HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-07-02, Page 19Graduate Jodi Lynne
Soldan, daughter of Mike and
Barb, graduated with
distinction • from. Brock
University, receiving a
Bachelor of Arts` and. a
Bachelor of Education
, • Congratulations tiom Mom;
Dad. Petrick, 'Sue Anne. Chris
' and Ryan
Graduate - Laura Cook -
-graduated from Queen's
University in Kingston on May
29, 1997 with an Honours
B:A. in Language and
Linguistics and a-, Minor in
French. Laura has joined the
J. E,T. Programme and will be,
leaving for Tsushima, - Japan
on July 24, 2997
Congratulations from Mom,
Dad, Steve and grandparents
Graduate - Matthew
Nethercott, son of Edwin'and
Marie -graduated , from
Loyalist College in Belleville,
ori June 12, 1997. He has a
diploma as an Electronics
• Engineering Technician'.
All your hard work has paid
,off, •
Be,st Wishes
' Love A,oln, Dad, Tim,
Melinda, 'Louise, 'Chris, and
Graduate - Sue ' ' Ahne.
daughter of Mike and Barb
S,oldan, • graduated with
- distinction .receiving her B.'Ed.
from Althouse College ;'97.
D.H.S. (hors.) Huron -College,
- U_W.O. '96, B.A. - History„
Political Science MOGi/1
University '95.
Congratulations. from' Mom,
Dad. Patrick, Jodi. •Chris and
Graduate - Congratulations to
Dan ,W. Rohde. On Friday,
June,, 27; Dan Rohde
graduated from C.O. Bick
College , in Toronto as ,a
member of the Metropolitan
Toronto Police Service. In
attendance at the ceremony
were 'Glenn Rohde, Bill and
Rhoda Rohde, Nancy Blythe,
friend of Dan and her, family
Narbey and Diane'Blythe and
Owen. Mike and Linda
Hergott and Tim.,
Graduate Dave-: Green
recently graduated from '
Conestoga -.College with a
"diploma ' in Electronics
Engineering -Technology He
is currently employed at S -S
Technologies. inc. 'in
i c ever.
Way to go. Dave!
Love Mom. Jodi, Dad. Sherry
• and Kele
Forthcoming marriage - Fred
and June Miller of RR1
Granton are pleased to
announce the forthcoming
marriage , of their daughter
Karen June. to ; Mark Edward,
son of Eric and Jane
Whittemore -of Stratford. The
wedding will take ,place on
Saturday, July 5, 1997 at
Zion. West United Church.
Open. reception at Kirkton-
Woodham Community Centre
, at 8:30 p.m.
Graduate Byron and Beth
Clarke are pleased to
announce the graduation of
their daughter Liette from the
Corrections Program at
Lambton College on June 14,
Congratulations and all the
best for the future Liette
Love, Mom, Dad, Lisa, Greg
and Kelly
Forthcoming marriage -
Tracy, Kim and Brent
Southcott together with
Melissa and. Matthew Horner
would like to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
parents Barry and Carolyn on
July 12, 1997. Reception to
follow at the Exeter Legion at
9:00 p.m.
Graduate -, Denise Hendrick,
daughter of Howard and
Yvonne Hendrick, graduated•
with distinction on June 11,
1997 with ,a Bachelor of
Education frdm the University
of , Western Ontario. In
Septefnber, Denise will' be
teaching for the York Region
Board of Education at Glen
Shields Public School in
Concord, Ontario '
Love and congratulations
from your family
Jumping into July
at Exeter Villa
EXETER - As June has come and
gone in such a hurry activities and
outings where keeping everyone
jumping at the Exeter Villa.
Family pot luck on Sunday June
2� was a great success; Family and
friends joined the residents in a de-
lightful afternoon of good 'food -and
si�cial time.
Outings: to Springhank Park for a
picnic and a Donnelly drive
through Lucan and • down the Ro-
man. Line made for some fun and
educational opportunities for the
residents involved. -•
A wonderful outdoor concert put
on by the Exeter Community Band
on Monday June 23 had residents
Capping their loes. i he wondeTuil
weather that evening was a bonus.
The strawberry social was a
much anticipated event. And what a
party. Music by Murray Christy
and Mary F. Dow topped off the
whole event.
