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Citizens News, May 21, 1981 Peg* 3
Carmel Presbyterian
Church celebrated their
anniversary service on
Sunday when Jack
Burghardt of London was the
guest speaker. His sermon
was "Tomorrow is Now.", It
was a most interesting and
meaningful address. The
sanctuary was packed to
hear Mr. Burghardt who was
Bertha McGregor
welcomed and introduced by
Rev. Kenneth Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lobb of
Holmesville were guests and
sang two duets "After All"
and "Beside the Still
Waters." The choir sang
theanthem "Joy in Our.
Hearts" under the direction
of Mrs. Dorothy Taylor.
The flowers 'were most
attractive in the sanctuary
and Flowers from the
funeral of the late Mrs. Jack
Elliott were placed in loving
memory by her family.
Service next Sunday will be
at the hour of 10:15 when the
IOOF and Rebekah Lodge
members will attend.
Seniors meet
Mrs. Ruby Bell presided
for the meeting of the "Three
Links" seniors on Tuesday
evening with Mrs. Ramie
acting as Secretary in the
absence of Mrs. Irene Davis.
The singing of "0 Canada"
with Mrs. Ross at the piano
was followed by the Lord's
Prayer. The roll -call was
followed by the treasurers
report by Mrs. Dorothy
A card of thank; was
received from Joe Flynn,
letters were read concerning
the Blyth Summer Festival
and the 23rd Annual Con-
vention at Kingston in
August. It was proposed
Mrs. Irene Davis who was
unable to attend last year be
a delegate.
Mrs. Mabel Shirray gave a
report of the shuffleboard
stating the groups and times
rranged (if ever the
ther is favourable). Mrs.
Beit Horton and Bertha
MacGregor were appointed
as a nominating committee
to bring the new slate of
officers to the June meeting.
The time was changed to
June 2 owing to the Hensall
Spring Fair being on June 9.
Euchre followed with eight
tables playing. Prize win-
ners were: ladies high, Irene
Blackwell ; ladies low, Edith
Bell; gentlemen high, Alex
McBeath; mens low, Stewart
Blackwell; lone hands, Pearl
'Lunch was served by the
committee of Emma and
Perc Campbell, Pearl
Shaddick-, Mabel Shirray,,
Edith . Bell and Maggie
Campbell. Please note the
June meeting will be June 2,
at 8 p.m.
Queensway News
The staff and residents of
Queensway Nursing express
a thank you. to Rev. Stan
McDonald for the church
service on Tuesday and also
the Unit Two of Hensall
United Church for bingo and
Visiting with *Mrs. Nell
Kendrick were Liz Varley
and Ruth Durand. Mrs.
Audrey Christie visited with
Louise Mitchell. Nora and
Tulin Dogan visited Mrs.
Wilds. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Gilmore and Bonni, Bob
Murray and Rose Mary
Regan visited Neil Regan.
Bob Dale visited with Agnes
Cutting. Mrs. Mary ()each
visited her husband Pat. Mr.
Don Rozendal and family
visited Mrs. Rozendal. Mrs.
McNaughton visited her
husband Peter McNaughton.
Mrs. Penhale was visited by
her son Emmerson. Mrs.
Forrest visited her mother
Mrs. Clarke. Miss Eisenbach
was visited by her brother
Phillip. John McLeod visited
with his wife Mrs. McLeod.
John Kats visited his
daughter Aleeta. Mrs. Mary
Parlmer was out visiting
with her sister 'Mrs:
Note from the
Administrator: Of Interest
to the Community
Queensway Nursing Home
has received a two-year Unit 1 meets
accreditation from the Anita Cook presided for
Canadian Council on the meeting of Unit I of
Hospital. Accreditation. This Hensall United Church on
portrays the high standard of May 14.
resident care that prevails at She read "Fate" by
Queensway Nursing Home. Patricia Strong. "The wise
The administrator, Mr. may bring their learning"
Cliff Thornton; recently was sung accompanied by
completed a course of study the. pianist Gert Middleton.
with 101 other Nursing Home Anita used for her very
Administrators from across worthy devotion an article
Ontario _entitled "The Suc- by Ross Cumming "Moth,
cessful Manager." ' This Rust, nor Inflation" using
course was held at the several passages of scrip-
Pinestone Inn, Haliburton, ture to illustrate her theme,
Ontario, sponsored by the beginning with Matthew 6:
Ontario Nursing Home 19-20 continuing with several
Association. others, emphazing how we
must be more concerned
about the wasteful habit of
squandering our resources
and to become more aware
of the high cost of living –
Matthew 12:22 - Loving one
another as I have loved you.
Anita led in prayer followed
by the Lord's Prayer. "God
sees the Little Sparrow fall"
was sung.
The offering was dedicated
by Anita who gave a poem
"Windows of Hope."
