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Citizens News March 26, 1981
Brownies, Guides plan bake sale
The Brownies and Girl
Guides will be holding a Tea
and Bake Sale on Saturday
April.11 from 1:30-4:30 at St.
Boniface school gym.
Everyone is welcome and
Carmel Sweeney
encouraged to come out and
support the girls. •
Don't forget the Ham and
Egg breakfast that will be
served this Saturday (28th)
at the arena from 7-11 a.m.
Tickets are $2.50 each
(sponsored by the minor
athletic association).
A reminder to those going
to the belated St. Patrick's
parish dance (St. Boniface)
in Dashwood on Friday night
9-1:00 ($8.00 couple) . Ladies
are asked to please bring
sandwiches for the lunch!
Anyone still wishing a ticket
must phone Joan Regier at
236-5289 to see if there are
Service highlighted
by songs and talk
Mr. Peter Snell of. Exeter
was our guest speaker on
Sunday morning.
He delighted both young
and old by accompanying
himself on the guitar and
singing "Love comes
trickling down" and " One
Day at a time". He based his
talk to the adults on "Herod
the Opportunist" and the
part he played in Jesus'
death on the cross.
This coming week we are
invited to Dashwood Lenten
services featuring Ken
Fairbairn of Exeter an
evangelist singer.
Learning for Lent series
continues at Zurich on April
1, 8, 15 for all interested
ladies. April first will feature
"Armchair travel to Alaska"
with Carf and Anne Cann.
Huronview ladies
visit fashion show
Grace Peck, Iris Sparling,
Ethel Elder, Margaret
Mitchell, Verda Beckler,
Beatrice Young, Alma
Davis, Leah Currie, Mary
Ross, Elsie Henderson, Jen-
nie Chestney, Bernice
Glousher along with staff
members enjoyed the
Luncheon and Fashion Show
at the Knox Presbyterian
Church in Goderich Wednes-
day afternoon.
Rev. Wittick conducted
Sunday morning service in
the chapel assisted by Mrs.
Elsie Henderson at thq
organ. The choir sang '
"God's Way" with Mr.
Nelson Lear and Mr. Cecil
Skinner taking the duet part.
Their second number was
Love, Wonderful Love.
A hymn Sing led by Dick
Roorda was held on Sunday
evening. Wilson McCarney's
musical group entertained at
Old Tyme Music on Monday
St. Partick Day was well
celebrated here at Huron -
view with the main
diningroom decked out in
shamrocks and Irish hats.
The meal was served with
the tables arranged in group-
ing of 6 large tables and the
meal consisting of Irish
stew, and on assortment of
different kinds of pies were
served country style. This
makes a pleasant change
from having to line up for
Wednesday afternoon the
Brussels Women's Institute
were here to help us
celebrate all March
birthdays. The audience en-
joyed the solos by Mrs. Van
Vliit. An orchestra con-
sisting of Howard Smith,
James Adams, Archie and
Pearl Mann played some
lively tunes.
Cupcakes and tea were
served to the residents. Mrs.
Beatrice Young thanked the
entertainers and the
Women's Institute for a
most enjoyable afternoon on
behalf of the residents.
Rev. Austin Gedcke con-
ducted Bible Study in the
Chapel on Thursday after-
Huronview would like to
welcome Pauline Shkrauik
from Hensall, Mildred
Walker from Bayfield and
Grace Van Loo and Russell
Bentley from Clinton.
Whether or not it is bad
luck to meet a black cat
depends upon whether you
are a man or a mouse.
Zurich Minor
Athletic Association
Ham and Egg
Saturday, March 28th
7-11 a.m.
Zurich Arena Auditorium
Everyone Welcome
any left. Music will be
provided by Spirit.
Ladies' bowling
The ladies' bowling teams
are now in the final three
weeks of play-offs and are all
trying their best to win the
They are looking forward
to the banquet (with their
husbands) on May 2 in Dash-
Torchbearer paper drive
The Torch -bearers will be
having a paper drive today
at 6:30 p.;p. And from now
on, will be picking up the
papers every last Thursday
of each month at 6:30.
St. Patrick's dance
A nice time was had by all
who went to the Knights of
Columbus St. Patrick's
dance Saturday in Seaforth.
Share -the -wealth winner -
The lucky winner of last
months ticket draw on share
the wealth was Clarence
Geoffrey who won $228. It
Was sold by Mozart Gelinas
Sr. and Dennis Overholt also
of Zurich won $50.
Congratulations to both of
Youth fellowship dinner
The Mennonite youth
fellowship sponsored a
family night out dinner on
Saturday. Held from 5 to 8 at
their church hall, it was
reported to be a big success.
Persona Is
A lovely bridal shower was
held for Cheryl Rau
(daughter of Mr. wand Mrs.
John Paul Rau) on Sunday
afternoon at St. Peter's
Parish Hall, on the
Bluewater. Close to a hun-
dred friends and relatives
were on hand for the oc-
casion. She received many
beautiful gifts. All enjoyed a
delicious smorgasbord
Miss Beth Sweeney is
presently spending the
school vacation (March
break) with her aunt, Sharon
Overholt in London.
Mrs. Emma Schilbe was
away for nearly a Week
recently, visiting with her
son and family Mr. and Mrs.
Orval Schilbe in
Thamesville, also spent a.
day in Port Huron with her
sister, Mrs. Luella Gassman.
Best wishes for a speedy
recovery are extended to
Madeline Gelinas who has
returtied to South Huron
Ari to Wilfred Mousseau
who had the misfortune of
falling, and is a patient in
Exeter Hospital.
Maria Mathonia of RR 2,
Zurich is presently enjoying
a couple of weeks holiday's
with relatives in Germany.
Alvin and Doris. Rauand
family, Windsor, spent the
weekend with his parents,
Madeline and Charlie Rau.
They attended the shower of
her niece on Sunday.
Gary Flaxbard and two
children of Kitchener spent
last Friday and Saturday
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Flaxbard, while
his wife Betty was away.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Gingerich left last Thursday
for a two week holiday in
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rau
along with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Denomme of Detroit,
are presently spending two
weekg enjoying the warm
sun in Florida.
Mrs. Bonnie Regier and
three children of London
spent this past week with'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem
Regier and her in-laws Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Regier.
Recently Mrs. Marie
Gelinas (Mozart) and
daughter, Mrs. Sharon
Overholt of London spent
Tuesday to Thursday in
Detroit visiting with
Howard (Mac) and Jean
Klopp have returned home
after spending an enjoyable
four and a half weeks in
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Regier
went byplaneto Florida and
spent a week visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald who are staying at
Boynton Beach.
Best wishes for a speedy
recovery are extended to
Charles Erb (Chuck) who
was a patient in University
Hospital, London last week.
Boneless Rump or
Sirloin Tip Roast
Round Steak
Ground Beef
,b s2.89
lb s2•49
,b. '1.69
This Week
Fully Processed
Hips of Beef
,b. '1.79
Fully Processed Fronts of $
Beef Ib. 1.39
We handle only Local Canadian Beef
Fill Your Freezer
Open 8 to 6 Monday to Sat
Laporte Meat Market
Main St
MONEY FOR MINOR ATHLETICS --- Ken Clarke, treasurer
of the Buckeyes, gives $200 to Poul Morrison, president of
minor othletics, that was raised by the Buckeye baseball team.
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