacy.:will remain
file future generations. We -depend on' your presence
to make our events a success and to raise our corn-
munity profile so that- we can ciintin(ie to .support
•this wonderful park. - - -
Piease.convcy our thanks to Chris Skalkos for his
attention and interest. We look forward to working
with yciu in the future. -
Your Views
Letters to the editor
Letters to the editor
Shirley Burton
Marketing Project Co-ordinator
Thanks to F,',Ictnr and area businesses
As much fun as it was to organize
this, event, it was a rather, huge
1)c;n E:dnor
(hi Sunday. June 22nd tt)O
dist, from Ontartu.(luc1'c, and the United StalCS.'
descended upon Exeter 'a. p.irt t>f C'velonc'97: a 500
kilometre bicyelc-tour of nudwestern Ontario.
South Huron .I )rsirict: High School 1 S.H:D.H:S: )
hosted the riders -and provided them with the
co-operation of many Exeter and. area businesses
and other community -minded groups. Our sincere
thanks go out to the following groups:Nabisco
Brands Inc., Tim Horton's. Shoppers Drug Mart,
Holtzmann's I.G.A.. Scip's valu-mart. Kicks Aquatic
,Centre.. Maclean's Home Hardware. Town of Exeter.
Exeter Recreation Board. 1997-98-S.H.D.H.S. Stu-
dent Council. S.H. Black Jaxz Band (many of whom
performed for thclast time as part ol• the high school
hand). Melba and Abner Tuckers, the parents. staff.
and students' of :lateter Public School (E.P.S.). and
the S.H.D.H.S. and E.P.S.--School Advisory Coun-
neces- cilsiS A C) . , . .
sarcotnlort. a..illc\ pasted through our arca. • . r - • Sincerely.
\s -midi lull As it wa, io organize this event: it Georgc'McEwan• Jodie Baker & Lynn Farquhar
wa' ., i.ithcl huge undcrtahlnc. and it required the - • Exeter co-cordinators
Your Views
Letters to the editor ,
Children .selling ,chocolate
... all. young salespersons will be
asked their home address. before
any transactions are made.‘.
Dear Editor: -
1 ,ten writing to you regarding _an incident that
took place Iasi week.
Two young -children cane to our door selling
chocolate covered almonds. When '1 asked them
• what the money was being used for they told me it
was to help cover the cost of educational trips.
I purchased a box from them and. too late. asked
them were they lived. When they informed me they
lived in Hcnsall and were .home schooled. i was
more than a little upset. How dare the parents of
these children take them out of their community and
•expect us to help pay for them to go on at so-called
educational trip. i have since learned '-it they also
canvassed Sebringvillc for money. We- have enough
of our' local children "selling" for projects without
supporting them. also from other communities.. .
• - Prestnitably these children are not in the public
schools because thc parents object to some things
-being taught in the public system. but what are these
children being taught by parents that drive them all
over thc country begging strangers to help pay their
way for an unnecessary trip?
i do not know the names of these children, but
hopefully their parents. will subscribe to:your paper
and rcad this.
One thing learned from this experience: in future
511 young salespersons will be asked their home ad-
dress -before any transactions are made. To the par-
ents of these children all I can say is "for shame."
Thank you for the space in your paper.
Respectfully yours,
Doreen Skinner
Summer's here!
Exeter, and.area klds kicked off the first full day of summer
holidays at the Exeter swimming pool last Wednesday.. Nich-
olas Brand of Exeter was already in mid-sUmmer..diving
Summer- reading program begins July 3
Zurich area children at•thc church
' Personals . .
will. be able to rake the - -A fair hoard meeting was held at. .Bonnie_Groot and friend' Tanya -
• • • the Township Hall. Saone members Eilcrs.•- recently spent a week at
program at the library.,
the .school children's '.art ' Banff National. Park. They went -
idork and did the-udging.'ready for, horseback riding., • , ,. ' '
the Zurich Fair J Iv•25 to 27:.. • The family of Bill and Nancy of
By Carmel Sweeney
Zurich correspondent
ZURICH Thc Zurich Summer,
Reading 'Program at the lihr'ary will-
, run on Jury 3. I0.'I7 and 24 for,thc
children_ ages eight to 12. It egins
at I' p.ni, each day. A program for
children ages four to eight will run
on July 31. August 7. 14 and- 21 at
1:00 p.m. Phone Helehe Duchanne -
at 236-4965 if you want your name
on the list.
