HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1981-04-23, Page 6rage 6 Citizens News April 23, 1981 11 ., y. M -TRV 'OW 411 N W : X", •.d'uN 41.1700 z.'101,0 AS SIFIED ADS 411 For Sale KRKT P U$ ♦RAR; $74 CORN PLANTER - 4 rows, John Deere, 494 A. Phone 236-4868. 14tfn 19 CU. FT. deep freeze, white, like new, 262-2823 between 12 and 1 and 5 and 7 p.m. 5tfn APPLES - Ida Reds, Spys. No biter pit, top quality seconds also. Bring con- tainers anytime, very reasonable. Ross Middleton's Storage. 1 mile 1 east of Bayfield north of River. 14-16c GILTS - York X Landrace bred due May and June; bred Hampshire also service age Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc and cross bred boars. Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton. 345-2317. 16:17c TABLES - Set of three, coffee and two ends, glass top walnut finish, electric broom, carpet sweeper, 2 chairs suitable for cottage, one Danish and 1 platform rocker. Mr. G.M. Hogg, Box 322, Zurich, Ontario. 16c BUNK BEDS set and dresser for child's bedroom. Phone 236-4052. 16c Jae Cr, �,Yc� . -, Emmanuel United Church Sunday, April 26 Ms. BARBARA LAING 11:15 a.m. - Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School Come and lo/n us We extend a warm Welcome to all St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. JACK DRESSLER Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, April 26 10:00 - Worship Service 10:45 - Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised during the worship service Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, April 26 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School 7:45 p.m. Faith & Life Crusade Service at Community Centre Everyone We/come Meditation Praise be to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In His great mercy He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, into an In- heritance that can never perish. Kept in Heaven for you. I Peter 1:3,4 N.Y.' For Rent 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT - 6 rooms, newly renovated, available immediately. Call 236-4356. 12-17c PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Ttowels, Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich, tele. 236- 4954. 15t Situations Wanted ELECTRONIC technician will repair small T.V., radios, stereos, tape decks, etc. Call Francis 228-6823 anytime. Reasonable rates. 12tfn Services LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL. S.J. Shanahan. We pump septic tanks, holding tanks, etc. Phone Bayflield 565-2795. 15-18c BIRTHS — CORBETT - Steven and Janine (nee Hackney) are pleased to announce the birth of their son Gerald Steven on April 6th, 1981 at St. Joseph's Hospital Lon- don. Weighing 8 lbs. 91/2 oz. 16c ENGAGEMENTS Jim and Marion Snell, Clinton, Ont. are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Ann to Gary Denomme, son of Tony and Marie Denomme, RR 2, Zurich, Ont. The wedding will take place on Saturday, May 16, 1981 at 2:30 p.m. in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph's, Ont. 16c Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Rau, RR 2, Zurich are pleas- ed to announce the forthcoming wedding of their daughter Cheryl Lorraine to Mr. William Stuart Pole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pole, RR 1, Dashwood. The wedding to take place Saturday, April 25 at 2:30 o'clock in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph's Ontario. 16c WARRING T COMING EVENTS EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS - You're invited to attend these meetings at Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church, 'A mile south of Blake. April. 27 to May 3, 7:45 each evening. Speaker Ray Krops, Duchess, Alberta. 16c LAKELAND SANITATION Septic Tanks Holding Tanks Cleaned and Serviced Portable toilets Residential, Commercial, Farm 24 hr. service Grand Bend, Ont. Tim Boyd Res. - 238-8541 Bus. - 238-8492 25tfn 4111. ROOF TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed until 4:00 p.m., 'Tuesday, May 12, 1981 for all necessary labour and material to replace the roof of the Huron County Library Building situated at 66 Waterloo St. S., Goderich, Ontario. To obtain specifications and tender forms, contact the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.G. Hanly Clerk -Treasurer & Ad- ministrator County of Huron Court House, The Square Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2 tel. 524-8394 (Area 519) Museum displays for anniversary Continued from page 1 have been sent to the printer. The dinner will be catered by the Garage Restaurant. O'Brien, who is principal of the Zurich Public School said the Huron County Museum will be setting up a display at both the public school and St. Boniface separate school. The displays were to be set up Thursday (April 16) and will be open to the public during school hours. He said the display will feature old photographs of the region taken by a Goderich photographer around the turn of the century. It will be at the schools for two weeks. An organ has been rented for the