Zurich Citizens News, 1981-05-06, Page 2Page 4 Citizens Netws May 7, 1981 Detroit trip enjoyable Congratulations to Bili11 Cheryl Pole (nee Rau) who were married on April 25 at St. Peters Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph's. The dinner and reception were held at the Exeter communi- ty centre. Cheryl is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. John Paul Rau RR 2 Zurich. Zurich Carmel Swreeney Also to bride and groom Audrey and Doug Meidinger (nee Dobson) who were married on May 2 in Cam- bridge. Doug is the sone of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meidinger. A nice. restful two week vacation was enjoyed by myself (Carmel Sweeney) and four year old daughter Renee as we visited for a week each, in Detroit and Windsor seeing mother, sisters, relatives and friends. The highlight of the trip was going to the Renaissance Center in Detroit - being the world's tallest hotel and plaza and going up in a glass elevator. Also enjoyed going to my aunt and uncles 40th wedding anniversary celebration in Tilbury and the baptismal of my cousin's baby in Windsor besides the re -uniting of these old girlfriends from school days.!! Several students of separate schools from the area took part in a program held in Mt. Carmel on Sun- day as it was the beginning of Education Week. Little Joseph Paul Debus son. of Doug and Julie was baptized on Sunday May 3 at St. Boniface Church. Fr. Paul Mooney officiated with his god -parents being, Paul and Shirley Bedard. Franklin and Leona Corriveau of Windsor recently spent the weekend in Zurich and attended the wedding of their niece Cheryl Rau and Bill Pole on• April 25. They also visited with a son and family Donald Corriveau in Goderich. Mrs. Ellen Horn is home from Victoria Hospital and Earl Yungblut has returend home from being a patient in St: Joseph's hospital last week. And Anne Willert is now a patient in St. Joseph's Lon- don. Joe and Rose Regier of RR 2 Zurich are,happy to an- nounce the arrivalof agrand- .son, Jason Allen. Born on April' .29 to proud parents Charlene and Rodger Finkbeiner of Dashwood. A lovely sunny day on Sun- day enabled everyone to have a nice time at the of- ficial opening of the Blue Water Rest Home Apartments. The Zurich Choir directed by Dorothy Steckle sang several beautiful hymns. The opening took place out- side on the grounds. Grace Martin presided on the organ and Ron Heimrich sang a solo part 'for Bless this House. Refreshments were served by the ladies auxiliary. Several people from town went by bus to Waterloo on Sunday and were on the TV show "Polka Time" which is on every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. on channel 13. Be sure to watch for our gang about 3 or 4 weeks from now. Ross Fisher attended the Mahoney Road School from May 3 - 6 at the University of Guelph. Spring meeting Tuesday May 5 was the W.M.SC. spring meeting held at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate in Kitchener. Guest speaker was June Schwartzentruber. It was enjoyed by all those who attended. Ladies bowling The ladies bowling ban- quet tookplacelast Saturday May 2 in Dashwood with a delicious roast beef dinner. MR. AND MRS DANIEL McIVOR Marianne Mathonia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mathonia, Zurich, and Daniel McIver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McIver, Bayfield, were united in marriage on October 25, 1980. The wedding ceremony took place at St. Peter's Basilica, London, with Reverend R. ionise officiating. Judy Ducharme was the maid of honour, and Lisa Rivers, Linda Mathonia, and Carmen Mathonia were bridal attendants. The best man was John Gould, and guests were ushered in by Brian Rivers, Doug Shannon, Peter Mathonia. The fold choir of St. Peter's Basilica provided music for the ceremony. The cou- ple are now residing in Owen Sound, Ontario. Photo by Cam Vassablo Congratulations to 'the win- ning teams who received trophies! Our team the "Pin -Poppers" were only lucky enough to be picked M next years executives . Dan- cing was enjoyed by all to the Country Vnlimiteds. Church news Mr. Archie Andrews of Clinton, a social service worker,. was our guest speaker on Sunday morning. He chose as his sermon topic "The Power of God". The United Church women were in charge of the ser- vice. The president, Birdie Finkbeiner, was chairman for the morning. A group of ladies sang the hymn "Make me a blessing." • Mrs. Laird Jacobe very ably talked to the children about Noah and his Ark. With the aid of a prism she demonstrated the colours of the rainbow and explained God's promise concerning the rainbow. A special number "Far from the fold" was sung by Dorothy Breakey and Beatrice Rader. Coming events May 6-10.m.