Tnanks goes out to Max Du-
charme and the Townliners and
Jack Wild's and Friends for their
evenings of entertainment and fun.
1 hit's -Advocate, July 2, 1997 Page 19
Centralia resident sees Queen Elizabeth in London
The City of London in- Doris (Essery) Lightfoot; a former from the 1940s to: 1990s, Aspecial
vited former- member ,Centra ' area resident. passed ."thank you" to Cathy Swance for a
• away on Friday. June 27 at Crai- blessed evening.., • • • - •• -
of the ATS to Victoria. gholme Nursing Home in Ailsa Lost and Found for ages' 3 to 12
Park during, the Craig. will not be held on Wednesday -
Minister Scott thanked everyone evenings • in July • and August. Lost .
Queen's visit.-....
:for their assistance with worship and Found will resunie.in Septem-
By Mary Peterson recently at Exeter Villa. The resi-'bor. However, the youth"and adults
Centralia correspondent- dents were pleased to have an op- will continue Bible study. through-
portunity to visit with congreaga- out the summer Don't forget.. -to __
CENTRALIA A -Centralia-area .. tion members. ' - -watel for Daily Vacation Bible in
resident. Gladys Buswell, came- Centralia and Zion West United -August.
face-to-face with Queen Elizabeth, '.'Churches will share worship ser- . Friday evening, July 4..the.youth
during her recent visit to London. vices during July. All services will will host Their first "Camperce for.
During World War 11.: Queen Eliza- .. be •held at 10 a.m. Worship will be Christ". Tent •set-up will begin at-6-
t 6beth assisted the war effort by driv- held at Centralia on -July. 6 and 20 ' p.m. Friday. evening,. with special '
ing a Torry (truck) for the Auxiliary and at Zion July 13:and 27. - :speakers. hands. games. and fun
.Territory Service (ATS). 'Buswell Sunday. July 20; there will he a scheduled 'for Saturday. Sunday's
•also served in the ATS. .. "Brown Sag ' lunch at . Centralia events will' he announced. in 'ser-
' The City 'of London invited for- United Church following worship. • -vice. .Everyone's welconie to at--
frier members of the ATS to -Victor- Please bring your lunch and a lawn tend: -
ia Park during the' Queen's. visit. chair to share a picnic lunch, hope- Summer reading program at
According to Gladys, 14 of these fullyoutsidc. - •- - - Centralia Library
ladies gathered together for : this The annual Centralia Beef BBQ - -There's still time for children 12
special occasion. • will he_heldSunday. July 27 from .•years and under to register for
Following the official ceremonies -5 to 7 p.m. at Centralia United Camp Read-a:Lo) at Centralia Li-
-in Victoria Park. Queen Elizabeth Church. Tickets -are $9.50 - tiff hrary'. There'll_ be Tots of fun for
went,on one of her famous "wafka- adults and, $4.75 liir children aged •: everyone with, songs....games; sto-- ,
gouts" to meet the local people. 6 10.12. For tickets, please -call Ai- ries and crafts on July -. 8 and. -22
She, stopped- and chatted briefly Ian Powc. at 22k-6557. Congrega from 7 to 8 p.m: - - - '
with the ladies who. had done .their tion -members who can . help. pro-- Call librarian Maxine Hyde 'at .
part to contribute to the war effort. . ,vide pies -should call Allan Powe. .. 228-6440 to pre -register: Prc-
•This was •a very special. "thank; Entertainment will be provided by-- registration, is. required to. ensure
you" for a job well done. . • - the t)oug Lewis Band: • • , • : ,sufficient participation for • these•
Centralia United Church Centralia Faith Tabernacle - "special events. The cost for this fun
'. -Minister Heather Scott led the- This past Friday evening, a "Gar- ' activity will he only $2. per child. -
worship at Centralia United Church . den Party was held of the church. -Euchre results : -
on Sunday. June 29. During her ser- for the ladies. It was a special-e.ve- At Heywood's Restaurant recent
mon, -entitled .'Excuse me... but: ning of inusic. rpnnologues•and lel- ly, High -hand winners were Anne
may i interrupt?", 'she. spoke about , lowship. Everyone enjoyed .straw- Northey -and Gordon 'Eaton. The .