church service held on the Sunday morning of the July celebration. Haberer said the $250 charge was a bit expensive, but was mainly set-up and insurance costs. The organ will hp either a 510.000 or $13,000 unit. He said it was one of the best units available. A piano will be borrowed from the public school. Haberer also suggested a garden -party or picnic could be held after the Sunday ser- vice. Some form of enter- tainment could be arranged and a food stand could be set up for those who didn't bring a picnic lunch. The committee was ad- vised the Blue Water Shriner's club will organize a fish fry for Friday night. The Shriners suggested a slow -pitch ball game could be held on Friday evening. A team from CKNX Wingham would play Shriner members. The group offered a 50-50 split on any profit over $500 for the dinner. CKNX would broadcast free advertising for the event. The shriners may also pro- vide clowns and entertain- ment for the parade. • MOST ORIGINAL -- The most unique machines for transporting an egg the farthest dis- tance were designed by: (back from left) first, Richard Voogel and Michael Goodliffe; (front from left) Sherry Ferguson and Shelly Erb were second; Anne Deichert (right• at back and Kristen Stephan (right, front) were third. All of the eggmobiles were powered by elastic bands, but some stretched the rules too. WI holds annual meet On April 6, the Zurich Women's Institute held their regular and Annual meeting in the Hay Township Hall. Since the members of the scheduled committee were not able to act, Mrs. H. Hohner, Mrs. W. Neeb and Mrs. Harold Thiel took charge. Mrs. Hohner was chair lady. The meeting opened with singing "0 Canada" followed by the Institute Ode (Mrs. _K. Westlake was pianist). The Mary Stewart was then repeated. A minute silence was observed for a faithful member, Mrs. Marie Pask. Mrs. W. Neeb contributed a meaningful reading on "Friendship", taken from Elaine Townshend's column. Mrs. H. Hohner read an article concerning "Time", written by Margaret Zoeller, editor of the Women's Institute Magazine "Home & Country". This illustrated how personal time is, as to its value and usage. Also in keeping with the annual meeting Mrs. Hohner outlined the objectives of the Women's Institute. Mrs. H. Hohner presided for the business meeting. A donation of four quilts will be made to the War Memorial Children's Hospital in London. A contribution was also made to the Agricultural Society. During the social hour, cards were signed by the members and sent to hospitalized members: Mrs. J. Diedrich, Mrs, C. Gelinas, and Mrs. J. Meyers. Happy Birthday was sung to one member celebrating an April birthday. The departing secretary was thrilled to receive a lovely momento from her Institute friends. The slate of officers for 1981-82 are as follows: president, Mrs. H. Hohner; 1st vice-president, Mrs. H. iiith; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. _ K. Westlake; secretary, Mrs. W. Neeb; treasurer, Mrs. Harold Thiel; assisting treasurer, %lotion 491V Mrs. W. Neeb:, district director, Mrs. Wm. Lawerence; alternate district director, Mrs. V. Fisher. f ta 0,,,�� • _ " \� Estate Auction sage House and Contents At 20 Edward Street, Zurich, Ontario Sat, April 25th., 11:00 a.m. Sharp Selling for Henry Bassow, the entire estate of the late Mrs. Marie Posit, at the above address, personal effects and property to be auctioned as follows. CONTENTS -- Hoosier cupboard, oak bow front sideboard with bevel mirror, oak library desk, oak china cabinet and drop front secretary, oak dining chairs, pak rocker and arm chair, small washstand, commode stand, steamer trunks, iron fern stand, slag glass table Tamp, cranberry flash and carnival glass light shades, chest of drawers and matching marble top dresser with carved facers, old bellows camera (mint), Captain 's chair, Boston rocker, wooden bed with carved head and foot, old band instruments - drums, violin, banjo, mandolin, china and glass, silverware, linens, bedding, quilts, old books, postcard albums (Ontario & Michigan), numerous old ladies hats, small tables, bedroom suite, wicker, crocks, sad irons, odd chairs, chester- field, nostalgia pieces, appliances, colour T.V., gar- den tools, annex stove, kitchen items, Targe collection of Salado- Foods Picture disks, bronze book ends and many more items too numerous to mention. PROPERTY — Lot 110 Plan 10 & 13 Volland's Survey, two storey frame house with vinyl siding, new roof and trough, forced air oil heating, new hot water tank, four bedrooms, downstairs bath, kitchen living room, storage area, cement block double gar- age. Selling at approximately 2:00 p.m., subject to reasonable reserve, 10% down, balance in 30 days, excellent investment property, for viewing prior to sole contact Auctioneer. NOTE -- Ladies and Gentlemen this is a fine sale and is worthy of your attendance, cash or cheque with I.D., lunch booth, delivery, riot responsible for accidents, attend early as this is a large offering. Don Van Patter - Auctioneer Zurich (519) 236-4547 *