HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1981-07-09, Page 3BLUEWATER CENTRE FLOAT — Residents of the centre for the developmentally han-
dicapped, near Goderich, entered horse and wagon in the anniversary parade.
Citizens News, July 9, 1981
Page 3
prince's history on CBC
Beginning in July, CBC -TV
is to run' an eight -part BB-
C -TV Polytel International
drama series on the life and
times of George, Prince of
Wales and Prince Regent,
who later became George IV
of England.
The series, called Prince
Regent, will begin with Mad
For Love Tin July 19 at 9 p.m.
The remaining seven hour-
long episodes will run on the
next seven Sundays at the
same time with the ex-
ception of episode eight, on
September 6 which will run
at 10 p.m.
The series begins in 1782,
King George III is reigning
in England. He is a
mediocre monarch at best.
He is almost bourgeois. He is
bigoted and mean. His
Queen, Charlotte Sophia of
Mecklenburg Strelitz has
borne hima handsome
number of children. The
eldest son, George, the
Prince of Wales and Prince
Regent, is the exact opposite
of his father. Merry, elegant,
generous, goodlooking, a
lover of all that is beautiful,
the arts as well a women.
This clash of characters
determines the dramatic
course of events, the central
figure of which is the Prince
of Wales. He is everywhere
dogged by the hatred of his
father, who refuses him
military offices and honours
not denied to his other sons.
The Prince reacts with a
show of ever greater ex-
travagance, political in-
trigues and passionate love
affairs. His secret and in-
timate relationship with the
catholic Mrs. Fitz herbert
caused consternation both at
the place and at the court. He
gives in to his father's
demands and marries
Princess Caroline of
Brunswick, whom he does
not love. The marriage is not
happy. From the start both
go their separate ways and
seek happiness in other love
affairs. Mrs. Fitz herbert is
the Prince's true love until
he dies.
The Prince's career is
marked by his struggle for
the regency which his father
successfully denies him even
as a blind and sick old man.
At last at the age of 57 after
his father's death, the Prince
of' Wales becomes King
George IV, a fat, bloated and
worn-out man.
Peter Egan plays the
Prince Regent. His stage
career has included seasons
with the Royal Shakespeare
company. He has had a
number of leads in television
productions. Nigel Daven-
port is George III. He has
starred in films as varied as
Villian, A Man For All
Seasons, The Virgin
Soldiers, Sands of the
Kalahari, Play Dirty, A
High Wind in Jamica, Royal
Hunt of the Sun and Z ulu
Dawn. Susannah York stars
as Mrs. Fitz herbert. Her
most recent starring roles
have been in the Killing of
Sister George, They Shoot
Horses Don't They?,
Skyriders, The . Shout and
Many Haberer hats
Continued from front page
ordinate committee ac-
tivities to make the an-
niversary 'a reality.
Haberer said one of his
roles that night would not be
that of comedian, he said
Billy Meek ha been hired
for that role, but he did
consent to tell a rather in-
volved joke on the Cinderella
(Rinder-cella) theme.
Sharon Baker commeted
later that she thought the
celebration was a success.
She said she wouldn't know
how financially successful
the event was until all the
monies had been collected
and all the bills had been
sent in.
BATHING THE BACON — A quick wash with a hpsewvas the only reward this little piggy
received after Thursday's pig chase. It was one of the few low spots in Zurich's anniversary
YE OLDS DRUM! STORE — Ron Heimrich's parade float was based on a humorous
pharmacy of the past.
BOBBING FOR APPLES — One way for the kids to keep cool was to bob for apples. Rick
Srnith was entered in Thursday's children's program for the anniversary.
We would like to wish a
to all those who helped make
Zurich's 125th Anniversary a Success
from the
115th Anniversary Committee