HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1981-08-27, Page 6Page 6 Citizens News August 27, 1981 BIRTHS EAGLESON. - Gary and Chris Eagleson of Zurich are delighted to announce the birth of their first child Matthew Warren Frederick. He was born August 16, 1981 at St.Joseph ssHospital, Lon- don. Matthew is the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberer, Zurich and the fourth for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eagleson, Greenway. 34c Announcements LAPORTE-TALBOT — The forthcoming marriage of Angela Kathlene Talbot to Jean Pierre LaPorte is an- nounced with pleasure by their parents Bill and Fran Talbot, Bayfield and John and Lil LaPorte, RR 2, Zurich. The wedding will take place Saturday, Oc- tober 3, 1981 at 2:30 p.m. in St. Peter's Catholic Church. Open reception to follow.34c ENGAGEMENTS Mr. John W. Pimperton of Denfield, Ontario and Mrs. Joseph Gallant of London, Ontario are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Sarah Dorothy to Mr. John James Schwartzentruber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Schwartzentruber of Zurich, Ontario. The wedding will take place on August 29, 1981 at 4 o'clock in the Exeter United Church. 34p Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Denomme announce the engagement of their daughter Cheryl Marie to Martin Lawrence Gelinas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas Sr. Wedding to take place September 5, 1981 at St. Peter's Parish, St. Joseph, Ontario at 2:30 p.m. Open reception to follow 34p �\1UO Emmanuel United Church Sunday, August 30 REV. BARBARA LAING 11:15 a.m. - Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School Come and join us We extend a warm Welcome to all St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. JACK DRESSLER Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, August 30 10:00 - Worship Service 10:45 - Sunday School There Is a nursery for small children which is supervised during the v orship service Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, August 30 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service at Kenna Park Wed. 8:00 - Bible Study & Prayer Service Everybody Welcome Meditation The grass without the flower fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand forever. Isaiah 402 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED CASHIER for full time work in Zurich supermarket. Apply in per- son at Tenderspot, Grand Bend. 34c CAREER in heavy trucking. Now is the time to train for your Class A license. Con- tact ATA Systems, Ontario, London Branch. (519) 438- 4029. 24:34c For Sale LOOK FOR Garage Sale, 12 miles north of Drysdale on highway 21. Starting Friday, August 28 continuing on Saturday. (if weather per- mits. 34c FRESH CAULIFLOWER 3 miles West of Exeter on Hwy 83 $6.00 a dozen OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS PHONE IN LARGE ORDERS 237-3442 Visscher Farms 28t GILTS & BOARS - -'Bred York X Landrace gilts due late Aug. & Sept. Bred Hampshire. Also usual selection of Hampshire, Yorkshire and Hamp X York boars. Bob Robinson RR 4 Walton. 345-2317. 33-35c For Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent for senior citizens at Maplevioods Apartments, Zurich,available for Oc- tober 1st or earlier. $194.00 per month, all utilities in- cluded. Contact Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich, 236- 4373. 34tfnc PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels; Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 15t BOARDING STABLE for horses, 6 new box stalls available. Phone 236- 4592. 34:35c CARDS OF THANKS COMMITTEE of Manage- ment of Huronview express sincere appreciation to all Huronview staff for their prompt and efficient action following the explosion on August 20, 1981. Thanks also to everyone who assisted in any way. - Committee of Management of Huron - view. 34c Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Victor Henry Deichert Late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September, 1981, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed. Donnelly & Murphy 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate FANNIE CLARK At Queensway Manor, Hensall on Monday August 10, 1981, Mrs. Fannie Clark the late Louis Clark, Mother of Ethel (Mrs. Frank Forrest of Hensall). Step -mother of Mrs. Sarah Wren of Hensall and Mrs. Mary Buchanan of London. Also survived by five grandchildren, eleven great- grandchildren, and four great -great -grand - 'c hildren reat-greatgrand- children A memorial service under the auspices of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association Lodge 377 was held on Wednesday evening. The Funeral was held on Thursday August 13 at 2 p.m. at the Bonthron Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor. The service was conducted by the Rev. G. A. Anderson of Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church,Exeter. The lesson was read by Rev. Dr. -Maxwell Parker of London. Pallbearers were Ivan Wren, Ervin Bestard, Clark Forrest, Lloyd Nichol, E.J. Roberts and Robert McGregor. Services CUSTOM BIG ROUND BALING. Lawrence Becker. 234-6486. 