' the challenges of the human condi- berry, • shortcake surrounded by . 5peciaF' was'won by Lorna Neilson.
tion, flower arrangements -and displays Lone hand .winners,were Edith. Ea-'
On behalf • of.. the -community. of varirius ladies' • wedding gowns- ton and Harold Hodgins '
Minister Scott offered .prayers and . - : :
sympathy- to the Essery _ family.
Youth group entertains Thames
Road-Elimville congregation
The congregation -had
a potluck ,lunch and
ball game 'after the
church service.
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Road correspondent -
„ THAME ROAD - Kathy, Bray
-welcomed everyone - on Stinday
morning to the Sunday School Cel-
' Oration service. Emily Pym and
cssica Bray, were the greeters: Be-
fore the service began,, Megan
Parker and Kristy Bray each played
the piano. Robyn Etherington.led in
the Call to Worship: Erin Parker -
played the piano for.the hymn "Part
of the Family". Brent Pym led in a
prayer. - ' .
Vanessa Bray accompanied the
Sunday School choir'"Welcome to
the Family" on the piano. Jessica
Bray read scriptures. The . Sunday
School kindergarten did' a finger
play "The Church -is Ope Big Fami-
ly.: .
Karen 13therington . introduced
"(ill Four Christ -Youth Ministry``-'
group from Exeter. Mitchell. Brus-
sels. They -did a puppet show. as
well as singing. - -
' Paul Morgan and Chad Smith re-
ceived the offering with everyone
singing "Dear the Pennies Drop-
ping., •
Kristy Bray gave an Offertory
Prayer and everyone repeated the
Lord's Prayer.
Erin • Parker read "We are the
Children of the Church" with Meg-
an Skinner, Emily Pym and,Court-
ncy Smith assisting. - -•
• Judith Parker--expressed--thank'
you p the Youth Group: '
Rev. Jock Tolmay gave the com-
missioning and the benediction..
They sang grace and enjoyed a
potluck lunch. They then went to
the hall park for a hall game and
sports. There were about 80 people
in attendance.
On, August 3" .a church service
will be held at Elimville at 9:45
4 {Tay Inn Restaurant
Mon. - Sat. 6-11 a.m.
Breakfast Special Only $2.25
Every Wed. Seniors_Dav 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Ever/ Fd. 4:30 - 8 iLm. Buffet,
salad bar and dessert$7.99. under 10, S5.49
Every Sun. Brunch
10 a.m.-2 p.m. $5.99
Under 10: $4.99
Every Sunday Buffet, salad bar and dessert
4:30 - 8 p.m. $7.99, under 10, $5.49
Eat -in or take out
Free delivery
Menu available. Reservations appreciated
380 Main St. Exeter 235-0580
Communion will he served at the
August 10 service at Thames Road
at 9:45 a.'m. 'Following- the church
service there will 'he a congrega-
' Ilona' Owing to accept the needs
assessment and job description for
'. calling -a- minister as prepared by
the •Ministry, :and••Personnel torn -
mince, and approved hy' the Church
Council. .
- Se'r'vices will her held: at Elim-
villc August 17 ".at 9:45 a.fn.; at
- Thames Road August 24 at, 9:45
a.m.:-and•at Elimville at 9:45,a.m.
on Aucusi 31.
A_earniva1 is planned -,following
church,- and Sunday School at
Thames Road 'on • September, 7.
There will. be fun- activities for all
ages. Bring.a potluck salad or -des -
seri. hems :required:- lawn, chair.
casual dress and lots of sunscreen
and 'enthusiasm. Volunteers arc
-needed fixthe dunking machine
and to run -activities. Contact Vir-
ginia Warwick at 235-3670 or
Sharcin•Pavkeje a 229-6891.
Thq'Finance Committee is orga- •
nizing a Time -and•,Talent Auctiitn
for=sohietimc in November. Get '
your imaginations working or -keep _ •-,____
you eyes open during the- summer
'for: items you can:-donatc. -
if you Wish to have an -announce-
ment placed, in the church bul-letirie
call 'Sharon Passmore at 235-2708 -
by noon on Thursdays.
Bill •and • Rhoda Rohde.' Glena
and Dorothy. Jeffery- atter)d:.d a.
Hanna Cousins. Picnic at -.a church _
in London hosted by Viola Hewitt.
Dance Hall
9pm tam
Line Dancers welcome
Fri. July 4
Country Versatiles
Sat., July 5
weire )Iack!
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