- First ofa ZURICH `A' CHAMPS -- The Red Devils won the 'A' championship of the Zurich ladies bowling league. Back, left, Pat Wilson, Diane Ducharme, Donna Lesperance and Brenda Harburn. Front, Hilda lansbergen, Sandra Dickert and Charlene Ducharme. T -A photo series of five Bible studies on the topic of "Prayer". Everyone is welcome. Babysitting provided. Sun. May 10 - Mother's day - Baptismal service. County approves Bayfield project Huron County Council ap- proved an amendment to the county's official plan, Thurs- day, providing for a 76 unit condominium development on Bayfield Concession, just north of Bayfield. The amendment changes the land use designation and sets forth policies for the development of the area for condominiums. The developer R. Peever of London proposes a three phase development. Each phase consists of six groups with four luxury townhouse condominiums in each group. The .condominiums will be sold and will likely be used as summer residences. The development will have its own recreational facilities including swim- ming pool and tennis courts. The land use designation will be changed from rural residential to urban. The amendment points out that when the Secondary Plan was prepared, the area adja- cent to the Village of Bayfield was designated for low density residential development. Recreational development in the Bayfield River for marines and associated commercial development has led to the opportunity for higher density residential development in the form of low rise condominiums. Although the amendment allows for a density increase over the existing allowable density. the permitted densi- ty of six units per gross acre is low enough to be in keep- ing with surrounding development. The design and landscap- ing will also serve to keep the development to a "village scale." The organization of the develop- ment as condominiums in- dicates it will not unduly im- pact on the Bayfield housing market. There are several site con- cerns which were outlined to county council by county planner Gary Davidson. The most contentious is surface and subsurface drainage. The problem, ac- cording to Davidson, is whether the faster drainage created by the development will cause increased erosion on lakeshore property at Jowitts Grove. The developer proposes to build a storage pond which will slow the runoff of water and decrease erosion. County council recommended that drainage provisions be ensured by placing the area under site plan control and a develop- ment agreement with the Township of Goderich be entered into to control the servicing and staging of the development. Bayfield reeve George Fellows tabled a motion to clarify the agreement with the Township of Goderich asking that the agreement include the assurance of proper surface and subsur- face drainage according to the ' stipulations of • the township engineer. Fellows said he trusts the township engineering firm, B. M. Ross and Associates, will protect the interests of the Bayfield residents at Jowitts Grove. PEE WEE MIP the most improved pee wee player in Zurich this year was Danny McKinley. He was awarded by the Zurich minor athletic association, Thursday. Parkins & Erb Garage Sunoco Sales and Service Specializing in Gasoline, Tires, Batteries; Exhaust Systems, Brakes and Servicing Summer hours: Monday to Friday - 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday - 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sundays "See us for your Summer Tire Needs" Jim Parkins - Charlie Erb 16 Main St., Zurich, Ont. 236-4812 • ✓?alime, BUSINESS 1 LUQUIDATION BY AUCTION We have been instructed to sell by public auction all assets for Gerald Shantz on Thursday, May 21, at 7:00 p.m. at the location,11/4 miles west of Zurich, and 2 1 mils north. CONSISTING OF VEHICLES - 1979 F150, 1.1 ton pick-up c/w topper, low mileage, 1978 F350 1 ton c/w flat rack, 1976 -4 door LTD loaded. EQUIPMENT - Clark fork lift, 4000 Ib. capacity with 700-12 tires, 20' gooseneck .tandem axle trailer c/w vacuum brakes, MF 65 c/w power steering, 3 pth. & 14.9 - 28 tires, Magnate 15,000 - 30,000 K.W., 3 pth generator, Dettson 7' snow blower, landcaster 12' or 18' silage distributor, 2 portable cdment mixers on wheels with motor, Lincoln 225 amp welder, 12 speed heavy duty bench drill press with 'iii h.p. motor, Kroshel power hack saw,White transite level, impact drill, quantity of cement forms, wheel barrows, sump pump, 20 gallon water heater, shelv- ing. OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Johnston 2 way radio, 2 mobiles, base, 64' self supporting tower, double pedestal desk, swivel steno chair, 2-4 door filing cabinets, Smith Corona electric typewrIter,Victor ad- ding machine, Phonemate answering service with controls, card file, Holiday 8 track with dual speakers. No reserve - Business sold For more information contact Cl(nteell 61 c..A41.4ocea. lei AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519) 527-1458