27-34c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED S.J. Shanahan Portable toilets available for rent Bayfield 565-2795 CUSTOM WEED SPRAYING Homes, Cottages Business We do them all Get rid of unsightly weeds, the weed spraying way Call Don VanPatter 236-4547 Zurich after 6 p.m. 30tfn MILDRED DONOVAN At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday, August 23, 1981, Mildred P. (Hey) Donovan of 200 Com- missioners Rd. W., London, in her 64th year. Beloved wife of the late Clifford Donovan. Dear mother of Robert C. Donovan, of Petrolia. Dear 'daughter of Mrs. Mary Jane Hey of Blake, Ontario and the late Samuel Hey. Dear sister of Victor Hey, of Goderich, • Mrs. Jean Meyers of Lambeth and Mrs. Kay Burdge, of London; Mrs. Elva Younge, of Hamilton and Mrs. Norma Hartung, of London. Friends will be received at the A. Millard George Funeral Home, 60 Ridout Street south after 7 p.m., Monday. Funeral service will be eonducted in the chapel, on Wednesday, August 26, at 1:30 p.m., wit) Rev. John R. McLaughlin, of London Gospel Temple, officiating. Interment Woodland Cemetery. LILYMAE FOSTER At South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday, August 18, 1981, Lily Mae (Heywood) Foster of the Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich formerly of St. Marys, in her 80th year. Beloved wife of Earnest J. Foster. Predeceased by one son gever1! (1948) and one sister Ina (Mrs. Wellington Skinner) (1955) . Also sur- vived by one niece Arlene (Mrs. Norman Morgan) of Melbourne. Rested at the R. C. Dinney Funeral Home, Main Street Exeter; where the funeral service was held on Friday, August 21 at 2:30 p.m., with Rev. Grant Mills officiating. Interment Exeter Cemetery. "For a succulent roast beef dinner, cook one large and one small roast. When the little one is burnt, the big one is just right." new �IQ�o1'S to 511 business See our Stratford Office Representative ROB SINCLAIR AT: The Devon Building, Main Street, Exeter ON: The 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month (Next Visit Date: September 1) To be held hostage is a terrifying' experience. Especially hostage to a disease with no known cure ... and no immediate hope of escape. Today, more than 20,000 Canadians are held captive by muscular dystrophy and more than 40 other nerve and muscle disorders. Research alone is the promise of their release. And keeping that promise depends on your support! Ken Taylor Consul -General for Canada, New York 1981 Campaign Chairman The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada Be aura to watch the Jerry Lewis Labour Day Telethon September 6 and 7. See TV listings for time and channel. ( Beautify your neighbourhood. Get out on the street. Take a walk. 11/411111110=1=1110=1 The COMMIS 10110169.0111.1./W081 WAIL Doug Geoffrey Construction Homes, Renovations, Additions Form Buildings & Repairs Aluminum Siding & Awnings Zurich 236-4432 DaYtim• Exeter, 433-4961 Evenings sr .. . .. .• 1. ,. 1.4. .. ,. .. t. .. 1. .. If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBD8 management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. FE L)ERAL BUSINESS (_)FVFLC)fMENI BANA For an appointment or further Information on the Bank's services call 271-5650 (collect) or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario 8d• PERCY BEDARD Carpenter *Custom.Built Homes * Renovations *Additions *Repairs *Free Estimates' Phone 236-4.873 After 6 Zurich Old Estate Auction Sale Mary Street West, Zurich, Ontario Saturday August 29th., 12:00 noon Selling for Mr. Emil Becker, the entire es- tate of the late Bill Rarich, Mary Street in the village of Zurich, the following items. All furniture with original finish, flat to wall cup- board with pie saver, turned leg tables, single drawer dry sink (mint), steeple clock, cottage and mantle clocks, oil lamps, including hanging lamps, six matching pressbacks, six matching slab seats, or- nate sideboard, nice washstand, china cabinet, gate leg table with six leaves, Boston rocker, fainting couch, Ontario arm chair, Treadle sewing machine, dressers, beds, chest of drawers, hump bock trunk (mint), pictures, frames, odd tables, many old post cards, hat pins, butter crocks, copper tub, sad irons, straight razors, coal/wood stove, space heater, appliances, old tools, apple peeler, numerous nostalgia items and primitives, one quart pansy amber sealer (rare), Beaver sealer, Canada gloss items such as spooner, goblets, Iris notched bullseye, etc., Depression, Bavaria, Germany, Wedgewood Chino, Fostoria glass, Japan tea set, cups and saucers, commemoratives, silver covered butter, stained glass, match holders, bedding, quilts, but- tons,'cameras, old cranberry salt 8 pepper, 1901 map of Canada, China, brass, numerous store tins, cigar boxes, ash trays, alarm clocks, wicker items, furniture Bric-A-Brac, wash bowl set, Granite ware, brass sleigh and strap bells, and many more items too numerous to mention, a fine selection that will be considerable interest to all. Property known as parcel of land, north-east angle, lot 50, 49 lei foot frontage by 198 ft in depth more or less, 18 Mary street, Knelles survey, village of Zurich, two storey brick, kitchen, bath, livingroom, four bedrooms, garage, full basement, selling with reasonable reserve at approximately 2:00 p.m. 10% down, balance in 30 days. For further details please call Dashwood 237-3581. NOTE: Ladies and gentlemen, this is on outstanding sale, very original, cash or cheque with I.D., lunch booth, not responsible for accidents, be sure to at- tend early, watch for road signs. Don Van Patter L.,.... Auctioneer Zurich (519) 236-4547 1:2.1)4fc.53%