HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1981-04-23, Page 3Church holds sunrise service Sunrise service at Hensall United Church was well attended and led by Rev. Stanley McDonald, who dwelt on sunrise, the resurrection and the hope it brings. Jesus' followers had been in darkness of spirit but as Christ lives, so a new age dawns. We are children of the light. Betty Beer provided Hensall Berths MoGregor guitar music and sang "The Lord's prayer" and "I Know Who Holds My Hand". She also provided background music as Rev. McDonald read the poem "Joseph Had A Garden". Following the short ser- vice, breakfast was served in the Fellowhip Hall. A joyful Easter service was held with a packed church at 11 a.m. Rev. McDonald took as his subject, "Blocked En- trance". The light of Easter rolls away the stones in our lives, frees us from sin and lets the light in. Our weakness, doubts, guilts and death are all stones but the resurrection life affirms eternal life. Christ is Alive. Two anthems were sung "Most Glorious Lord of Life" by William H. Harris and "That God Doth Love the World, We Know" by Wadley. Mrs. Belva Fuss took to solo; also a solo by Mrs. Gail Shaw, "The New Jerusalem" during the offer- tory. The music contributed much to the services. The children were reminded that the egg is a symbol of new life and the lily symbolizes Christ bursting forth from the grave. Fresh flowers in the church were Easter lilies in memory of Mrs. Annie Hor- ton placed there by her hus- band and other lilies from the Fee estate. Mrs. Mary Haugh also sent flowers from the nursing home where she is a resident and these together, with others placed last week, made a beautiful floral background for the worship. Dr. John Goddard welcomed everybody at the door and the ushers were Brad Buchanan, Dwight Consitt and Steve Corbett. Mrs. Hackney of Exeter spent several days recently with her daughter and son - Beavers fete seniors The residents of Queensway Nursing Home are most grateful to the Hen- sall Beaver Colony for the Easter treats they brought to them. Rev. Stanley McDonald held the worship service ac- companied by Mrs. Alf Ross at the piano. Oke and Jean Rosendal, and Don Rosendal visited with the latter's wife Alice Rozendal. Walter and Florence Wilhelm visited Edna Your!. Doug and Eva Triebner, Tom and Nola Triebner visited with Mrs. Muriel Triebner. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilds and family; Mrs. Kemel Dogan, and Win- nifred Wilds visited with Irma Wilds. Hazel Corbett visited Louise Mitchell, Kristen Hazlett visited Mary Parlmer. Mrs. Susan Purdy visited with Fanny Clarke, Mary Parlmer and Vera Lammie. Mrs. Irene Finlayson visited several residents. in-law Mr. and Mrs. Steven Corbett and infant son Gerald Steven. Maundy Thursday Com- munion was celebrated at Hensall United Church on the evening of April 16 and was conducted by Rev. Stanley McDonald. Leading up to the Commu- nion Sacrament was a por- trayal of those who played such an important part in the Crucifixion of Jesus. Judias Iscariot was played by Glen Slade, Peter by Scott Jamieson, Pilate by Lorne Thrower, the criminal by Scott Jesney and Mary Magdalene by Melissa Veal. Costumes were all authentic robes from the near East or Africa. A spot light.shone on a wooden cross and the church lighting was dimmed to create the right at- mosphere; lighting was operated by Randy Parker. Mrs. Donna St. John sang the solo "Were You There?" It was very beautiful at the beginning of the drama and the first verse between the episode depicted. During the actual commu- nion, quiet music was played and the choir sang "Ave Verum". Those receiving communion filed silently to the front of the church. Another anthem sung dur- ing the service was "Ah, Holy Jesus". Organist and choir director was Dr. Ralph Topp. Around 100 people attended the service. Personals Mr. Ernie Toll of Egmon- ville visited on Easter Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roobol. Mrs. Mabel Munn spent the Easter weeekend with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Don Gooding and Dale, at Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Noakes, Hamilton visited on Friday with the former's mother Mrs. Annie Noakes. Joey Chaffe and friend, of Mitchell, visited with the former's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau returned after spending a few days at Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Noakes, Tracey and Chad of London, visited on the Easter weekend with Mrs. Annie Noakes. Mr. Charles Mickle of Hamilton spent the Easter weekend with his mother Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Al Corbett, Johnathon and Catharine were Easter dinner guests with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Rev. Stanley McDonald, accompanied by his mother Mrs. Carl McDonald Atwood, Mrs. Tom Melvin and Miss Mary Ann Melvin, or Walkerton, attended the funeral of their cousin Charles Hoffman, Exeter, on Tuesday. Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mrs. Florence Joynt and Charles Mickle were guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle and family in Exeter. Miss Debbie Venner and Mike Venner of London were Easter visitors with their father Mr. Rodger Venner. Sgt. Doug Wein, R.C.M.P., Mrs. Wein and David of Ot- tawa visited on Saturday with Mrs. Wein's parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. Mr. Marvin Taylor met with a painful accident while working at Thompson's Mill when he received severe - burns to his knee. He is receiving treatment in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. Joe Flynn who was a patient in Victoria Hospital last week returned to his home. Easter services Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted Easter service in Carrpel Presbyterian Church, Sunday. His subject was "The Lord Is Risen Indeed". The service next Sunday April 26 will be at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday evening, May 3, at 7:30 p.m. the Watchmen, a talented singing group from Kichener, will present an evening of music. Lodge to hold dessert euchre The members of Amber Rebekah Lodge attended a banquet in Brussels on Tues- day evening andparticipated in the opening of Morning Star Lodge, when the assembly president, Mrs. Myrtle Patterson visited the lodge. Noble grand Bertha MacGregor presided for the meeting on Wednesday even- ing assisted by the vice grand Gladys Coleman, who gave the report of cards sent to shut-ins. Arrangements wert made for the dessert euchre being held on April 29 at 1:30. Everyone is welcome. Musi- cian Evelyn McBeath will be the representative at the dis- trict meeting in Brussels at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday April 22. Learing for Lent concludes at UC Learning for Lent conclud- ed Wednesday morning at Zurich United Church with a program honouring The Year of the Disabled. Fifty ladies of the community were in attendance to see a film, 'Leo Buerman', which depicted a day in the life of a severely handicapped man. Mrs. R. Hunter of Bayfield, gave an infor- mative talk on the han- dicapped and pointed out that plain 'loving kindness' play the most important role in living and dealing with handicapped people. She suggested many ways to help the disabled without embarrassing them or ignor- ing them. Mrs. Sandy Strang of Ex- eter gave a demonstration on baking Easter bread, and Barbara Laing concluded the Bible studies on 'Jesus' Encounters with Women'. During the six sessions, attendance averaged 60, with 13 ladies having a perfect attendance record. Baby sitting was under the direction of Sylvia Neeb for each morning, while ladies from Dashwood and Zurich churches provided light refreshments. A fee of $1 per person, per session, was charged to defray costs. The ;30 left over will be held for further baby sitting at proposed Bi- ble studies. Because of the interest shown in continuing, it has been decided to commence a series of five Bible studies, May 6, 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. at the Zurich United Church with Barbara Laing conduc- ting them. Baby sitting will be provided for preschool children and everyone is welcome. PLAYOFF CHAMPS — The playoff champion team in Zurich youth bowling league play was: (back, from left) Mark Lansbergen, Paul Smith, Cindy Taylor, Mark Johnson, (front, from left) Jenny Morrison, team captain Jeff Smith and Jennifer Taylor. CELEBRATES 90 YEARS — Max Turnbull celebrated his 90th birthday on April 20. Mr. Turnbull, was born and farmed at Lot 29, IRE Concession of Hay township on Highway 21 until 1976. Since that time he has been residing with his daughter Mrs. Lloyd (Elva) Lamport, RR 2, Crediton. T -A photo Daffodil tea successful The ladies- of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a most successful Daffodil Tea and Bake Sale on Wednesday April 15th. Apri123, 1981 Page 3 PERCY BEDARD Carpenter *Custom -Built Homes *Renovations *Additi.Qns *Repairs *Free Estimates Phone 236-4.873 After 6 Zurich J 1 98 1 Dog Tags 1981 Dog Tags are now available at the Municipal Office at the following rate struc- ture: 1st male or spayed female $4.00, 2nd $8.00; 1st female $8.00, 2nd $12.00; 3rd of either $50.00 and if not picked up by May 15th, 1981 the rate will be doubled to cover costs. Sharon A. Baker, Clerk -Treasurer 1 Our Nursery Stock Is Here! Come early for the best selection • Evergreen Shrubs • Shade Trees • Flowering Shrubs • Potted Roses • Hedging Plants "Before you buy shrubs & trees - Check the guarantee" u zon S?idge ogczes DAVID STECKLE AND FAMILY R. R. 2, Zurich 565-2122 Closed Sundays Flowers Canada goktiegi To our valued customers for the patronage given to us at Zurich Pro Hardware over the past 20 years. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve you and we are taking this opportuni- ty to show our appreciation. We extend our good wishes to the new owners Nan and Doug Kincaid and hope you will support them in their new endeavour. Leroy and Howard Thiel