Mabel Shirray had a very
interesting study on "Part-
ners in the Gospel". In it,
Nancy - Hardy tells how she
was convinced that
Christianity is best ex-
pressed in the culture and
pattern of the local people of
each continent. "God has not
left Himself without wit-
nesses around the world and
His witness seems more
attractive when it expresses
something of the local
Mabel also mentioned how
the late Mr. McQueen used to
help lift the lateMiss
Hoggarth, who was in a
wheel chair up the church
paper on the handicapped stairs to each Sunday service
and showed a film "Play some years ago, showing
Safe", assisted by her love to a disabled person.
husband, Eric. This being the year of the
Unit leader Mrs. Joyce disabled person brought this
Pepper, conducted the to mind.
business. A bake sale is Audrey Christie read the
planned for the arena June minutes of the April meeting
20, the weekend of the and 30 ladies answered the
Fiddler's contest. Invitations roll call. Audrey' Christie had
were received to visit with the following business: June
Carmel.. Presbyterian 1, U.C.W. are invited to the
W.M,S. June 1 and': with Presbyterian Church; June
Brucefield U.C.W., June 2. 2, IJ.C.W. invited - to
Joyce asked for volunteer Brucefield U.C.W. at 2 p.m.
canvassers for the "Flowers Unit responsible 1on+flowers
of Hope" canvass. The Fall in church sanctuary in June;
Regional will be on Sep- Unit I has devotional for
tember 30 at Kippen. June.8 General meeting and
will meet at 7:30 previous to
regular 8 p.m. meeting.
There will be a special
speaker note the change of
date. A bake sale will be held
at the Hensall Arena on June
20 – this is the Fiddlers'
contest weekend.
The Regional meeting has
Hensall W.I.
The Hensall Women's
Institute met at the United
Church on Wednesday, May
13, and entertained the 4-H
girls and their leaders with a
soup and sandwich supper.
A short programme was
presented at the beginning of
the meeting. Club I put on
their skit "The Case of the
Uneven Hem" and Club 2
chose Linda Roberts to
explain the use and care of a
sewing machine.
Mrs. Gloria Martin of
Crediton sang three num-
bers: "One Day at a Time",
"I'll give you a Daisy a Day
Dear" and "It's Jesus and
Me". Mrs. Joyce Pepper and
Mrs. Hilda Payne presented
a short skit "The Upper
Berth" and Mrs. Hazel
Corbett gave two readings,
"Those annoying three ring
telephones" and "A letter
from a Mountain mother to
her son.".
Gifts were given to the 4-H
Leaders, Mrs. Dianne
Gerstenkorn, Miss Linda
Gerstenkorn, Mrs. Belva
Fuss "and Mrs. • Carolyn
Knight. Mrs. Nancy McNab
and Mrs. Pat Noakes were
not present. Gifts were also
given to the girls who had
attained special levels:
advanced honours, Marilyn
Pepper and provincial
honours, to Vicky Mann,
Donna Zwaan, Laurie
Pepper and Janice Camp-
At the business session it
was decided to accept an
invitation to the picnic at
Port Blake on June 18 from
the Grand Bend branch.
Voting delegates to the
District Annual are to be:
Mrs. Hazel _Corbett, Mrs.
Pearl Koehler and Mrs.
Eileen Rennie.
Don't forget the pot luck
lunch and crafts. It was
decided not to enter a fair
exhibit this year,
For the June meeting on
June 10, members will meet
at the Hensall Bean for 6:30
p.m. Names to reach Mrs.
Hilda Payne by Monday
June 8.
Unit Two of Hensall United
Church Women held the May
meeting on May 11 with Mrs.
'Hilda Payne in the chair. She
opened the meeting with a
poem "A Mother's Love"
and a hymn.
Mrs. Eleanor Mansfield
conducted the study with a
No Interest
Charges at
NuNy Gully
No interest charges for 12
months will be offered as a
spe ial ' incentive to all
purcsers of new motorcycles
Randy Collins of Hully Gully an-
nounced today.
Collins, who negotiated the deal
with a local bank believes he is
the only motorcycle dealer in the
area to go interest free on all
new purchases. The program
means you can take one year to
pay by making 12 equal prin-
cipal only payments.
"Consumer response i' expected
to be fantastic, particularly
when people dre faced with
weekly increases in interest,"
Collins said. "We expect to sell
about $250,000 worth of new
motorcycles in a very short time
to interest free purchasers."
HuIIy Gully has built a reputa-
tion on extremely competitive
prices, backed up with an ex-
cellent service department. Now,
with the added benefits of not
having to pay interest, motorcy-
cle sales are expected to surge
Collins refused to comment on
how long the bank would allow
him to offer interest free
purchases... but, for the moment,
anyone who is even remotely in-
terested in buying a motorcycle
should contact him immediately.
been set for September 30 at
Kippen United Church,
Marg Consitt conducted an
interesting contest followed
by a social time with our
hostess and assistant Gert
Middleton and Dorothy
Bible Society Sunday
Canadian Bible Society
Sunday was observed at
Hensall United Church,
Sunday when Rev. D.L.
Howlett of London was the
guest speaker. His message
was "The Book of Peace"
and the children were told a
story in the children's time
of service. Mrs. Mary
Moffatt was guest organist
for the service of music.
A meeting of the
congregation of Hensall
United Church has been
called for Sunday May 31
immediately following the
morning service for the
purpose of receiving per-
mission, and forming a
housing corporation for
senior citizens housing.
The Official Board
meeting of the Hensall
United Church scheduled on
the monthly calendar will
not be held and has been re-
scheduled for Wednesday,
June 3 with committee at
7:30 p.m. and the Official
Board at 8:30 p.m.
Mrs. Alice Ferg visited
over the holiday with her
sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. George Coulter
in Listowel.
Mrs. Annie Reid is a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
London having undergone
surgery during the past
week. -
Mr. Kenneth Parker is
patient in Stratford General
Hospital, where he is un-
dergoing treatment.
TREED — Matthew Tinney spent a sunny Tuesday afternoon climbing trees along Oueen
Street in Hensall.
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