Thc Marian.Shrine.in -St. -Marys'
will be -baying Masses on July 2.
13, . and 16 "and • August 13-22:
'Masses begin each day at I1• a.m.
with a, rosary' procession - at •1:30
p.m,, followed by Benediction and'
• the Blessing of the Sick. •
• Bring you( own. picnic lunch,
blanket and lawn chairs; ' •
Councjl ,members of the village.
of Zurich and their spouses served
a roast beef'dinger to the scnidr cit-
- izens of the village at the Commu-
nity Centre last Wednesday.
The- Zurich Vacation Bible
School will run July 7 to 11, at the
Mennonite Church for all children
grades kindergarten to grade 10.
Thc'theme will be'tSunrise Balloon
Adventures" -
.The classes .will, be held at 8:45
a.m. until noon each day with a
winup program on ri ay nig . 0
The theme will be "Rural ChM: Dashwood I went for their annual -
lenge' Rephrts were' green by. get-together last Friday to Monday'.
Icxl B h
Committee members and Nick Lit-
tlechild is asking, for helpers front Sympathy is extended to the rola
the community to build a new stage,,
fivesof the -
late Clarence Farwell,
at e arena. It ., . ilt in _ _ _ who passed away • on Junc 24. He
was a' resident of the 'Blue Water
Rest Home: -
_Neil and Melissa Francjs; of Or- -
leans `(neat Ottawa). are spendidg.
this week visiting with her parents -
Mozart and Marie Gclinas Sr. and
relatives in the arca. •
Happy birthday. wishes 'go to -
Amanda Wilds who was 16,years .
old 'on July -3: and to Brandon La -
ata ge-rn race n, ge.
•tions sO it will he easier to put up
and take down. ,
- All volunteers arc -asked to come .
to the arena- on July 8 at
..with a hammer.
• Those taking pan, in the parade
on July 26 are to meet at the Zurich
Public School by 1'1 a.nl. The. pa-
rade. begins at 11:36 a.m. To regis-
ter contact -John Consist at"thc Hay • Porte whose birthday is July 2. •
Mel and Marv-EIlenGingerich of
-4381.. • . • 'Hesswoods subdivision recently' -
The parade will he led' by the spent a vi•ccf: at their trailer home. at .
Dashwbod-Scaforth Band. Chesley.Lakc. Then enjoyed camp-'
The `variety entertainment eve-, --
ing, golfing and .visiting with •
riing will be held on•Friday at 7'30 friends and relatives.
p.m. Anyone wanting to perforin. •Roxanne Rau and Gavin Flodgins
call the Klopps at 236-4291: , .•were inarried lune 7 in Goderich at
Si. Peter's Church. She is the
The Zurich Cubs. Scuts. _Bear daughter of Derrick and Joyce Rathvers, Brownies and Sparks and• of Bayfield. and . granddaughter of
their leaders will march in the pa . 'Daryl and Tillie Rau. RR 2 Zurich.,
rade. The couple are living in Wingharn;•
Adance will he held Friday night - • - A buck and doe will be' held for
• at 9 p.m. on -the ice surface with ' Ken. Denommc and Joan Hein on--
live music.hy "Mozart and the Mel- July 4.at the Dashwood Communi-
ody Makers". Advanct tickets are .•, ty Centrc..Ken is the son of Jerome.
available for $5 per person by all _ and -Marie Denornme. Zurich. Thc
inf 2, or for Sithe door. •couple,are to be married in.JuIy: •
Mutual insurance Company.' 236 -
Community band
The Exeter Community Band performed recently for residents of Exeter Villa. Many ac-
tivites were scheduled at the Villa during the month of June in celebration of Seniors'